The Apple Thread - Macs, iPods & iPhones!

He's got a MBP (as well as an iPhone and iPod), I'm sure money isn't the issue ;)

Meh, true! That came across as a touch harsh anyways, soz Matherto! :)

Still, its still not accurate. If you dont like the iPad then fine, but just sounded like excuses to justify not having to buy it!
His dad wont buy him one, Still love you Matt.

And that twat you saw in the Trafford centre was probably my brother or his kid.
So apparantly the iPhone 4G is gonna have a 640x960 resolution. Would be awesome if it's true.

Really don't like it at all, and saw someone buying one in the Apple shop in front of everyone and he just looked like an absolute twat.

Funny watching the employee trying to big up the little case that you get with it as revolutionary when all it did was fold a little bit.

I love my iPhone, iPod and MBP but goddamnit you really do have to be a pretentious tosser/huge Apple fanboi to buy an iPad.
Played on one the other day in the Trafford Centre.

It's just a larger, less responsive and less useful iPhone/iTouch.

Really don't like it at all, and saw someone buying one in the Apple shop in front of everyone and he just looked like an absolute twat.

Funny watching the employee trying to big up the little case that you get with it as revolutionary when all it did was fold a little bit.

I love my iPhone, iPod and MBP but goddamnit you really do have to be a pretentious tosser/huge Apple fanboi to buy an iPad.

God reading this entire post made me cringe. Less responsive and less useful? Okay, seeing as it is just a larger iPod Touch, that would technically make it just as useful (if not more so) and the responsiveness would be the same, although I actually think its better.

I think its pretty clear that nobody really 'needs' an iPad, but then nobody really needs an iPod or an iPhone either, both of which you have. So who's the pretentious tosser now?
I love my iPhone, iPod and MBP but goddamnit you really do have to be a pretentious tosser/huge Apple fanboi to buy an iPad.

hardly... i have all those things you listed too, and i can tell u that my ipad is my favourite gadget of them all.

as an entertainment device, it is the best thing ever.

edit: sent from my ipad!
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No love for the iPhone 4 announced today?

* around 25% slimmer with glass front and back
* front and rear camera, 5mp and led flash which can also be used for video
* HD video recording, 720p @ 30fps
* longer battery life
* new type of hi-res screen, meant to be better than oled
* ios4 with all the features we've seen, plus video chat
* iMovie for iPhone, record, edit and export HD video with 1 button share. Can also add sound from itunes on the phone
* us price was very good, $199 for 16gb and $299 for 32gb but on 2 year AT&T contract

Bah! Tempted!!!
Depending on how much it is on PAYG I'm planning to sell my current 3GS and pay the difference. Shouldn't be much more than the upgrade price anyway! (the difference that is)
I can't believe they are plugging the big thing as video calling!?!?!? Bizarre...

Anyway, looks pretty good, I could well be tempted to ditch my Desire and move back to an iPhone when the time comes...
To be fair, like I mentioned in an earlier post, I reckon they're pretty confident in making video calling a 'big thing'.

Obviously it's been around for ages but never really taken off but then so have tablet computers, and look at the iPad.

The new iPhone will make video calling massive so Apple need to market it that way.
Released in the UK on the 24th. No word on pricing but preorder for it starts next week so I imagine it'll come out then.


Its weird - this article on Engadget confirms that O2 have announced they'll be selling the iPhone 4 on June 24th, but if you click the O2 link for the press release it doesn't work. However, it comes up with this:

Oops! Google Chrome could not find iphone 4 coming to o2 special upgrade deal to be offered to in contract customers o2 will launch iphone 4, the thinnest smartphone in the world with the highest resolution display ever built into a phone on 24th june. to make it as easy as possible for o2 customers still in contract to get their hands on a new iphone, o2 will offer a limited time special upgrade offer. further details will be announced in the coming days. to support the launch of iphone 4, o2 has created
AT&T in the States are letting people upgrade 6 months earlier than their contract ends - perhaps O2 are doing something similar?
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Oh shit, the new iPhone 4 will use micro sim cards. So I guess that means we can't use our current sim cards in it then?
Oh shit, the new iPhone 4 will use micro sim cards. So I guess that means we can't use our current sim cards in it then?

