Spurs Thread - WHERE'S VIEIRA GONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It seems as though u were right faiers, Carr is having a medical with the geordies after the clubs agreed a fee of 2 mill. . I dont think there is any doubt he is worth more than that, but last season he was poor and his contract is up at the end of the season, still, least we might be able inject some more pace with a new right back, who do u think we will go after, as we need someone, what with Kelly out for at least another four weeks.

full story
god knows who were gonna get at right back. if happened earlier we could have got someone like melchiot in but franks gonna have to pull something out now.

MURPHY DEAL IS OFF. we couldnt gurantee him a first team place. i was warming to the idea but i cant say im overly dissapointed or anything.

apparently wev bid 5 odd mill for swp as well. hed be a much better bet than robocop.

so loz, do you dare to make a prediction on where were gonna finish this year ? im gonna defy all logic and go for 7th !!!!
Well on pre-season form mate, Jacques will be lucky if he's still got a job after xmas . . But i hope the team will gel after a few games and we'll at least start not to lose so many, mid table i'm guessing, 7th at a push . . .
I red on the net that tottenham have officialised the arrival of the defender Naybet from Deportivo La Coruna...
Is it true?
yeah iv heard that in quite a few places beetlebum. it hasnt been officially anounced but it looks like it will happen soon. hes 34 so i cant say im ecstatic about it but he may be a solid signing for a season.

apparently murphy 'snubbed us' now :roll: . hopefully we can get in some one with proper quality and class now.

to be fair considering how badly we played last year santini is gonna have to be pretty bad if we do any worse than tenth. pre season hasnt filled me with optimism but im still hoping to see a brand new side come out on saturday who can perform such wonderous tasks as defending, passing and tackling.

got tickets for newcastle away next week. gonna be a trek and a half ! hopefully we wont get our usual pasting that we seem to get there.
Youre a brave man goin all that way faiers ;)

From what ive seen of Naybet in the CL he's always looked pretty solid, but surely we NOW need a right back?
'bout murphy: he said he wanted to work with curbishley and to play for him. that's why he signed for the addicks

'bout naybet: totally agree with you faiers, he's 34 and though the deal isn't official i don't think it would be a good capture... i'd bet on gardner
yeah i saw that about murphy beetlebum. personally i think hes just trying to make himself sound good to his new fans. even if he would have preferred to work with curbs we would have just offered him far more in wages than charlton if we wanted him that badly (and unfortunately thats what really matters these days).

we lost to celtic 2-0 but it was basically our ressies so not too much to worry about. thank god this morally sapping pre season is over, cant wait till saturday now so we can finally get going.
Arent you worried Jacques has been playing too many reserves during the pre-season. I know he's gotta check all the players out, but we've got a dfew new faces in and it would be good for them and the rest of his first team to get to gel a bit before the season, imo anyway.
I feel we have been playing our strongest fittest players all along. I feel were finnish 10th or 11th this year with a cup run or mabey two. we wont set the Prem alight but with the talent in our squad we have time on our side. if we keep the set up we have we can build a good squad.

We treated pre season as just that. didn't take it to seriously and got some youngsters like Yates and Marney fighting for a chance to impress. not a disaster, not the best pre season but not a disaster.

Im going to do a predicted score as im away til next week.

Spurs 1 - 2 Liverpool
he used to be outstanding stu but injuries really seem to have taken away from his game loads. under graham he was litterally our playmaker from right back but the steve carr from those days seems long gone. perhaps a change of scenery might get him going again but personally i think he will just be an alright signing as opposed to outstanding.

hes not particularly great defensively and is short as hell (as in every goal quick you concede will be aimed at him) but hes pretty quick and good at going forward. some people have criticised his attitude but personally i think thats one of his best attributes.

how do you reckon you will do this year stu ? will the new signings get you back amongst the champions league/title challenging teams or is it perhaps a little to late as you seemed to have lost the momentum you had under robson a year or two ago.
erm thats a good question m8. personally like u said - i rated him 2/3 years ago. But hopefully he will be back to his best, but i doubt he will be outstanding this year. With him and nicky butt it does look a stronger more defensive team - And i personally think we will finish 4th this year. But sadly we will never be as gd as we were in the Keegan Revolution
We HAVE got Naybet :roll: subject too a WP. I guess he's gona add some much needed experience and IS a winner, as he proved with Depor, but i just cant believe he will be a regular, what with gardner and King, who i think should be given the chance to establish themselves as the first choice CB pairing!?!
i reckon he will start with king, with gardner as back up. as you basically said, hes gonna give us some experience which is probably quite important this year. atleast it gets the doc further away from the first team so im not complaining.

yeah iv been hearing about hargeaves, i reckon hed be a good signing for about 4mill tops. id rather have him than murphy anyway.

also linked with figo :roll: . i think some journalist must have saw mateys comments on here.
santini has sort of admitted were negotiating for hargeaves. although the papers said the deal was dead this morning ... in other words, who knows !!!!

what do u reckon the line up will be tomorow


ifill naybet king edman
ricketts davis mendes atouba
defoe kanoute

thats what i would go for on whos available (king is fit isnt he ?), doesnt really look that great though to be honest. hopefully redknapp wont play. i cant say im particularly confident either but hopefully its a good game.
Yeah, i know what you mean faiers, we could get really hammered tomorrow, but fingers crossed we wont . . Doesnt Naybet need a WP? or has it come thru?
Nourridine Naybet is a vastly experienced defender with over 100 caps for Morocco.With King playing alongside him for this season,it can only benefit the young english star.
6 debutants in the starting line up today and we got a draw against one of the so called bigger teams.

I thought Naybet looked good first half, good to see King at CB and we played some good stuff til we got near l'pool's goal. . .Kanoute didnt look to be with the pace today - we got edson too btw - and Redknapp looks lost out on the right. . .

Some encouraging signs tho, and athouba looked good when he came on, if he can improve his crossing!!!
foxrocks said:
Naybet was all over the place for Cisse's goal, though.

Yeah, well, like i said, he played ok first half and then not so well second half.
fairly satisfactory performance in the end. atmosphere was great too ... especially for an early kick off (the scousers shut up as soon as we scored too :D )

i thought everyone played well apart from redknapp and jackson who were utter w*nk (even though redknapp was playing as a winger he still wouldnt leave the f*cking center circle). davis and mendes were superb imo and if it wasnt for gerrard they would have completely controlled the game. were desperate for a couple of wingers still but if we sort that out, with a bit of time to gel we could finish in the top 8 quite comfortably.
I watched it on sky and at one point there was no commentary and all you could here was:

"Youre just an Aussie w@nker, Youre just an Aussie w@anker . . ."

It was brilliant, esp as i was watching with a mate that supports Liverpool and we were playing 'Spot Kewell.' - a bit like where's Wally :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I just hope the board keep to what they are saying and dont let Defoe go, he's a goal machine and there arent many genuine goal getters about at the mo, esp any that will wana play for us.
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