Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread (Inter crowned champions)

Ok guys i hope you can help me ,anybody knows whERE i can find a review of this season please?
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Re: Serie A Thread (Inter crowned champions)

If the Kaka photo published by AS is really done by Real Madrid, I have lost complete respect for them. THe photo was proven to be photoshopped in order to make it seem like Kaka wants to join Real Madrid. It was even published in the news... who ever made the pic is a cunt.

Re: Serie A Thread (Inter crowned champions)

i see. :)
i guess "La Gazzetta dello Sport" will make a dvd in a couple of weeks. if i do remember well they already did it last year ;)
Re: Serie A Thread (Inter crowned champions)

ok thanks i will buy this newspaper as i can get one here in France;)
Re: Serie A Thread (Inter crowned champions)

demote the lying f*ckers and give us back our scudetti that was stole off us! they have escaped so many years with fake passport scandals,handicapping its rivals to win a worthless title, claiming they are innocent - well as moggi promised, the truth wud come out, its time to pay the price inter, TO RELEGATION AND NO RETURN WITH U!
Re: Serie A Thread (Inter crowned champions)

I hope the disgusting club that is Inter gets relegated just for creating the calciopoli scandal so it could finally win a scudetto. They couldn't win one with us there, so they sent us to Serie B without a fair trial so Juve and the others involved couldn't present a defense. Glad the truth is starting to come. Karma's a bitch, and I have no sympathy for Inter if they get relegated.
Re: Serie A Thread (Inter crowned champions)

Even though I hate them, I hope nothing is found and they are in fact innocent. We dont need another season of poor competition or missing competition. With Inter around, next year is bound to be a great season with a lot of teams motivated due to last year's controversy.
Re: Serie A Thread (Inter crowned champions)

Even though I hate them, I hope nothing is found and they are in fact innocent. We dont need another season of poor competition or missing competition. With Inter around, next year is bound to be a great season with a lot of teams motivated due to last year's controversy.

ur wrong, i wud miss milan more, losing inter wud not be missed at all, it wud be a blessing to calcio, payback is a bitch unfortunatly, they are the ones that ruined calcio by relegating juve, the difference is that juve was missed, inter wont be, and relegating them i see will very much doubt see them return certainly not with their squad of mercenaries. and youth policy? that is just andreoli
Re: Serie A Thread (Inter crowned champions)

the quality level of this thread's conversation is going badly down...:roll:

what about cuttin off with theese silly anti-inter posts and getting back to serie a talking?

i really don't understand this anti-inter school of thought, exactly as i didn't understand the anti-juve school of thought in the past years.... quite ironic that the juve fans who in the past years were the main targets of any kind of insults, are now pointing the finger at inter :roll:

I hope nothing is found and they are in fact innocent. We dont need another season of poor competition or missing competition. With Inter around, next year is bound to be a great season with a lot of teams motivated due to last year's controversy.

;) nice post, Milanista :)
if those accusations will be true, of course they will have to pay (even if this can't be compared to moggi's actions, and i guess everybody here will agree on this), but hoping they'll get relegated even before knowing if they really did something wrong (and what) it's quite childish.... :roll:
Re: Serie A Thread (Inter crowned champions)

lo zio said:
they'll get relegated even before knowing if they really did something wrong

Well that's exactly what happened to Juventus, no? They just sent us there to Serie B without a proper investigation, and when Juve tried to appeal, we were threatened by FIFA. Well, if this is all true and Inter is relegated, then justice is being served. Inter couldn't win a scudetto with some actual competition, so they eliminated it. Sent Juve to B, crippled Milan, and Fiorentina because everyone knew Roma seriously couldn't mount a title threat against Inter, not when Inter could outspend everyone in Italy with false accounting.

Btw, lo zio don't this post the wrong way, I wasn't aiming it at you, I've got nothing against you.:)
Re: Serie A Thread (Inter crowned champions)

Hey guys

Can anyone tell me about Massimo Donati, what skills does he have, what's his strengths and weaknesses, what kind of player is he
Re: Serie A Thread (Inter crowned champions)

Anyone know when Coppa Italia and Serie A fixtures are out ?

probably in the next 2 weeks. at the moment we just know that the championship will begin the last week of august :)

Btw, lo zio don't this post the wrong way, I wasn't aiming it at you, I've got nothing against you.

i know mate, we just disagree, that's all. ;):)
Re: Serie A Thread (Inter crowned champions)

Hey guys

Can anyone tell me about Massimo Donati, what skills does he have, what's his strengths and weaknesses, what kind of player is he

