PES6 (Xbox 360) - Official News and Discussion Topic

Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

can someone post screenshots of a football game from xbox or ps2 that looked as good please.. I'm asking this because many of you are saying that the graphics arent next gen? Well, they are certainly a hell of a lot better than any footy games I have seen on the xbox or ps2. No youre not allowed to compare it to games like splinter cell where 5 characters max are rendered on screen. Had we seen these graphics this time last year we would have been a lot more excited, it looks far better IMO that the first FIFA game on the 360. Yeah ok they could have done a better job, like with NBA from 2Ksports, but lets face it, its Konami here. Name a PES game outwith the limits of a PS2 before now? Didnt think so.... Although the xbox games might have looked a tiny bit better, it certainly wasnt anywhere near what it could have been.... why we all so surprised?

The graphics ARE next gen, they just aint the best next gen I have seen. :)
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

Firstly a lot of people dont seem to bother read the posts in this thread. For all those shouting that gameplay is the best, non of us are saying otherwise!!!! We are complaining about the lack of features, it being stripped down to the bare bare bones, when a lot of the options being replaced could easily have been put in. I mean if we can edit player names why the f#$k cant we edit team names? Im not even talking about the graphics part as some of the reason are valid, some less so. But thats another argument. Surely its not that hard to understand, or are a lot of you mentally challenged? Just read the posts proper next time.

Secondly the reviews so far have been a complete asskissing session to continue to recieve the game i presume. The last so handidly says, and i quote, " seems that Konami have managed to add to the licences from the previous version and the game now includes kits and squads for various clubs and national teams including Manchester Utd, Benfica, England, Argentina and France to name a few..." Uhh, add ?! dont you mean replace chelsea with manu? They so quickly skip over this detail, as they have with a lot of other negatives in the game. They dont even menition that you get a league less int he 360 version, not a small detail is it?! Atleast they finish with clarifying from what position they are reviewing the game, namely gameplay and nothing else. So thats great, i can play a great game of football but it will have no sense of reality, what a lot of us want in a game. i posted this argument about what position you take when playing a football game, but most of you probably didnt bother to read it, or just didnt understand.

And i agree with psimonius about game development and the ps3/360 better/equal argument. But in defending konami by comparing it to halflife you have also hit the nail on the head, i assume unknowingly, of why a few/lot of us are so pissed of with konami. Halflife2, a great great game imo, costs how much at release? The normal price wasnt it, at about 50/60$,euro. Thats a game that has been completely developed and is a totally new game. PES is a port/update/tweak/etc and how much does it cost? Oh yes, 50/60$,euro aswell. Thats whats wrong with both the ps2 version and the 360 version, they in no way represent the valua you are paying for them, or are asked to pay for them. Yet some of you seem to ignore this. Offcourse you can argue that you play the game for a whole year and because of that it ends up being good valua, but really how much of a improvement are the few tweaks in gameplay when the rest has stayed the same? Other games get free patches, other have cheap 'extensions' sold which represent the same amount of improvement, maybe more then the pes series shows each year.

And people also use fifa to defend konami's first outing, yet we are all the most critical of fifa being pesfans, and most of us have critised them for the shoddy releases. But because its now the other way round we use this as a argument to defend konami, really makes me laugh how easily people are hypocritical just to suit whatever they feel is right.
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Re: Rallying the 360 Troops

Chris is clearly stating a position i described in another thread, namely he want to play a footie match purely for the gameplay and nothing else. With that position pes6 will be a great game for you, as the gameplay will still be the best out atm. However i, like a few others, want to play a footie game to create an alternative reality, whereby we get to control what happens with our favorite clubs ( where liverpool beat chelsea in the league for example:) ). From this position pes6 falls way way short.
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

jack face it if you had your way we wouldnt be allowed to play pro evo in this country in case a jap makes money. The game is class PRO EVO THAT IS ;)
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

I think if jack had his way would we have no scripting, full leagues and tournaments and the essense in gameplay what made pes great in the first place. Ill vote for that :D
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

tiktiktiktik, you're signature is rather simplistic...what do you expect of a football game??? The gameplay will always be 95% identic, it's those other 5% that matters...ask EA...

Or did you expect a "Kill the audience" mode...
or "Rape the Ref"

"Destroy the stadium"????
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

Stan said:
tiktiktiktik, you're signature is rather simplistic...what do you expect of a football game??? The gameplay will always be 95% identic, it's those other 5% that matters...ask EA...

Or did you expect a "Kill the audience" mode...
or "Rape the Ref"

"Destroy the stadium"????

lol, those sound like they could be achievements in the 360 version. Beats the crap out of 'win the Italian League for one 100 points achievements points'.
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

johnthekingsingh said:
jack face it if you had your way we wouldnt be allowed to play pro evo in this country in case a jap makes money. The game is class PRO EVO THAT IS ;)
Translation; I can't argue with you, you want to see PES made better. Thank you.

Stan said:
tiktiktiktik, you're signature is rather simplistic...what do you expect of a football game??? The gameplay will always be 95% identic, it's those other 5% that matters...ask EA...

