PES6 (Xbox 360) - Official News and Discussion Topic

Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Videos thread

for me it´s the same as we10 ps2!!!!
it´s so bad!!! i will buy the x360 in december and i expect play a real nextgen we, but this will be nothing more that a we10 in HD!!
someone here see the videos from nba2k7?? that is the real nextgen animation and movements!! it´s amazing!!! exactly what i like to see in the we nextgen!!!
konami really disappointed me!!!
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Videos thread

Anyone who thinks it plays different to WE10 is wrong. They've literally copied the gameplay from it. Only the graphics have changed.
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Videos thread

Noted said:
Anyone who thinks it plays different to WE10 is wrong. They've literally copied the gameplay from it. Only the graphics have changed.

And you played the final game, when?
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Videos thread

I like WE10 I think its great with the exception of the stupid Goalies at times. So ill be getting this and also looking forward to a PROPER next gen PES/WE next time around.

Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Videos thread

AgentSmithMatrix said:

The guy playing with Brazil was absolutely shite, but apart from that it looks decent. Too bad resolution to really say much about the graphics though. The crowd sounded a bit more lively though, which is a good thing. I really do hope the goalkeepers and long distance shooting gets improved from WE10.
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Videos thread

mcruz said:
for me it´s the same as we10 ps2!!!!
No it's defenitly not. Just watch the off the ball running, for example from the backs. That's certainly better than WE10.
Seabass told that the next gen would be for a big part in the player-AI.
Just watch the radar in those movies and you see the difference :)
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Official Discussion Topic

Fantastic interview by CVG, asked Seabass some very good questions.

CVG interview said:
14-Sep-2006 We sit in the Pro Evo hot seat with creator Shingo 'Seabass' Takatsuka to discuss the secrets of PES 6

Pro Evolution Soccer is a genuine footballing legend, we've simply lost count of the lunchtime hours of joy, frustration and thrilling footballing moments that have been played out on the mighty PES series over the years.

Of course with Pro Evolution Soccer 6 now making the leap to Xbox 360, the mighty footballing franchise is moving onto the next generation and we hope, securing a whole new wave of fans for our favourite footy franchise. So it was with great pleasure we recently sat down with Shingo 'Seabass' Takatsuka the mastermind behind one of the finest footballing games ever created to hear his thoughts on how the series will make the generational leap and a whole lot more.

In a fascinating and at times quite candid interview, Seabass discusses the series' epic move to the 360, reveals details on what he plans for the future including the possibilities of Master League online and tantalises us with the possibilities of 11 versus 11 multiplayer via Xbox Live.

Going deeper into the PES universe, Seabass also talks about the new PSP version of the game and what he learned from PES PSP mark one, discusses the ultimate control method for PES and PS2's Dual Shock versus 360 gamepad, how what he saw in this year's World Cup directly influenced the design of PES 6 and whether he will ever be be able to create the ultimate version of PES.

Basically it's absolutely essential reading if you consider yourself any kind of PES fan, so with the teams in place and the ref about to blow the whistle, without further ado, let's kick off...

CVG: Perhaps we could start with an overview of Pro Evo 6 and what you feel the main advances are for the series as it moves onto the next generation and Xbox 360?

Seabass: Well as usual, what we're working on most is upgrading the AI. What we found and what we did was we tweaked the computer AI's attacking mentality, so you get a totally different feeling of how they attack you. And of course the defenders, the positiioning of the defenders, that wasn't really what we were aiming for [in the last PES], so we brushed that up too. Of course the UK and European press always criticise us about our goalkeeper AI and so we tuned this too, so we're a little bit more satisfied now. And so hopefully all these tweaks will satisfy the players of PES 6.

CVG: In terms of the move onto the next-generation and the Xbox 360 version - what challenges and opportunities has that presented?

Seabass: Well first of all there's been a kind of confusion and we apologise for that. We didn't actually mean it's 360 exclusive forever. We just meant that for this year it's only exclusive for 360. So from next year onwards we will create for other platforms. The 360 version? Well of course everyone is probably demanding upgrade of the graphics, making them more real. And of course upgrade of the AI, making it more real in that aspect as well. And since there's a high demand for that, we are of course up to answering those demands.

This time as a first shot, I think we've done pretty well, however we still have many, many more areas to explore and challenges to explore, for instance we want to do work on Master League a little bit more in the next gen and also the online aspect of the game. We have much more to explore in those areas and those are our main challenges for the year to come.

