Spurs Thread - WHERE'S VIEIRA GONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See Sugar was in the paper commenting on the problem at spurs, he seems to think its the supporters, a festering disease we're the exact words.
Spurs are on their way down for mind its Wolverhampton Leeds and Spurs who will take the plunge into first division.
rodney king said:
Spurs are on their way down for mind its Wolverhampton Leeds and Spurs who will take the plunge into first division.

It would be funny as fuck, my dream relegation would be leeds, man city and spurs, although i'd miss the city/leeds games I wouldnt miss the fans, with the spurtz I wouldnt miss a damm thing, it'd just be one less gobby arrogant london club, like west ham, all that "we're too good to go down" bollocks yeah right, the table never lies.
well here we are again. one win and everyone at tottenham beleive were about to turn the tide....everyone except the fans(well most of them anyway.

we were ment to be good against palace but who cares we have lost to Pompy and Charlton before that game and we looked awful so until these kind of peformances come week in week out we are going down.

Micheal Brown is a good buy but not the Def Mid we need.

Were ment to be after Forlan(Why?!?)

Levey has come out with a great line that seems as if its from some gangster flick "even if were in the bottom three we wont be relegated(what the fuk does that mean?)

anyway i had a great BDay and Chrimbo so now back to reality and there is no reality like being a Spurs fan.

Two_blindmonkeys said:
well here we are again. one win and everyone at tottenham beleive were about to turn the tide....everyone except the fans(well most of them anyway.

we were ment to be good against palace but who cares we have lost to Pompy and Charlton before that game and we looked awful so until these kind of peformances come week in week out we are going down.

Micheal Brown is a good buy but not the Def Mid we need.

Were ment to be after Forlan(Why?!?)

Levey has come out with a great line that seems as if its from some gangster flick "even if were in the bottom three we wont be relegated(what the fuk does that mean?)

anyway i had a great BDay and Chrimbo so now back to reality and there is no reality like being a Spurs fan.


Brown is a good player, Pleat said you need a hard manc at the mo cos your lot are soft as shite.
Vannizzlefashizzal said:
rodney king said:
Spurs are on their way down for mind its Wolverhampton Leeds and Spurs who will take the plunge into first division.

It would be funny as fuck, my dream relegation would be leeds, man city and spurs, although i'd miss the city/leeds games I wouldnt miss the fans, with the spurtz I wouldnt miss a damm thing, it'd just be one less gobby arrogant london club, like west ham, all that "we're too good to go down" bollocks yeah right, the table never lies.

Sorry Van but i cant let you say that.

at least the fans of spurs are still there dispite all the shi'te we have been served up. i would love to see how many fans would do the same at Glory Suppoters 'R' Us United.

We arn't good enough to go down but we are good enough to go on a good run and survive.
Two_blindmonkeys said:
Sorry Van but i cant let you say that.

at least the fans of spurs are still there dispite all the shi'te we have been served up. i would love to see how many fans would do the same at Glory Suppoters 'R' Us United.

We arn't good enough to go down but we are good enough to go on a good run and survive.

well who knows, who cares, your talking hypothetically so :roll:

We wouldnt end up in that situation, Sugar was spot on about the players aswell, always hiding behind the manager, then when a new one comes in they play well for a few games, but why not do that before you got the last manager sacked.

We wouldnt have players like that in the first place mate, the supporters wouldnt stand for it.

Anyway you's have got city in the next round AGAIN!!
Sugar is a c'unt who knows fuk all about the game. its the players fault of course i mean they are out there playing every week. but if you thought like that all the time no manager would get the sack cos it aint their fault.

truth is spurs have been buying the wrong players for far to long. dare i say it we have been buying "Spurs like Players" who like Spurs Beleive they can get away with anything as long as they play Pretty football (bollox).

no manager apart from the Goonasorus in the last 10 or so years has bought hard working Gritty in your face heart on the sleeve players who will fight for the badge on their shirt.

i am the last person to stick up for that Gunner prick but george had a team that had done o.k nothing spectacular but good. '99 was a great year to be a spur, League Cup glory, two great cup runs, Ginola winning Players Player and football writers Player of the year, UEFA cup Qulification!.

What a year and for 12 mounths i was more proud of spurs than at any other time i remember after 1991.

Sherwood, Freund, Davies(though Pleat actually got him for us) Players willing to battle and fight for the team.

before and after we have bought players with great pasts but lack the bite for the future.........much like our club.

now ill get som stick but i had a massive chat with my mates down the pub and they all think im turning into the devil but if you really think about it George did the best out of any manager in recent years even though he is a goon fuk (i never forgave hime over the Ginola thing)
Well mate at least ya honest.

What do you reckon to the city game then? Will you's have Brown for that, he used to play for city but they got rid cos he's abit of a bad boy, and IMO they havent got any DMF half as good and he'll terrorize them, they havent got any Mancs playing for em' they prefer scouse rejects so I hope is there.
well they have to beat Leicester first but i actually feel confident against city if we stick it to them.

they have got Wright-Phillips though and he is a hand full.

they are alot like us so if either have a good game it could be a great tie. hopefully very open and entertaining because we deserve one entertaining fixture a season.

