Sensible World Of Soccer (Xbox 360)

This post on their forums following that post made me laugh

******IMPORTANT INFO******

Just recieved info that the update about the updated information will come soon. Just to update you on the update, it will contain an update letting you know that we are still working on the game.

Update of the updated update to follow shortly
do any of you guys work in software engineering? honestly if this is a code problem then sometimes its hard to determine when something is going to be fixed if you dont know what the problem is. However you would think they would have tested that is does work on live, the problem with that however is that you usually dont test in production(as they call it). So to be fair, the non updates might be a reality. Engineers are working on the problem and they havent firgured out the issue yet.
"I should have a SWOS update in a few hours."

Off MN's site. So not likely to see it tonight if it's just an update in a few hours :(
Does anybody know if this is going to be rolled out across the formats or just M$...
No idea.

Also the talk that the game being touted as being "released for Windoze Vista" doesn't sound too promising, does that mean it won't work on XP? :shock:
Another update which isn't even an update really. What's the point in constantly saying to bear with them when they can't give us any actual insight into what the hold-up is? What's so big a secret?

Common consensus now is that it's that "Massive" advertising stunt MS have added into SWOS. Apparantly it worked fine in testing on Partnernet (offline Live?) without Massive added. But when it got to being released, MS added in Massive and ... well, we know the rest.
Advertising software. It records your IP address and uses "other anonymous information" to decide on what adverts to put on the adboards in your game.

Advertising software. It records your IP address and uses "other anonymous information" to decide on what adverts to put on the adboards in your game.


Are you for real? That's bang out of order! :mad:

I'm still buying the game though, it's too f'ing good. :D
Guys, I've got SWOS 97 on my laptop, and I've also got DOSBox and I'm trying to get SWOS to run but I'm having no joy, any ideas?
I can't be arsed anymore. This has dragged on far too much and I'm just bored of waiting and checking forums etc. Shame on you MS.
Shame Dags, just try an get on with our lives and then when it is released it'll be a nice surprise for us all :) I managed to get SWOS working, I don't remember it being so fast :shock: And there's only one button, plus the directional buttons right? Ctrl it is on my setup, press once to kick the ball and press twice to slide tackle. Just played my first match:

Man Utd 0-2 Liverpool

:( Was great to actually play SWOS again though :D
Cheers jonzi. I'd heard that VDMSound was more complicated though :lol:. And I have managed to get it working on DOSBox now :D
If it's not out by tomorrow night, I'll grab the Amiga SWOS Online version.

Edit: Just grabbed the Amiga version, all I had to do was add the Kickstart rom and that was it, nothing else to set up!

Wonderful memories :D Didn't seem as fast as I expected it, but using the keys really sucks.
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I'm still keeping the faith!

My big fear (apart from rabies and the game never appearing), is that from the videos it looks far faster than the Amiga SWOS (Which was already rapid).

Hoping it doesnt ruin the game, but from the vids, it looks so fast it could turn it into a scrappy arcade fest - where I remember my build ups being quite measured and passing it around as you had the time.

I might get that one Dags...
If it's not out by tomorrow night, I'll grab the Amiga SWOS Online version.

Edit: Just grabbed the Amiga version, all I had to do was add the Kickstart rom and that was it, nothing else to set up!

Wonderful memories :D Didn't seem as fast as I expected it, but using the keys really sucks.

What OS you got Dags, XP or Vista? Last time I used WinUAE, it used to run great - then I upgraded my system and SWOS ran at 1000 miles an hour. Is the speed sorted now?
Vista, but the version of WinUAE on that site is WinUAEXP and it runs damn fine on my system :)
Teasing post on the official CM forums - saying they cannot say too much, but all they will say is "if you knew what I know, you would lay off the F5 key"...

Either thats a) SWOS is coming soon (i.e. today), or b) its either delayed indefinately, or cancelled!!!!

Bastard wont say any more!!!
Sounds bad... wording of his follow-up post was very negative saying 'what has happened is very, very unfortunate', 'it WAS out of CM hands' etc.

From the sound of it, I dont think its going to be released AT ALL...

Oh and he said dont expect anything in the 'imminent' future... :(
What a mess. Even full-price games don't have this much messing around!

MS and CM reputations are going down by the hour.

Just posted:

"Ok, straight and to the point so as not to cause further confusion.... geez, you try to be helpful...

This is the points of my postings

1. Don't be so quick to shout at Codies, its really not their fault. Try and cut them some slack.

2. Don't expect an imminent release - i.e. not today. Its very very unlikely.

3. What I know calms me or at least releases me from this constant need to check whats going on. I hope it can help to calm you without me being specific. OK. Unlikely, but it was worth a try. I'm only thinking of you guys here!

4. I WILL post some more info if I can (or when I crack...)

5. Just to give you something concrete, the ripple effect is staying... lol."
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