The Apple Thread - Macs, iPods & iPhones!

Re: Apple iPod and iPhone - Official Topic

Christ thats a bit of a turnaround eh Tim? I thought you were from the "jailbreaking is bad" school of thought?
Yeah, I was just worried about what if it goes wrong, but I see now you can just easily restore an official firmware and they'd be none the wiser. I'm not even really bothered about the free Apps etc, I just really like the new themes and options available, especially the Whitoken theme. I'm going to customise it more myself now and add a 5th page of more apps.

Hey guys, seeing as we don't really have an Apple thread... would it be a good idea to turn this thread into the Apple thread? iPhone, Macbook, iPods etc?
Definitely :)).
If you are using an iPhone 3G, using Winterboard / Custom themes really slows your phone down. I used to be mad on theming my phone, but after not using Winterboard for a few months the difference in speed on my phone is massive.

3GS I'm sure won't have any problems either way :D
Re: Apple iPod and iPhone - Official Topic

OK, jailbreaking is officially awesome. Whitoken theme is off the hook! I've done a few edits too to get more icons in. Here is my games screen:


Just need to edit the SMS txt and move it a touch higher to line up with Phone and Clock.

What theme is that?
Re: Apple iPod and iPhone - Official Topic

OK, jailbreaking is officially awesome. Whitoken theme is off the hook! I've done a few edits too to get more icons in. Here is my games screen:


Just need to edit the SMS txt and move it a touch higher to line up with Phone and Clock.

Wow, how awesome is that! :APPLAUD:
Any iPhone owners have a Nintendo DS? I'm considering getting an iPhone as a phone upgrade but I could also sell my DS to put towards the iPhone cost. The games seem pretty good on it and not as much shovelware as the DS has been putting out for months.
Cheers. I'm scouring eBay and AVForums looking for an iPhone 3G now, hoping to get one for just under £200 that's local to me.
I will sort the capitalization out tomorrow then! In the TV guide one, should TV be in caps or not? Technically it should but will it look wrong?

Another thing I was looking at was taking out where it says Most Used, and having another icon on each page. Could be even handier to have 5 things per page.
Yup, it ain't as easy as download and install it. Took me ages! Just google how to install Whitoken theme and you'll see :)).
Anyone able to PM me some suggestions for Installous...

Also, any recommendations for essential apps/games?

With regards to using iTunes, does it work alright if I keep all of my music on an external HDD?
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Anyone able to PM me some suggestions for Installous...

Also, any recommendations for essential apps/games?

With regards to using iTunes, does it work alright if I keep all of my music on an external HDD?

Suggestions for installous in terms of apps and games? Check out the apple store for top rated apps and games as a starting point. I think Tim listed a few essentials earlier in the thread, but if you want me to Pm you a list of essentials I can...

iTunes works perfectly with an external HDD, I have a similar setup. Just go into the preferences and assign your music folder from there.
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