Or did you expect a "Kill the audience" mode...
or "Rape the Ref"

"Destroy the stadium"????
So Football Manager with six leagues would still be a great game and a top-seller? Get with the times. PES with more leagues and more teams will give us more to do. We're not asking for a shoot em up. We're asking for more of something that's already in the game, don't be so stupid.

You would eventually like having even more gameplay tweaks and even more to win and do, you know.
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

Played around 20 games now.

Sluggish, it just doesnt feel responsive at all. The graphics are nothing special, and the slowdown unforgivable.

Overall i just dont feel its any good, it feels like a step backwards not forwards.

Loads of people ive spoken to online feel the same way also, theres just something not right about it.

Add that to the shite 360 controller and i think id give it a 6/10
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

I can't think of any reason why they have disabled goalreplay saving? wth are they thinking giving us an unfinished game. bah Konami. I guess I'll have to get the PS2 version too.

I can live with less stadiums, or no kit editing...
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

here's my second post about this game, my first is on the previous page and this was done after 2 games. i've now been playing this on live all day as well as single player.

i'm sorry to all those who have built it up but this game is CRAP to anyone whose been playing WE10 on ps2....simple as that. for anyone whose only played PES5 & who doesn't mind using a 360 controller they might actually think the game is great.

to all those who debate about the gfx, especially those who have only seen screenshots ROFL and still think they know better, they are pretty average, that's about the best i can say about them......if you think they're next gen quality so be it're wanna see next gen in sports games take a look at NBA2K7 :) it's a half ass effort from konami in this area without a doubt. I didn't get the same WOW feeling like i did when i got the PS2 + Winning Eleven 5 that's for sure. the only positive i can say about the gfx is the widescreen...that IS nice. i'm running the game on a 56" HDTV, tons of other games look great sadly this one is the usual weak konami visual effort.

gameplay is bodgy/laggy and doesn't have the same fluidity as WE10, i don't know if it's the 360 controller or the game itself, i actually think it's both but it's just taken a step backwards. it feels to me the same as WE9I did compared to WE10, sorry but the gameplay is NOT there compared to WE10. i could probably like this game a whole lot more if i could use a ps2 dualshock, 360 just suxass for this game it really does but i still don't think it's the controller alone.

as said been playing this on live all day, all i can say is man it's hard to get any rythym going because the lag online combined with the laggy gameplay = horrible to fire shots off properly, i was skying shots all over the place i would normally place in the top corner with Henry. i played about 14 games i won 10 and drew 2 lost 1 and lost 1 from connection fault when the game just freezed and the other guy got the win ..thnx konami :) 10mbit connection, no problems with online gaming but PES6 is flakey online. there's also no lobby!!!!

well that's it and all i can say is i'm glad i know some ppl to get advance copy, i don't think i'm too dissapointed as i expected this to be a rush job and it is.

too many negatives and only 1 positive which is the widescreen mode, konami you had better put something special together for the proper next gen version next time around is all i can say.
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

im sure i will be enjoing pes6 for a whole year, like i did every year after year before, every part of pes i wonderful and cheers pes fans !
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

Nick Cave said:
Part of me really wants the 360 version and the rest of the PES 6 versions to bomb big style. This will force Konami into putting time and money back into the title...

I'm reading comments of first impressions on english, french and italian forums... a lot of people seem to be happy with the Gameplay and how the game looks on HDTV, but... like every WE/PES incarnation... you'll find all kind of comments, sometimes 180° opposite.

We will only know when we play the game ourself ^_^
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

Jack Bauer said:
So Football Manager with six leagues would still be a great game and a top-seller? Get with the times. PES with more leagues and more teams will give us more to do. We're not asking for a shoot em up. We're asking for more of something that's already in the game, don't be so stupid.
You would eventually like having even more gameplay tweaks and even more to win and do, you know.

About the shoot em up Jack, i was only joking..
Strange that you talk about football Manager, i've just been playing it for a couple of hours (2007 that is, and i love it...).
Bad comparision IMHO...Football Manager is entirly different from much as i like FM...i neverhave the same thrill as when i've just scored a (rare) beautifull goal in PES and whether that is in a licensed league or not, does not make such a big difference to me (although granted, it makes a difference Jack).
I'm off playing the PES6 demo now...
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

tiktiktiktik said:
Firstly a lot of people dont seem to bother read the posts in this thread. For all those shouting that gameplay is the best, non of us are saying otherwise!!!! We are complaining about the lack of features, it being stripped down to the bare bare bones, when a lot of the options being replaced could easily have been put in. I mean if we can edit player names why the f#$k cant we edit team names? Im not even talking about the graphics part as some of the reason are valid, some less so. But thats another argument. Surely its not that hard to understand, or are a lot of you mentally challenged? Just read the posts proper next time.

