PES6 (Xbox 360) - Official News and Discussion Topic

Re: First images of PES6 on XBOX360

I just bought the 360 for NHL 07(first next gen sports game that looks awesome imo)

When does PES release for the 360 in the States? Is the 360 region specific?

off topic.. but why doesn't Konami ever have manual goalie in their footie game? I wanna be able to get on the keeper control his movement and make a save by pressing a button.. why can't they ever do this? it be a great new gameplay addition to the series... I wish they do this. It's weird that they don't have this option when GOAL for the regular NES had it. lol I was hoping next gen WE/PES would finally have this
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Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Info and screens

Seabass himself said the D-pad is more precise. I use the D-pad myself. I don't like the look of the Xbox 360 D-pad, I might just need to get used to it.
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Info and screens

The 360 d-pad is complete shite, so get used to the sticks on the Dual Shock as quickly as possible is my advice, you'll probably be using the stick when you play the 360 version.
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Info and screens

btw, having watched the higher quality video of the game I have to say I'm extremely disappointed by what's on show. It's absolutely identical to the current-gen versions in animation, AI-movement, in everything except textures. Even the way the nets react is the same. A graphical overhaul was always going to be the main thing here but it's shocking to see zero additional animations/tweaks have been added. When we went from PS1 to PS2 the initial version had new animations at least.

I'll buy it of course, but it's a bit of a let-down.
Re: First images of PES6 on XBOX360

Anyone see the mug shots that riot took in the other topic?

This game looks like shit..

But hey, at least it should be playable. If it plays like WE10 + good online, I'll survive until the next version.
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Info and screens

By the way guys, for those who have played it, do the kits move realistically? I.e. is there any cloth animation? And is there any sweat when the players get tired?
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Info and screens

As long as the game looks polished enough to the point of distancing itself from the current Gen graphics, I'll be fine.

Remember, this is only a Beta and NOKAMI has said that they are still working on the visuals of the game before it is launched. Got this info from IGN. So, there is still hope.

Online will be a whole lot of fun with this game. I am already used to the Xbox360 controller, so I should adjust just fine.

The only thing I am hoping for is different types of soccer/goal/posts/nets for different stadiums, and more natural flowing net animations of course.
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Info and screens

not proof at all just ign's opnion, no proof whatsoever. How can you port a 4:3 game into widescreen HD answer me that? Stupid thing for a piss poor website to be saying.
Re: First images of PES6 on XBOX360

cowden_harley said:
it look shit on a camera photo taken of a screen? Jesus chrsit this forum really is going rapidly downhill.

go to leipzig and take some better pictures ; we just can't wait !

Cowden - Leipzig = 1171 Km + ferry from Kingston Upon Hull to Rotterdam
Re: First images of PES6 on XBOX360

Admittedly, neither of the two games shown at the event (360 and DS) were graphically superb. The 360 version was showing evidence of a port-job from an Xbox or PS2 version,

Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Info and screens

How can you port a 4:3 game into widescreen HD answer me that? Stupid thing for a piss poor website to be saying.

Uhh, keep the same animations, gameplay and gameplay modes and improve the textures and change the screen setting. IGN is sh*te though.
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Info and screens

AgentSmithMatrix said:

That one is shite m8! I`ve bought it a couple months ago and its totally shite! The PS2 D-pad is the best ever! I`ve got a xbox360 and i`m never playing with that d-pad because its shite also :) I`m only playing with the dual shock of the 360. But concerning pes the ps2`s d-pad is the best!

By the way!!! I`m going to Leipzig within 18 hours :D! Ì will record some movies and take some great pictures for you guys!
Re: First images of PES6 on XBOX360

kobashi said:
Admittedly, neither of the two games shown at the event (360 and DS) were graphically superb. The 360 version was showing evidence of a port-job from an Xbox or PS2 version,


How many times are you gonna tell us?
Re: First images of PES6 on XBOX360

benjo said:
go to leipzig and take some better pictures ; we just can't wait !

Cowden - Leipzig = 1171 Km + ferry from Kingston Upon Hull to Rotterdam

my point isnt about the quality of the pictures. Fair play to the boy for taking them hes done a good job. My point is how can you make your mind up about a game looking at them.\\:o/
Re: First images of PES6 on XBOX360

kobashi said:
Admittedly, neither of the two games shown at the event (360 and DS) were graphically superb. The 360 version was showing evidence of a port-job from an Xbox or PS2 version,


Just in case you have forgotten where you keep putting this post ill reply here as well.

