PES6 (Xbox 360) - Official News and Discussion Topic

Re: PES6 reviews

flofloflo said:
last sentence :

"Addendum: To clear things up a little regarding the "Edit" mode - you CAN edit players and create them, but you can't edit or create teams. So you can't change Manchester United into Exeter City, but you can change Wayne Rooney into Steve Flack."

players could be edited? appearances (faces, hairs...) and stats?

..........NOW i'm confused.

Appearance editing for players in or not? UGH! Multiple sources have said no, some are now saying yes?

*starts slamming head against wall*
Re: PES6 reviews

STG said:
..........NOW i'm confused.

Appearance editing for players in or not? UGH! Multiple sources have said no, some are now saying yes?

*starts slamming head against wall*

if you can create players you can change their faces and stuff. I don't think we'll end up with identical looking skinheads. that would be scary
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

stumpy_uk said:
I think we should as a website all e-mail Konami about the lack of editing kits / names etc as this is stupid. With Xbox360 HD etc there is no reason why they can't release something on XboxLive, 12 months playing as Tyneside in a white kit is realling oing to get on my t1ts!
Amke make a emial for us, then all of us can email them. :)
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

I'll be getting it, been waiting for a good footy game on 360 for ageees now!
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

Jack Bauer said:
Okay, this is the last time I'll try to make my point, I swear. Maybe.

I've played the PS2 version and I've read that the gameplay on the 360 is no different (which has been since confirmed by several sources). As someone in another thread pointed out, the people who were saying "they've reached their limits on the PS2, wait for the 360 version and it'll be amazing" have no excuses left now. "It's their first next-gen game" isn't a valid excuse, the game is a port and nothing more. They've not done any kind of work on it, apart from 3D crowds (wowee), and I'm absolutely disgusted. I'm even tempted (seriously) to start a website with the aim of making people boycott all forms of PES6, because all it is is WE10, but slower, and with even WORSE reaction times. And PES7 will be the same game with a few more random tweaks. It feels like he's just sat down and gone "right, okay, what should we do this time? Randomise the game speed, delete that league... That'll do. God I'm getting too old for this job. Night Mavis!"

I'm amazed by FIFA 07 on the 360. And I'm no fanboy either - I wouldn't have joined Evo-Web if I ever thought I'd like FIFA for more than five minutes, but I'm playing the 360 demo every day. The freedom of movement, the freedom of ball placement, the humanisation of the players... There's no magnets, no robots, no numbers games (i.e. he's not hit enough shots yet so I'm saving this shot, even though it was going in the bottom corner and if this was real life I couldn't physically get that). It takes me back to the days of Sensible World of Soccer, and I didn't think I could feel like that again, I thought I was "too old".

I couldn't go back to PES. I tried, with PES6, and it was just like having a remote control for a bunch of scalextric footballers. It's not the same any more. They're drawn to the ball like idiots, the shots can only go to one of three places, and the reactions in PES6 are WORSE. The game has gone BACKWARDS.

Saying that, if FIFA 07 falls to pieces when it comes out, if the online mode is terrible or anything like that, then I guess I'll have no choice. I'll be getting a pre-owned version though. I sat down a few weeks ago and figured it out, I've spent £1,000 in the last ten years on Pro Evolution games. ISS:PE2 on the PSone was amazing. The first PES on PS2 was pretty poor. The next one was alright. Then I started getting into the two Jap releases per year. Add them all up to WE10, and it's £1,000. What's been added? About 20 gameplay tweaks, a master league that is WORSE than the original three-tier one, licenses that I could care less about, and better graphics that I could care less about. More leagues? No. Lower leagues? No. The ability to change jobs in the master league? No. Less magnetic players? No. Dog heads? YES, oh thank you Konami, I never thought I'd see such an advancement in my lifetime!!

It sickens me to think how I've just gone out and spent that much money on the same game over and over. Earlier this year I sat down with all of the Pro Evo games I had, and they all played pretty much exactly the same. A more intelligent run here and a "Stanley Matthews feint" there isn't worth £1,000. It isn't worth £50. IT ISN'T EVEN WORTH £10.

If I could have my £1,000 back and go back to ISS:PE2 on the PSone I wouldn't even think about it. I'm almost tempted to write to Seabass and demand it, actually. I've donated this money to someone I considered a genius, and now it's become crystal clear that he made a great game and has just churned it out ever since, with an extra passing animation or a Man U license.

