Spurs Thread - WHERE'S VIEIRA GONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well done to City but really. FFS.

As soon as it went to 3-1 i had flashbacks of Spurs 3 - 5 Man Utd in the league. It's a sad state of affairs when Spurs fans know that when we get the least bit confident of a victory it gets taken away from right under our noses. So predictable, but still so shocking. Good game from a neutral view, but f*ck me i feel sick..
cant agree more, no leadership, a lack of determination and no direction on the field. how long do the fans have to say we need those sorts of players until the management listen?
Can you tell me why you're spending millions of pounds on players when you don't know who your new manager will be yet?

Also, why do you keep buying striker after striker, it's extremely obvious you need a tough midfielder and a better defense?

Why is David Pleat allowed to stay as a Director Of Football?

Why are Spurs so mince?
the management, thats all i can think of really CD. i think its obvious they already know who the new manager is gona be, otherwise i dont think we would be spending the money. either that or pleat is gona stay in charge and we're just gona have a 'respectable' coach!

we've been saying for ages now we need a battling midfielder in this thread and it still hasnt changed, brown might like to get his foot in but he isnt a leader.
If you know who your manager is going to be, then I think you can rule out MON because he would not have brought Brown and Defoe into a team which needs steel.
bloody heck, give him chance
Brown will be an awsome player when he's settled, he was kicked from pillar to post! I would worry about all the fancy dan show ponies first
i'm not saying Brown is a poor player, i just think we need/needed more of a leader and reknown midfield general in the middle of the park.

then maybe we wouldnt have the fancy dans in there!
loz said:
the management, thats all i can think of really CD. i think its obvious they already know who the new manager is gona be, otherwise i dont think we would be spending the money. either that or pleat is gona stay in charge and we're just gona have a 'respectable' coach!

we've been saying for ages now we need a battling midfielder in this thread and it still hasnt changed, brown might like to get his foot in but he isnt a leader.
I agree about Brown, he's not the physical presence we desperately need. He's on his arse for half the game and we need someone who kicks arse. Who hammers the shit out of his own players. We always lose our head when we've got a little far, and simply cave in. The confidence and thrust disappear and relying on King and Brown to turn it round is a long shot, even against players such as Sibierski, Wright-Phillips and Macken. The defence needs at least one more centre-back. Gardner is great, but Richards, Doherty and Bunji aren't. They're just good at times. If we don't get a defender and an anchor midfielder in the summer i will camp outside WHL and wait for the new boss to arrive and just shit on him :l
Im Happy we got City at Old Trafford..but as A Red Manc i have to take my hat off to the Blue Half tonight.With only 10 men and 3-0 down at half time we all thought it was game over but as Citys season has been a game of 2 halfs all season they go and produce 1 of the most amazing comebacks your gonna see this Century.

Roll on Valentines day:)

The greatest ever come back in modern times, it had to happen to the spurs scum. What a joke of a team. Well done City for giving us gooners a chuckle tonight.
14_Henry said:
The greatest ever come back in modern times, it had to happen to the spurs scum. What a joke of a team. Well done City for giving us gooners a chuckle tonight.

You can imagine their faces now, Arsenal only won 2-1, we're winning 3-0. My mate who's a Yid wouldn't answer his phone.
Nickybaker said:
14_Henry said:
The greatest ever come back in modern times, it had to happen to the spurs scum. What a joke of a team. Well done City for giving us gooners a chuckle tonight.

You can imagine their faces now, Arsenal only won 2-1, we're winning 3-0. My mate who's a Yid wouldn't answer his phone.

You could hear crys at 3-nil, "bring on man utd, bring on arsenal" only to see their team collapse, disappear and evaporate into fa cup history. Claps all around highbury tonight.
14_Henry said:
Nickybaker said:
14_Henry said:
The greatest ever come back in modern times, it had to happen to the spurs scum. What a joke of a team. Well done City for giving us gooners a chuckle tonight.

You can imagine their faces now, Arsenal only won 2-1, we're winning 3-0. My mate who's a Yid wouldn't answer his phone.

You could hear crys at 3-nil, "bring on man utd, bring on arsenal" only to see their team collapse, disappear and evaporate into fa cup history. Claps all around highbury tonight.
well, 14_Henry, truly mate, stop posting in here about your joyous celebration, this particular thread doesnt need that atm ...

