Sony PlayStation 4

I finished Infamous in a week as well, playing on Hard. Difficulty is pretty average with some spikes here and there and some boss fight that I found a bit annoying. But other than that, technically is an impressive work.
I'm about 50% of the way through but I've not had much time each week to play it. Considering I'm at the halfway point I've barely done any story missions, so it must be quite short. I completely cleared out all of the first area of Seattle before getting onto the neon stuff, so that took a bit of time.

Apparently there's a new patch coming in the next few weeks that will enable you to cycle through the time of day, and make the lighting pretty much as you like. Considering the lighting is stunning, that's a decent inclusion for showing off the game. The patch will also add an option to remove the HUD to make for better screenshots!

Let the swearing commence!
Think ill do the same as soon as I get a chance. Never played the trials games before but always wanted to.

What do you get in the season pass/what type of dlc are they doing?
Don't think they've confirmed anything yet but presumably more tracks and more skill games (can't think what else they'd add!) maybe more things to use in the track creator as well.
No problems here, I'm through all the easy and the first page of medium tracks, just went back and got gold on the ski jump one, well happy with that!
Yeah I was looking at them earlier, rip off!

Go with it's only $51.11 for the $50 US PSN and they take Paypal etc with no extra fees, there's a way to end up paying a bit less but it might be confusing, I'll paste what I explained to Paul on FB earlier:

They do 20 Euro gift cards at 7% off which can be applied to your own account which saves some more
Basically if you buy 2x20 Euro giftcards you get $55 worth of store credit for a spend of $51.40 so can buy a $50 PSN top up card and have 3.1 Euros left of store credit

Hope that makes sense? :)


Looks like I have an affiliate type code so if anyone would like to try that I'll let you know if I get anything!
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Cheers, G2A looks alright enough so I'll just wait for MLB to show on the US store now.
Trials is enjoyable until you get to the hard courses, then they're just too frustrating for me to enjoy!

Yea think thats the feeling all round.

Still plenty to do with the challenges and beating best times etc.

I replayed a level about 50 times today just to beat your time by about 0.135 seconds! :)
Yeah it was weird playing yesterday and none of my friends had any scores, definitely more fun to play when there are high scores to compete against :)
1.7 imminent and seems the most significant update to date:

Video editing suite, HDCP removal, save captured content to USB, pre-order pre-download (basically like on the PC you'll be able to "preload" games you've bought so that they're downloaded all ready waiting to unlock on the actual release date). Coming out April 29/30 apparently.
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