If you buy PES6 brand-new then you are guaranteeing for everybody in this forum that PES7 will be the same game with a random Premiership license and even more gameplay problems.

PES6 would be a good sequel to PES3 maybe, and PES3 may have been a good sequel to ISS:PE2 on the PSone. That's three games. In the last ten years, there have been almost TWENTY Pro Evolution games on the PlayStation and PlayStation2, if you count the ones released in Europe and then the even-further-tweaked versions released in Japan that a lot of us buy.

The game hasn't been a revolution, it hasn't been an evolution, it's been a tweak. And if you keep giving Konami your hard-earned money for a tweak then the game will never be a truly next-gen game. PES6 is a PSone game with a few neat touches. This is what Seabass does and he is going to continue to do, making millions upon millions three times a year.

Just been reading through this thread and from all the time ive been here this is the best post ever. :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

fatlip180 said:
Just been reading through this thread and from all the time ive been here this is the best post ever. :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

typical conservative tripe, get a life brit man the game rules and is awesome evrytime PES RULES FIFA IS SHIT AND ALWAYS WILL BE. The calculations used on programing pro evo eats fifa for dinner. WINNING ELEVEN 11 IS GOING TO KICK ARSE AND THATS THE BOTTOM LINE COZ EVEN STONE COLD SAID SO ;)
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

johnthekingsingh said:
typical conservative tripe
johnthekingsingh said:
Which of those is the more typical? An alternative viewpoint or a fanboy viewpoint? Or, more to the point, would you ever believe anyone who says a game will "always" be shit as if he can see into the future?

This board is a very lenient place. If you could get banned for being a knobhead you would be the first to go. We all realise you want to crawl even further up Seabass's shiny arse and support his company with your money every year no matter what, but you're not helping your cause by typing FIFA IS SHIT PES IS GREAT as fast as you can at every single opportunity.

johnthekingsingh said:
The calculations used on programing pro evo eats fifa for dinner
You couldn't "calculate" 1+1 without using a calculator and even then you'd need your care worker to type it in for you. It's obvious to everybody who reads your posts, so what in God's name would you know?

For a start, EA have took two years to program FIFA 07. Seabass took a year developing a PSone game and then about a month each year since on the tweaks. So EA have done two years of fresh programming, supporting the latest programming code available using next-gen consoles. At it's base, PES is a PSone game.

Did you even understand any of that?

johnthekingsingh said:
Oh, a wrestling fan. That about says everything, doesn't it? I'm surprised mum and dad let you on the computer so late at night. Aren't you afraid of the ghoulies and the paedophiles?

Tons of people on here prefer PES and I respect that completely, because they've played the FIFA 360 demo, and they don't like either the trick-stick being missing, the referees being card-happy or feel it's scripted in parts. Fair enough. You are so scared of FIFA that if someone turned the game on and put the pad in your hand you would start screaming about how FIFA is for gays and if you play it too long you'll want to start bumming people. You are what the word fanboy was invented for. That and a few other words I can think of, one immediately springs to mind beginning with U and ending in TTER TWAT.

And yeah, I realise I might get a warning or a ban for this, but it was worth it. You've got on everybody's tit since you crawled onto this forum. It's about time someone crushed you.
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

djbigk said:
Hi Mart,

Secondly, in the master league can you modify the strips/team names etc at all, or are you forced to choose a club of your liking and then adopt their name, and strips etc?

thanks in advance...
I like to know that as well, Mart :)
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

Jack Bauer said:
Gameplay on PS2 and 360 is the same. Confirmed in several reviews, you can find them for yourselves.

So why the heck isn't it for Fifa?!

EA had to go and change up everything about the damn thing.
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

Jack Bauer said:
Which of those is the more typical? An alternative viewpoint or a fanboy viewpoint? Or, more to the point, would you ever believe anyone who says a game will "always" be shit as if he can see into the future?

This board is a very lenient place. If you could get banned for being a knobhead you would be the first to go. We all realise you want to crawl even further up Seabass's shiny arse and support his company with your money every year no matter what, but you're not helping your cause by typing FIFA IS SHIT PES IS GREAT as fast as you can at every single opportunity.

You couldn't "calculate" 1+1 without using a calculator and even then you'd need your care worker to type it in for you. It's obvious to everybody who reads your posts, so what in God's name would you know?

