PES2010 discussion thread

Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Check the blog on Saturday after 12.00 lunchtime for a HUGE detail blowout, including loads of player stats, menu screen updates, new player cards etc etc - it’s everything we put in our notebook, that wouldn’t fit in the magazine. It’s probably a bit too hardcore for our wider readership, but it makes me oddly excited reading about the sub-permutations of the Change Formations menu.

Did you know Henry has the Cut Back Pass card, that you can toggle on/off? More like this on Saturday.

All being well, we’ll do the Twitter Q&A on Monday 13th, probably about 5pm. You can post your questions in the comments on Saturday’s blog if you want us to start answering them off the bat on Monday.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I wish Konami would fuck off with the close-up screenshots and actually announce important things - why would we care what the game looks like from that position? Who is going to play the game or watch a replay from that sort of angle?
Almost every sports game on the market these days can look stunning in a close-up screenshot, yet only a few stand out as looking very realistic in motion from the view you play the game from.

The only PES09 screenshots i'd actually want to see are ones to show new content/licences, and I think the only one to do that was one of an empty Anfield if I remember correctly (and that's not "new" content, just "returning").

That is a fair point actually Rob but it does show a big step up in realistic graphics. We do need screen shots using a wide cam/broadcast veiw. I'd like to see some frsh stadium shots which will give us an indication of the atmosphere.

I would also like to see players on the pitch in those shots. Konami always release stadium shots with no players.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Licenses/copyright do my head in, just a few reasons...:

We get video games that look crap because another company has the exclusive rights to thinks like names/stadiums/kits etc.
A lot of YouTube videos can't be watched in the UK or have the audio removed.
Sites like are useless in the UK because of copyrights (used to be a very good site), also a load of tracks on Spotify can't be played in the UK.

Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

A Horrible physics engine ??? you mean spotty collision detection?

A light quick and agile player and a heavy lumbering player play totally different in real life and in PES (unless this isnt related to the physics engine) - to me that is a big selling point, the ability to make the digital players play similar to what you see on TV.

Passing yes has to be freed up (movement too tbh) but not to the point where it seems all players can make Xavi/Pirlo/Beckham type passes.

What I hope they can fix is the AI - I want the better teams to play better, keep the ball and punish you more; as it stands better teams tend to just play further up the field but no different from lesser teams

Maybe its just me but after playing a new FIFA every year I drop it about 3-4 weeks in and I play PES more than all my other games despite the flaws (and this is coming from a guy that didnt play PES until PES5)
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Well Urban you can say the same thing about Konami and the CL and Europa League licenses.

Licenses are really shit and ruins sport games. I would think there would be more games if it wasn't for all the expensive licenses. This is what happens in a world where profit is the most important thing in life.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Well Urban you can say the same thing about Konami and the CL and Europa League licenses.

Licenses are really shit and ruins sport games. I would think there would be more games if it wasn't for all the expensive licenses. This is what happens in a world where profit is the most important thing in life.

What have Konami got left to bid for though?

EA swallowed up all other leagues that most people would like to play. I would like to see any football game being fully licensed. secretly EA and konami need each other more than they realise. They should just get on with it together and dominate the games market.

EA buy the Liscenses and Konami make the game.

I await the fanboys attack:PIRATE:
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I'd like to see more licenses being "allowed" in both games, there's nothing stopping the FA for example from changing their laws, surely. But of course, they see a money making opportunity, so rather than selling for a set price to every comer, they want to start a bidding war.

I blame the FAs more than anybody else.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

A Horrible physics engine ??? you mean spotty collision detection?

Reponse to you and to zeemeister: the physics engine of PES is very bad, indeed. You have to take into account all events that take part in physics: ball bouncing, friction, trajectory, rebounds, collision detection between ball & players, collision detection between players.

Physics of the ball generally in the game are quite iffy and not realistic as we would like: how on earth you can cross the pitch with a long pass in less than a second is beyond my mind. The way short passes are glued to the floor is poor. The inconsistency of power in passes is shocking.

Now let's look to rebounds. Sometimes the ball rebounds just the opposite as it would in reality. I've played enough pes 2009 to see the ball do the most stupid rebounds, physically impossible. That's because of a very very poor collision detection and a very iffy physics engine, and sometimes because the cpu simply assigns the ball to a player and makes the rebound go towards that player. It's that bad.

And don't get me started on collision between players because that's a joke. We've seen players falling just the opposite way they should in real life when being tackled, players going THROUGH other players, balls going THROUGH players, unexpected collisions... It really is an unfinished work. Compared to other sports games like NBA 2k9 or fifa, there's a big big difference. Granted they all suffer from some clipping problems now and then, but NOT to that extent. I've even seen the goalkeeper disappearing below the ground, mate... Or the ball going through the chest of my keeper.

