PES2010 discussion thread

Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

third year in a row people have been talking about early builds, it never ceases to amaze.

i guess we'll see when the GC videos start arriving, that build will be 60-80% complete which is basically the final product.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

third year in a row people have been talking about early builds, it never ceases to amaze.

i guess we'll see when the GC videos start arriving, that build will be 60-80% complete which is basically the final product.

The early build talk is always going to breed cynicism among the fans after the last two years but the fact is the game was shown in June and previously it was always shown around August. It's the earliest PES has ever been shown so you can't dispute that it's an early code. The early build talk is at least credible this year.

But as you said Gamescom will be the big test as what we see there is what we will get in October. No excuses. If the game doesn't look drastically improved in Cologne then any criticism is fair game in my opinion.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

All positive stuff from WENB. Lots of info in there that is very pleasing.

i am thrilled that the pace is slower, no stupid player speeds, improved animation even at this stage and a massive upgrade in graphics.

I'm more excited about this than I am FIFA because I know if pES gets it right then you have a very deep gameplay engine that will give us the kind of thrills that PES5 did.

FIFA also looks great but I elude to previous post's about being thrilled and then it becoming a bit................samey.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I hope the ball speed is more realistic as well as the game speed. The last few years crosses were very similiar to launching a heat seeking missile!
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

What a bizarre statement!!


The Games Convention build will be almost identical to the final game. That has been the case for the past three years.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

All positive stuff from WENB. Lots of info in there that is very pleasing.

i am thrilled that the pace is slower, no stupid player speeds, improved animation even at this stage and a massive upgrade in graphics.

I'm more excited about this than I am FIFA because I know if pES gets it right then you have a very deep gameplay engine that will give us the kind of thrills that PES5 did.

FIFA also looks great but I elude to previous post's about being thrilled and then it becoming a bit................samey.

I feel the same. I really like the sound of players building up to full speed rather than full speed sprinting everywhere. Hopefully this game will have a feel of more inertia.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I'm the same mate, no matter how realistic FIFA is, it just isn't as exciting as playing PES back in the day. If Konami get this years PES right we're in for hours of fun.

I think it also has a lot to do with the cameras. In PES you always feel like you're in the action whether on wide cam/dynamic/normal. However in FIFA I always feel like a spectator.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

When developing a game, the percentage of completion don't have a direct relationship with actual gameplay features.

For example, 40% of the develop process could be simply adding final art in the menus, adding textures for the different teams, chants, etc...

Theorically, the game could be 50% done and all gameplay-related things already developed, and the final product, in terms of gameplay, would not differ from an early build.

Granted, it's not the case, but make sure that all the basics of gameplay are ALREADY DEVELOPED. They are now on tuning and tweaking things and adding some final things, such as animations.

The gameplay won't differ much from the actual build. If the game is brilliant now, surely it will be brilliant 2 months from now. But if it's not brilliant, 2 months is rather little time to turn the tide.

My impressions from all I've read this morning are quite positive, but there's still some fundamental things that make me think it's not enough:

- Control scheme is the same scripted crap for passing and shooting. Poor. I expected them to start changing things here.
- Ball physics seem to be again "scripted" in the sense there's no proper physics engine and the ball always has an end point to its trajectory. That's realted to the previous point. I hoped they would do the jump to free the ball, finally.
- It's still too fast for what I guess (if adam and other pes fans I know from long find it slow but faster than fifa, I know it's too fast for me)
- No word on improved body collisions (even if there's animation involved, the system to detect where the collision has been registered shuold already be implemented by now).

The rest seems to be in a good direction, but without these points, it seems not enough of an evolution for me.

I like the card system idea by now, has great potential. Let's hope there's a real AI involved in positions and movements of AI-driven players. If not, it's useless.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I'm the same mate, no matter how realistic FIFA is, it just isn't as exciting as playing PES back in the day. If Konami get this years PES right we're in for hours of fun.

I think it also has a lot to do with the cameras. In PES you always feel like you're in the action whether on wide cam/dynamic/normal. However in FIFA I always feel like a spectator.

Those 2 statements make sense to me.

I like FIFA 09 a lot but I don't love it....

Now PES5 and PES6 2v2 online especially, was an absolute riot..

Please get back to these 2 games Konami... I don't care for shadows and hairs on players arms...
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

One thing that disappoints me about a progress report that I read was that the person was still using the dpad for player movement.

Its high time Konami ditched the dpad for player movement. Its frustrating playing five different sports games with the analogue stick and then switching to the dpad when playing PES. I've tried to play it the analogue stick but it doesn't feel right.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Those 2 statements make sense to me.

I like FIFA 09 a lot but I don't love it....

Now PES5 and PES6 2v2 online especially, was an absolute riot..

Please get back to these 2 games Konami... I don't care for shadows and hairs on players arms...

The best for me indeed:APPLAUD:

Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

quote from eurogamer

"In isolation, first impressions of PES 2010 are undoubtedly encouraging. The danger for Konami is that PES may finally be finding its feet again, just as FIFA races clear."

as long as it finds its feet to wot is was like with PES5 then i'll be happy...dont care if "FIFA races clear" i just want my fun loving PES back!
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

As always the ingame players lod is the worst of the whole gaming world... A shame, graphically talking, the effect are great but from the distance it seems to be another game... very bad.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

PES are turning into graphic whores...
Does this mean us modders are graphic kerbcrawlers :CONFUSE: :P

Btw i think this screenshot viewed on 1680x1050 looks really close to photo realism. ( PHWOOOAR! :LMAO: )
Seriously though like a lot of people have already said if they give us anything like pes5/6 gamplay then i for one will be a very happy chappy. the thing was with 2009 when i first got it i thought great! such an improvement from 2008 but a few months down the line i became totally fed up with it just like 2008.but i must say i remain optimistic with 2010 :PRAY:
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Because it's fake with the ball as a part of the turning animations... If anyone think this is what FIFA 10 will have you're completely wrong.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Me too killa_byte, I miss my PES :CRY:

Me three

And the FIFAs still dont feel right at all either. Gave fifa2009 one more chance earlier today, and I just dont feel it. Controls horribly, feels nothing like football.
Much worse than even the bad pes2009 IMO, though Im glad people praise it, that way makes konami work harder on improving pes.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

AHHHHHHHH Adam has confirmed that nob end Mark lawrenson is returning as co commentator....................worst bit of news I have heard in any build up.

The mans a suicide counselor not a fucking commentator:RANT:
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Me three

And the FIFAs still dont feel right at all either. Gave fifa2009 one more chance earlier today, and I just dont feel it. Controls horribly, feels nothing like football.
Much worse than even the bad pes2009 IMO, though Im glad people praise it, that way makes konami work harder on improving pes.
Fifa 09 worse than PES2009? Mate behave!Not even the most shocking of fanboys can say that.:TTTH:(but you just did)
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Dude nobody gives a shit about the PC version, this isn't even the forum for that. All you do is rant about PC this and PC that. Buy a goddamn console.
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