The Apple Thread - Macs, iPods & iPhones!

Played around with a friends iPad yesterday. The screen on it is sublime, it doesn't look real. I want one!!

Excellent :) Think this will happen a lot. Its easy for people dismiss it due to the price and the stupid 'its just a big iPad argument'* but once you use one, you realise the benefit.

* A good analogy I heard in response to this the other day was 'yea an olympic size swimming pool is just a big bath'... and that sums it up for me!
Excellent :) Think this will happen a lot. Its easy for people dismiss it due to the price and the stupid 'its just a big iPad argument'* but once you use one, you realise the benefit.

* A good analogy I heard in response to this the other day was 'yea an olympic size swimming pool is just a big bath'... and that sums it up for me!

I would buy one in a flash mate but to be honest I was disappointed with the OS. I didn't really want an upgraded iPhone OS I wanted something more than that and the fact it has neither a rear or front facing camera was another contributing factor.
I would buy one in a flash mate but to be honest I was disappointed with the OS. I didn't really want an upgraded iPhone OS I wanted something more than that and the fact it has neither a rear or front facing camera was another contributing factor.

The OS is so good though, so why change it? Especially with the updates coming soon.

As I said above, its like comparing a swimming pool with a bath. They are essentially the same thing, but you are limited with what you can do in a bath, compared to a swimming pool!

Just because it looks like a 'large iPhone' means nothing, the extra screen size and processing power makes it a different device, not just for gaming, but browsing the net is probably better than any other device (including PCs), you can do work on it and the video experience is unbelievable - none of which you can do (as comfortably) on the iPhone.
The problem for me is that it's not exactly portable. With the size, yeah its smaller than laptops and all that but its not small enough to actually have an advantage. I mean, it isnt really any more portable than a standard laptop, is it? Its like saying the iPhone is more portable than the HTC HD2. Yeah it's smaller but not enough to make a difference. It's not small enough to carry in my pocket, it would add some weight to a bag you'd be carrying, so really you can only use it in places where you could probably use a laptop also.
The problem for me is that it's not exactly portable. With the size, yeah its smaller than laptops and all that but its not small enough to actually have an advantage. I mean, it isnt really any more portable than a standard laptop, is it? Its like saying the iPhone is more portable than the HTC HD2. Yeah it's smaller but not enough to make a difference. It's not small enough to carry in my pocket, it would add some weight to a bag you'd be carrying, so really you can only use it in places where you could probably use a laptop also.

Nah, its not *that* much smaller - but it IS smaller :) I usually take a laptop bag out to meetings or when I'm travelling, but on a long train journey Wednesday, I took my 'man bag' and the iPad is so thin you can put it in the document section and not notice it.

The big advantage here is the battery life - meaning I have absolutely ZERO worries about the battery going, no matter what I am doing, or how much I am using it. Where with a netbook/laptop, you'd probably take a charger or spare battery "in case".

I was on the train 2.5 hours and had the iPad on playing a Podcast over bluetooth headphones, WiFi on with browsing/emailing etc and a few long games of Scrabble (and a few other games).

When I pulled into the station at the other end, I still had over 90% charge left (from 100%)... its just awesome for battery.
I think we need some exclusive apps and stuff before it becomes more appealing. With the higher resolution, I hope Apple make the most of it.
I think we need some exclusive apps and stuff before it becomes more appealing. With the higher resolution, I hope Apple make the most of it.

Doubt we'll see many iPad only apps - least not for a while - due to the huge install base of the iPhone (around 40-60 million compared to 1m+ iPads).

But iPad apps are generally better than their iPhone equivalents due to the higher res, bigger area for controls etc.

Even some iPhone games are better on the iPad - Street Fighter IV and Karate Champ are at least 2 I know of better scaled up on the iPad.

Where something like Bejeweled is worse - looks worse and harder to control on the bigger screen (comfortably) - perhaps the iPad case will help Bejeweled when the case is on a table and you can use both hands (rather than thumbs)
Brothers just been round with his two new ipad's, I want one.

