The ALL-NEW Caption Competition

I thought we had to come up with captions that fit the images? We can just throw anything in there now? Funny adverts, catchphrases and jokes?

Ronnie was so old fashioned, he didn't understand the 'Something About Mary' joke that was going around the dressing room...
* Possible bad joke coming up ;)) *


Man on right: "The light is on - literally, it's on behind me, but no-one is home..."

"Jeez son, that shirt is gleaming, do you use Persil White?".

"hehehe, yeah, and on the subject of things Persil White, how's the team doing?"


Guy on right: I was thinking about Tranmere and then I started to think of a Transvestite Merecat!! It just came into my head!! Crazy hey?! HAHAHA!!!!

Guy on right: I was thinking about Tranmere and then I started to think of a Transvestite Merecat!! It just came into my head!! Crazy hey?! HAHAHA!!!!

Just thought how cool it would be to have Tranmere's mascot as a Transvestite Merecat!!!

That would be gggggggggreat!!!!!!

What is Tranmere's mascot?
Christ above, look at that poor kid behind the mascot.

FFS, can't you be like any other club and put a bloody strip on the child. Look at the poor thing.


Actually now that Bobby mentions about the gunpoint thing.

Could be:-

Kid:- "Keep your hands up and just keeping walking, Glitter. And don't even think about trying to come over here and sniff my ass, you don't fool me Mr".

No arguing with the referees Dermot, we're using the "RESPECT initiative" this season.
The last one is scrubbed. I have to say that because if the missus can't give points to the "squirrel" caption she will have my nuts (get it?)...
SEASON FIVE: ROUND 4 (31st August - 5th September)
Please remember to read the rules on the first page of the thread


The kickboxing event between Russia and Georgia at the Olympics was always going to be an ugly battle.

As Mikheil tried to pull Dmitri's leg off at the socket, Dmitri grabbed Mikheil's belt ready to throw him like the hammer.

Boris, what did I tell you about wearing odd shoes... a black one and a brown one! Go back to your home and change your shoes right away.

Boris: But sir I can't the ones I've got at home are just like the ones I'm wearing.
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