Sensible World Of Soccer (Xbox 360)

What a bunch of bullshit!!!

I have been working all day - straight to my parents where I have been painting until 10:30 then back home and SWOS still ain't out!!

Why didn't they just leave the one they already released so we could have a go of it?! dick heads - they delay it for a 10 million years with all bollucks to say they wanna get it right and as soon as they release it it fucks up!!

Knob heads.
For those who managed to grab it before it disappeared, and to those who will be grabbing it when it's back up... I've just discovered a BRILLIANT little feature.

If you play with the enhanced graphics, the right stick controls the camera zoom! You can zoom in so far that all you can see is the ball, and you can zoom out so far that you can see almost the entire pitch (and stadium)! Clicking the right stick sets the camera back to normal.

I'm playing on full-zoomed-out now, I think it's incredible. You know where all the players are, you can get some brilliant passing moves going, and you can see all the funny little animations at all the different stadiums as well. Absolutely brilliant, it's added a whole new dimension to SWOS.
Yep Jack, I mentioned that in the chatbox yesterday :)

Just seen someone posting this on the CM forum:

"From what I can make out (from various blogs and emails), M$ had 2 versions and uploaded the wrong one and then lost the master of the certified correct game. Now having to re do the certifaction process. I'm pretty sure that M$ will be calling engineers and developers in to get this sorted as they have ploughed a lot of money into advertising it in the US and there was a hype surrounding this in Redmond. Oh well we shall see today if it arrives."
Thats shockingly poor if true, but makes sense from the rumoured evidence we have:-

1) It is M$ fault, not CM.

2) Probably the wrong version uploaded

3) If it is the wrong version, surely the right one would be up by now.

So yea, saying they have 'lost' the right version would make sense... IDIOTS!!!!
Using the word "version" does imply it was a case of wrong version upped, yep. And if it was the wrong version, it should be a case of upping a proper version, but if they've lost it, then that explains a delay. You're right there .... but even if MS HAVE lost the proper copy, why haven't CM got a master copy that they can just send over? Unless, once it becomes certified, it changes data on the game quite a lot?
Using the word "version" does imply it was a case of wrong version upped, yep. And if it was the wrong version, it should be a case of upping a proper version, but if they've lost it, then that explains a delay. You're right there .... but even if MS HAVE lost the proper copy, why haven't CM got a master copy that they can just send over? Unless, once it becomes certified, it changes data on the game quite a lot?

Thats what I was going to say - actually, maybe CM HAVE sent the master back over to M$ and they have to do all the same play-testing/bug checking/Live checking as before.

Seems like overkill, but imagine the situation where M$ cert the original master, they then upload the wrong version and lose the original certified master. CM then send over a new master and M$ panic and re-upload it - only to find it doesnt work due to overlooking something fixed in the original cert process.

Best to let them re-certify it no matter how much of a pain it is as another big fuck-up could ruin CM or at least the buy-rate for SWOS from the neutral fan.

Maybe thats why MN was 'shouting' at people yesterday...
"GET PLAYING! TEST THAT GAME NOW!" I imagine. What normally takes 3 weeks is trying to be rushed over 24 hrs or so.
As Bitter says, he's runs a blog, works for MS and gives updates on Live releases and news etc. Pretty good site really.
I am not suprised it did. Its a HUGE game with a MASSIVE Following.. most of us are a few examples!

I know it is - I am one of those people.

But the only people interested would be the people like us - who would know already.

If your not into the game why the hell would you be interested?

It just seems a bit OTT to me for it to be on the news. But its good - maybe they will realise this for next time and not fuck up so royally!!
I reckon it was Paul who tipped off BBC to make a story to embarass MS into moving a bit quicker ... c'mon Paul, own up ;)
even if this is M$ fault - I'm getting pissed off with the lack of information from CM... its been a whole day with no official word - even if it was an update to say "sorry bout all this, M$ are handling it and will get it back online asap" or something.

Seems they have totally washed their hands of it!!! SWOS (or McRae) is surely there biggest brand - very dissapointing...
That Ktat guy hasn't even came on with updates. Not the best customer relations showing. Maybe at least give us a ROUGH timeframe? Days or weeks?
:lol: As I post that, 3 mins later the guy posts:


I have a brief update for you on the Sensible World of Soccer Xbox Live situation:

Codemasters Online would like to inform the dedicated SWOS fans that we are continuing to work around the clock to rectify the issues that SWOS is encountering. We hope to have more information shortly and this will be communicated immediately.

We apologise for the inconvenience this might be causing and we are dedicated to resolving these issues as soon as possible. We thank all of our players for their continued support, patience and understanding during this time and we hope to have final resolution to this issue shortly."

As the statement says, as soon as I have more information available I will post it onto these boards."

Which means ... nothing. It's the same post he's posted all day yesterday, just phrased differently. Rubbish.
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