PES6 (Xbox 360) - Official News and Discussion Topic

Re: Official Pro Evolution Soccer 6 thread (Xbox 360 version)

Another concern I have is that that speed seems too fast. After playing WE versions only Ive totally got used to the pace of the game.

PES games have always been faster, and the 360 version seems super fast.
Re: Official Pro Evolution Soccer 6 thread (Xbox 360 version)

Adonis said:
Another concern I have is that that speed seems too fast. After playing WE versions only Ive totally got used to the pace of the game.

PES games have always been faster, and the 360 version seems super fast.

When you play on a very big screen the pace seems always higher ; Kaiwai said in his revizw that the game was slower than WE10 on PS2.
Re: Official Pro Evolution Soccer 6 thread (Xbox 360 version)

Flawl3ssCowb0y said:
Yeah, or PGR3 for the 360. Thats the way I'm taking it anyway.

I wasn't expecting too much and what we seem to be getting (PES6 with a gloss of paint and better online features) will do me.

Now if PES7 isn't drastically different, then I will be extremely disappointed.
I wished this is what we get: Better online features! I am afraid the on-line improvements will only be at the PS2/PC versions :(
Or did some of you guys hear about 360-online improvements?
In the previews there is nothing mentioned about this and that is a bad sign...
Re: Official Pro Evolution Soccer 6 thread (Xbox 360 version)

all this disappointed talk is starting to annoy me...

I have played EVERY release of iss/Pro evo/winning eleven EVER and that is not an exageration

Konami get it right everytime! EVERYSINGLE TIME!

remember the first pes on ps2? how amazing it seemed but think how teh series has progressed, teh same thing will happen with the next gen releases.

every new game has new minor features which takes us a while to get used to, some of us even critise. But there is a reason this community is so large and there is a reason why people devote months of their lives developing patches and option files

the reason is PEs games are solid gold, and this will be no differnet. Its the sole reason i have an xbox 360.

I think everyone should hold fire on critism until the release of the demo at least...we know konami always get it right!
Re: Official Pro Evolution Soccer 6 thread (Xbox 360 version)

Han said:
I wished this is what we get: Better online features! I am afraid the on-line improvements will only be at the PS2/PC versions :(
Or did some of you guys hear about 360-online improvements?
In the previews there is nothing mentioned about this and that is a bad sign...

Oh, I thought online improvements were mentioned for the 360 version. Is this not the case? :(
Re: Official Pro Evolution Soccer 6 thread (Xbox 360 version)

The deal with X360 not so exclusive....

GC 2006: Pro Evo and FIFA Not so Exclusive?
Konami to Microsoft: "BALLS!!!"
by Tal Blevins

August 26, 2006 - Seems like there's a little confusion floating around the world about at least one of the announcements Microsoft made at the German Games Convention this week.

In their GC press conference in Leipzig that we attended, Microsoft specifically announced that the next iterations of Pro Evolution Soccer and FIFA would only be available on the Xbox 360 for the next 12 months. Given that their press conference was held on August 23, 2006, you would assume that means you would mean Xbox 360 had Pro Evo and FIFA exclusively through August 23, 2007.

However, shortly after the press conference, Konami denied that there was a 12-month exclusivity deal in place for the Pro Evolution series.

We interviewed Pro Evolution Soccer producer Shingo "Seabass" Takatsuka today and he told us that next-gen version of Pro Evolution Soccer 6 would be exclusive to the Xbox 360 through the end of the year, but not for 12 months. He also confirmed that a PlayStation 3 version of the game was already being worked on, and would most likely be released in spring or summer of next year, although no specific release date had been confirmed as of yet.

Seabass also made it clear that the current-gen versions -- PC, PS2, DS, PSP -- will all still be coming out at the same time as the Xbox 360 version.

Konami Japan went so far as to release this statement (translated) to explain the situation:

"There are some articles (or some statements which could lead to the misunderstanding) at some websites and other sources stating that Konami's soccer game Pro Evolution Soccer 6 will be released as an exclusive Xbox 360 title. However, this is not true. Pro Evolution Soccer 6 is being developed for multiple platforms so that many consumers will be able to enjoy it."