Ign are one of the worst gaming websites for spouting absolute bullsh*te. To say that Konami have ported the whole game is ridiculous. One is 4:3 and one is 16:9 for a start. Sure they probably used the physics and some of the animations but to suggest it is a straight port is outrageous.
Re: First images of PES6 on XBOX360

Looks decent. Too bad it's only that crappy Monaco-stadium though. I'm interested in seeing how the atmosphere is captured. If the crowds are closer on the pitch and more lively. The atmosphere is almost completely lacking in WE10 and PES5 due to absolutely shit crowds, in my opinion.
Re: First images of PES6 on XBOX360

I hope to god those faces improve, because the only decent one's i've seen so far are Fabregas, Cafu, Rosicky and Adriano. All of the england team, from the vids shown look awful. :( I'm not expecting a completely next gen game, but at least have their faces look BETTER than their WE10/PS2 PES6 counterparts.
Re: First images of PES6 on XBOX360

Henry and Ronaldo are the worst i've seen yet. Has anybody seen Ronaldinhos face ?
Re: First images of PES6 on XBOX360

The England team faces are from the PES6 video intro I think, not in-game. They're hardly going to make the faces worse, England already looked pretty good in WE10.
Re: First images of PES6 on XBOX360

ojlim said:
The England team faces are from the PES6 video intro I think, not in-game. They're hardly going to make the faces worse, England already looked pretty good in WE10.

Let's hope that. :(
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Info and screens

Review by KAiWAi about the PES6 360 Demo :

Preview de la demo Xbox360 Liepzig 2006 ...

J'ai pu m'essayer a la demo Xbox360...
... celle-ci propose un match de 10 minutes dans le stade unique de Monaco. On a le choix entre 5 equipes differentes : la France, le Bresil, l'Espagne, l'Italie et la Tchquie. J'ai pu tranquillement m'y essayer durant 1 heure, 5 matchs, juste le temps de commencer a me faire au pad X360... plutot deroutant pour les habitues de la PS2 !! Quoi qu'il en soi, il est evident que cette version ne represente pas le produit fini et que pas mal de points techniques restent a travailler !!

- Les menus ont ete modifie sur cette version pour coller au style 'hype' de la X360.
- Fini les etoiles de difficulte, ici on parle de 'debutant', 'intermediaire', 'standard', etc ...
- Les cut-scenes sont differentes de la version PS2 pour mettre en avant la qualite de modelisation des joueurs.
- Les juges de touches et leurs petits drapeaux sont enfin la !!
- Les equies nationales comprennent les effectifs exactes de la Coupe du Monde.
- Les nouvelles licences : La France, la Tchequie, la Ligue1, Man.UTD, Olympiacos, Benfica et Sportig Lisbone.

- Le stade disponible ressemblait a un stade PS2... je pense que c'est un point sur lequel Konami continue a bosser.
- Les supporters semblent etre dans une fausse 3D ... a nouveau, cela devrait s'ameliorer.
- La texture du terrain ressemble un peu a celle de 'Love Football' mais en mieux... de loin c'est plutot joli.
- La modelisation des joueurs est correcte ... quoi qu'il arrive, on est heureux de voir enfin une amelioration graphique significative !!
- Les visages des joueurs revele des expressions plus ou moins realistes mais c'est plus vivant que sur PS2, c'est sur.
- Les mouvements des joueurs sont les memes que sur PS2 mais la motion capture semble differente.
- Concretement, ca bouge bien mieux qu'avant avec une fluidite jamais atteinte,... merci la X360 !!
- Le mode 16/9 prends indeniablement tout son sens dans un jeu de foot comme PES.
- Dans PES6, il est clair que l'IA adverse est la plus aboutie et la plus variee de la serie !!
- La physique de balle n'est pas la meme que sur PS2... le ballon rebondi sur les motes de terres quand elle roule!!
- La physique des joueurs est differente aussi... les contacts entre joueurs sont plus presents que sur PS2, ce qui est un excellent point (ca se rapproche plus de PES5 sur le coup).
- Le jeu est plus lent que sur PS2 ce qui est un bon point pour le realisme.
- L'impression generale sur l'aspect technique est celle d'un realisme jamais atteint dans la serie, tout simplement.

- Le gameplay est a peu de chose pret le meme que la version PS2.
- La croix directionelle de la X360 pue un peu des pieds ... !
- Les gardiens sont enfin meilleur que dans WE10... meme si quelques bourdes viennent parfois ternir le tableau. Sur ce point, on sent bien mieux la difference entre un bon et un mauvais gardien !!
- Comme dans WE10, les defenseurs sont nettement avantages sur les attaquants de sorte qu'une fois que le coup d'accelerateur est donne par Henry, il est peu probable de le ratraper.
- En contre partie, il faut avouer que le jeu balle au pied n'avais jamais ete aussi agreable !!!

