PES6 (Xbox 360) - Official News and Discussion Topic

Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

After reading some of these post i have decided to eff this version of PES off and wait till the next one is released.

Konami shafted 360 owners this time but when the ps3 version is released i think they will be basically be the same game by that time.

Overall I am totally pissed at Konami this time they just seem too lazy to have put any effort into this half-assed lame version..

Gameplay sounds dissapointing and that was the only thing that was gonna save this one for me but it sounds like they haven't even got that right.
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

Uhm, seems like my fears have come true. To all the defenders out there i posted this in another thread but i think its fairly accurate to how a lot of us are feeling atm:

The gameplay for the most part isnt in question, its the lack of any f#$%ing else in the game that people are getting pissed off with. As a single player what the hell is new in this version that hasnt already been done? An international mode? That will keep you busy for about a week, if that(same as we10). The ML is the same crappy stuff we've been getting for 3/4/5? years now! The gameplay doesnt have any value when you cant actually do anything interesting with it! "Oh great i can play team X for the 500th time in the same format for the 500th time. But who cares, the gameplay is good man!" That doesnt stand up when you dont feel like playing anymore because nothing is different from the last time/version. Its like playing the same metal gear solid every year with the same story, characters, settings, etc but because he now moves slightly different its supposed to be a new game?! Thats what pes is starting to feel like for single players.

I was already leaning towards getting fifa (first time since 98) because of the positive reviews by a quite a few of the regulars here (and thats good enough for me as we are all diehard pes fans). And now having it confirmed what a pisspoor version this is gonna be im going to the darkside :( :). Dont know whether to smile or be sad. There's now way im gonna be playing with rigaloose, sorry mersey red for a year! I was willing to accept no kit editing, even if i do find it quite pathetic, but not even being able to change teamnames?! Thats really pushing it to far.

Also i dont know why people quote seabass as some oracle of truth, he's been shown to talk a load of bollocks when it suits him before. Like the example of the updated rosters in januari, he's pretty much saying he, as a developer would like to do it, but that would depend on licensing issues beign sorted out. So in other words; "its not gonna happen, sorry"
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Re: PES6 reviews

What a bullshit interview, tnx for the link btw. Always like reading the latest interviews, however the fact that they give this game a 9/10 when half of its features are missing shows how far they are up seabass' ass.
Re: PES6 reviews

last sentence :

"Addendum: To clear things up a little regarding the "Edit" mode - you CAN edit players and create them, but you can't edit or create teams. So you can't change Manchester United into Exeter City, but you can change Wayne Rooney into Steve Flack."

players could be edited? appearances (faces, hairs...) and stats?
Re: PES6 reviews

well looking from previous games, even with edit teams you shouldnt be able to change Man Utd anyway as their licsenced
Re: PES6 reviews

On closer inspection, it seems that Pro Evolution Soccer maybe hasn’t come on as far as it maybe should or could have done. Take the slowdown as an example. When you’re taking a goal kick, or lining up a free kick from anywhere on the pitch, the game starts to stutter and stumble, as if you were playing the PS2 version of the previous title in the series. Or, take the Xbox Live modes as your point of focus. Konami have made it easier to get a game, by providing an indicator that lets you know when a player is unavailable or is considering another challenge – but that seems to be about it. No custom cups, no custom leagues…

And they still gave it a 9/10???????? which means by next years game, when everything is added back in, it should a score of something like...78/10 ??


What makes it more laughable? on the right it shows:

Pro Evolution Soccer 6
out of 5

:lmao: oh dear, i wouldn't buy this game no matter what the web site said.
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Re: PES6 reviews

SuicydeSnake said:
And they still gave it a 9/10???????? which means by next years game, when everything is added back in, it should a score of something like...78/10 ??


What makes it more laughable? on the right it shows:

Pro Evolution Soccer 6
out of 5

:lmao: oh dear, i wouldn't buy this game no matter what the web site said.

well, at least the review confirmed that you can edit players. and it's the best footie game around, therefore 9/10.
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

girish said:
final question mart..

can you confirm you can see linsmen running up n down the touchlines during play
Yes they're in. I don't have it at the moment to give any further impressions but will do a proper preview shortly.