CVG: Perhaps one of the most interesting aspects of the 360 version is the opportunity for Live multiplayer - could you tell us something more about your plans for the online version of PES 6 360?

Seabass: Well Xbox Live is wonderful in terms of online infrastructure and it's a wonderful online playing experience itself. What we plan to do and what we think will be a challenge for online is - well we were never really satisfied with the current version of the online mode - and we know the users won't be satisfied as well.

We probably have to break up all the things we have built online, probably create something new from scratch, but we have already started to do that and it's like, what we're trying to achieve is like all your modes and all the modes you have in a normal online first-person shooter, and we want to do that and give the users that feeling, like they're playing the most sophisticated and online titles.
We'd like to give the users that feeling when they play our game as well. This is already happening and from next year, or even sooner, I think we'll be to show you what I'm talking about.

Once we've addressed those core areas, I think we can go into multiplayer and maybe not 11 versus 11 next year, but something close to that. Apart from that we would also like to also experiment doing online leagues, online tournaments and things like that and maybe online Master League mode as well. We are prepared to that and we are determined to do that and well try and present this to you in the very near future.

CVG: During our lunchtime PES sessions, most players opt for the PS2 version of the game, because we consider the PS2 Dual Shock as the ultimate controller for playing PES. How does the 360 controller compare - and does it present different challenges?

Seabass: Well if I say this I might upset the Microsoft people, but our feeling is when you play the 360 version you don't get the same play feeling as you do with the PS2 controller. We think this is a very big issue and we think this is very important when the users play the game. Of course we are talking with Microsoft constantly about this issue and the current play feel you get with the 360 controller is a little different. So what we're doing is of course we're not just talking and crying about it, we're doing development and research and making sure that the control feel - even if you play with a 360 controller - you get a similar feeling that you got from the PS2 or PlayStation controllers.

CVG: Microsoft recently said they may do a 360 controller specially tuned for FPS's with more sensitivity and more feel, is that something Seabass might embrace in Pro Evo?

Seabass: Well it's a very interesting story and of course we're always intereted if they create new controllers. When I was talking to Microsoft the biggest thing was that they didn't realise how important the D-pad was - especially to the Japanese players. I realised actually that reverse shock, where the European players used the analogue stick more than I thought. So both we and Microsoft were shocked about this, we were talking about this. Whereas in the past you could connect the PS2 controller to the Xbox, now I' ve heard the Microsoft will probably not allow this in the 360 versions, therefore we can't cry about this, we just need to continue the research and development on the controller aspect and we'll keep on trying to improve this.

CVG: Pro Evo 6 is of course coming to PSP too, what are your plans for the handheld version of the game - and what did you learn from the original PSP version?

Seabass: Well the PSP version, of course the previous version was PES 5 and this time it will be PES 6 and the PSP version will be based on the PES 6 engine. When we looked back after releasing the PSP version last year, we of course noticed the difference in the play feel when you play the PSP version, it's totally different to the PS2. I explained before about PES 6 on the other formats that we tweaked the controls - this was actually because we looked back at the PSP and we realised there's a big control difference.

We took this back to the drawing board then redesigned the control feel and the play feel and that's the biggest point I'd say from what we learned from the PES 5 version. Of course everyone knows the PSP and PS2 control is not similar, although it looks similar, it's not really similar. But there are games out there which have great controls even on the PSP hardware. So we think we shouldn't stop developing or trying to adjust, so that you get a good or the same play feeling when you play the PSP version.

Now we're quite close to that and probablty in the near future we will probably get feedback from the PSP control feed back to the other formats again so that this will be a good cycle we can form in the future.

CVG: Moving slightly away from PES, how did you enjoy the World Cup this summer and did you learn anything there which fed into the design of PES6?

Seabass: Well yes, I went and stayed in Frankfurt and travelled throughout Germany and watched five matches, it was really great fun during the World Cup. Of course we were infuenced by the games we saw and while we didn't have a plan at first, we went back and tried to import what we'd learned into PES 6. To give you some examples: the middle shot that we saw in Germany was quite different so we put that into the game and also the speed of the short passing, we actually tweaked that. Of course the team stats were also affected, teams like Germany, we didn't think they were going to do so well, but they were a really good team and we actually made Germany much stronger than we originally planned as a result.