According to what we've heard from EA representatives at the show, the FIFA deal seems to be similar, and there could be a much shorter window of exclusivity than what Microsoft originally announced.
Re: Official Pro Evolution Soccer 6 thread (Xbox 360 version)

viniciusdcs said:
I actually think that PES6 is the last current-gen PES, bu there's no way that they are going to keep on doing a PS2 PES for 3 more years.

Actually some konami worker named Seabass has confirmed to Pelaaja magazine that PES will come for PS2 atleast 3 years because they dont want to abandon fans on current generation consoles.
Re: Official Pro Evolution Soccer 6 thread (Xbox 360 version)

JayD said:
There is still over 2 months before this game is released so a lot of polishing can go into it before then. Another thing that I have come to learn since playing Pro Evo / WE is that you can never tell how the game plays by watching the video it's always the little tweaks that can make each version seem very different. Another thing how many times have we had the Beta / Demo which this is and then the full game is a marked improvement? So it may not be the mind blowing experience that people were hoping for but it will definatly be the best version available of PES6 and hopefully th ebest version to date. So in my view that is progression. But as I said until we have played its pure speculation at the moment. I for one will buy this and am looking forward to it immensly.

You are spot on dude. I heard people say that the PES5 demo was just WE9 with a slower tempo. I couldn't compare but it was definately a different gear to PES4. When I played the final version of PES5, it was completely different again and all those niggles of the demo were gone.

What we see here is simply a beta version of PES6. They've admitted that a lot of work has to be done on the graphics so I would expect a few tweaks here and there. Perhaps better looking crowds will come in once they optimise the game better. I expect to see the gameplay change yet again by the time we play a demo, and again further still by the time PES6 finally ships.
Re: Official Pro Evolution Soccer 6 thread (Xbox 360 version)

APX said:
Actually some konami worker named Seabass has confirmed to Pelaaja magazine that PES will come for PS2 atleast 3 years because they dont want to abandon fans on current generation consoles.

I don't see anymore PS2 games after PES7 regardless of what they say now.
Re: Official Pro Evolution Soccer 6 thread (Xbox 360 version)

The game does seem a lot faster but i believe it's because it finally runs @ 60fps while the current gen ver controrary to what people say, run @ 30.
Re: Official Pro Evolution Soccer 6 thread (Xbox 360 version)

I'd love to hear how that's the case Jumbo, current gen is clearly 60fps.
Re: Official Pro Evolution Soccer 6 thread (Xbox 360 version)

bluemonkeymagic said:
all this disappointed talk is starting to annoy me...

I have played EVERY release of iss/Pro evo/winning eleven EVER and that is not an exageration

Konami get it right everytime! EVERYSINGLE TIME!

remember the first pes on ps2? how amazing it seemed but think how teh series has progressed, teh same thing will happen with the next gen releases.

every new game has new minor features which takes us a while to get used to, some of us even critise. But there is a reason this community is so large and there is a reason why people devote months of their lives developing patches and option files

the reason is PEs games are solid gold, and this will be no differnet. Its the sole reason i have an xbox 360.

I think everyone should hold fire on critism until the release of the demo at least...we know konami always get it right!

I do agree with you at 100% ! ^^
Re: Official Pro Evolution Soccer 6 thread (Xbox 360 version)

ClassicD said:
I'd love to hear how that's the case Jumbo, current gen is clearly 60fps.

Interlaced signal = 30 frames per second.
Progressive signal = 60 frame per second.

The current gen PS2 versions = 60 fields per second, not 60 frames per second.

In an interlaced mode only 60/2 = 30 frames will be actually displayed.

I would argue that Winning Eleven displayed @ 480i and 720p will run the same.. :)

Only the Xbox version can display an actual 60 frames per secnod in 480p which is why people think it's faster.

Olivier asks, I've seen some GameCube game reviews (on IGN for instance) where they mention frame rates of 60 fps, but that the game does not support progressive scan. Is this possible? I always though that 60 fps and progressive scan were meaning the same thing.

Mike H. Says: Err... so did we. You can't see 60 frames per second on standard definition TV sets, so they ARE essentially one in the same. This would be an IGN boo boo.

