Sony PlayStation 3

I'm confident that that won't be the case, they've mentioned in the past that a future PS3 may not have a fan. The PS2 slim was great, I expect the PS3 version to be the same.

Its either I get a slim or I buy a separate (hopefully) region free BD player.
My launch model PS2 failed twice on me within the first year of owning it. I bought a slim line when they came out and never had any problems at all.
I second that.
When I get them, I don't want them anyway. Can I turn the stupid things off?

Winning a cup tourny in FIFA or a belt in FN4 is fair enough but getting them for scoring a header! What's the point of that?

OK. My kids like it but once you are over, 15 maybe, why would you care?

Personally, I don't get it but each to their own.

Funny you think playing games and getting trophies is childish yet refusing to play as a certain team on Fifa clubs is a perfectly adult thing to do.
Funny you think playing games and getting trophies is childish yet refusing to play as a certain team on Fifa clubs is a perfectly adult thing to do.

I wasn't exactly being 100% serious though fella. I'd PREFER to not play as certain countries but wouldn't quit because of it. Yes I said I would quit but again, I wasn't being serious! And anyway, who wants to play as England if you aren't English?! :) Retorical question so nobody needs to say "I do"...

When you have a squad of players from numerous countries I would prefer to not play as a country. Was just giving my opinion. Afterall, it's called Clubs isn't it? I personally, much prefer to use Club teams.

I've also joined in when playing as teams I have no liking for many, many, many a time. So the point above really is invalid but I get why you mentioned it. You aren't to know what goes on in my nugget and what I really think.

I also said "Each to their own" about the trophies and that I don't understand why people are bothered by them. Doesn't mean there is anything wrong with it.
One lad gave a description of why he enjoys them and it was valid but I was saying I'm personally not bothered by them. I understand some trophies but a lot of them are for stupid things. Again, just my opinion.
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Anyone used Vidzone lately? They've decided to put in a trailer for a game in between songs, the trailer lasting about 10 seconds or so. Pain in the arse when you're skipping through songs on a playlist and it decides to play the trailer during the skipping :CURSE:
About trophies and achievements. Chris mentioned how it helps you to complete or play a game you may not like much is cool but for me its not. if i dont like a game i am not going to force myself to play it just to gain some virtual trophies or making my gamescore increase. its just not fun for me. it becomes a chore to be honest. i play games to entertain me, not to do stuff for pointless things like trophies that dont add any fun for me at all.

each to there own i'd say :)
About trophies and achievements. Chris mentioned how it helps you to complete or play a game you may not like much is cool but for me its not. if i dont like a game i am not going to force myself to play it just to gain some virtual trophies or making my gamescore increase. its just not fun for me. it becomes a chore to be honest. i play games to entertain me, not to do stuff for pointless things like trophies that dont add any fun for me at all.

each to there own i'd say :)
Yep Jonney, which has already been said several times now...
It is region locked for BD movies, though some arent region locked, you just gotta look online to find out before buying from abroad. Think the regions are now A,B & C rather than 1,2,3 etc.
Oh hell yes. Well I was contemplating picking up a 360 or a Wii again but I'll leave it for a while with this coming.

Very cool they do the announcement while using the PS3's video chat.
It's going to cost £11.99, don't know why SCEE have done this.
Really, when it's going to be the best-selling PSN game to date by far?

Could see it coming a mile off, but I'm a mug so I'll still get it.
Because they're starting to ban people for game sharing judging by some threads that cropped up on the EU PS3 Forums a few weeks ago.
Oh OK, fair enough then. Saved me loads of money over the past few months that has, especially on the map packs.
Because they're starting to ban people for game sharing judging by some threads that cropped up on the EU PS3 Forums a few weeks ago.
Christ, I was dying for someone to share Battlefield 1943 with me as well.

I thought it was supposed to be within the rules to do that? You're paying your money, what you do with the goods is up to you surely?
Well sony haven't said 'yes we're banning' there were just a bunch of threads one day from different people saying they received banned emails and found that they couldn't sign in the the PSN.

Despite that the official forums are still full of people saying 'hey fat princess this week, who wants to share it with me ill give you BF 1943' etc...

I think the only way sony really could ban you is if they could prove you were duping them out of money. So if you were sahring with [ep[;e on the other side of the world and they can see your account just signed in withing seconds of each other in 2 different places.

At least with my brothers account on my ps3 they can't do anything to me because whenever we visit each other we'll sign in as our own profiles on their console and download stuff we've already paid for.
Not sure on the depth and longetivity of Fat Princess to warrant £11.99 on a PSN game. I'm going to hang fire for a while and see if peoples interest wanes after a couple of weeks.
£11.99 is a joke for a DLC game. £9.99 is pushing it, though BF1942 is fairly packed gameplay wise.

These DLC prices are going to keep creeping up. How long till the next £14.99 game? Then £17.99, then £19.99... soon we'll be paying £35 for a DLC game considering EA are testing the water with £55 for MW2.

For that reason, I'm out and wont be getting Fat Princess.
£11.99 is a joke for a DLC game. £9.99 is pushing it, though BF1942 is fairly packed gameplay wise.

These DLC prices are going to keep creeping up. How long till the next £14.99 game? Then £17.99, then £19.99... soon we'll be paying £35 for a DLC game considering EA are testing the water with £55 for MW2.

For that reason, I'm out and wont be getting Fat Princess.

You're a star, it's a deal. I'll let you know when I've got FP tomorrow. :)

EDIT: I was going to make a new post for this but I won't, don't like making two posts together.

The hard drive mjsmith2k recommended arrived this morning, and the whole backup/restore operation was a piece of piss. But, and this is the weird thing, there's "corrupted data" in the downloaded games category after the restore.

I've counted all the games and looked at all the saves, there's nothing I can see that's missing. It's in the downloaded games category but it's only 2mb (2668kb) - is there even anything that small you can download? Can't see anything.

The only thing that I can see that might be missing (I'm 50% sure) is a Rock Band 2 save. I think there were two in the save category before, but now there's only one. I'll put Rock Band 2 in shortly and make sure there's no missing songs I can spot - but the date/time stamp is 10/11/2008, and I have nothing else saved or downloaded around that time (I checked my download history)...
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Well it's in that bit that appears under the game disc you insert, rather than the save data bit, so I don't think so. Just had a quick look and I think all the EG stuff I have is there.

So weird, I can't see anything in the download history that matches up so I'm wondering if it's possible that the file header has been corrupted somehow so that it THINKS it's a corrupt game but it's actually a corrupt game save... Otherwise why wouldn't it appear in the download history (across all the users on the PS3)?
Sounds confusing, Sorry about the PSN thing not working out. I've had trouble sharing my account for a while as I hit the 5 system limit ages ago. Despite some people managing to share 7, 8 or more times I've always been stuck at 5. I'll have to phone sony and see if they can reset the 5 systems or something... I'll need it if this console ever breaks.

Hopefully someone else can help you out.
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