The Apple Thread - Macs, iPods & iPhones!

Not really, the Android phones still have a comparable battery life to a 3GS (if not better) and that's with multitasking already.

Smartphones in general are a bit rubbish for batteries though. It's because the phone is always on 3G (huge battery drain alone) and then you factor in things like wifi, GPS, emails, games, browsers, music etc. The phone just does a lot more than your standard phone which lasts days because all it does is make calls and send text messages :)

Battery life no good on the Android either then?

I put a new rom on my Nexus One last night, it's on 30% battery left and been running for 26hrs now. Usually get just over a day with standard roms I think, same with the 3GS when I had it.
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Saw this a couple of days ago. I will be purchasing this on day one! Thank God for the front facing camera. Overall it looks great and much nicer than the 3GS.
Really liking the look of that handset. Its kinda like a smaller iPad.
And from the looks of it, they've finally increased the resolution of the damn thing. A faster processor and higher resolution are the only things that concern me really. Everything else has always been good with the iPhone.
Will definately pick this up on release.
I smell a fake. We got millions of 'legit' prototype leaks of the 3GS and the 3G that ended up looking nothing like the real thing.

Its impossible. If it was a fake then how come an Apple employee was in contact with Gizmodo and Apple have requested for the device to be returned which has been done. Its a 100% genuine Apple iPhone device. All the parts inside are labelled as Apple components. It may not end up looking exactly like it in the end due to it being a prototype but that doesnt mean its fake.
There is a format option in the settings, that clears everything!

hmmm, it doesnt though - leaves a lot of personal data in the flash memory that can be accessed 'if you know how' apparently.

There is a couple of methods online to do it (which involves sync'ing an 8gb playlist of songs over and over about 7 times which should clear anything left in the flash, but nobody seems 100% certain).

Sold it for £215 anyways within minutes of putting it on AVF.
My main concern with all this touch technology these days is whether the processor can match the actual interface. I really don't want to see a buggy or laggy interface in any future multi-touch product.... but it seems loads of people are rushing to release their technologies.
UK iPad prices announced...

16gb = £429
32gb = £499
64gb = £599

3G ones are higher.

Pre-Order on 10th, out on the 28th.

Worth every penny, hate all you like! :LOL: I've not opened my MacBook Pro in over a week now...
Ordered 32gb Wifi + 3G + Case and O2 Micro Sim for £629.20 think i am crazy but oh well roll on 28th. :))
UK iPad prices announced...

16gb = £429
32gb = £499
64gb = £599

3G ones are higher.

Pre-Order on 10th, out on the 28th.

Worth every penny, hate all you like! :LOL: I've not opened my MacBook Pro in over a week now...

Can I have it then? ;)

In all seriousness, as much as I want an iPad I can't see myself spending more than £200 on one so I'll wait till I can get a 16GB (non-3G) one cheaper second hand late this year/early next year and someone finds a way to jailbreak it.
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I am just gonna hold a magnifying glass over my iPhone and pretend, saves me a shitload of cash
The only reason I wanted the iPad was because of iBooks and thats coming with iPhone OS 4.0 along with a complimentary copy of Winnie The Pooh. Cant go wrong with Pooh! Also the new iPhone has the front facing camera I have wanted for ages! Hopefully I will now be able to iChat and Skype video call from my phone soon.
I am just gonna hold a magnifying glass over my iPhone and pretend, saves me a shitload of cash

Save money on a magnifying glass and put your specs on the tip of your nose

More money saved, thank me later
Can I have it then? ;)

In all seriousness, as much as I want an iPad I can't see myself spending more than £200 on one so I'll wait till I can get a 16GB (non-3G) one cheaper second hand late this year/early next year and someone finds a way to jailbreak it.

Already Jailbroken - piece of piss to do apparently, but as a good Apple Developer, I'm not going to do that!

The only reason I wanted the iPad was because of iBooks and thats coming with iPhone OS 4.0 along with a complimentary copy of Winnie The Pooh. Cant go wrong with Pooh! Also the new iPhone has the front facing camera I have wanted for ages! Hopefully I will now be able to iChat and Skype video call from my phone soon.

Dont hold out for anything decent from Skype, their app is shit. Perhaps it will be better with multitasking, but at the moment its pretty useless and despite the community asking virtually every day since the app was released, it still doesnt do push notifications - rendering it useless really.

Can see Apple doing an iChat app though if they launch a front facing camera, but in all honesty, do people REALLY do video chats?...
fwiw, anyone with a jailbroken iphone, should only need to get the wifi model, and they can then hook the iphone up to the ipad and use that as a 3g modem, saving £200 a year on ipad data plans, not to mention the difference in price from the outset...
Does anyone know of anywhere that can remove dust from iPhone screens?

I know Apple do it for free but i'm out of warranty so need somebody else to do it. I would do it myself but then if i break it i'm fucked
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