Spurs Thread - WHERE'S VIEIRA GONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

loz said:
yeah butt is just the sort of player we'e been missing, altho i wouldnt say he's a great leader of a team, he's certainly not in the class of a Keane, Adams. which means we'll still be searching for that sorta player.

I dont know, remember he's been at a team with International Captains,

Keane, Becks, Veron

So I dont think there's been a need to show that characteristic, if he moved (cos there is a chance he'll stay with us) then I think we'll see a different side to him.
nah, if he's a great leader then he would have shown those qualities anyway. you arent a leader, but think, ah fuck it we've got enough leaders i cant be bothered. you either show those qualities or you dont. imo.
loz said:
nah, if he's a great leader then he would have shown those qualities anyway. you arent a leader, but think, ah fuck it we've got enough leaders i cant be bothered. you either show those qualities or you dont. imo.

Oh well it looks like he really doesnt wannna move down south, looks like the magpies are sniffing round him now....
gonna be a toughie today boys, Owens back and no King or Freddi. lets hope we can sneak something from the game and Postiga shows a bit of that potential.
2-1 win, keano scoring again, postiga getting a prem goal for the first time. four wins on the bounce. our season is really lookin to take off now, COME ON YOU SPURS!!!!
A Pleat quote from yesterday's game:-

Our central defenders, Doherty and Anthony Gardner, were fantastic and I told them that when the go to bed tonight they should think of each other.

if hed rather play for newcastle then fair enuff but didnt robson come out the other day and say he wasnt interested ?

i hope he sees things ur way vanizz, i reckon spurs would be a much better move for him than boro. london is far more like manchester than middlesborough anyway so im not sure if staying up north will be as decisive a factor as a few people have said.

i honeslty think hes the perfect signing for spurs at the moment. anyone else heard the real madrid rumours though ?
butt to madrid? cant c it myself, altho becks has been saying united would be silly to sell butt, so maybe he's had a word with perez and convinced him to splash out?
loz said:
butt to madrid? cant c it myself, altho becks has been saying united would be silly to sell butt, so maybe he's had a word with perez and convinced him to splash out?

apparently madrid want butt as they haven't replaced makalele

anyway back on topic- good win for u yesterday! ;)
madrid definetly look like they could do with a new cb or dm if helguera moves back there. carlos was at united so hes probably quite a big fan of his and knows what hes all about so you never know. the only thing is if butts moving because he wants to be more of a regular i would have thought madrid would have been the last place he would have ended up.

cheers stiffler, it certainly was a great results, 2004 seems to agree with us. things our definetly looking up and if we sign butt, get a new manager, this time next year rodders ...........
Great result for Spurs.

Hey lads a few weeks ago I could feel the dispair coming from you lot, and now you's aint on a bad run.

Oh and please tell me the Trapp rumours are bollocks.
Vannizzlefashizzal said:
Great result for Spurs.

Hey lads a few weeks ago I could feel the dispair coming from you lot, and now you's aint on a bad run.

Oh and please tell me the Trapp rumours are bollocks.

Its all part of being a spurs fan, one minute ur up the next ur down. its a rollercoaster of emotion. i still feel that we need Butt and we want to try and keep Dalmat. Trappi will hopefully come but i hope he doesn't bring in the Italian stratergy of score a goal and defend it. he may bring interesting times but i dont think that tactic will hold in the prem.

we were really good in the first half and if we replace Anderton with butt we would have a very energetic and powerful midfeild with a touch of class from D-man.

it's all very good when were on a run like this and if we continue with this sort of fight and skill we can win finnish the season on a high and mabey european qulification. i wont hold my breath though because that breeds dissapointment and anger.

Good to see Postiga score and we gave hime a great standing ovation when he came off. hopefully he'll make it hard for pleat to drop him when Freddi returns.
Hey there Spurs fans, i need a favour. I saw Dalmat picked up a knock on Saturday, how injured is he? It wasn't anything serious was it? Will he be fit for next saturday? I ask, as he's in my Fantasy Football team :mrgreen: and i'm planning ahead, just wondering if i'll have to sub him. I still haven't won a game month yet :( (i've got a mini league going at work you see)

Thanks. :)
Can anyone enlighten me as to why the press seem fit to keep remarking on how Spurs "are wanting to offload either Keane or Kanoute"? Why on earth would Spurs do such a thing? There's a report in The Sun today that Fulham want Keane to replace Saha, which Coleman has not denied. Pleat has come out and told the fans that Keane's not for sale though thank god, and anyway, why on earth would Keane leave Spurs for Fulham?

