Sony PlayStation 3

Well not mentioned yet but Sony have now promised to give Euro users a choice of 2 free games out of a choice of 5.

But then I don't give a shite about free games I would prefer an online service to work.

I don't have a 360 but let's be honest this prob isn't hurting Sony now but when the new consoles come out in a couple of years how many people will now buy a Poostation over an XBOX.
Apparently Kaz tweeted this:

If you missed out on Lair and Super Rub a Dub the first time round, you should get excited about our "Welcome Back" freebies....

There's a good reason why I missed out on those games. Sounds like the freebies will be shitty PSN games.

If that's the case, good day to you sir.
god help us if the next ps4 main feature is digital download only of games. Who the fuck will trust PSN to purchase things anymore?
god help us if the next ps4 main feature is digital download only of games. Who the fuck will trust PSN to purchase things anymore?

Yeah, I've been thinking the same. That goes for MS and Nintendo too. This could be a massive kick in the teeth for digital distribution and set it back a few years while consumer trust is regained.

I'm not a fan of digital distribution anyway. I'd much rather have a hard copy of my games, films and music - which can be bought for a more competitive price and be traded in for a return, two things which you can't say about DD.
Apparently Kaz tweeted this:

There's a good reason why I missed out on those games. Sounds like the freebies will be shitty PSN games.

If that's the case, good day to you sir.

Lol. Kaz Hirai doesnt have a Twitter account. :ROLL:

Its a parody account it says so at the very top.
Apparently Kaz tweeted this:

There's a good reason why I missed out on those games. Sounds like the freebies will be shitty PSN games.

If that's the case, good day to you sir.

Of course they'll be shitty PSN games. There aren't many if any full retail games on the store, and they aren't gonna give us vouchers or something to walk into GAME and take two free games.
Of course they'll be shitty PSN games. There aren't many if any full retail games on the store, and they aren't gonna give us vouchers or something to walk into GAME and take two free games.

They could create a website whereby we put in our PSN ID and claim back two full retail titles which they post to us. They could even send the games in cardboard sleeves to cut back on costs. But I doubt Sony would ever do such a thing. I reckon it will be from a choice of 5 PSN games, maybe if were lucky Little Big Planet, Modnation Racers and inFamous will be part of it as their the only first party retail games on the PSN.
Is Assassins Creed 2 on the store?

I think I saw it there one time, I never finished that game.
I suppose I'd take Burnout Paradise again if it was the Ultimate package, is the full thing on the store or is it just the original game and then seperate mods?
Un canal de discussion d'Anonymous piraté


Extrait de la liste des adresses IP publiées par le ou les personnes qui ont détourné un canal de discussion utilisé par Anonymous.D.R., l'un des sites utilisés par les personnes se réclamant de la communauté Anonymous, ce groupe informel de militants et de hackers qui s'assemblent ponctuellement autour de causes précises, a été victime d'un piratage d'ampleur, touchant notamment son canal de discussion.

Le site est actuellement inaccessible, et son adresse renvoie sur une page où sont publiées les adresses IP (Internet Protocol) de personnes ayant participé aux discussions en direct, des informations qui devraient permettre aux forces de l'ordre d'identifier une partie d'entre eux.

Un communiqué diffusé sur un autre site utilisé par les Anonymous précise que le piratage serait l'œuvre d'un co-administrateur du canal de discussion, et que les deux sites et sont encore sous le contrôle du pirate. Outre plusieurs centaines d'adresses IP, qui permettent d'identifier un ordinateur sur le réseau, des messages privés ont également été rendus publics.

Peu de temps avant de tomber, avait publié le nom, le prénom, l'adresse postale, le pseudonyme et le numéro de téléphone du co-administrateur suspecté d'avoir piraté le canal de discussion ; il s'agirait d'un jeune homme vivant au Royaume-Uni.


It's in French, source is newspaper "le monde" but apparently Anonymous hacked by hackers, and the hackers show Anonymous users IP on the front page.
It will be fully online today. The US is already up.

Firmware 3.61 is out to download too.
I get the message from Sony for me to send this message to at least 50 ppl but 85 % of my friends online are in Europe. If 50 ppl get this message I will get 50 $ credit in ps store well 50 in my wallet. And I had to change my password after update.

This is odd for some strange reason on my friends list I have about 200 friends who I dodnt know... I hope im not some if you see beboq sending you a message its me :LOL:
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The fucking idiots didn't upgrade the servers or anything so now you can't actually reset your password because it fails.

FFS Sony!

Yep, done the firmware upgrade earlier and logged on to try and change my password but just get an error code when I press ok.

Apparently the network is down again.

Sony, you've gotta love 'em.
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