For a start, EA have took two years to program FIFA 07. Seabass took a year developing a PSone game and then about a month each year since on the tweaks. So EA have done two years of fresh programming, supporting the latest programming code available using next-gen consoles. At it's base, PES is a PSone game.

Did you even understand any of that?

Oh, a wrestling fan. That about says everything, doesn't it? I'm surprised mum and dad let you on the computer so late at night. Aren't you afraid of the ghoulies and the paedophiles?

Tons of people on here prefer PES and I respect that completely, because they've played the FIFA 360 demo, and they don't like either the trick-stick being missing, the referees being card-happy or feel it's scripted in parts. Fair enough. You are so scared of FIFA that if someone turned the game on and put the pad in your hand you would start screaming about how FIFA is for gays and if you play it too long you'll want to start bumming people. You are what the word fanboy was invented for. That and a few other words I can think of, one immediately springs to mind beginning with U and ending in TTER TWAT.

And yeah, I realise I might get a warning or a ban for this, but it was worth it. You've got on everybody's tit since you crawled onto this forum. It's about time someone crushed you.

I'm not scared of fifa I like fifa but for current gen more becuse it does more of what we9 does. The new fifa 07 for 360 does something completely different that i am not getting used to yet. give me a month some snow on the ground and maybe i'll start warming up to it but right now it's:

Fifa 07 Xbox 480p widescreen
fifa 07 PSP
PES6 360 - Reviews, Opinions and Vids

This debate has been raging on for sometime now and everyone seems to be split on this. The last time I saw a divide this great was when a chap named moses shook a stick and the waves of the red sea parted to let him and some old people with beards accross to Dixons so they could purchase an ink jet printer.

There are people out there who are cancelling orders because of the lack of editing options and licensed content. Is licensed content more important than gameplay? Is it? Think about what your saying for a moment.

For years now Pro Evo (and ISS before it) have been superior to the Fifa series all be it without fully licensed content and some truly crap edit modes (not including Pes4 and 5). There was a time when ProEvo/ISS had no real player names, classic players of this era were Beacham instead of Beckham, Roberto Larcos for Roberto Carlos, Facu instead of Cafu and my all time favourite of Bootitista instead of Batistuta.

At the end of the day we overlooked this and got on with playing some truly great games of football. Are you prepared to miss hours of gaming gold because Charlton Athletic are called South East London Reds?

It is quite clear that a japanese man named after a fish is inserting a 15 inch salami between the buttocks of every 360 owner this side of Tokyo. Whether he meant to screw us over or whether he was being lazy we will never know as this chap has a history of being a Billy Bulls*****r.

Whatever his reasons it doesn't matter. When the PS3 version hits the shelves this time next year be sure to know that us 360 owners will have the same game as our future enemies.

Konami cannot afford to cut a third of the western gaming market off by making cheap, stripped down, shiny versions of current gen games.

So, lets stop the moaning and get on with it. May you all have some corking matches.

I now feel like Delia Smith during half time at that Norwich match. Maybe we should get her in.
Re: Rallying the 360 Troops

I agree with some of these points but it's hard to go back to something when you've become accustomed to an improved version.
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

BumperMan said:
So why the heck isn't it for Fifa?!

EA had to go and change up everything about the damn thing.
Because with current-gen they're limited. They have to make the game compatible with the majority of machines, i.e. processors that are years old. They can't program in the ball physics that they've programmed into the 360 version. The current-gen version is good, but it has to use old examples of programming code, meaning you'll see the ball attached to players' feet sometimes, and you'll see the ball take weird bounces or turns occasionally. My personal favourite of the current-coding generation (which is present in PES as well, on current-gen and 360) is where the player moves his foot to hit the ball, doesn't TOUCH the ball, and yet the ball flies off like it's sitting on a rocket! You won't see that in the 360 version of FIFA (or at least if you do it'll be at most once a month as opposed to several times a game).

BumperMan said:
I'm not scared of fifa I like fifa but for current gen more becuse it does more of what we9 does. The new fifa 07 for 360 does something completely different that i am not getting used to yet. give me a month some snow on the ground and maybe i'll start warming up to it
Don't think the above rant was aimed at you (or wrestling fans either, STG). You come along and say "I've played the demo, I don't like X thing or Y thing or Z thing, so I prefer PES". You therefore have an educated opinion. "FIFA IS SHIT AND ALWAYS WILL BE" is the exact opposite, an unintelligent, desperate attempt to make everybody go "what was I thinking even considering playing another game, Seabass is Jesus, if I ever touch FIFA my hands will turn into dust". The guy hasn't played FIFA for God knows how long.