This fukin Kanoute crap is still doing the rounds

Latest: Pleat is sticking his turnip in and sayin "we didn't sign a Mali player blah blah blah im great" and apparently from my supplier (hes normally caked on drugs but plays on the internet) Kanoute is off to Manure for double what we paid for him plus Forlan(please god noooooooo!). i feel that this is getting close to the last straw for me. then i thought shut up you junkie and left for my rounds.

What do you think of that then.

i reckon bollox....................or should i say i hope its Bollox
Two_blindmonkeys said:
This fukin Kanoute crap is still doing the rounds

Latest: Pleat is sticking his turnip in and sayin "we didn't sign a Mali player blah blah blah im great" and apparently from my supplier (hes normally caked on drugs but plays on the internet) Kanoute is off to Manure for double what we paid for him plus Forlan(please god noooooooo!). i feel that this is getting close to the last straw for me. then i thought shut up you junkie and left for my rounds.

What do you think of that then.

i reckon bollox....................or should i say i hope its Bollox

Im not sure i'd want him at our club, Fergie wants Saha but he wont get him till summer cos of Fulham so I cant see this happening, and thats a player i'd be excited about getting. I've always rated Freddie but he's not come out of all this well IMO, joined a new club cos his old one was relegated now wants to jump ship again, doesnt sound like a United player to me.

Saying this though Fergie's had it with Forlan and he does fancy a move to either London or Spain, so there might be truth in it...
I dont want forlan no matter what. Fredi isn't to blame in all this i mean who deosn't want to play for their country(or country of their dad or whateva) its the way it all gets draged through the mud/press and makes spurs an even bigger joke.

Saha sounds a better investment for United but Fredi could do a good job there.

but he'll stay were miss him but we've always got Postiga................ :( oh bollox
Two_blindmonkeys said:
I dont want forlan no matter what. Fredi isn't to blame in all this i mean who deosn't want to play for their country(or country of their dad or whateva) its the way it all gets draged through the mud/press and makes spurs an even bigger joke.

Saha sounds a better investment for United but Fredi could do a good job there.

but he'll stay were miss him but we've always got Postiga................ :( oh bollox

Well mate people slate forlan but if he we're to get a run of 20 games you'd get a good return, its his all round play that needs improving but his shooting with either foot is top notch.

The thing with the country didnt bother me about Fredi, its his lack of loyalty to the club that saved him from div.1, he's been injured for most of the season, the club that pays his wages is struggling and he wants off...

Nah its Saha next season (I hope)
Forlan is an average player in a class team.

My nan could get a goal every other game if she got the service forlan gets (bit over the top but you no what i mean).

Middlesblah are ment to be after him too hope they get him.
Two_blindmonkeys said:
Forlan is an average player in a class team.

My nan could get a goal every other game if she got the service forlan gets (bit over the top but you no what i mean).

Middlesblah are ment to be after him too hope they get him.

haha it makes me laff when people anyone could score for us, we must be a fantastic team though.

it'll be spain or london I reckon but if boro are the only ones that want him and they offer 1st team football then he'll be off...
vann you are a fucking prick. spurs fans arrogant, like TBM says we have had a lot of shit to put up with, selfish chairman, crap managers and players that dont give a fuck about the team.

but i never hear a spurs fan say, oh fuck em, they're always there giving the team support and hoping we might actually do summat.

we are a team with a proud history and large support, despite what people think, we ARE a big team, and dont have plastic fans unlike the scum up the road and you northern lot!!!!


ps. TBM, man u are spot on about Graham, we were just getting a team together that might do summat when he go the sack. he bought in some decent players, altho he also got Rebrov, but hey, lets hope the next boss can do good. also heard that we're after hitzfeld(sp?), cant see him leaving bayern tho!
guys please dont even start on graham, at first he did well and he needed to add players that could pass it to take it on further after that but he didnt. he just built the side to become even more and more defensive and we were bloody awful by the time he was sacked. selling ginola, WHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYY ?????? and where the hell would grahams spurs side have been without campbell and steve carr the following season. im sorry but his team just couldnt have coped without those two.