So all the Italians in here, and noone can tell me about Massimo Donati, what about Andrea Capone anyone know him?
Re: Serie A Thread (Inter crowned champions)

So all the Italians in here, and noone can tell me about Massimo Donati, what about Andrea Capone anyone know him?

sorry mate, i just didn't notice your post before :)

massimo donati was an advanced midfielder, at the beginning. nice passing ability, good vision, good shot. then, when ancelotti turned pirlo into a playmaker, donati (like many others advanced midfielders in italy) followed the same path. actually he was a pretty good playmaker in sampdoria (2003) and playing in that position, he was really improving himself....especially talking about his most important weak point, lack of consistence. But after sampdoria , he joined messina, and messina coach placed him once again as an advanced midfielder (i guess all theese role changes weren't so good for his growth).
massimo has got quality, that's for sure. Nontheless he never showed all his potential, and that's the reason why milan did loan him every year. they didn't want to sell him, because they knew he could become somebody.
But i think Massimo felt a little underestimated by milan.... maybe that's the reason why sometimes he looks a little insecure (not confident) on the pitch. i don't think it's about laziness, i'd say he's got some sort of "mental block". Once he will get rid of his worries he will show what he's about.
At the moment he's a good, but inconsistent, midfielder. he can be "on fire" for 10 minutes, inspiring the game with silky plays..... and then u just don't see him anymore for 10 minutes.... he just "vanishes", it's like he falls asleep. that's his biggest weak point and that's the reason why he's not (yet) a great player.
here is a link to see where he played till now

Andrea Capone is really a nice player. He was an advanced midfielder at first. but in the last year he often played as a wing in cagliari's 4-3-3 formation...... with great results. i really love him, he's quite similar to taddei (just to give u an idea of what kind of player he is). he can play anywhere within the last 30 meters of the pitch (well, maybe he can't play as a pure striker). he can use both foot, he's fast and he's a master in "cutting inside".
it's really unbelieavable how cagliari didn't offer him a contract renewal, and there are a lot of teams looking for him (lazio, livorno.... till a couple of weeks ago also palermo), but it looks like Celtic will be Capone's first option.
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Re: Serie A Thread

Thanks very much mate, great post, exactly what I was looking for.

Donati has said now that this is the first time he's felt settled, cause he knows where he'll be playing for the next few years and not just on loan, so hopefully this will help get rid of the inconsistency and bring out the talent that Milan saw to pay £10million for him.

Had only heard Capone's name never seen him play, so the relation to Taddei gives me a great idea of what he's like, and with all these other teams in for him, I hope we can take a chance on him.

Thanks mate
Re: Serie A Thread

Thanks very much mate, great post, exactly what I was looking for.

my pleasure, mate :)

Donati has said now that this is the first time he's felt settled, cause he knows where he'll be playing for the next few years and not just on loan, so hopefully this will help get rid of the inconsistency and bring out the talent that Milan saw to pay £10million for him.

yep, that's my hope too :)

Had only heard Capone's name never seen him play, so the relation to Taddei gives me a great idea of what he's like, and with all these other teams in for him, I hope we can take a chance on him.

well, the comparison with taddei was just to give u an idea of what kind of player he is, wich is his position on the field.... but of course capone hasn't the same quality of taddei..... at least not yet.
but still he's a very good player and a pretty good sign (especially if u consider he's is available on a free transfer ;)).
he's such a versatile player that people here in italy still didn't understand wich is his proper role....
just to give u an idea....

raisport's site considers him as a "attaccante" (striker) .......

....while considers him as a "centrocampista" (midfielder).
Re: Serie A Thread

lo zio what do you make of the reports of Freddy Adu to parma? would be a good place for him?

really?!? Adu to Parma?! this could be a great thing for both of them. Parma and Atalanta and Lecce are by far the best places to stay in italy for a young talent (and roma too, but playing for roma the pressure is pretty much higher).

actually that's something i never understood. usually things like theese should depend by the coaching staff; so, when the coaching staff changes, also theese "qualities" should change..... but they don't (it's like inter; till last year, for many years, inter always played an ugly and uneffective football, no matter who was the coach).
the same way clubs like parma and atalanta showed in the past 20 years a special ability in raising football players. Crespo, buffon, thuram, veron, they always say that parma was the most important experience in their carreer, coz playing there they found the perfect conditions to improve their abilities.

just to give u an idea, theese are some of the players who "grew" playing for parma: buffon, cannavaro, baggio (Dino), giilardino, adriano, crespo, veron, thuram, frey, simplicio, mutu, conceicao, bresciano, asprilla...... and i'm probably forgetting many others.

