Sony PlayStation 4

Actually, speaking of 1080p, my TV had been on a sharpen setting of about 40/100 because anything further on my PS3/360 produced horrible white lines outlining everything because it was over-sharpened. On my PS4, with 1080p, I can ramp it up to 70 or more and it just extracts crazy amounts of detail in the graphics. Gotta love that 1080p! :D

I would strongly advise against using any artificial sharpening effects, particularly at native 1920x1080 resolution. You don't need it. You're not extracting detail (not possible), just adding haloing effects to the picture i.e. noise. You're best setting sharpening to zero.

If you're happy with how it looks then fine, it's the inner AV geek in me coming out. ;)

Just saying.
I would strongly advise against using any artificial sharpening effects, particularly at native 1920x1080 resolution. You don't need it. You're not extracting detail (not possible), just adding haloing effects to the picture i.e. noise. You're best setting sharpening to zero.

If you're happy with how it looks then fine, it's the inner AV geek in me coming out. ;)

Just saying.

Thanks for that, I never thought of it that way. I've settled on keeping sharpening on but reducing it down quite a bit, the haloing effect was evident on higher settings. I lowered it and the picture looks a lot softer so I've settled on a medium setting that looks sharper. Cheers for the advice.
nice shot in the foot Sony, just bought in august a PS3 and i would be gladly switch to PS4 this christmas but without ps3 game support, u'll have my money after 2-3 years, until then exclusives will arrive on PS3 too and as for the multiplatform pc will deliver the 1080p version ;)
nice shot in the foot Sony, just bought in august a PS3 and i would be gladly switch to PS4 this christmas but without ps3 game support, u'll have my money after 2-3 years, until then exclusives will arrive on PS3 too and as for the multiplatform pc will deliver the 1080p version ;)

Different architecture. IBM Cell to x86. C'mon, be reasonable.

cmon just bunch of crap,
for a simple user its just different resolution thats all, and they said that different achitecture thing for PS3 too, and now what? PS3 could emulate PSX and PS2 games later...but i cant believe a PS4 emulator could work with such massive files like the PS3 gamse have,
btw next gen wasnt even resonable with this kind of performance, generation switch is barely noticable if u compare it with PSX-PS2 or PS2-PS3

but back the basic issue, its like windows XP compatible games wont run on Win8 anymore, but if its a hardware question like it was back with PS2 and PSX games why not made hardware modification on the PS4 to make it compatible like they did on PS2? i would pay that extra 200 dollars and there could be a lite version too whats out there now on the market with no PS3 support for a cheaper price

i always been a console gamer but with the blurry low resolution i only play exclusive games nowdays on console and funny they asking for another 300 dollars for the 1080p, since all the games run on that resolution on pc for 4-5 years now
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cmon just bunch of crap,
for a simple user its just different resolution thats all, and they said that different achitecture thing for PS3 too, and now what? PS3 could emulate PSX and PS2 games later...but i cant believe a PS4 emulator could work with such massive files like the PS3 gamse have,
btw next gen wasnt even resonable with this kind of performance, generation switch is barely noticable if u compare it with PSX-PS2 or PS2-PS3

but back the basic issue, its like windows XP compatible games wont run on Win8 anymore, but if its a hardware question like it was back with PS2 and PSX games why not made hardware modification on the PS4 to make it compatible like they did on PS2? i would pay that extra 200 dollars and there could be a lite version too whats out there now on the market with no PS3 support for a cheaper price
You would pay extra $200. Not everyone will. They played it right with the price and they're moving consoles breaking records. They don't want to repeat PS3's mistake.

Also keeping them separate gives people the option to get a PS3 for $200 if they wish to, not force them to get a next-gen version with a $600 price tag because they forced BC. And you don't even know the difficulty of emulating the Cell's architecture on the PS4. So it's not a bunch of crap.
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ok, whatever, i think its not customer friendly decision at all, thats it and i wont buy that undoable thing, probably everything is just the outcome of the business and finance planning, how could they get as much money as they could from the PS3 owners and ofcourse the main markets are America, Japan, Western-Europe where no problem at all to have 2 consoles in a house at that price

consoles slowly become luxury in some countries, they worth an avarage monthly wage here
Isn't backward compatibility one of those things that most (but not all!) seem to ask for but never really use? I had one of the early PS3s that could run PS2 games, something I found really important, but in reality once PS3 games started coming out then I never went back to my old PS2 games. And I still have my PS2 should I ever what to play them.

My PS4 is sitting alongside my PS3 for now, I really didn't care about bc at all. I knew I wouldn't use it.
Same here, I've never gone back to play a game for a 2nd time (no matter how much I enjoyed the 1st playthrough) let alone going back a generation when most of the big games have a NG version pretty soon after release anyway.
I played the first Arkham through twice but yeah I'm similar, I definitely plan to play The Last of Us again, would be easier if they released a touched up PS4 version...
Well it only needs the Sata cable from the PS4 (the power cable needs to be plugged into the PS4 but it doesn't provide enough juice to power a large HDD) so I use an external mains-molex adaptor which will power the HDD, so probably cut a small hole in the cover so that it can be put back on with the Sata cable coming out the back, then it'll be a case of turn on the HDD, turn on the PS4 and we're good to go :)
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Isn't backward compatibility one of those things that most (but not all!) seem to ask for but never really use?

