Mikey: .. and then I licked the cream of my grans tits and then my guide dog came running in and shagged her up the arse... ha ha haaa aren't I fun-nay! I've got another joke for yers... last year I had an erection so I took some mayonnaise out of the cupboard and...
1st Place: Jumbo™
Stu insists he's not gay, but the eye-liner, camp pose and bright pink flamingo costume suggest otherwise
2nd Place: jaygrim
The world's shittest zoo
3rd Place: Radiation
This is Big Brother. Can one of the house mates once again let Mikey out of the wardrobe and direct him to the diary room doors
1st Place: Jumbo™
Stu insists he's not gay, but the eye-liner, camp pose and bright pink flamingo costume suggest otherwise
2nd Place: Jamesy
Due to budget cutbacks, C4's new series of the Magic Roundabout wasn't quite as good as it could have been
3rd Place: Radiation
Day 18 in the Big Brother house and Mikey has just taken yet another shit on the dairy room chair. Big Brother calls one of the house mates to come and clean it up
Another good round for Jumbo who storms into the lead; it's looking bad for Dermot!
You know I was just thinking, while looking at that picture of the Queen, she's so soft and cuddly...she just reminds me of a big Carebear for some reason, the blue one...
Yes, carebears...which incidentally was my favorite caroon growing up as a kid, I actually still love carebears, have every episode on DVD....what a show, there's just so....ooooh, the carebears.....by the way this has nothing to do with the caption comp, I just thought I'd chime in, its important to really read peoples thoughts and mine at the moment is just...well em...CAREBEARS!!!!
Suddenly the British learned they hadn't won the war and the Queen was actually a Nazi. "Increase ze voltage!!!!" she cried as she strapped a random businessman into her electrical torture device
The Queens desperate search for her missing "crown button" was so close to being resolved, it was the largest button in the world; but a lunatic with some kind of saddle/toilet seat type device kept her from spotting that the very large black button was on the wall right behind her.
Nobody liked to say it but the Queen was shit at charades. She'd been staring at Dave for 25 minutes and still hadn't guessed he was doing "George Michael getting bogwashed and bummed in a nightclub". Incase you were wondering, Dave's face was hurting and she didn't look like getting it any time soon.
As Queen liz opens the modern version of the vagina monologues. George Michael turns up for the debut performance, wearing a Leather vagina costume and does an impression of a Clitorus
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