Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread

Indeed well done Napoli, so glad they won. I think that the first penalty wasn't one - simple. The second one was - simple.
Re: Serie A Thread

No, Moggi works for Napoli now...
If there is one team who has perpetually lost the right to moan about refs and cheating (drugs), its Juventus...


Are we talking about the same juventus that has was humiliated last summer and demoted to serie B? The same juventus that was which was falsely trialed, (so many unforgivable form-errors) which was trialed without evidence, trialed by too many parties who had too many personal interests in the case. Pressured, cooerced into dropping the appeal, which would've been won, as many experts(mainly the lawyers) concluded.

Even if Juventus were guilty of what they were charged of(i'm not saying nothing happened by the way..), juventus have been punished(unproportionally)already, it goes against the very priniciples of justice to punish someone twice for the same crime.
Besides, juventus' past does in no way justify these scandalous refereeing mistakes.

P.S. Gerd, you constantly bringing up the drugs thing, is quite naieve and childish.
Re: Serie A Thread

Well it seems Palermo is not having the best of seasons, or at least one of their fans isn't happy.
You were talking about Bellini lo i seldom have the chance to watch Italian football, i only know Bellini from his virtual self i.e. PES and Football Manager...if both Konami and SI "captured" him correctly, he is a great player...

it's not just one fan, mate. everybody shares my worries here ;)

talking about bellini, i'd say "great" is a bit too much for him. he's a good player, maybe a very good player. it's pretty hard to find sidebacks good in both duties, covering and pushing; well' he's one of those few. he's not excellent, but he's pretty good in everything. great stamina (runs for the whole match), strong personality, pushes along the entire sideline (that's why his coaches also used him as a side midfielder). he's not one of those fools who always try to push; he always looks at the defensive line up, before moving towards, to avoid leaving his teammates in troubles.
there are better sidebacks than him in italy, but he's still a good player. another big factor is his consistency (wich perhaps makes him a "more than good player").
moreover he already played for colantuono (atalanta) so he wouldn't have any adapting problems (and i guess that's why colantuono asked for him).

i can smell corruption here. At least now i know, why Napoli president didn't want any cameras to the pitch

u do realise u just wrote the funniest and most ridiculous post of the entire thread, do u?
i mean, how can u expect people to take u seriously after writing this?! :lmao:

especially considering you yourself are admitting you don't even know Bergonzi (how is it possible anyway.... is this the first season u follow serie a? Coz EVERYBODY in italy knows that fool).

and the funniest thing is that u're pointing the finger... against who? de laurentis???:lmao: the same de laurentis who kicked out of napoli's board all those ferlaino's "protegè" as soon as he bought napoli??':mrgreen:
the same de laurentis who has been fighting against fifa and federcalcio for the last 3 years to introduce the "moviola in campo"??? (for non italians people: moviola in campo is "giving to the ref the possibility to watch the instant replay to help them taking the right decision) :lol::lol::lol:
even yesterday he said it in the post-match interview. he admitted both the penalties were undeserved (fair play) and then said "that's not a mine problem, that's a federation problem. as long as they will fight against the "moviola in campo", we will see this kind of mistakes every week"

i'm not a big fan of the moviola in campo...... neither i'm a big fan of de laurentis..... but accusing him of corruption.... is so fucking funny :lol:

one little advice, mate. next time, before to post, take a minute to relax, to regain your coolness....
..... and most of all, the next time u'll smell corruption, use your brain rather than your nose :lol:

talking about more serious things, the match was great to watch, the crowd was just amazing.. i have to admit i forgot what the san paolo stadium was about. Yesterday Caressa (italian tv commentator) had to scream for the whole math because the crowd covered his voice :shock: Did the english tv talk about the earthquakes??? damn it i really missed them! :D

talking about football, the match was very very intense (afterall, it was a napoli-juve) wich means that it was really a pleasure to watch, even if the quality of the football showed by both sides wasn't really great (wich is pretty normal when two huge rivals face each others... too much tension to play your best football).
Napoli played some good football actually, but a little under their usual standards (we have to give credit to juve for this).
napoli's midfield dominated for the whole match; gargano was a giant; garics ran like a mad for the whole match.... he was just everywhere; Blasi was absolutely perfect, he didn't miss a tacke; Lavezzi was just unbelievable, he was a pain in the ass for juve defense for 90 minutes (this guy is reallly becoming a crack!).

