Hey Billy, sponsor me for the 'SWATathon' - I've got to shoot as many bank robbers as I can in 3 mins - it's like Kill Bill meets Supermarket sweep - shall I put you down for $1 a kill, 2 for a headshot?
As well as being issued with the latest high tech hearing aids, the worlds first all deaf SWAT team had developed a sophisicated system for communicating in the field
1st Place: Dermot
"Bates, come here, looks like we got another distress call, let me read it..."'Please help....stuck in village but underwater...can't explain...also, I'm a gnome....please hurry.....'
2nd Place: jaygrim
Welcome to the semi finals of extreme pictionary
3rd Place: BobbyBox
As the S.W.A.T Ice cream van pulled up - Geoff took down the orders of what everybody wanted
1st Place: freddyboy
Hey Billy, sponsor me for the 'SWATathon' - I've got to shoot as many bank robbers as I can in 3 mins - it's like Kill Bill meets Supermarket sweep - shall I put you down for $1 a kill, 2 for a headshot?
2nd Place: tiktiktiktik
"And at step 3 you add water to the mix and the oven should be warm enough by now to continue with step 4"
3rd Place: Aliboy
"I'm telling you, this evidence is stuck to my hands" - "Hmmmmm, so it is"
Three different winners again, amazing how a sense of humour can differ so much. Also, the missus says "you're all clever dudes".
Jane laughs at the Valentine's card sent by her husband's killer
(In card) - We have locked up your husband and each day we are cutting off a finger or toe until we get payed a £1m ransom.
Tim7's sister "accidentally" opens his mail and finds a Valentine's card from CW next door - and only a week after saying they'd make such a cute couple
".....every week it's just the same...I can never make her laugh the way I make you laugh...it's so obvious every week when our caption comp results are completely different...."
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