Rize Says: This isn't entirely true. F-Zero ran at 60 frames per second on the N64 and that certainly didn't involve progressive scan. This his how a regular TV displays frames (an American or NTSC TV anyway). You get sixty "fields" per second, but each field is not an entire frame. Each field is actually just the odd numbered or even numbered lines. So you get alternating odd and even fields sixty times per second. I'm pretty sure that the game still runs at 60 frames, you just get to see the odd and even lines of each frame instead of the whole thing. This is why you can look closely at a TV and see vertical lines "waving" from left to right as opposed to on a computer monitor where straight lines remain perfectly straight. That said, a game that runs locked at thirty seconds still looks very good, even on a progressive scan TV. The most important way to make a games frame rate look good is to lock it in place (as long as it's 30 and above). When the frame rate swings about wildly is when it's easiest to notice.


An NTSC television refreshes at 60Hz (think of this as a "pulse" of the picture guns), interlaced. Every half a second, you see one FIELD of picture data. However, these fields are interlaced, meaning that it skips a line. The remainder of that second, the screen displays the other lines. It happens so fast, that your brain blurs it all together to make one solid picture.

This "solid" picture that you see every second is a FRAME. A game running at 30 FRAMES per second is displaying the same FIELD twice every second.

In F-Zero for N64, the game ran at 60 FIELDS per second. Every interlaced field had new picture data in it, and this creates a very smooth feeling to the motion. Again, your brain blurs all of these interlaces fields together, and it seems very smooth and responsive. It's particularly effective with low-resolution N64 games because it's not trying to take advantage of the full screen resolution of a TV screen (which is approximately 640x480), most N64 games ran at 320x240. Since it's only half the vertical resolution, this introduces no flicker.

Flicker in games running at 60 FIELDS per second on a standard TV occurs because they are running at high-resolution 640x480, so you are only seeing half of the picture data that you could be seeing every half second. This creates a noticeable flicker, which is apparent in games like Luigi's Mansion and Super Smash Bros. Melee. There are ways to mitigate this flickering effect, and SSBM uses one such method.

On a progressive scan (HDTV), the picture isn't interlaced. Every half a second, you see the entire FIELD of picture data. Games that can run in progressive scan mode do not flicker, because it's the interlacing combined with those two interlaced pictures being different that causes flicker.

Thus, only a game running in progressive scan mode is capable of running at 60 FRAMES per second. All interlaced games run at 60 FIELDS per second. This is why you can't use the term FPS when talking about console games. No one would know if you're talking about Fields or Frames (although we could probably figure it out).


It's true that you can only truly see 60 frames (or fields or whatever, Rick can correct me) per second in progressive scan, but 60 fps (gasp!) in interlaced mode still looks better and smoother than 30 fps in interlaced mode. That's why F-Zero X looks smoother than any 30 fps game on the N64, even though the N64 doesn't support progressive scan at all.
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Re: Official Pro Evolution Soccer 6 thread (Xbox 360 version)

As for the graphics and gameplay im not dissapointed, i wasnt expecting a great improvement, just better graphics over the same engine. However what i am curios about are number of teams and how the ML is now shaping up. For the ps2 seabass always said that the number of teams, lack of, was because of data restriction, a laughable claim considering the dvd only used 2,2gb at most and the number of teams fifa has. I wonder what kind of excuse he will now use, as i cant see them actually changing anything.

As for the people complaining about people complaining about the lack of development, they have a point( the original complainers). Like i said i wasnt expecting much so am not dissapointed, yet. However konami's record for adding, removing and then adding the same features again, and then releasing statements to the press of "new" additions is very consistent. They do it every year and its pretty ridiculous, dont be suprised if for pes7 360 they say, up to 8 player online capabilities for the xbox360. And state it as an improvement, like they shouldnt already have had it for this version with ps2/pc already having it. In some ways i really hope fifa can nail down the gameplay with their new engine so i can skip over to that and actually play leagues and cups in a realistic manner. For all their faults, mainly crap gameplay, they do try to improve the game, and are actually noticably improving it with each version. Konami, no matter waht anybody says, arent. They tweak the gameplay back and forth, add/remove features and say stuff like massive ML improvement, which translates into a bigger development sheet. Bollocks!