Today Parma has a new owner (finally, it was time!), Ghirardi: he looks a wise man and a good manager. he chose Di carlo as a new coach (who showed great coaching abilities in the past few years, coaching mantova).
So the only weak point in Parma football club (financial situation) is now disappeared. A very good club, a lovely city, no pressure at all, nice supporters, a fresh new management and a very good coaching staff. What else can u ask if u're a young player? :)
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Re: Serie A Thread

Looks like Juve fans celebrated the signing of Gabi Milito much too soon. I remember a few of you drinking champagne to that a few weeks ago :p and the move never happened and he's now a Barca player.

I think it's a better move for him though as he was already settled in Spain and had no reason to leave really.

Atalanta, Parma and Lecce are definitely the 3 best clubs for 'youth' as lo zio mentioned. I very much agree. Brescia and Empoli aren't bad either though at times in that regard.

Rumours has it, AZ is gonna take Italian youngster, Pelle to Holland. We'll see if that happens or if other Italian clubs will step in to make sure their talent stays in the country.

Montella has gone back to Sampdoria after 6 or 7 years if I'm not wrong. Christian Vieri is signed up by Fiorentina in a transfer which I'd be lying if I said, I wasn't surprised to hear about. :shock:

But who knows, if he can stay injury-free, he might still have enough in the tank in these latter stages of his career to give "The Viola" something useful from the bench or as a backup.

p.s. I heard Sven Goran has set his sights on Mark Bresciano but I hope Palermo has enough sense to hang on to him unless the offer is too good to refuse!
Re: Serie A Thread

the calciomercato is getting quite misterious to me. I mean, something weird is happening to clubs management or it's just me?
let me explain myself:

Inter: They have been talking for more tha 1 year of pato..... then moratti (the son) comes back from an holyday in south america and tells to his father " i saw this guy, he's pretty good, his name is rivas, let's buy him". now they can't go anymore for pato coz this rivas hasn't an eu passport... and they're realizing it now!?!?!?! what are they, idiots???..... what are inter managers paid for??? Didn't they know he hadn't an eu passport.... come on!
then they sold grosso, a pure left back......and now they're after chivu..... but mancini himself said that he wants to use chivu as a left back.... so they sold a pure left back just to buy (for 15 millions) a cb that they'll use to replace grosso!!!???! :shock: WHY????!!!

Milan: this situation is getting unbeliavable. this should be next season milan's defensive roster:
jankulovski (31)
serginho (36)
favalli (35)
oddo (31)
kaladze (29)
maldini (39)
cafu (37)
nesta (31)
simic (32)
bonera (27)

do u think they're going to buy a defender? of course not..... they're after eto'o, ronaldinho, drogba...... but chelsea and barca keep saying they won't sell their stars so.... they're just waiting...... :shock:
But waiting for what! they already have 3 fowards... and it's clear that if they will get one of theese players the one who will leave will be...... gilardino :shock: So u guys have 2 over 30 years old strikers and u want to buy drogba (29) or eto'o (26) to replace..... gilardino (25)???????? i really can't understand their strategies.

they bought bonera 2 years ago.... he's a very good cb with a brilliant future..... and what did they do? they placed him as a side defender...:shock: they say "he played in that position in his last year in parma"...... come on, he played in that position (with just decent results) just coz parma needed him to play there..... this doesn't makes him a side defender...... but at least it seems that they understood it now.....
anyway, will they buy a cb? will they buy a side defender? of course not..... so it happens that some of the best defenders in italy are now playing in lower level cubs....canini, pratali, barzagli, dellafiore, zaccardo,modesto, mesto, rinaudo, balestri, bovo, comotto, coda, felipe, zapata, natali..... nobody buys them, and they're still there waiting for a call from a big club..... unbeliavable.