Secondly the reviews so far have been a complete asskissing session to continue to recieve the game i presume. The last so handidly says, and i quote, " seems that Konami have managed to add to the licences from the previous version and the game now includes kits and squads for various clubs and national teams including Manchester Utd, Benfica, England, Argentina and France to name a few..." Uhh, add ?! dont you mean replace chelsea with manu? They so quickly skip over this detail, as they have with a lot of other negatives in the game. They dont even menition that you get a league less int he 360 version, not a small detail is it?! Atleast they finish with clarifying from what position they are reviewing the game, namely gameplay and nothing else. So thats great, i can play a great game of football but it will have no sense of reality, what a lot of us want in a game. i posted this argument about what position you take when playing a football game, but most of you probably didnt bother to read it, or just didnt understand.

And i agree with psimonius about game development and the ps3/360 better/equal argument. But in defending konami by comparing it to halflife you have also hit the nail on the head, i assume unknowingly, of why a few/lot of us are so pissed of with konami. Halflife2, a great great game imo, costs how much at release? The normal price wasnt it, at about 50/60$,euro. Thats a game that has been completely developed and is a totally new game. PES is a port/update/tweak/etc and how much does it cost? Oh yes, 50/60$,euro aswell. Thats whats wrong with both the ps2 version and the 360 version, they in no way represent the valua you are paying for them, or are asked to pay for them. Yet some of you seem to ignore this. Offcourse you can argue that you play the game for a whole year and because of that it ends up being good valua, but really how much of a improvement are the few tweaks in gameplay when the rest has stayed the same? Other games get free patches, other have cheap 'extensions' sold which represent the same amount of improvement, maybe more then the pes series shows each year.

And people also use fifa to defend konami's first outing, yet we are all the most critical of fifa being pesfans, and most of us have critised them for the shoddy releases. But because its now the other way round we use this as a argument to defend konami, really makes me laugh how easily people are hypocritical just to suit whatever they feel is right.

:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

The only thing that concerns me is the fact that everyone is talking about slowdowns. For me slowdowns would ruin the whole experience. Is it really bad?
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

YaKooZa said:
The only thing that concerns me is the fact that everyone is talking about slowdowns. For me slowdowns would ruin the whole experience. Is it really bad?

only on corners and free/goal kicks, so, yes its bad

and ive also tried to get a game online for the past hour without sucess

its as bad as pes5 to get a game!!!
i hate to say it but... roll on fifa, and normally i really hate fifa, but this is the season!!!
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

vcduk2000 said:
only on corners and free/goal kicks, so, yes its bad

and ive also tried to get a game online for the past hour without sucess

its as bad as pes5 to get a game!!!
i hate to say it but... roll on fifa, and normally i really hate fifa, but this is the season!!!

I'd probably rather stay with PES5 than switch to FIFA. How bad are the slowdowns? 10 fps? 5 fps? 1 fps? :P
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

vcduk2000 said:
only on corners and free/goal kicks, so, yes its bad

and ive also tried to get a game online for the past hour without sucess

its as bad as pes5 to get a game!!!
i hate to say it but... roll on fifa, and normally i really hate fifa, but this is the season!!!

You mean hard to find an opponnent ?

When the game will be released should be easy to find plenty of opponents I assume...
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

I havent noticed any slowdowns but the framerate is very poor and the game doesn't run smothly enough...imao the ps2 version is a thousand times better than the X360...on the other side, I do like the graphics of the x360 - most of the faces are brilliant, the grass looks awesome- and the WS is superb.Let's hope the PC version will include it
Not bad for a first try, but I'll play the PC version instead
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Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

i finally got a game online and guess what.... another konami fuck up, after the final whistle... guess what the options are...



sorry about the caps, but after waiting ages to get a game, i then have a good game online, and then wanted a rematch and cant

the only way to get a rematch was to add them to my friends list, and then create a player match game and send a game invite, you cannot send a game invite to your friends in a ranked match

oh, and no co-op mode online too

god this is so poor
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Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

Kiske said:
You mean hard to find an opponnent ?

When the game will be released should be easy to find plenty of opponents I assume...

no not at all, i can see lots of opponents to choose, but when i try to connect i always get a failed to connect with opponent, my correct ports are opened on the router, and i have an open nat, so thats not the problem, its just another konami fuck up

man, im so pissed off right now, ever since i bought the 360, ive been waiting for this game, and its just a right kick in the teeth

after playing pes6 for about 2 hours, i decided to switch it off and play the fifa demo, and you may hate me for saying this, but i found it a better game, now normally i would rather chop my balls off than say fifa is better than pes as i have been a loyal pes fan since iss on the ps1, but the overall experience is better, especially the ball physics.. ive just cancelled my legitemate game from, just as a big FUCK YOU to konami for ruining the best game of football.... at least i still have pes 5 to play

please dont tell me im the only one thinking this way... c'mon, someone back me up
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Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

YaKooZa said:
I'd probably rather stay with PES5 than switch to FIFA. How bad are the slowdowns? 10 fps? 5 fps? 1 fps? :P

between 5 and 10 i would say online, and about 20 offline
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

Well, I have read a lot of different views about the game.
I have no idea what to expect. One talks about slight, almost unnoticable slowdowns at corners and the other talks about unforgivable slowdown.
Just an example...
Can there be a difference between the final game Caniggia has or the warez-game from some of the others?

I will keep reading reviews from people who play it. Hopefully I get a good picture of it after that.
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