And as for the comment about the game being so good and it having such a large patch/optionfile community, maybe if they actually did their work properly it wouldnt be needed!
Re: Official Pro Evolution Soccer 6 thread (Xbox 360 version)

Frames/fields, meh. :)

The videos I've seen suggest the 360 version runs at the same 'smoothness', we'll call it, as the current gen version. I don't care about technicalities, the only difference is in the textures.
Re: Official Pro Evolution Soccer 6 thread (Xbox 360 version)

I played W10 today after watching the new videos.

The X version does seem a little bit faster to me. As far as the smoothness, I agree. KONAMI's football games are rather smooth on the technical side which makes the gameplay really fluid.

Aside from the framerate, the other grahical differences include high-res textures, pixel shading, normal mapping, 16:9 aspect ratio.

No noticable gameplay changes at least at this point.
Re: Official Pro Evolution Soccer 6 thread (Xbox 360 version)

This game is such a lift to 360 owners. Finally a next gen Pro evo. The lighting better grass and cleaerer textures make this game worth it. YES it's NOT the FMV from WE6FE BUT it's what the PS2 versions have not been lately....UPDATED
Re: Official Pro Evolution Soccer 6 thread (Xbox 360 version)

and another thing, i understand the need to update gameplay but if it wasnt so good already then we wouldnt be posting on here...

if they changed it we would only be moaning bout that
Re: Official Pro Evolution Soccer 6 thread (Xbox 360 version)

konami not doing soo much isn't a bad thing in my opinion.

dont fix want isn;t broken.

they still tweak and improve and hange the way the game feels each yea.r what more do you want. do you want them to revamp the systema dn it turn out worse than fifa?

when you have a gameplay engine that is so brilliant you dont go and change it for no reason because people are complaining.

think of it this way. fifa isn;t doing much more than konami.....but FIFA actually sucks. so they shoudl eb doing more.
Re: Official Pro Evolution Soccer 6 thread (Xbox 360 version)

grechzoo said:
konami not doing soo much isn't a bad thing in my opinion.

dont fix want isn;t broken.

they still tweak and improve and hange the way the game feels each yea.r what more do you want. do you want them to revamp the systema dn it turn out worse than fifa?

when you have a gameplay engine that is so brilliant you dont go and change it for no reason because people are complaining.

think of it this way. fifa isn;t doing much more than konami.....but FIFA actually sucks. so they shoudl eb doing more.

I know what you mean mate,but think you are being a tad harsh on EA.

EA have held up there hands and admitted they fecked up with many parts off their game,but seem to be trying really hard to make amends.

Konami,on the other hand,just seem to keep getting away with the same game on the ps2 and xbox,whereas you REALLY would expect them to vastly improve.

Don't get me wrong,I play pes 5 every night,but to be honest,thats only because of the shocking online system bugs that were evident in World Cup Germany 2006 on the 360.

I find myself doing the same moves on pes5,almost all of the time !!!
Re: Official Pro Evolution Soccer 6 thread (Xbox 360 version)

With regards to them saying that they have improved the online for the ps2 and pc version and have not stated this for the 360 version, could be because it is there first pes game on the 360, so if they use the same as the new pc version (online setup) then its gonna be there first one for the 360. So they arent gonna be able to say improved online for the 360 because it hasnt got a previous version to improve on on the console. If that makes sense lol.

Also, Ive said for ages that this version will be pretty much the same as the ps2 version but wiv hd and widescreen ect which is what i was expecting and will be happy with anyway.
Re: Official Pro Evolution Soccer 6 thread (Xbox 360 version)

I was just reading ThomasGoals interview with Seabass and its not a port like everyone thought, according to him it was written from the ground up...he reckons the goalkeepers AI will be improved and that the online mode will be like sitting next to someone...which is why they have limited it to 1-2-1 only....

we will be able to decide on the 27th October..
Re: Official Pro Evolution Soccer 6 thread (Xbox 360 version)

ive played it and its awesome!! yall dnt kno wot ur missing
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