Finally, shots and crosses do look better, but the scripted look & feel of them makes it a bit artificial. I mean, most of the times it doesn't matter where you're aiming, the CPU will decide where to put the ball, even if it was another direction. That makes physics in shooting a little suspicious.

At the end, the only thing physics-related where PES is maybe slightly better is in shooting and crossing, but that's due to the scripted nature of it. The moment they "free" the shooting and crossing, they will need to rewrite A LOT OF CODE.

Believe me when I say that emulating freely shooting and crossing is one of the most complex things in a football game. Let's see the difference: If it's scripted, you know the end point of the trajectory and make the ball go there. If it's "free", an impact is registered and the ball begins to react to the impact and every processor cycle calculates the evolution of that impact. I hope it's clear the difference between them, and while "scripted" trajectories offer a short-term good look, they're constrained and limited in terms of control and evolution, because it only works by calculating an ending point. On the other hand, having "free" trajectories allows you to have more variety on things.

PES uses "scripted" trajectories whiel Fifa uses "evolution of impacts" trajectories, to say something. That's why you can have manual shooting in Fifa and you can't in pes 2009. It's a great great difference in terms of code.

I hope you find it clear enough.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Reponse to you and to zeemeister: the physics engine of PES is very bad, indeed. You have to take into account all events that take part in physics: ball bouncing, friction, trajectory, rebounds, collision detection between ball & players, collision detection between players.

Physics of the ball generally in the game are quite iffy and not realistic as we would like: how on earth you can cross the pitch with a long pass in less than a second is beyond my mind. The way short passes are glued to the floor is poor. The inconsistency of power in passes is shocking.

Now let's look to rebounds. Sometimes the ball rebounds just the opposite as it would in reality. I've played enough pes 2009 to see the ball do the most stupid rebounds, physically impossible. That's because of a very very poor collision detection and a very iffy physics engine, and sometimes because the cpu simply assigns the ball to a player and makes the rebound go towards that player. It's that bad.

And don't get me started on collision between players because that's a joke. We've seen players falling just the opposite way they should in real life when being tackled, players going THROUGH other players, balls going THROUGH players, unexpected collisions... It really is an unfinished work. Compared to other sports games like NBA 2k9 or fifa, there's a big big difference. Granted they all suffer from some clipping problems now and then, but NOT to that extent. I've even seen the goalkeeper disappearing below the ground, mate... Or the ball going through the chest of my keeper.

Finally, shots and crosses do look better, but the scripted look & feel of them makes it a bit artificial. I mean, most of the times it doesn't matter where you're aiming, the CPU will decide where to put the ball, even if it was another direction. That makes physics in shooting a little suspicious.

At the end, the only thing physics-related where PES is maybe slightly better is in shooting and crossing, but that's due to the scripted nature of it. The moment they "free" the shooting and crossing, they will need to rewrite A LOT OF CODE.

Believe me when I say that emulating freely shooting and crossing is one of the most complex things in a football game. Let's see the difference: If it's scripted, you know the end point of the trajectory and make the ball go there. If it's "free", an impact is registered and the ball begins to react to the impact and every processor cycle calculates the evolution of that impact. I hope it's clear the difference between them, and while "scripted" trajectories offer a short-term good look, they're constrained and limited in terms of control and evolution, because it only works by calculating an ending point. On the other hand, having "free" trajectories allows you to have more variety on things.

PES uses "scripted" trajectories whiel Fifa uses "evolution of impacts" trajectories, to say something. That's why you can have manual shooting in Fifa and you can't in pes 2009. It's a great great difference in terms of code.

I hope you find it clear enough.

Excellent, as always. ;)
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

can anyone translate?

Fußballspiel für PC und Konsole
EA stellt klar: Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 ohne Bundesliga-Lizenz!
Exklusive Bundesliga-Lizenz: Bastian Schweinsteiger wird nur in „Fifa 10“ unter seinem echten Namen auflaufen.
Seit Tagen schon geistern Meldungen durchs Netz, die besagen, dass Konamis Fußballsimulation „Pro Evolution Soccer 2010“ (PES 10) mit der Bundesliga-Lizenz ausgestattet sein wird. Vorbei also die Zeiten, in denen Sie virtuelle Kicker mit Fantasienamen wie Frutes (der Name steht für Torsten Frings), Slinslizel (Bastian Schweinsteiger) oder Tmorautki (Piotr Trochochwski) über den Platz steuern? Das wäre ein Novum in der Geschichte der Serie. Bislang hält Wettbewerber Electronic Arts („Fifa“-Reihe) exklusiv die Rechte an den wichtigsten Ligen der Welt.