EDIT: The game does support 5.1 but I'm not set up for it easily, maybe if I get it back I'll check it out...
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Re: PES6 reviews

you can edit players? so you can edit the teams they play for? by the sounds of it you can change players teams. if thats true i'm happy!

i couldn't careless about the kits, obviously it would be better to have them but all true PES fans just want the gameplay...even if we are paying an extra £10 just for graphics!!!
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

Mart said:
I've posted a preview that includes a special 360 section.

or in the articles section.

You cannot save replays. I've checked and double checked this and made sure my gamer profile is signed in. Even though the manual mentions pressing X to save, there is no button prompt onscreen and no button saves a replay when you're watching it. This is further confirmed by the lack of anywhere in the front-end resembling a gallery where you may view such saved clips. It's a shame as replays run for longer than “current-gen” versions and look spangly.

That's another big shame :(

How the hell can Konami talk about save feature in the manual when you actually CAN'T save a replay !?! Grrrrrrrr !!!
Re: PES6 reviews

nickgarratt said:
you can edit players? so you can edit the teams they play for? by the sounds of it you can change players teams. if thats true i'm happy!

i couldn't careless about the kits, obviously it would be better to have them but all true PES fans just want the gameplay...even if we are paying an extra £10 just for graphics!!!

Addendum: To clear things up a little regarding the "Edit" mode - you CAN edit players and create them, but you can't edit or create teams. So you can't change Manchester United into Exeter City, but you can change Wayne Rooney into Steve Flack.

Here are the exact words from the reviewer guy...
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

Hi Mart,

Thanks for all the information you have posted.. much appreciated! ...

I have a few questions regarding the master league on the Xbox360 version...

Firstly, is it possible to start a master league with a team of your choice (ie. you can choose each of the players in your team in the same way that you can in PES5)?.. or do you either have to have all of the players from the team that you have chosen, or the default master league crew?

Secondly, in the master league can you modify the strips/team names etc at all, or are you forced to choose a club of your liking and then adopt their name, and strips etc?

thanks in advance...
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

Kiske said:
That's another big shame :(

How the hell can Konami talk about save feature in the manual when you actually CAN'T save a replay !?! Grrrrrrrr !!!

This sounds like a blatant error om the behalf of Konami.. hopefully they will rectify this in a patch that can be donwloaded on Live.
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Videos thread

jflores said:
Net Physics are on par with Football Kingdoms!!!


Can't wait til it hits the states...

:shock: Nothing is so good as the nets in Football Kingdom! Hopefully will Namco make a new Next-gen football game... Till then we ust do it with SHIT nets :(

srry for my english
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

I don't care what everyone is saying about fifa07!

I'll be buying pes6 on my xbox just for some put fun online. I'm 36 in november and can give anyone a great game, so if you are up for a challenge online, then add me

gamertag - moreno70

I started of with the very first Fifa and then moved over to Pro evolution soccer in the days is was called international superstar soccer and have loved it since.

I'll not be changing to FIFa just because there are some things missing on PES6.

Every year there is a lot of moaning and complaining that Konami have done this and not done that but all those people that put their 2 pennys worth on these forums still go out and buy the game. lol

I'll be making my own mind up when i see the game playing for myself. I've looked at the various videos and am excited about the graphics and the game play.

I've been playing the ps2 version at a mates for a couple of days now and its ok, so roll on 27th october!!!!
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

Let's be honest, there are some really disappointing features of the xbox360 version...but I'll still buy it, most of the teams I use are licensed so who cares, it'll still be a class game
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Videos thread

what the HELL is football kingdom? is it on ps2 in japan or something, never heard of it
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Videos thread

WEtongelre said:
:shock: Nothing is so good as the nets in Football Kingdom! Hopefully will Namco make a new Next-gen football game... Till then we ust do it with SHIT nets :(

srry for my english

....You 2.... :shock:
Re: 360 Gameplay Impressions

Until Konami remove 'gameplay' from the features list - I'll be buying PES religiously. Yes its annoying that they've cut features out - but it's still by far the best footy game available. If it wasn't - the guys at EA wouldn't be lifting features off it every year!
Re: PES6 reviews

Indeed this has to be one of the biggest scams in gaming history.I think tha t Konami's work has stopped being special a lot time ago.What makes their games special nowdays is the incredible effort of guys like Fernando or Whistle,Reefur,KM etc.Whithout all their effort it would be food without salt.So much profit and they will not even try to get some rights.And their pay back to cover their weaknesses is that they make it every time harder to patch.So they serve us spaggeti in March(Winning Eleven) and they add a small portion of cheese in October(Pro Evo).Every time the same story
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