It'd be great, but given that the only way to really do it is essentially to put the last console inside the new one, it's a complete waste of money for the manufacturer to put something in that is only really going to be used for the first 6-12 months.

At least the way Sony are eventually planning to do it is forward-thinking, rather than rooted to the past. By using Gaikai, Sony are essentially providing backwards compatibility while also piloting a method of delivering games that will probably shape their next console.

Gabe, if you bought a PS3 in August, when the PS4 was announced in February and announced at E3 to be coming this winter, then I have no words to describe how silly it is to try and blame Sony for your purchasing habits. Or indeed to complain that you can't afford to have two consoles in your country, whilst also saying Sony should give you the option to pay $200 extra (the cost of the PS3) for one console that plays both generations of games. What is the currency in Hungary - floor space?
Indeed to the above.

Who genuinely gives a shit about backwards compatibility? The only time I used it for the PS3 was after watching 24 a few years ago i sourced the ridiculously shit 24 game and played it for about 2 hours before never playing it again.

There are enough current gen games to play, and indeed next gen games too. I purposefully didn't bother buying Assassins Creed 4 so I could get it for my new PS4.
Isn't backward compatibility one of those things that most (but not all!) seem to ask for but never really use? I had one of the early PS3s that could run PS2 games, something I found really important, but in reality once PS3 games started coming out then I never went back to my old PS2 games. And I still have my PS2 should I ever what to play them.

My PS4 is sitting alongside my PS3 for now, I really didn't care about bc at all. I knew I wouldn't use it.

I fully agree.
Complaining PS4 has no backward compability is pointless.
I have read a statement some years ago by Sony. They mentioned that their researches showed them that this was just used by a small minority and it doesn'T justify the additional costs in terms of additional hardware to be built in.

And once it comes to software emulation - NOT a single emulator is as good as the original Hardware, besides the option to save almost at anytime.

If I want to play games on my PS2, I connect it and play on it - the same way to deal with PS4 and PS3 games.

And who mentions that this missing feature as a deal breaker right now needs to be asked if he ever noticed Sonys announcements at E3 since than it is known that there will be no backward compability.
Every interested gamer / buyer should have been aware of this since then.
Maybe I'm just coming from the perspective that I've had a PS3 for the last six years or so, but I'm finding room for both. I still use my PS3 for blurays, LoveFilm and free stuff on PS Plus, and there is still the odd thing like The Last of Us DLC, GTA online and The Walking Dead Season 2 (don't know if a PS4 version is coming out?) so there's still plenty to use my old console for on top of my shiny new PS4 too.

That said, a PS4 version of The Last of Us would be amazing.

As for Gabe's situation, I'd say make the most of it. You have an entire generation of PS3 games waiting and available for dirt cheap. By the time you're done with them all then the PS4 will probably be a bit cheaper, with a better selection of games and more features patched into the hardware.
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I've been an Xbox user for a long time..So , ı am really looking forward to backward compability feature on Ps4 and ı think ı am not alone..
Well it only needs the Sata cable from the PS4 (the power cable needs to be plugged into the PS4 but it doesn't provide enough juice to power a large HDD) so I use an external mains-molex adaptor which will power the HDD, so probably cut a small hole in the cover so that it can be put back on with the Sata cable coming out the back, then it'll be a case of turn on the HDD, turn on the PS4 and we're good to go :)

bit risky with warranty though?
Have fun!

@ Max,

Did you sort out your disc noise issue? I had the same, installing fifa it sounded like the bad ol xbox days, yet after that it was silent. I suspect the noise issue will come back when I start playing KZ after reading your experiences.

It wasn't disc noise but fan noise that bothered me, but I'm over it. It's just a characteristic of the PS4: because the fan runs at variable rates dependent on the work it's needing to do, you (or at least I) just notice the difference when it's running at max compared to when it's hardly working.

I did move the location so that it's better ventilated, plus I primarily play FIFA, which the PS4 runs very quietly. I also hardly hear it playing AC4.

It's just Killzone that makes the fan ramp up. I'm not sure what that means for future, more demanding, games, but whatever.

A bigger issue for me right now is the DS4. I've had sticking L1 button issues with four different controllers. With my recent controller, I popped off the L1 button and cleaned it out, and it's been working fine for the last week. Worse though is that the left analog stick is showing wear on the top of the stick, which is both annoying and disconcerting.

But I'm still very happy with the machine overall. Killzone and AC4 have been disappointments but FIFA has made it all worthwhile for me.
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