December 2000
A 2 Manchester United PREM. 2 - 0 Lost
A 9 Bradford City PREM. 3 - 3 Draw
H 18 Arsenal PREM. 1 - 1 Draw
H 23 Middlesbrough PREM. 0 - 0 Draw
A 27 Southampton PREM. 2 - 0 Lost
A 30 Ipswich Town PREM. 3 - 0 Lost
January 2001
H 2 Newcastle United PREM. 4 - 2 Won
A 13 Everton PREM. 0 - 0 Draw
H 20 Southampton PREM. 0 - 0 Draw
A 31 West Ham United PREM. 0 - 0 Draw
A 31 West Ham United PREM. 0 - 0 Draw
February 2001
H 3 Charlton Athletic PREM. 0 - 0 Draw
A 10 Manchester City PREM. 0 - 1 Won
H 24 Leeds United PREM. 1 - 2 Lost
March 2001
A 3 Derby County PREM. 2 - 0 Lost
H 17 Coventry City PREM. 3 - 0 Won
A 31 Arsenal PREM. 2 - 0 Lost
April 2001

thats the form we where in under graham before hoddle came in, its hardly great is it ?
hes team had grit and could defend but ur completely forgetting how embaressing it was watching freund (who i love but not with ..) and sherwood trying to put a passing move together. carr litteraly had to be our playmaker from right back, we where so bad, we just couldnt play football at all. as i said he could have taken it on by adding players like lampard after he had installed the grit and solidarity but he was having none of it and made us more and more defensive.

van, sugar said it was a few of the fans !! but hes a c*nt anyway and hes hardly gonna admit that it was his mis-management over ten years that f*cked us up is he.
i always felt they would come though faiers. we did lack the all round game but we had players like Etherington, Davies, King, Toner and Jackson all coming along nicely who i beleive would all have been given more freedom to do their thing in a solid team. we went from one extreme to another with Hoddle and his love for Fairy like players and his dislike of leaders and players with an opinion left us with a weak team. which is worse in English Footie than in any other league.

im not saying Goonasarus would have made us champions league regulars but he may have given us a team with a bit of fight in them.
nah we were just getting worse and worse under graham i felt. i agree about hoddle though, he kind of had the same problem. when he came in he bought in a few players who would pass, and that added to the grit graham had given to us made us an awesome passing team. hoddle then just went silly and just added more and more fairies as you said. redknapp as a defensive midfielder , WHHHHHHYYYYYYYY!!!

i see what your saying about the youngsters but you know theres a 99% chance graham would have just had them behind the ball all the time just booting it up.

i guess we will have to agree to disagree about graham but personally i think we need a manager thats gonna get a mixture of workers and flair players rather than someone whos just gonna go for one or the other and i cant see many spurs fans disagreeing with that. quite simple really ... or atleast youd think it was :x

im not still not sure why we didnt go for antic, levy is gonna have to pull something special out in the summer.

doh just realised iv repeated half the stuff uv said but canny be arsed to change it now, great minds think alike i guess :mrgreen:
Yeah they do :mrgreen:

everyone except the manager seems to know what is needed in the team and ur right that graham probebley would have not given them that freedom that they would need.

i really dont know who we will have next year and its got to a point were i dont care. as long as they have the mixture that were on about then we may acheive what we have never before.

i think this may go on for a while unless we get a real leader who will boot out Pleat and co and start from scratch.

Jackson is looking good so i hope he gets a good run out for the rest of the season. bit worried though coz were now after Reid from forest and he is a left winger to :l .

King is starting to look good in DM but only time will tell i guess.

lets just hope Pleat steers us to saftey and we get the man to bring Spurs out of the shit
Vannizzlefashizzal said:
Rumours anout Robbie Keane and Fredi are set to leave/ or be shown the door??

Anyone heard anything on this??

Yeah, the team with £15 mil to spend on my players now needs to flog one of thier top strikers so they can buy Forest Reid and Dawson. Is it really gonna cost more than £15mil to buy those 2. Me thinks not, i'd go for the fact that Spurs don't have 15 million to spend. :mrgreen:
Vannizzlefashizzal said:
Rumours anout Robbie Keane and Fredi are set to leave/ or be shown the door??

Anyone heard anything on this??

I would say 'Bollox' to that.

im sure the board would love to sell it best two players to buy two First division ones :roll: .

its all Pish mate
Two_blindmonkeys said:
Vannizzlefashizzal said:
Rumours anout Robbie Keane and Fredi are set to leave/ or be shown the door??

Anyone heard anything on this??

I would say 'Bollox' to that.

im sure the board would love to sell it best two players to buy two First division ones :roll: .

its all Pish mate

I rate Dawson but I wouldn't go selling your 2 best strikers for some players unproven at the top level.
Dawson and reid are both good players but what you say is bang on they are un proven and it would be to big a gamble. plus we would be selling two strikers for a defender and midfielder. it just wouldn't make sense.

ive heared that we have put an offer of 6 mill for both but reid alone is rated at 6 millin which is a bit much in 2days transfer market.
I dont like the sound of that. Keane dose hog the ball too much but i think hes the man. if we could Keep Dalmat then it would be easyer to let him go but i would rather we try harder for Dman rather than buy Reid
2-0 up after bout half hour, could the turn of the year see a change in our fortunes? here's hopin.

i cant see us selling keano either tbh. his record speaks for itself, altho he hasnt been in the best of form this year, but the boys a goalscorer and we cant be letting him go.
Out of the bottom three, keano back in the goals and Dalmat shippin a couple with Davies also getting a goal. things are looking up, lets just hope this aint a galse dawn!
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