juve instead has not a midfield.... brazo's performance was quite embarassing. palladino was sweet but he wasn't really an advanced midfielder.... he looked more like a wing. almiron had another horrible performance.... there was just nocerino fighting against the entire napoli's midfield... glorious!

both defences were awesome! no surprise, talking about napoli's defence, as they have been doing always great so far this season.... but trez, del piero and palladino are a great test for every defense, so credit to them (even if we have to say they were also lucky when trezegol hit the bar).
juve defence too made huge steps foward.... since andrade got injured and criscito lost his starter spot in the defensive line, ranieri was able to calibrate juve's defensive line.
What a great surprise le grottaglie has been!!!! :shock:

thye only bad news about the match was bergonzi and those idiot of his linesmen (i can't remember their names now, but they're the same of 2 weeks ago). too bad such a beautiful game ruined by 2 ridiculous decisions.... and so that's the 5th consecutive match messed up by bergonzi.... lazio, parma and reggina (last season), genoa and juventus (this season).

but afterall that's the price we have to pay for "cleaning up" our referee association, getting rid of those bastards of moggi's protegè..... now we have a new generation of (too) young and unexperienced referees, who should have spent still a couple of years in serie c\d.....
what can i say, he's awful.... but better an awful ref than a corrupted ref (he took de sanctis place)... at least he can grow and improve himself...... let's just hope he will improve a lot before refereeing a palermo match!!!! :mrgreen::lol:


Besides, juventus' past does in no way justify these scandalous refereeing mistakes.
That's true mate.... but refereeing mistakes MUSTN'T BE JUSTIFIED... just because they're mistakes. a mistake is a mistake; it's unavoidable, it's a human fact; u can't expect a player to do everything right for 90 minutes, for every match of the season... it would be impossible.
and the same goes for the referees. we have some good referees, who make less mistakes, and some worse referees who makes more mistakes...... and then we have bergonzi, who just can't avoid to make a mistakes every time he puts the whistle in his mouth.

but that's part of the game mate, and we have to accept it... (exactly as we accepted brazo's mistake when gargano scored).

otherwise we can push for the "moviola in campo"..... but as i said before, i'm not a big fan of it ;)

second edit:
I count 219 ...
oups, my bad Don ;):)
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Re: Serie A Thread


punish someone twice for the same crime.
Are we talking about the same juventus that has was humiliated last summer and demoted to serie B? The same juventus that was which was falsely trialed, (so many unforgivable form-errors) which was trialed without evidence, trialed by too many parties who had too many personal interests in the case. Pressured, cooerced into dropping the appeal, which would've been won, as many experts(mainly the lawyers) concluded.

Even if Juventus were guilty of what they were charged of(i'm not saying nothing happened by the way..), juventus have been punished(unproportionally)already, it goes against the very priniciples of justice to , juventus' past does in no way justify these scandalous refereeing mistakes.

P.S. Gerd, you constantly bringing up the drugs thing, is quite naieve and childish.

Humiliated???? They had a very, very light sentence...consdering what was going on...Juventus touched on the very fundamentals of the game...fair chances for everybody.

And Don, would you care to explain me why i'm being childish and naïve??? There are enough smoking guns and even evidences that the Juve team in the 90's took prohibited substances.

I also think your judgement is troubled by being a posting you took offence in was is funny hearing juve fans complaining about referees...what goes up must come down sooner or later...the fact is that now at last Juventus is treated like all clubs by the referees..which includes mistakes. Judging by your and other juve fans reactions you people are still not used to it...well wake up and get used to it.
Re: Serie A Thread

You really are 14 years of age:roll:

Fair enough :p I'll watch the match again when I get it on my CPU and then I'll evaluate it again. But, please don't ridicule my posts just because I am younger and therefore am less mature then the rest of you ;)
Re: Serie A Thread

Fair enough :p I'll watch the match again when I get it on my CPU and then I'll evaluate it again. But, please don't ridicule my posts just because I am younger and therefore am less mature then the rest of you ;)


top class Satty! clever, wise and polite. really top class :D

juveboy, don, u're both smart guys. don't let your passion overwhelm u. unfortunately yesterday the match was decided by 2 ref's mistakes. u can just accept it and move on.

what should i say then? i mean have u an idea of how many palermo's match were decided by wrong refs calls last season? and the season before was even worse for us.

but as i said before, that's part of the game. it happened yesterday..... and it will happen again. referees are human being.... and the average quality standard of our refs is not even high (unlike 10, 15 years ago), so the only thing u can do is getting used to it.

and btw, guys there's not so much to complain about.... i mean napoli played better than juve yesterday, afterall.

napoli lost MANY points coz of refs mistakes.... milan lost 6 points for refs mistakes, torino lost 3 points coz of a linesman mistake.

actually the only club wich still didn't loose points coz of a refs mistake is palermo.....
maybe zamparini is the new "master of puppets" of the italian football???