CVG: Pro Evo is an ever evolving series, but do you think you'll every be truly happy and create an ultimate version of the game, which you're truly happy with?

Seabass: Well probably this will be a never ending story. The cycle goes like this; a couple of years ago I wished that I could do this and I could do that, and nowadays it possible to do those things I dreamed of and it's possible to accomplish my vision. However now there's always new things or things that I'm more frustrated or picky about, it seems to become bigger and bigger. When you look at real football and you get the impression that you want to do this and that better and this satisfication grows and grows - although we accomplish some of these goals, year after year the things on my list they just keep expanding. Even now when I'm doing interviews like this, I get inspired and think I want to do this or that - or maybe I can't do this or that - I'm always fighting with this even when I'm doing interviews. It will be a never ending story.

CVG: So good luck with developing our favourite football game - and we'll see you in Dublin for the PES European championships and a real game of football!

Seabass: Well every year we get old and our real football declines and we should try to practice as much as possible and we're looking forward to seeing you and playing against you in Dublin.
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Official Discussion Topic

He's aware of what we think of the goalkeepers and he says it has been improved. To what extent though? We'll have to wait and see.
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Official Discussion Topic

CVG: In terms of the move onto the next-generation and the Xbox 360 version - what challenges and opportunities has that presented?

Seabass: Well first of all there's been a kind of confusion and we apologise for that. We didn't actually mean it's 360 exclusive forever. We just meant that for this year it's only exclusive for 360. So from next year onwards we will create for other platforms. The 360 version? Well of course everyone is probably demanding upgrade of the graphics, making them more real. And of course upgrade of the AI, making it more real in that aspect as well. And since there's a high demand for that, we are of course up to answering those demands.
Ehm , no you're not!!
Did seabass see the Fifa 06 WC in 360?
Has he any idea of how will Fifa 07 look like in 360?
If yes , he should know he is ages behind. How can he say that they are "up to answering those demands." ???? :shock:

don't get me wrong , I love this game , but I try to understand why they don't say " yes , our graphix sux cause we don't have money , or something! But we have good gameplay so we don't care" :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :P
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Official Discussion Topic

Blackjim said:
Ehm , no you're not!!
Did seabass see the Fifa 06 WC in 360?
Has he any idea of how will Fifa 07 look like in 360?
If yes , he should know he is ages behind. How can he say that they are "up to answering those demands." ???? :shock:

don't get me wrong , I love this game , but I try to understand why they don't say " yes , our graphix sux cause we don't have money , or something! But we have good gameplay so we don't care" :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :P
I think it is a matter of taste. :) I myself like the graphics very much. I like the real colors they use. If you are in a stadion, the colors are not that shiney, bright and arcadey as EA makes them. The colors are more pastel-like colors like Konami uses, so more 'warm' colors if you like.
Apart from that; it is not clear from that interview WHICH graphics Seabass means. If he is talking about the player-animations then I think even the most fanatic FIFA-fan will admit those are superior to the FIFA-animations...
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Official Discussion Topic

Han said:
I think it is a matter of taste. :) I myself like the graphics very much. I like the real colors they use. If you are in a stadion, the colors are not that shiney, bright and arcadey as EA makes them. The colors are more pastel-like colors like Konami uses, so more 'warm' colors if you like.
Apart from that; it is not clear from that interview WHICH graphics Seabass means. If he is talking about the player-animations then I think even the most fanatic FIFA-fan will admit those are superior to the FIFA-animations...
Maybe it is.
In one month we will have both fifa 07 and PES6 so we will make a more detailed comparison :mrgreen:
can't w8 till then
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Official Discussion Topic

There already is a FIFA 07 demo (since yesterday) and I am that impressed that I un-installed the game after some hours of playing :D
What a poor gameplay, especially the response of the defenders: You cannot organize the defense, compared by PES/WE !
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Official Discussion Topic

Han said:
There already is a FIFA 07 demo (since yesterday) and I am that impressed that I un-installed the game after some hours of playing :D
What a poor gameplay, especially the response of the defenders: You cannot organize the defense, compared by PES/WE !
You mean the PC demo , right?
Hope we will have the 360 demo soon :mrgreen:

Milanista should have some info of the demo dates... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Official Discussion Topic

About that interview:
Yes, good questions, but those interviewers are no journalists as they don't ask through on a avoided subject. It is clear Seabass avoids the question about the LIVE-gameplay of PES 6, just read the question and the long, but dodgey answer:

CVG: Perhaps one of the most interesting aspects of the 360 version is the opportunity for Live multiplayer - could you tell us something more about your plans for the online version of PES 6 360?