The White Hart Lane crowd were left stunned by the dramatic turn of events but Spurs players Dean Richards, Ledley King and Gus Poyet were all offered the chance to say sorry afterwards but declined.

King said: "I don't want to talk about it. We are still trying to work out how we lost," Poyet merely walked off muttering 'no', while Richards added: "I am not saying anything."

This is the THIRD time Richards has been in a defence that has let a threegoal lead slip. In an FA Cup fifth-round replay three years ago, he was in the Southampton side that lost to First Division Tranmere. Richards then scored on his Spurs debut as they romped into a three-goal interval lead against Manchester United but lost 5-3.

You have to laugh, he was rated one of Englands best centre backs when he signed!!! :mrgreen:
yeah the fact that any of our defence could be considered internationals is a joke!!! and if any you lot post shit like that in here again its getting deleted, use the fa cup thread if ya wana celebrate the great city victory.

Mancini has confirmed he's been talking to the Spurs hierarchy. i really dont know about this fella coming to manage us, he's done wonders with very little resources at Lazio i guess, but not the high profile boss i envisaged!
Never liked Richards.

Anyway, Roberto Mancini has admitted to having talks with Tottenham regarding taking over as boss when Evo-Web member Proximus goes down and murders David Pleat in the summer.


'Yes, it might sound strange but Spurs are an important club.'

Yes, it does.
proximus said:
Never liked Richards.

Anyway, Roberto Mancini has admitted to having talks with Tottenham regarding taking over as boss when Evo-Web member Proximus goes down and murders David Pleat in the summer.


'Yes, it might sound strange but Spurs are an important club.'

Yes, it does.

I thought spurs were after trappatoni. Any chance of a Klinsmann comeback?
14_Henry said:
proximus said:
Never liked Richards.

Anyway, Roberto Mancini has admitted to having talks with Tottenham regarding taking over as boss when Evo-Web member Proximus goes down and murders David Pleat in the summer.


'Yes, it might sound strange but Spurs are an important club.'

Yes, it does.

I thought spurs were after trappatoni. Any chance of a Klinsmann comeback?

I doubt it. Trapattoni dismissed the reports last month. And Mancini only said last week that he wants to stay on at Lazio even though they lost Dejan Stankovic to Inter. I smell some false reports. Anyway i'm off down there to take out Pleato in the summer, i'll apply for the job while i'm there.
proximus said:
Anyway i'm off down there to take out Pleato in the summer, i'll apply for the job while i'm there.

That reminds me of a yid I know that is spurs mad and a great optimist. He was totally convinced he applied for the spurs job saying he could do a better job then George Graham. To this day he is still baffled how he never got the job.
Yeah i don't know why i'm not down there right now. I've often shown my anger and willing to them in different ways over the years. Pleading into the bottom of a pint glass why i'm not in control of Spurs, asking the wall with my fist why the manager took Ginola off at half-time, shouting at the sky why we bought Dean Richards and throwing the remote at the tv, thinking of why we bank on Brown and King to command everything in the centre.

I've done so much for the club already, gimme the reins Levy boy.
proximus said:
Yeah i don't know why i'm not down there right now. I've often shown my anger and willing to them in different ways over the years. Pleading into the bottom of a pint glass why i'm not in control of Spurs, asking the wall with my fist why the manager took Ginola off at half-time, shouting at the sky why we bought Dean Richards and throwing the remote at the tv, thinking of why we bank on Brown and King to command everything in the centre.

I've done so much for the club already, gimme the reins Levy boy.

Don't say that to his face he may get abusive with you like the last bloke that said something ;)
I am getting to the point were i am never comfortable watching spurs and this game proved me once again that we never play for 90 minuets. if we scored a forth we would have won the game but the more we missed the crapper and more rushed we seemed.

How hard was it for Pleat to get the boys to slow the pace and spread the play. we seemed so rushed and weak not just in the Midfield but everywhere.

oh well least im not a glory supporting 12 year old virgin or as most people now call them..........Arsenal fans :mrgreen:
Two_blindmonkeys said:
I am getting to the point were i am never comfortable watching spurs and this game proved me once again that we never play for 90 minuets. if we scored a forth we would have won the game but the more we missed the crapper and more rushed we seemed.

How hard was it for Pleat to get the boys to slow the pace and spread the play. we seemed so rushed and weak not just in the Midfield but everywhere.

oh well least im not a glory supporting 12 year old virgin or as most people now call them..........Arsenal fans :mrgreen:

I'm not 12 ;)
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