No, but I've just signed up to get the latest info from O2 about the iPhone 4 from here and if you choose that your interest is because you plan to purchase it at launch, you get the option to enter your address so they can send you a Micro SIM free of charge, so I guess most carriers will be doing the same.
But having a micro SIM that they send will mean you have to sign up to a new contract and new price plan won't it? I just want to keep my current deal and number.
I thought as much. I did see a guide to cutting a standard SIM card into micro SIM size which works, so I'll probably do that I guess.
Pre-ordering this next Wednesday. Thats my next phone sorted. Everything about it was what I wanted and expected apart from a 64GB option. Now the only decision left to make...Black or White?
It's expected that they'll cost the same as the 3GS did when that came out, the prices they mentioned for contracts are the same. You're looking at £535 or so, sim-free.

No love from me for the iPhone 4. The actual hardware looks nice enough but iOS4 looks a bit rubbish. I couldn't give a shit about the books and video calling doesn't interest me either. Plus the fact that it only works with other iPhone's and over WiFi, it makes it easier to just use Skype anyway.

Longer battery life looks like a myth as well, the numbers are pretty much the same as they said for the 3GS if you look them up. Standby time of 300 hours actually IS the same figure they gave for the 3GS. I doubt there'll be much, if any, difference.
It's expected that they'll cost the same as the 3GS did when that came out, the prices they mentioned for contracts are the same. You're looking at £535 or so, sim-free.

No love from me for the iPhone 4. The actual hardware looks nice enough but iOS4 looks a bit rubbish. I couldn't give a shit about the books and video calling doesn't interest me either. Plus the fact that it only works with other iPhone's and over WiFi, it makes it easier to just use Skype anyway.

Longer battery life looks like a myth as well, the numbers are pretty much the same as they said for the 3GS if you look them up. Standby time of 300 hours actually IS the same figure they gave for the 3GS. I doubt there'll be much, if any, difference.

Good point on the battery life - the only thing I'd say to counter that is, if you havent experienced what Apple have done with the iPad battery, then you dont really know what they are capable of.

My missus brought a 64gb iPad Sunday, had a day off yesterday and was on it pretty much all day (damn you GodFinger and We Rule!) and I mean literally all day - about 11pm last night, she had 6% left and that was using Wi-Fi, speakers and with about 3/4 screen brightness. I'd conservatively estimate that she used it for 12 hours given the times we stopped to eat, watch TV etc. It really is a marvel and perhaps they can get that tech into the phone.

And the OS? Think despite its flaws its been proven to achieve what it set out to do. When OS4 is launched, multi-tasking will probably be the best benefit to most of the geeky people who follow these things.

To give you an example of the OS... last week, one of Claires friends came round for lunch, she's not very techy at all (still has an old Nokia phone) and never used an iPhone.

So she asked to see my iPad (as do all the ladies :) ), so I gave it to her to have a play with and didnt really say too much to her. Within 5 minutes she completely understood it and said "god, this is so easy to use - I might get one instead of a laptop".

At that moment, a 'BING!' went off in my head - as it must do for Steve Jobs when he hears it! :LOL: The OS does what it needs to do to drive some quite complex features under the hood, but on the surface, I'd say pretty much ANYONE could pick up and iPhone/iPad and be using it comfortably in seconds.

I agree that things that run on Android are probably nicer for 'us' in so much as we are more into customising and modding - having a bit of freedom - but as I've said before, to me, it makes the device feel a bit... messy?... as it doesnt have a standard like Apple does.

Still undecided.

I really like the Desire, but the battery, keyboard, lack of decent standardised apps and niggly bugs IS turning me away from it. Which I'm gutted about after only just buying it really. Probably will have to put up and shut up for now...
standardised apps? what standardised apps you after? i agree the htc desire keyboard is a bit flakey but overal the device is the best device out their at the moment.

There is not a single phone out their thats "perfect" you just have to ask yourself what do you want from a phone.

Theirs a saying as well, Your room is only messy because you yourself dont clean it, not because of the amount of stuff you have on your room. This is true with the desire. if you just install the apps and widgets you are likely to use then i cant see how a desire can be labeled messy.
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