I'm away on holiday at the moment and running my own business, i normally always take the laptop.

This weekend i have braved it and took just the iPad. It's done everything the laptop does, small, fast and even better now it's in a case.

I've even had a client call with a bit of urgent web work, that i could log on using a new web development app and do everything i needed.

My mind is now made up to sell my macbook pro when i get home, the ipad is that good.
It would be cool if you can connect your iPhone/iPod Touch to the iPad via WiFi to act as some kind of gaming pad.
It would be cool if you can connect your iPhone/iPod Touch to the iPad via WiFi to act as some kind of gaming pad.

"Theres an app for that!" :)

On a jail broken iPad, there is a new app - a snes emulator and it let's you connect the iPhone via Bluetooth as a controller, so yes, stuff like that is about!
i have one!! well, two actually, although i bought the other for my gf...

i even queued on friday morning outside the apple store in southampton which i never thought id ever do!! felt a bit of a nerd with all the 'whoop-whhops' and high-5s etc, but bloody hell, was it worth it!! picked up a couple of 32gb 3g models, along with a couple of (beautiful) official apple covers. both were jailbroken within 5 mins of getting home and both currently running 3g via iphones mywi app and it works flawlessly! we'll probably get round to a dedicated 3g sim in dur course but no real rush at the moment...

i must say that we have both been blown away by it. it is absolutely gorgeous and we've been unable to let go of them ever since! the browsing experience on safari is BETTER than on a laptop! of that, you can be 100% sure! if it had flash, it would be perfect.

the games are spectacular. civilization, pinball, mirrors edge - all outstanding.

to quote stephen fry "nobody NEEDS an ipad, but once you have one you'll find hundreds of uses for it!"
Me too jay. One thing that really attracts me is Pages and Keynote for the iPad. I usually take my 13 Inch MBP everywhere so I can surf the web/work.... this has it all + is much thinner and lighter. Would easily fit my bag. Lastly, I read magazines a lot... and I'm also a Wired subscriber. I'd love the iPad edition!
The OS? It's just the same OS as the iPhone though, surely you've used that before?
Yeah what I meant was it's just great to see it on this new resolution, and I tried the eBooks and the iPod on it and it looks fantastic! The layout is perfect.
Anyone know of a good converter for Tv Shows and Films everyone seems to rave about Handbrake but it takes way to long to convert.

Kind of disappointed about this although i did know before hand that Ipad dont support Xvid etc and would need to convert just an hour plus to convert just TV show is abit much.
Played on one the other day in the Trafford Centre.

It's just a larger, less responsive and less useful iPhone/iTouch.

Really don't like it at all, and saw someone buying one in the Apple shop in front of everyone and he just looked like an absolute twat.

Funny watching the employee trying to big up the little case that you get with it as revolutionary when all it did was fold a little bit.

I love my iPhone, iPod and MBP but goddamnit you really do have to be a pretentious tosser/huge Apple fanboi to buy an iPad.
Played on one the other day in the Trafford Centre.

It's just a larger, less responsive and less useful iPhone/iTouch.

Really don't like it at all, and saw someone buying one in the Apple shop in front of everyone and he just looked like an absolute twat.

Funny watching the employee trying to big up the little case that you get with it as revolutionary when all it did was fold a little bit.

I love my iPhone, iPod and MBP but goddamnit you really do have to be a pretentious tosser/huge Apple fanboi to buy an iPad.

Ha! Ha! Biggest load of toss I've heard on Evo-Web - and I read posts by Jonny Mendoza :LOL:

Larger... granted, 'less responsive' - how'd you work that out? Its actually FASTER than any iPhone, but anyways... 'less useful' - has exactly the same functionality as an iPod Touch doesnt it??

In other words, 'I would like one, but cannot afford it'.
He's got a MBP (as well as an iPhone and iPod), I'm sure money isn't the issue ;)
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