Spurs Thread - WHERE'S VIEIRA GONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its a good bit of business but it eans fuk all if we dont get a defencive midfielder to control the midfield. Ince had our midfield in a bit of a shit until we scored then he slowly dissapeired. I can see this team going down without a proper captin to kick their big egos back to touch if we are playing shit. we are a good young team with no bite. United, Chelsea and of course arsenal would still have our team for breakfast.

i wanna see Vam or another in that ilk to be bought and then i will start getting optamistic.

good end to a sh*t season! :mryellow:
This is one step in the right direction for us. if we get a good motivator in Midfield and as manager we could finnish 8th (no sh*t) in the prem with mabey a good cup run (im getting a bit excited sorry :mryellow: )
david pleat is probably the only guy in football more clueless than howard wilkinson.
You no it! the guy is a joke. he has done well in finding some good young Brittish players and for that i thank him. but he is a joke

as front say hes a "Post match C*NT" :mrgreen:
Two_blindmonkeys said:
This is one step in the right direction for us. if we get a good motivator in Midfield and as manager we could finnish 8th (no sh*t) in the prem with mabey a good cup run (im getting a bit excited sorry :mryellow: )

i think every spurs fan is entitled to get excited after last season. . . . still no news on the MANAGER front and evry little on any transfer activity down at the lane for the last few weeks.
yeah but its all making sence why now. i reckon a busy couple of mounth are install for spurs. alot of bollox willl be written but i will wait in anticipation :mryellow:

Van Bommel may be swayed to come to spurs by our new Sports director dont u think? :)
yeah, hopefully. . . but you never know in this world . . .
jamie_mack said:
your new guy Arnesen has said this morning that you are in talks with Queiroz to be the new manager!

Well he did well for Portugals youths but i dont know much more about the guy to feel one way or the other.

Havent Real Madrid had there Worst Season in recent history Under him. Dosn't sound grat now does it?

I dont know any more what to think. we might as well see what he does. he cant be that bad if Fergie wanted him as his No 2.........then again isnt Jim Smith his no 2 now :l
Two_blindmonkeys said:
jamie_mack said:
your new guy Arnesen has said this morning that you are in talks with Queiroz to be the new manager!

Well he did well for Portugals youths but i dont know much more about the guy to feel one way or the other.

Havent Real Madrid had there Worst Season in recent history Under him. Dosn't sound grat now does it?

I dont know any more what to think. we might as well see what he does. he cant be that bad if Fergie wanted him as his No 2.........then again isnt Jim Smith his no 2 now :l

Actually it WAS Walter Smith, but he has left now.
the supposed statement are a pack of lies according to the official site. would be a bad move if it was true imo. we need more of a motivator who can sort out the whole attitude around the club at the moment. a super coach shouldnt really be a priority.

apparetnly wev offered a contract to davids. hes also a spurs fan so ya never know ;) ....................... actually you do :( .

hitzfeld has been sacked by bayern, he would be a major coup but im half expecting ranieri now. anyone worse would be a major dissapointment and anyone better, a major bonus.
i'm away for a week and there's five new posts!!! :roll: ;)

quieroz, bad. hitzfield, good. ranieri, ok.

hitzfield would be a good choice imo, he's got a good track record (so far as i can remember off the top of my head). And he's a winner, which would be good for the players, imo.

any talk on any others players coming in over the last week?
Only Davids and i did here a wisper about Bridge. apparently When Roberto Carlos comes to Chelsea we will make a bid for him. probebly bullsh*t but worth a mention i thought :mryellow:
bridge and davids would both be the kind of players we need imo, hard working, consistent and both played at the very top.
lots of new and exciting things to discuss then i see !!!!!

ranieri and hitzfeld both seem to be available .... heres hoping.

bridge and davids ... wishful thinking springs to mind.

it shows how bads its got when the press cant even be bothered to link us with anyone anymore.

btw what are the chances of us being linked with carrick now. hes young, english, not exactly cheap, injury prone, a bit of a fancy dan and will be coming from west ham. seems like the archtypal spurs signing.
Looks as if the new boss is gonna be santini. although this isnt the first time a manager has been as good as confirmed. cant say i know too much about him to be honest, apart from he won the french title with lens i think.

it will be interesting to see what the french evo webbers think about him. another wenger or another tigana/houllier ??
Bridge will not go because that Carlos thing was rubbish. Anyway if he did go your fullbacks would be excellent considering Stephan Carr is a great player and I am a big fan of him.
im really not sure santini is the man for spurs he is not a proven manager unless he goes and wins the euros a french title with lens was his only other achievment.
I just hope he gets us back into regular eurpean football. if its by winning the worthless cup every season and finnishing 6/7th in the league each year than great. we need to have a continual success in domestic and European cups to start attracting the right players then start building for Chamions league footie. i still reckon it will take at least a year to see any real results. but hopefully a good couple of cup runs and anywhere above 10th would be a great start for me.
how do you reckon he will do thomas ?? whats the reaction been like in france aswell ?

im well chuffed to be honest, i cant wait till next season. With mourinho and benetiz it should be a cracking season hopefully.

quite a few people who said about santini before it became public now think davids is gonna sign. cant say im to optimistic but he would be some signing.

iv also heard wev offerered real sociedad 2.5 mill and the malian wonder for nihat. im 99% certain its bull but would be a great deal. also hoping we cna make a last minute move for rothen now we have the french connection.
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