Player blacklist for Xbox Live

LupoCattivo - I was spanking them 4-1 and they quit and boo-hooed all the way home.

Also ants21 did it the other day.
Creature manu now I know how he got his good stats only 4 losses and in the top 20
25 shots to his 4 over the course of the game yet it was still 0-0 in injury time. I scored a penalty and he quit right at the end!

Getting really sick of beating everyone and 25% of them leaving before the end
Ik word er schijtziek van
Zidane 1
Keltik Poison
Spider 37
painkiller 5

Vieze Disconnecters

Funnyest thing ever. Was beating him 4-0 by the 12th in-game minute (i kid u not. He was trying also). left in the 14 minute after kickoff
bigblaasmvp said:
Creature manu now I know how he got his good stats only 4 losses and in the top 20

I've always wondered about some of those with single figure losses. Bet those were last min goals or something. Or the ones he lost before turning to the dark side
Some more losers...

noonayne insane

5 more wins stolen today. Love it!

is a complete tosser.
he joined my server with 0 points presuming he has never played before, he was french and was talking to a friend (i could hear)

i scored in the 20th min and just after kick off he quit. he obviously wants to start off with 100% winning record or continue with one.

so annoying
G 1337 said:
I run on a 1meg connection and have yet to have a complaint yet. Everyone says its really smooth

I know that lag has obviously got something to do with connection but some games seem really random. Some people i play tell me it's really smooth, then a small number say the lag is quite bad. Or maybe he was just a completely useless player you were playing! 8)
javuvu said:
Am afraid to report another forum member who is a sore loser/quitter, this time its ‘Mister Ben’ forum name ‘Benny’. I was playing a stormer and went 4-0 up in the first 15 mins (10 min game) and he quit after the 4th went in. He then proceeded to immediately remove me from his friends list, how sad is that eh. Some people need to learn how to take defeat, fannys.

Because of lag, i waited a little to see if it would get any better as i really didnt want to have to quit on you. Decided that it was just stupid as my guys were just teleporting round the screen and it was immpossible to play, so i then removed you as there isnt much point playing you with lag like that tbh. Sorry, it happens to me all the time too, tbh if you go 3 - 0 up against anyone in the first ten minutes its most likely that its unplayable for them.
I always remove massive laggers from my friends list, whats the point, its not like your gonna play them again.

I really don't mind losing, and if you look at my record i have plenty of loses.

Think about it before you accuse people.
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greg u he stops the game and wait without any time limit?!!
and so he wins because after a long time you're fed up to wait

Quit against me the first game after being 1 - 0 down and having veron sent off, somehow got the win .

and now stalled on the second game . God knows why i played him again
not really a cheater, but a kinda weirdo i guess...


i was hosting, waiting for a challenger, and suddenly he pops up. before i can even accept, hes cancelled it. next thing i know, i get a friend request from him. i'm guessing he just wants to host against me, so i accept. by that time tho, i was already in a game. for some inane reason, he chooses to ignore this, and sends me invite after invite, and just doesnt stop, even tho i keep declining

eventually, i delete him from my friends list, but he keeps re-adding me! i eventually accepted, thinking maybe he had some insane desire to play me, or maybe knew me. when i finally played him, he had his mic on, but wasnt talking. i eventually beat him quite comfortably, and he decides to come into the mic, and start swearing randomly at me "f**k you, i'm gonna rape your mother" etc.

i deleted him, and blocked all requests. weird..

and, all this from a guy who is 31st in the overall rankings..
deeporter = Cheater

I played this guy went up 1-0 in mid first half then all of a sudden get really bad lag I maneged somehow score a hedder to make it 2-0 and the lag go totally worse couldnt controll a thing then he pops up and scores 3 goals as im unable to get near a player.This is a piss state of afairs get these ppl away from our game and out of our community we dont need this for a fair game.
benny said:
Because of lag, i waited a little to see if it would get any better as i really didnt want to have to quit on you. Decided that it was just stupid as my guys were just teleporting round the screen and it was immpossible to play, so i then removed you as there isnt much point playing you with lag like that tbh. Sorry, it happens to me all the time too, tbh if you go 3 - 0 up against anyone in the first ten minutes its most likely that its unplayable for them.
I always remove massive laggers from my friends list, whats the point, its not like your gonna play them again.

I really don't mind losing, and if you look at my record i have plenty of loses.

Think about it before you accuse people.

Ha, Ive never been accused of terrible lag before. Good explanation mate, nice try. We all know if theres lag you should quit early, not after 4 goals! Plus someone who removes someone else off their friends list straight after quitting on them has something to hide. Very dodgy indeed. ;)
jamesruggieri said:
not really a cheater, but a kinda weirdo i guess...


i was hosting, waiting for a challenger, and suddenly he pops up. before i can even accept, hes cancelled it. next thing i know, i get a friend request from him. i'm guessing he just wants to host against me, so i accept. by that time tho, i was already in a game. for some inane reason, he chooses to ignore this, and sends me invite after invite, and just doesnt stop, even tho i keep declining

eventually, i delete him from my friends list, but he keeps re-adding me! i eventually accepted, thinking maybe he had some insane desire to play me, or maybe knew me. when i finally played him, he had his mic on, but wasnt talking. i eventually beat him quite comfortably, and he decides to come into the mic, and start swearing randomly at me "f**k you, i'm gonna rape your mother" etc.

i deleted him, and blocked all requests. weird..

and, all this from a guy who is 31st in the overall rankings..

Ive seen this guy post over at, think he may have been banned for causing a nuisance.
DarkSanta, scores 2 glitched goals which my goalie couldn't do anything about then keeps the ball in his corner for ages wasting time, fucking lamer.
javuvu said:
Ha, Ive never been accused of terrible lag before. Good explanation mate, nice try. We all know if theres lag you should quit early, not after 4 goals! Plus someone who removes someone else off their friends list straight after quitting on them has something to hide. Very dodgy indeed. ;)

Mate, I couldn't really give a toss what you think to be quite honest, not that it really matters as I wont be playing you again because you're a lagger. Honestly, if the game is at least somewhere near being fair I dont mind to win/lose/draw. Maybe you're the dodgy one as the game was playing as if you'd set the upload speed very low.
Maybe you're just from a different country to me.
Maybe I should of stayed on and just watched my guys disappear and reappear on the screen and taken a nice 20 goal defeat.
Perhaps we should play after all and I should host?
I played alekfyne twice. First time 0-0 and second time I beat him (fairly easily) 2-1 and both times he didnt leave.

Also be aware of sirus the virus, he quit a game when I went 2-0 up.
i am getting so pissed off with these twats that stop playing and dont quit trying to get you to quit.

i was playing some guy the other day (cant remember tag sorry?!) he went up 2-0 and i came back to 2-3 in the next few minutes (good, eh!) but then he just stopped playing and just sat there. grrrrrrrrr waste of time!!
only got Live on Wed not doing all that good thats what i get for letting ma cuz play it for a while :roll: anyway i played this guy last night 1 game beat him serb.montnegro 4-1 Italy and he quit in the 2nd game ....PresentBear....
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