I just wondered if anybody had a clue on where these constant reports of Spurs selling Keane or Kanoute were coming from? Is there any truth in it?
nah its all rubbish mr franklin sir. pleat has issued a statement to that effect and i cant see why we'd let him go, he's a top quality striker. and he's been knocking the goals in of late too.

this is the latest on the situation from spurs website

Levy has also rubbished claims he is trying to "get spurs on the cheap" with this new share offer. i can take the point that it's gona be shares for easy money, but we really need to inject some new blood into the squad. what do you guys reckon?
I think we have the new blood right under our noses though. Jackson, Blondel, Ricketts, Marney, Yates all young with great potential and all cost us nothing. The funny thing about spurs is we're always trying to buy success, to bring in the next big thing. we never seem to keep our good young players and that is where all the teams who have hade success have made their main objectives. Yeah you can say Arsenal Have bought alot of French players and Chelski have bought success but if it wern't for Russian billionairs Chelski would have been stuggers this year and would be looking at forsell and Cole with much more interest rather than loaning them to other prem teams.

I think if we look hard at the current squad were starting to play young Hungrey players with something to prove and not just players who turn up for there paycheque and bugger of to Spain with the wife for three months with a bruised ego.

Tottenham Hotspur are at the point were we have to look at what resourses we have. and to be fair we have a bloddy good youth system in place were some top draw players are emerging.

Now if you think about it if we start showing other young players that at Spurs they will get a chance than they will come to us, coz who wants to rot in the reserves for 3 or 4 years then get sold to Doncaster coz no1 knows who the fuck you are when they can join spurs ad have a shot at first team footie. we could have the sort of youth squad others would kill for and the first team would have many options and compotition for places.

now dont take what ive said to the extreme and suggest we never buy again but we should look at the options for next year. start introducing some fresh faces to the team. Drop or sell the no-hopers and build a young, Quick and skillful spurs side that in a few year will be pissing on all the dross in the prem and start catching the big boys.

let the rest of the league buy the old rejects and players who have seen there best days pass. the future can be a bright one at spurs but its up to the manager to make that gamble and work the team that can give us what weve wanted for so long. OUR SPURS BACK
GoonerMagik said:
Looks like Leeds have politly told spurs to feck off after putting in a bid of a measly 5million for Milner and Robinson:-


I know Leeds are desparate but I reckon 5 million is taking the piss a bit.

Nice Av by the way TBM!

Thanks :D

It was worth a try.
Im just glad that it was Milner and not Bakke. it would of made my essay above look like a complete waste of Pixels :mrgreen:
whats the prediction for tomorrow then boys? i reckon we'll sneak it as we're on a real high at the mo and city are still on this bad run and will have a rookie keeper between the sticks.

does anybody know if brown is cup-tied?
Yes, i think brown is cup tied. ill think you will get it 2-1. I had faith in tottenham over liverpool. In fact, i actually would support tottenham if i didnt support Chelsea. They are just cool.
Well young Brown wasnt cup tied after all.

I watched this game yesterday and it wasnt bad, Spurs let themselves down big time in the first half, I think playing Tarrico at LB was a bad idea and there was too many long balls to Keane and Postiga (who is feckin useless by the way).

City didnt play that great but I thought they deserved to be in front and Spurs defo deserved something cos in the 2nd half they passed the ball about and controlled the game for the most part City did have a couple of good chances to go 2-1 up but in true city fashion they looked like they was scared to score again.

I do think City might nick it in the replay but with both teams being unpredictable its hard to call.

I tell you what, I like the look of King and Gardner, we're they playing in there natural positions yesterday??
SulphuricX said:
Yes, i think brown is cup tied. ill think you will get it 2-1. I had faith in tottenham over liverpool. In fact, i actually would support tottenham if i didnt support Chelsea. They are just cool.

Are you smoking dope??????
Well, we've got Manchester United if we win the replay :x

Great stuff, all we need know is the world to be infested by mummies, pop music dying out, the price of a pint being halved and then Postiga to put the ball in the net.

Vann: Taricco is supposed to be a left back, well since he joined us he has, but playing him full stop should be stopped!!!

King is a natural centre back but seems to have slotted in nicely at def midfield and gardner is a quality centre back, big, strong and quick. gona be a future international me thinks.

we should beat city at the lane as we've been pretty good at home for the most part. 5 games unbeaten now and united at old trafford in the next round, not more incentive than that!!
Two_blindmonkeys said:
i still feel that we ... want to try and keep Dalmat.

Well, contrary to many newspaper reports, Dalmat has indicated there is a "chance" he would like to stay at Spurs, possibly if they had the funds to buy him.

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