Sony PlayStation 3

Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

Wi-Fi or wired?

Wired at around 80Mbit (my Popcorn hour copies at 10Mb/s)

I spent most of yesterday and last night downloading and installing the PSN+ free Uncharted 3 and after everything was done the fucker vanished from the Game menu :(

And why the hell can't you set all downloads to background download? I have to choose a Vita game first, set it to background and then it lets me download the PS3 demos/games as background downloads, if I choose a PS3 demo/game first it doesn't let me background download it...

MS may have fucked up all the Xbone stuff but they really know how to actually run a console, forgotten how abysmal Sony are at all this stuff.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

When I chose a PS3 game from the PSN+ store it started downloading immediately with no "download in background" option

It seems not to have downloaded the MP component (which supposedly is needed for the SP game, makes sense right? ;) ) so I'm downloading that one again which hopefully will save me from having to download the whole 35gb again
There are certain things that can't be downloaded in the background, but usually those are small files, like an activation file for something bigger.

I've been downloading most games from PS plus for over 6 months now, and I always managed to choose the background option.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

But, despite all the whinging, started Uncharted 3, loved it, stopped as we're escaping from the police, started Uncharted 2 demo, loved it, stopped at the big shootout after the Russian helicopter (now looking for the game pre-owned), waiting for Uncharted 1 demo to finish downloading and will try that, if I like it I'll buy it, I know it turns silly at the end with zombies so won't need to feel let down as many did at the time ;)

No way in hell I'm buying any of these digital though, that system is just too slow and clunky!
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

Oh and one other whinge, I don't like how PS3 and Vita stuff is shown together, I don't have a Vita, don't plan to get a Vita, I shouldn't have to wade through Vita stuff in all the store menus, some let you filter out but not all, there should be an overriding option to hide all Vita content IMO.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

You should for sure play 1, 2 and 3 in sequence, both are great and you will follow better the story of the characters that way.

About the PSN, did you know you can buy and choose all the things you want to download through your browser in your computer and send everything directly to your download quene? I don´t know if it´s only for PLUS users but you can give it a try:!/en-gb/home/games
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

I liked the demo of 2 a lot, not so impressed with 1 early on, maybe they didn't choose the best part for the demo, I'll see if I can get it really cheap :)
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

The first is a little rough going back to it now. Like the graphics aren't as perfect and everything seems unfinished. But the story is great and makes the 2nd and 3rd better.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

Uncharted 3 was definitely the weakest of the console games.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

It's just a very short PSN game isn't it? I played maybe 90 minutes and it's saying I'm 42% done!

Bought Uncharted 2 from PSN yesterday :)

I can't remember how long it was but It didn't connect with me in the same way that the others did, I took my time with the first two games. I also got pissed off with the last section of the game and walked away from it.

The first game was a solid foundation and the second game was excellent.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

It's just a very short PSN game isn't it? I played maybe 90 minutes and it's saying I'm 42% done!

Bought Uncharted 2 from PSN yesterday :)

It's a full release game that came out on disc too, but I seem to recall the game having a length comparable to the first two at least, so 90 mins being nearly halfway through is really strange.

Personally, I enjoyed the game just as much as 2 and slightly more than 1. I think 3 is more of the same really with improved graphics.

But I'm pretty sure my game was at least 12-14 hours though.
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Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

I absolutely loved Uncharted 3, that horse riding scene, those ship scenes, whaaaaa I just want to play it right now, thinking about it! The first one is a bit rougher around the edges but otherwise, they are all brilliant.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

Blasphemuy!! are people complaining about uncharted.

TBH 2 was the best but 3 was pertty freaking awesome in its own way.

Playing Last of Us very naughty doggish aka mindblowingly awesome
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

The Dark Sorcerer PS4 Tech Demo Used Only 4 GB of GDDR5 RAM, 1 Million Polygons Just for the Set


Remember “Old Man Face” from the reveal conference of the PS4 that a lot of people mocked as unimpressive or irrelevant? It has since become a full fledged tech demo that impressed everyone at E3, causing many of those that mocked Quantic Dream to simply eat crow.

Fact is, though, that we didn’t know very much about the technicalities behind the demo, until now.

A rather noisy shakycam video from E3 by Youtube user TheAireaidLord shows (between other things) Quantic Dream QA Manager Gavin Niebel as he explains quite a few behind-the-scenes details to the crowd watching the demo. What we learn from the explanation possibly makes it even more impressive, and gives us hopes to see even better in the future.

The demo, that has absolutely no pre-rendering, post production or video inserts, represents only the first iteration of Quantic Dream’s development cycle for the PS4, and while it runs between 30 and 90 fps (the frame rate wasn’t optimized yet), it does so at native 1080p resolution, textures included. The developer still didn’t have access to full PS4 development tools, so they had to make do with the same PS3 development pipeline used for Beyond: Two Souls “shoving in a bunch of high-fidelity assets”.

The set alone is made of a whopping one million triangles, and the volumetric lighting is completely dynamic between “movie” conditions and “studio” conditions. It can be switched at will within a single frame. The most impressive part? It only uses four of the eight gigabytes of GDRR5 RAM under the hood of the PS4.

Maurice the Goblin is made by 700,000 triangles, 40 different shaders, 150 Megabytes of texture data, and can be defined a CG-quality model despite running in real time. He has 388 different bones in his “body”.

If you haven’t seen the tech demo yet, you can find it just below, alongside the shakycam video itself. If yous skip to 16:50 you can see Niebel switching between lighting conditions at will.

As I said in a previous piece, one thing is for sure: those that laughed and sneered at the “old man face” during the PS4′s unveiling presentation owe Quantic Dream a big apology.

Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

Hmm maybe I read wrong, I'll have a look next time the PS3 is on! I'm working my way through the underground tunnels looking for "Scary Poppins" and her crew I believe :)
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

uncharted 3 is a 10 hours game on my save. 1st one was a 8 hours, second some 12. the third one is my fav storywise and settingwise, even if the formula started feeling a bit stale after the first 2.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

I've always been fine with the Dual Shock due to having small hands :P I hope the fit still remains fine for me.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

I've always preferred the dual shock to my Xbox 360 controller, the 360 sticks feel too 'stubby' and the deadzone for careful aiming in shooters is really bad, or at least I find that anyways. I love the potential for the track pad on this new one, maybe well see some use for pinching and zooming etc on strategy games or in game maps etc.
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