The ALL-NEW Caption Competition


George Bush: I'm positive we will find those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq!

Dick Cheney squashes a voodoo doll in his hands as George bush head implodes! Dick said George made a joke about my name, sounding like an implement a gimp would use to lead people around with. He had to pay for that comment!!!

"Dick: Fucking wanker, cheating on me in front of t.v. Im going to shoot your ass this time during hunting"

Bush sends the crowd into a wild USA chant after nuking Switzerland off the map because he decided he didn't like the cheese
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Cheney grins in the background as Bush announces new cure for baldness then for no apparent reason does his best Chinaman impression

Cheneys little game appeared to have been quite effective, handing Bush 3 sour apple sweets and passing them off as mints.


1st Place: jj710
Judge applauds George's valiant trumping effort at the annual US farting contest.

2nd Place: jumberto
The guy at the back gave 'the sign', George gave 'the wink' and just like that, Iran was blown to smithereens.

3rd Place: BobbyBox
Dick Cheney squashes a voodoo doll in his hands as George bush head implodes! Dick said George made a joke about my name, sounding like an implement a gimp would use to lead people around with. He had to pay for that comment!!!


1st Place: jj710
"He's staring at my bum again isn't he?"

2nd Place: fd1972uk
George, I think he shouted "wank."

3rd Place: Dermot
Cheneys little game appeared to have been quite effective, handing Bush three sour apple sweets and passing them off as mints.

Sorry about the delay this week - from now on Caption Competition day will be Sunday.
SEASON FOUR: ROUND 6 (4th May - 11th May)
Please remember to read the rules on the first page of the thread


It was then Lizzie spotted Prince Harry's arrival to the party, dressed up as Adolf Hitler with his fly down waving around his crown jewels.

At 'The Queen's Annual Hair-Smelling Party', Her Majesty was horrified when it was suggested that she may be cheating by hiding a couple of freshly-groomed Poodles under her bonnet.

HRH was stunned at how loud the party was. After all, it was enough to make a lamp shade fall onto her head...
The missus and I said to eachother, as soon as I picked out that picture, "first person to say spunk in the eye should be docked points for being utterly predictable". No joke. :mryellow:
Can I join in? Y'know, I might win, girl power and all that shite. :-pp [Obv talking about JB's lass.]


As Queen Liz mingles at the Mercedes Benz invitational dinner, she notices there's still some Di left on the upholstery.

Prays no-one gets offended.:pray:
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