Seabass: Well Xbox Live is wonderful in terms of online infrastructure and it's a wonderful online playing experience itself. What we plan to do and what we think will be a challenge for online is - well we were never really satisfied with the current version of the online mode - and we know the users won't be satisfied as well.

We probably have to break up all the things we have built online, probably create something new from scratch, but we have already started to do that and it's like, what we're trying to achieve is like all your modes and all the modes you have in a normal online first-person shooter, and we want to do that and give the users that feeling, like they're playing the most sophisticated and online titles.
We'd like to give the users that feeling when they play our game as well. This is already happening and from next year, or even sooner, I think we'll be to show you what I'm talking about.

Once we've addressed those core areas, I think we can go into multiplayer and maybe not 11 versus 11 next year, but something close to that. Apart from that we would also like to also experiment doing online leagues, online tournaments and things like that and maybe online Master League mode as well. We are prepared to that and we are determined to do that and well try and present this to you in the very near future.

Did any of you read the answer of the question what we could expect of PES 6 LIVE??
Bad job of the journalists not to ask through about this...
I mean, this was a very important question and a lot of gamers are interested in particular on this subject...
Bad sign Seabass did not want to answer this question... Now I expect LIVE for PES 6 unchanged.
Last edited:
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Official Discussion Topic

the big thing from that interview is no ps2 control support which will probably make me not buy this game now as the xbox360 pad makes pes almost imposibble to play as the dpad is awful and i just cant use analog
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Official Discussion Topic

Liked how he said hes made Germany much stonger as i love being them in the game!! cant wait for pes 6 on the 360
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Official Discussion Topic

How retarded do you have to be to not be able to adapt to using analogue if it plays better that way? Is it so bad that you'd rather not buy the game at all?

Having played the FIFA 07 PC demo with my 360 controller, I can safely say there is no problems at all with playing a football game with it. It might take a bit of adjusting but to sulk about not buying a game because it doesn't use a PS2 controller is just pathetic.
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Official Discussion Topic

psimonius said:
How retarded do you have to be to not be able to adapt to using analogue if it plays better that way? Is it so bad that you'd rather not buy the game at all?

Having played the FIFA 07 PC demo with my 360 controller, I can safely say there is no problems at all with playing a football game with it. It might take a bit of adjusting but to sulk about not buying a game because it doesn't use a PS2 controller is just pathetic.
The game doesn't play better that way, it only uses 8 directions and thus the d-pad, which only has 8 directions, is the more accurate method of control. Sure it's perfectly playable using the analogue stick (I've been using the stick on the DS2 for the past 3 months in preperation for the 360 version, as I know the d-pad on that is total wank and I'll have no choice), but because it's far more precise, so do the actions of the person playing the game need to be. On the d-pad, diagonal up/left is diagonal up/left, on the analogue stick the game might accidentally assume you've pressed left or up, because you didn't hold the stick in exactly the right position.

The game is designed to be played on the d-pad, look at Seabass' comment about the 360 d-pad being toss! He's also said numerous times he uses the d-pad himself.

Not that it will put me off buying it, but at least after reading that interview I'll buy it knowing it's going to be a struggle initially, instead of actually being properly tuned for the 360 stick. That'd be too much effort for them, eh? :roll:
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Official Discussion Topic

ClassicD said:
The game doesn't play better that way, it only uses 8 directions and thus the d-pad, which only has 8 directions, is the more accurate method of control. Sure it's perfectly playable using the analogue stick (I've been using the stick on the DS2 for the past 3 months in preperation for the 360 version, as I know the d-pad on that is total wank and I'll have no choice), but because it's far more precise, so do the actions of the person playing the game need to be. On the d-pad, diagonal up/left is diagonal up/left, on the analogue stick the game might accidentally assume you've pressed left or up, because you didn't hold the stick in exactly the right position.

The game is designed to be played on the d-pad, look at Seabass' comment about the 360 d-pad being toss! He's also said numerous times he uses the d-pad himself.