Juventus: Ranieri: nice move. i love that man and i'm very happy for him coz this will be his first chance to really test his abilities with a great team.... he has always been a little unlucky in his carreer. he coached valencia, but they kicked him out just when u could start to see his imprint in valencia gameplay..... then the coach who came after him enjoyed the results of ranieri's work.... almost the same thing happened in chelsea; ranieri was the first one to trust in terry, he was the first one who decided to put him in the starting 11, he gave chelsea a gameplay.... but i guess he was too classy, too stilish, too polite and too smart for Roman Abramovich likes....:mrgreen:
we can't forget the "deschamps incident". I won't talk anymore about it coz i guess u guys already know my opinion about how juve management handled this situation...

now let's talk about defenders once again.... Milito for 20 millions....hmmm it would be a nice buy for barca (and actually i'm pretty sure it will be).... but would it be the same for juve????
i mean players like zaccardo, dellafiore, felipe, zapata, they already know our football.... and they're even cheaper.... and younger than milito...... and i won't even mention barzagli, who is even better than milito.....
now they bought andrade.... he's a good player, i always liked him since deportivo brighty days..... but he's 29.... he comes from another league, he won't even have somebody next to him to teach him something about italian attacks and their movements, coz grygera, just like him, has no serie a experience... so why taking such a big risk? :roll:
with almost the same money they spent for andrade, they could have bought barzagli... zaccardo would have been even cheaper... as i said before there's something i really don't understand in this calciomercato..... :roll:

and finally.. palermo:
replacing di michele with miccoli..... it might be a wise move, they're quite similar ad i hope we won't miss david so much.
but selling bovo to genoa was really a silly move imo.... we need good backups if we don't wanna repeat last year's experience... we need 4 good cb to face championship, coppa italia and coppa uefa (last year we went out of uefa cup, just coz our backups weren't on the same level of our 1st picks)..... and, most important, it's almost sure that (at least) one between barzagli, zaccardo and rinaudo will leave, so it would have been really important to keep bovo with us....
And then there is corini... i know, Colantuomo's gameplay doesn't require a playmaker like him, but would have been so tough to offer him a decent contract renewal??.. i mean eugenio is not just one of the best serie a playmakers.... he's also a good defensive midfielder..... he is (was) our captain, he's a leader, and he's old enough to accept not to play each week.... honestly i'm pretty sure we'll miss him a lot :(

i could go on, talking about others clubs "weird decisions", but it's getting late and mondello beach is waiting me :mrgreen:

p.s. I heard Sven Goran has set his sights on Mark Bresciano but I hope Palermo has enough sense to hang on to him unless the offer is too good to refuse!
it looks like sven is on fire theese days! :lol: i also hope we'll keep Mark in Palermo :)
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Re: Serie A Thread

Agree with your post, 'zio'. So many true things said.

I have to be honest, one of the main reasons, Serie A declined for me and went all the way from being me and my brother's very fav league about 10 years ago when I was still a kid to my 5th fav league nowadays has been its incompetent, big mouth, unprofessional chairman/presidents and management basically. Many clubs sadly seem to have bad management. A management team that sets clear goals and expectations and is sensible and patient. Not one to sack managers every season and go back on their words or act unprofessionally or buy un-needed players just for the sake of buying them and giving the fans something to be excited about like Mr. Moratti (as just one example but definitely not the only one) has done many times in the past.

Serie A has 2 things that really turned me off about it therefore.

One is what you devoted your last big post to and that is the poor management from club directors of many of its clubs.

The other, I won't get into as it's gonna cause a long discussion and require a big post which I don't have the motivation to make properly.

The thing you said about so many of Italy's finest younger generation defenders being stuck at Non-top clubs is so true. Yet they're not being chased or given enough chances and their clubs are buying foreigners like Andrade and Boumsong. :rolleyes:

I can't however see why you are complaining about the fact that none of the bigger clubs than Palermo has yet picked up Barzagli or Zaccardo though. ;)

Surely, you at least, should be happy about it for now. :)

I like Palermo but Mr. Zamparini pi$$es me off and he's just another chairman I don't like! Why get rid of a guy who had become almost a club legend since joining from Chievo in Eugenio Corini??!!? :mad:

What you said is totally correct. He was at an age where he would've understood, playing every week might not happen and he'd been happy sitting on the bench at times. All he wanted was some show of appreciation, a decent contract and a 'thank you'.

He's still a good player and could be very useful to have even as a back-up. Not to mention years of experience and the fact that he didn't WANT to move!

The sale of Cesare Bovo baffles me as well because I personally rate him highly and higher than most people I've met including Italians. He may not be so young anymore but I still have hopes that he could turn out to be a really good defender. Some may argue with that but I see a lot of potential in him.

Now if only he stopped swapping clubs every year and just got settled in one, I think we could see him fulfill his potential.

One last thing before I finish this post. Barzagli is very good in terms of positioning, timing of challenge, tacklling, etc. but I'd take Gabi Milito and think he's even better overall when you consider, speed, mentality, confidence and the whole package. So I will disagree with your statement about Barzagli being better but that's about the only thing I disagree with you on in that big nice post. ;)

Talk to you later dude.
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