Retired Footballer
Re: The All New PES5 Master League Thread.
That's quite a surprise to find you here Joost...
I really like ML because it's the next best thing to both playing (can't anymore because of injuries) and watching (don't have the time mostly)football...What i like is the fact that i can play with totally unknown players (to me, sometimes they are quite well known) and then when i see them IRL on television i get some sort of thrill...
What do i do to make a ML worthwile???
Well first of all i have a big asset: i'm crap at PES...
Of course when you play it as often as most people in this thread do you get better, even i am getting better (hallelujah).
I take unknown teams (not the really crap teams like RBC) and play against strong teams and i also start with 5000 PES.
I never buy galactico's (IRL i don't like big teams) and i just enjoy myself (quite silly for a guy who became 44 years old yesterday if you think about it...but then again, introspection is not always good to do).
What helps too is playing lots of PSP's hard and afterwards when you play PS2 PES you find out that you have lost lots of skills...
That's quite a surprise to find you here Joost...
I really like ML because it's the next best thing to both playing (can't anymore because of injuries) and watching (don't have the time mostly)football...What i like is the fact that i can play with totally unknown players (to me, sometimes they are quite well known) and then when i see them IRL on television i get some sort of thrill...
What do i do to make a ML worthwile???
Well first of all i have a big asset: i'm crap at PES...
Of course when you play it as often as most people in this thread do you get better, even i am getting better (hallelujah).
I take unknown teams (not the really crap teams like RBC) and play against strong teams and i also start with 5000 PES.
I never buy galactico's (IRL i don't like big teams) and i just enjoy myself (quite silly for a guy who became 44 years old yesterday if you think about it...but then again, introspection is not always good to do).
What helps too is playing lots of PSP's hard and afterwards when you play PS2 PES you find out that you have lost lots of skills...