FIFA on the 360 is a massive evolution from the previous FIFAs, everybody knows that. But whether people like it or not is up to them. PES 360 is the same as PES has been for years, in my opinion, and I'm praying that the game doesn't sell so that they have to make a LOT more changes next year. But if you're content with it then that's great. People are, of course, entitled to have fun with whatever they have the most fun with.

(Incidentally, I think FIFA 07 on the PSP is a perfect recreation of the current-gen FIFA 07, which is a fantastic achievement - it's way too slow for me though because of the amount of work the processor has to do :( So it looks like I'll be playing the Nintendo DS's Winning Eleven on the go this year, which looks like a conversion of ISS:PE2 from the PSone - one of the best games in the series in my opinion, only behind WE6FE. Can't wait!)
Re: Rallying the 360 Troops

Maybe. But we just have to revert back to those dark days for another year until Konami and Fishy McFishface sort this mess out. No point us moaning now as the games is pressed boxed and ready for shelves.
Re: Rallying the 360 Troops

So you are basically saying that Konami doesn't have to improve the game and devolve the series instead to 1996

With that mentality whe will still be playing Pong since it had great gameplay and graphics on the Odyssey.
Re: Rallying the 360 Troops

I can deal with not the right kits and the wrong names but i CAN'T however deal with not being able to be transfer players, which hasn't been confirmed either way yet....i can't play as arsenal with that twat ashley cole in my squad and without the superb gallas!!!
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Videos thread

nice new vids!!


does anyone knows how much divisions are in the master league?
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

Ill give my praise to Fifa 07 on PC,PS2 we can talk about fancy graphics on 360 its all about gameplay imo and thats why i am a PES fan not bias. I tried Fifa 07 360 demo did not like it it dosnt play the same gameplay as the PC or PS2 version which i enjoy.

Dont get me wrong i enjoyed Fifa for its improvements but its like not the cherry on the cake for me. Well PES is i find it plays a much better game of football then Fifa does. Pro Evo no perfection dont get me wrong it has its faults but i still have more fun playing Pro Evo then Fifa.

Personally i dont see the attraction of the Fifa on 360 it plays alot like its 360 World Cup games but with alot of changes. The shooting all buggered up players are not right they are all fat looking it all just feels really clumsy while PES feels more free.

I know Fifa might appeal to alot but it just does not for me on 360 anyway. :)

Oh ye my friend getting final game so ill be a judge when he brings it round cant see much changing from demo.

Bring on Pro Evo 6 please. :)
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Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

sorry if this is out of place and stuff..

i just hooked up my xbox 360 and cant wait to play any soccer on it especially winning eleven / pro evolution ..

anyways i was wondering if anyone knows of a US release date or how i can get the game as fast as possible in the US ?

and if i buy a uk game .. will it work on my us premium system?

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Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

I doubt a UK copy will work in USA machine due to region coding, but this is not confirmed, it might be region free but I very much doubt it. You will have to wait till January for your US version of the game.
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

PES is a PSone game? well what works works. It's all about gameplay. Look at Sensible Soccer, altough dead and burried for 9 years it came back for this summers world cup.

Sure the features and options in the game were bad, but when you actually play the game there's a sense of familiarity. It made you happy and it's fun game despite it's flaws.

Tweaking a game during a consoles lifetime would be my choice as a programmer too. Look at Football Manager for example, people come back and buy their game every year and they only tweak their game with some new features without changing the basic game.

There's other reasons to why Konami should do a half arsed version for the 360. They are Japanese and you do support your brother (Sony) without actually going public with it. That's why we'll get the best PES for next gen come autumn 2007. The one who wins the race between FIFA and PES 2007 gets the market for several years, and that is something Konami can't afford to lose this time. They probably won't either.
Re: Rallying the 360 Troops

nickgarratt said:
i can't play as arsenal with that twat ashley cole in my squad and without the superb gallas!!!

You will not have to play with Cole and without Gallas in Arsenal squad because this tranfers have been made by konami in PES 6;)

sorry for my english
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