Der amerikanische Spielehersteller reagiert jetzt auch auf die Gerüchte und zerstört die Hoffnungen der „PES“-Fans. Gegenüber COMPUTER BILD SPIELE bestätigt Ralf Anheier, Pressesprecher bei Electronic Arts Deutschland: „EA Sports besitzt selbstverständlich weiterhin offiziell und exklusiv die Rechte für die 1. und 2. Fußball Bundesliga für die Fußballspiel-Reihe ‚Fifa’.“

apparently it means no bundesliga licence
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Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Now let's look to rebounds. Sometimes the ball rebounds just the opposite as it would in reality. I've played enough pes 2009 to see the ball do the most stupid rebounds, physically impossible. That's because of a very very poor collision detection and a very iffy physics engine, and sometimes because the cpu simply assigns the ball to a player and makes the rebound go towards that player. It's that bad.

When playing against humans, the whole shot rebounding off the keeper and onto the path of another attacker really annoyed me, especially in 2008. I can't count how many goals one of my gamer friends would make with that "tactic". I suppose if that behavior is ever fixed, people would complain about how difficult it is to score, as it should be in real life. :MAD:
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

when you analyse the core physics of the game, you have to wonder where Konami went wrong?

In the days of ISS on ps1 and PES on PS2 the physics and ball were superb, so many new and different situations without the glitchy scripting, the sweetspots, the ridiculous shots from angles, the awful animations and unrealistic collisions.

How on earth did they manage to screw up such an integral part of their game is beyond me, it's lazy programming and an overall lack of effort/time/money, take your pick. ISS was famous for a realistic engine and interaction with a ball that was free, certainly more free than any of the games on the current gen.

Hopefully they can see this fundamental flaw and work hard ro rectify it.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

can anyone translate?

Fußballspiel für PC und Konsole
EA stellt klar: Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 ohne Bundesliga-Lizenz!
Exklusive Bundesliga-Lizenz: Bastian Schweinsteiger wird nur in „Fifa 10“ unter seinem echten Namen auflaufen.
Seit Tagen schon geistern Meldungen durchs Netz, die besagen, dass Konamis Fußballsimulation „Pro Evolution Soccer 2010“ (PES 10) mit der Bundesliga-Lizenz ausgestattet sein wird. Vorbei also die Zeiten, in denen Sie virtuelle Kicker mit Fantasienamen wie Frutes (der Name steht für Torsten Frings), Slinslizel (Bastian Schweinsteiger) oder Tmorautki (Piotr Trochochwski) über den Platz steuern? Das wäre ein Novum in der Geschichte der Serie. Bislang hält Wettbewerber Electronic Arts („Fifa“-Reihe) exklusiv die Rechte an den wichtigsten Ligen der Welt.

Der amerikanische Spielehersteller reagiert jetzt auch auf die Gerüchte und zerstört die Hoffnungen der „PES“-Fans. Gegenüber COMPUTER BILD SPIELE bestätigt Ralf Anheier, Pressesprecher bei Electronic Arts Deutschland: „EA Sports besitzt selbstverständlich weiterhin offiziell und exklusiv die Rechte für die 1. und 2. Fußball Bundesliga für die Fußballspiel-Reihe ‚Fifa’.“

apparently it means no bundesliga licence

translation (as good as it gets):

soccer game for pc and consoles
EA declares as a fact: PES 2010 WITHOUT Bundesliga license!
exclusive bundesliga license: ONLY in Fifa10 Bastian Schweinsteiger will be playable with real name.
since days rumors floating the internet saying that konamis soccer game pes 2010 will have the bundesliga license.
are the times over where u had to play with Frutes (Frings), Slinslizel (Schweinsteiger) or Tmorautki (Trochowski)? this wouldt be the first time in history of pes! EA holds the licenses to all those major leagues in the world.

the amarican games publisher (EA) reacts to these rumors and destroys all the faith pes fans had. in an interview with "COMPUTER BILD SPIELE" (german games mag) EA chief of press Ralf Anheier says: "EA sport still got the offical and exclusive rights for the 1. and 2. bundesliga for Fifa2010".

i hope u get it. my engl. isnt the best!

never before translating a news made me so sad! ;)
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Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

No big deal. At least still get the unlicensed bundesliga no?
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

who announced that pes2010 would have the bundesliga anyway?
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I don't care if the teams are not licensed. Its so much easier to edit them now anyway, with the use of .PNG files. Remember the pixel editor, that was loooonggg.

Plus it allows you to change the kits when the teams change sponsors.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Could Konami not approach teams from the Bundesliga individually with regard
to licensing them like they do with Bayern Munich and had done in pes2009 with the Spanish league?

Could get round EA's monopoly....
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