Not that it will put me off buying it, but at least after reading that interview I'll buy it knowing it's going to be a struggle initially, instead of actually being properly tuned for the 360 stick. That'd be too much effort for them, eh? :roll:

Tell you what though, Considering this is 2006, and not 1996, don't you think its a shambles that we don't have more than 8 directions.

Its so retro,I've been using the analogue stick for about 6 or 7 years,its a breeze,but I still feel extremely limited on pes because of this.

When shooting,You should be able to play the ball ANYWHERE you like.
I could just about forgive this on the PS2,but the fact we are on the next level,and still Nokami can't be bothered implementing it in there game.

Ok,The asians maybe love it with the d pad,but this is another market,and it ain't Winning eleven land.

Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Official Discussion Topic

jambotommy said:
Tell you what though, Considering this is 2006, and not 1996, don't you think its a shambles that we don't have more than 8 directions.

Its so retro,I've been using the analogue stick for about 6 or 7 years,its a breeze,but I still feel extremely limited on pes because of this.

When shooting,You should be able to play the ball ANYWHERE you like.
I could just about forgive this on the PS2,but the fact we are on the next level,and still Nokami can't be bothered implementing it in there game.

Ok,The asians maybe love it with the d pad,but this is another market,and it ain't Winning eleven land.

Totally agree.
I always played with the analog stick ( never had a problem with it ) and I wish we had more than 8 directions... :roll:
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Official Discussion Topic

Blackjim said:
Totally agree.
I always played with the analog stick ( never had a problem with it ) and I wish we had more than 8 directions... :roll:

Today-"Maybe Konami will include it next year(pes7)"

Next year-"Maybe Konami will include it next year(pes8)"

2008-"Maybe Konami will include it next year(pes9)"

2009-"Maybe next year eh?"(pes10((xbox720)

Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Official Discussion Topic

jambotommy said:
Tell you what though, Considering this is 2006, and not 1996, don't you think its a shambles that we don't have more than 8 directions.

Its so retro,I've been using the analogue stick for about 6 or 7 years,its a breeze,but I still feel extremely limited on pes because of this.

When shooting,You should be able to play the ball ANYWHERE you like.
I could just about forgive this on the PS2,but the fact we are on the next level,and still Nokami can't be bothered implementing it in there game.

Ok,The asians maybe love it with the d pad,but this is another market,and it ain't Winning eleven land.


Agree completely, I said as much at the end of the post you quoted. We're going to get a port of the PS2 control-scheme, despite Konami knowing the 360 d-pad isn't suitable and really requires a suitable analogue system.
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Official Discussion Topic

btw , I can't understand why some ppl play only with the D-pad and not with the analog.
I don't have problems playing with any of them , but analog is far more precise and easier to handle. except that with analog u can have the 360 degree thing ( if any game has it anyway :P )

And ok , konami r known for their "standarts" :P But will EA have 360 movement in Fifa?
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Official Discussion Topic

I don't mind there being a limited number of directions. If you play game that has total 360 movement, it is often quite fiddly to get the player to run in the exact direction you want. If anyone has played the remake of Sensible Soccer, you will see a perfect example of this. You can run towards the ball but just miss is because you weren't perfectly aiming in the right direction. I don't think full 360 degree movement is practical and will make it more frustrating if anything.

I would at least like to see perhaps the introduction of 16-way direction. Simply add another direction in between the current directions available. This in itself would be hard to adapt to at first and may not sound a lot, but it really would make a huge difference in the dynamics of player movement. Compared to 8-way direction, it would feel positively liberating.

Analogue for life. ;)
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Official Discussion Topic

Having played the FIFA 07 PC demo with my 360 controller, I can safely say there is no problems at all with playing a football game with it. It might take a bit of adjusting but to sulk about not buying a game because it doesn't use a PS2 controller is just pathetic.

psimonius how did u manage it to make it work the xbox360 controller on pc? cos i was trying to do the same but culdn't make it work
can u show me the right steps pls
many thanks in advance
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Official Discussion Topic

u just said you played it with your controller and then asked how to get it working. You just lied and shopped yourself in the same post.
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Official Discussion Topic

cowden_harley said:
u just said you played it with your controller and then asked how to get it working. You just lied and shopped yourself in the same post.

No man, ronaldo10 was quoting psimonius post. He just can't use the QUOTE button for some reason... thats why you thought the first sentence was his own too.

Btw, i would also like to know how to use the xbox360 pc controller with the FIFA07 demo. Can't i cant use it. I'm using my logitech.
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