La fameuse "Loi des chiffres paires" est a nouveau d'actualite : un PES sur deux est plus oriente 'action-simulation' ... c'est le cas pour PES6. Malgre tout, le jeu est agreable manette en main et on prend indeniablement plus de plaisir que dans WE10. La version X360 est un bon en avant,... pas encore comme nous l'avons imagine dans nos reves les plus fous mais ca fait enormenent de bien de voir ENFIN une avancee technique et graphique dans la serie ... depuis PES, on a rien vu de nouveau a ce niveau !!! Quoi qu'il arrive, la version Xbox360 est bien plus impressionnante en muvement qu'en image... ne vous fiez pas aux screenshots, le jeu est reellement joli.

Cette annee, si il n'y a qu'une version a acheter, c'est PES6 sur X360 ...
... d'ailleur je vais m'offrir la console en rentrant !!


if you want trnslate it ;)
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Info and screens

Preview of the demo Xbox360 Liepzig 2006...

I was able to try has myself the demo Xbox360.. ... This one proposes a game of 10 minutes in the unique stadium of Monaco. One has the choice between 5 equipes differentes: France, the Bresil, Spain, Italy and the Tchquie. I quietly me there was able to try during 1 hour, 5 games, just the time to begin has to be done me to the pad X360.. plutot deroutant for the regulars of the PS2!! Although it in itself, it evident that this version not represente the finished good and that not poorly of technical points remain has to work!!

PRESENTATION: - The menus have ete modifies on this version to stick to the style 'hype' of the X360. - Finished the etoiles of difficulte, here one talks about 'debutant', 'intermediaire', 'standard', etc... - The cut-scenes are differentes of the version PS2 to put forward the qualite of modelisation of the players. - The judges of keys and their small flags are at last it!! - The national equies understand the effective exact one World Cup. - The new licenses: France, the Tchequie, the Ligue1, Man.UTD, Olympiacos, Benfica and Sportig Lisbone.

TECHNICAL: - The available stadium resembled has a stadium PS2.. I think that this is a point on which continuous Konami has slave over. - The supporters seem etre in a false one 3D... has new, that would have s'ameliorer itself. - The texture of the land resembles a little has the one of 'Coils Soccer' but in better... by far this is pretty plutot. - The modelisation of the players is correct... although it arrives, one is happy to to see at last a significant graphic amelioration!! - The faces of the players revele of the expressions more or less realistes but this is more living than on PS2, this is on. - The movements of the players are the memes that on PS2 but the proposal captures seems differente. - Concretely, ca budges much more better that before with a never attained fluidite, ... thank-you the X360!! - The method 16/9 takes indeniablement all sound feels in a soccer game as PES. - In PES6, it is clear that the adverse ia it most resulted and the more variee of the serie!! - The bullet physics not the meme that on PS2.. the ball rebounded on the motes of earths when she rolls!! - The physics of the players is differente also... the contacts between players are more presents than on PS2, this that is an excellent point (ca compares itself more of PES5 on the blow). - The game is slower than on PS2 this that is a voucher not at all for the realisme. - THE IMPRESSION generale on the technical aspect is the one of a realisme never attains in the serie, all simply.

HAND-LEVER IN HAND: - The gameplay is has few thing pret the meme that the version PS2. - The cross directionelle of the X360 been able a little the feet... ! - The custodians are at last better than in WE10.. meme if some blunder come sometimes to tarnish the picture. On this point, one feels much more better the difference between a voucher and a bad custodian!! - As in WE10, the defenseurs are clearly advantages on the attacks so that once the accelerateur blow is gives by Henry, it is not very probable ratraper. - In against left, it is necessary to acknowledge that the game bullet to the foot never had ete also agreable!!!

IN CONCLUSION: The fine one "Law of the amount pairs" is has new actualite: a PES on two east more orients 'action simulation'... this is the case for PES6. Malgre all, the game is agreable hand-lever in hand and one takes indeniablement more pleasure than in WE10. The version X360 is a voucher forward, ... not again as we have it imagines in our magazines more crazy but ca done enormenent of well to see AT LAST a technical and graphic avancee in the serie... since PES, one nothing saw again has this level!!! Although it arrives, the version Xbox360 is well more impressive in muvement than in picture... do not trust you to the screenshots, the game is pretty reellement.

This annee, if there is only a version has to buy, this is PES6 on X360... ... Of ailleur I will offer myself the console while returning!!
Re: PES6 (Xbox 360) - Info and screens

ClassicD said:
btw, having watched the higher quality video of the game I have to say I'm extremely disappointed by what's on show. It's absolutely identical to the current-gen versions in animation, AI-movement, in everything except textures. Even the way the nets react is the same. A graphical overhaul was always going to be the main thing here but it's shocking to see zero additional animations/tweaks have been added. When we went from PS1 to PS2 the initial version had new animations at least.

I'll buy it of course, but it's a bit of a let-down.

I have read some demo reviews and they say there are plenty of added animations in the Xbox360 version.
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