... and i would also recall your attention to all the times lavezzi fell on the ground yesterday... none of them was a foul... but they were all tough calls for the ref.... and still bergonzi took the right decision every time lavezzi fell. ;)

so u should just hope juventus won't find bergonzi anymore on his path..... exactly as i hope palermo won't find bergonzi (and farina) on his path... because honestly every match refereed by those 2 men is a disaster :roll:
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Re: Serie A Thread

But somehow in Europe you are always doing well, come 2008 in march, april and may Milan will be among the best teams in Europe...
Re: Serie A Thread

The 2 penalty decisions were shockingly bad, and should never ever have been given. We were punished by being relegated to Serie B which meant a huge loss of revenue and the sale of some top players. But despite that it seems some people want to punish us more with ridiculous refereeing decisions. This is not a level playing field, as some people claim. There are people out there who just want to see Juventus fail. Moggi and Giraudo are gone, but they still want us to fail. At the end of the day the main beneficiaries in this whole scandal have been Inter, but I do not believe for one minute they're completely innocent. They'll win the league again, success based on what happened in 2006, while we'll have to struggle to keep up. A win next Sunday against them would be absolutely amazing. I think a win in that game would give me more satisfaction than any other result ever has done.
Re: Serie A Thread

At the end of the day the main beneficiaries in this whole scandal have been Inter, but I do not believe for one minute they're completely innocent.

The main beneficiaries in this whole scandal have been... Juventus...that is quite obvious to every objective football fan.
And my six year old daughter does not believe for a minute that Santa Claus does not exists...
Re: Serie A Thread

And Don, would you care to explain me why i'm being childish and naïve??? There are enough smoking guns and even evidences that the Juve team in the 90's took prohibited substances.

Childish because you constantly bring it up. Naive, because juventus surely was not the sole doping violater.
Re: Serie A Thread


Like other people in this thread already said: you are biased because you are a huge Juventus fan. I have nothing against Juventus (seriously), i like a lot of their players.

BUT: what Moggi did touches on the very roots of football and all sports...fair competitions. It's rather ironic to read that Juventus fans are actually complaining about referees and certainly the way they do it. In this thread there was even a Juventus fan who made allegations about corruption...coming from a Juve fan that is hilarious. Like somebody said in this thread: referee mistakes are part of the game, just get used to it. Besides if Juventus win silverware now, it will be much sweeter.

I promise you to stop mentioning Moggipoli and drugs ("unless the Inter is the benefactor" posting begin again)..keep in mind that my reaction did not target you...but i'm willing to apologize: sorry.
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Re: Serie A Thread

Yeah, I do get the irony... sadly.

No need to apologize, Gerd. No harm done, I appreciate the gesture though. :thumbup:

Anyway, another fixture of Serie A football tonight. Some promising encounters, I hope I can catch some of them on a re-run. Forza Lazio and Genoa for tonight :mrgreen:.

Atalanta - Cagliari
Fiorentina - Napoli
Inter - Genoa
Juventus - Empoli
Palermo - Parma
Reggina - Livorno
Roma - Lazio
Sampdoria - Milan
Siena - Catania
Udinese - Torino
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Re: Serie A Thread

Dam is Channel 5 cursed with games or what.

The midweek matches have produced some amazing looking results but I miss them and now I look to the weekend and see that Juve Inter is at 17:30 on Sunday and so not covered.:cry::cry:

I wish seria a was covered by Sky or Setanta and not crappy channel 5.

It is difficult to try and properly understand another countries football (used to just dip into it) without awful and limited coverage.

Can anyone understand how sad this is for me {|=
Re: Serie A Thread

For all the talk of Roma's improved squad this year they still have nothing like an adequate replacement for Totti.

Vucinic was very poor both in terms of finishing and playing people in today and it cost Roma big time.

They should have been home and dry and at least 3-0up and would have been if Totti was on the pitch.

I cannot for the life of me understand why Roma have not got either an intelligent player who can occupy the Totti role if he is missing or a different quality forward option, so that they can still function without him.

No Totti equals a poorly functioning Roma.
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