PES2010 discussion thread

Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Yeah, that is weird; FIFA is going for more time on the ball, not less, and I wonder what this will do for the sim feel that PES is supposedly trying to create with 2010.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

The biggest complaint i had with ps2 versions was they never looked to have changed. Reviews were good but never told the full story until you picked it up yourself and found the many changes that had actually been made to the ingame mechanics, so subtle and hard to describe until you actually played.

I never felt letdown on ps2 as the graphics were good and gameplay great, i was an 'always play against friends' guy so stuff like master league weren't important.

These days with the graphics, UI and cpu modes on show with other games etc konami should be really trying to knock down some walls as next gen does really mean a new fancy shell aswell as great gameplay and physics etc.

The modes in fifa ie 'custom mini leagues with mates' really kills pes when im around at friends even though the game isn't that good having features like this are great.

A few posts mention that we don't know the underlying code/architecure of pes but UI related stuff and tournament stuff has nothing to do with it and could be coded by a chimp who doesn't even know anything about the underlying game mechanics except the teams and rules.

I play pes09 alot, it's better then fifa 09 gameplaywise but graphically and featurewise gets destroyed, come on konami, please get it sorted.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I'm so afraid of the "less time on the ball, less time to think". I'm thinking pacman already, with mad attackers chasing your defenders even more than now, if such thing is even possible. And GOD it ruins the game.

This is true, if you watch real football the pace is often very slow from the back to the defensive midfield area and the increases in pace as it moves further forward.

Sunday league football is constantly chasing around all of the time certainly not professional football and i think this is what FIFA has been aiming for. TBH they have so far succeeded because you get that pro football feeling when you are passing around the back and creating little triangles in midfield.

The last thing we need/want is constant pressing which will detract from reality almost instantly. Konami really need to be concentrating on positional AI rather than giving you less time, this makes it harder to break through instead of trying to ping the ball around as quickly as possible.

But then again they have stated that it is to be a slower paced game this year which is a tad contadictory given closing down means a faster game?????
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Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

maybe they close down the space, forcing deliberate, tight passing to mids who would have pressure on them as in real life?

PES2009 is good from the back whilst building up, the only thing that lets it down is loose passing.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Adam, biased? He is a die hard PES fan after all. I'm sure there are alot of other PES players out there who still enjoy PES09 even with its flaws, i know i still play it from time to time. If anyone has listened to previous WENB podcast Adam actually does slate Konami and their efforts on numerous occasions. I just feel sometimes his replies to other users on the forum are abit touchy at times, but he's cool on the podcast i quite enjoy listening to him and Suff.

Yea, PSM3 got the exclusive but i doubt a fan based blog site was ever gonna get an exclusive insight into PES2010, it would always gonna be a megazine. Let's not forget when WENB playtested the build it wasn't just them, there were other PES websites that were present too, so i doubt their that bothered cos their opinion of the game will differ from what was written in PSM3, the same goes for the other websites representatives that playtested the game too, everyone will have a different take on what they experienced.

But anyway, back to the game itself. I noticed some people already writing that the game looks good but the gameplay seem to be the same as PES09. Thing is, we haven't actually even seen any gameplay yet. Apart from those who play tested has anyone else actually picked up a joypad and felt PES2010? One piece of article dosen't represent the views of the millions of PES fans out there, lets not forget the article itself stated a few times that its an early build. I think the reason it seems(or we read) its similar to PES09 could be the build did not include the new animations that are to be implemented. The build was 50% complete its hardly the final product yet and to assume that is how the final game will play is wrong, so lets not judge yet.

Konami said PES2010 will be leading the line ahead of their other game titles at Gamescom, that'll be the time for people to start judging if they wanted to. There are alot of sad and angry fans out there because of the pass two years i just hope for Konami's sake PES will deliver this year, they got enough stick as it is, they know what they need to do...let's hope they can do it.
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Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

If the slider bar systems work well, then there's no need to worry about having less time on the ball. I'd hope with that system, every team has a unique style of play. So if you're playing Liverpool or Barcelona, you will have the attackers trying to close you down, but if you are playing against the likes of Stoke, you'll have more space to pass around, but there will be more players behind the ball protecting there area. That's something I'm very excited about, because while FIFA's general overall gameplay is very good, it's very poor at implementing individuality among teams and players. The fact that the PR says Konami are working on making players play more individually, that's something I do get excited about.

It's an area where PES has always been superior to FIFA.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I'm so afraid of the "less time on the ball, less time to think". I'm thinking pacman already, with mad attackers chasing your defenders even more than now, if such thing is even possible. And GOD it ruins the game.

That does concern me a bit, too. However, PSM3 - and I guess everyone else that has play-tested the game - played a code that featured only two teams; Barca and Liverpool. So it could just be that these two teams have high pressure setting as default. In their article PSM3 did state that if you set the pressure slider to zero then your players will not press the opposition at all. So hopefully not every CPU team has high pressure settings (especially Italian teams where the pressing game is not so prevalent) and teams that do relentlessly press the opposition experience a huge drop in player stamina (I fear everyone online will set pressure to the max).

We should wait for more opinions on this game to see if people like WENB, Pesfan etc say the same thing about the game.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

It is interesting to see how Konami is stealing from overall attribute, slides used to be the other way around...well sic transit gloria mundi...pes 2010 is gonna be a pale "wanna be fifa...."
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

It is interesting to see how Konami is stealing from overall attribute, slides used to be the other way around...well sic transit gloria mundi...pes 2010 is gonna be a pale "wanna be fifa...."

Charlie, how do you know that? Granted, 08 and 09 were wank, but how can you comment so quickly on a game that is not out for a while yet?
I can see where you are coming from, but "stealing" is only beneficial to us as end users. That goes for FIFA as for PES.
In all fairness, I hope PES will deliver but nobody can comment sensibly yet about this years release. PSM3 played a less then 50% complete version.....and overall they had a good feeling.
Let's not demolish a game, soley on that basis. I am no fanboy, but I reserve judgement until I have played both games
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

It is interesting to see how Konami is stealing from overall attribute, slides used to be the other way around...well sic transit gloria mundi...pes 2010 is gonna be a pale "wanna be fifa...."

Remember, Fifa got to where it is now by stealing many core ideas from PES. It's good that both games are pushing each other on and as they say 'immitation is the highest form of flattery'.

On the overall player rating; not keen myself as I prefer to look at individual attributes whereas in Fifa I would often discount some players because of a poor overall rating rather than looking at their individual abilities.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

It is interesting to see how Konami is stealing from fifa...

Why did I never hear you when FIFA stole all kind of things from PES?
It is okay to be critical, but that's not what you are. You never was. You just place hate-posts towards PES, already for years.
I agree that PES 2008 and 2009 might feed these kind of feelings, because people were at least very disappointed with these games.
You should give PES 2010 a fair chance but I have the feeling you are not going to do that.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I'm sure there'll be another batch of info or screenshots coming before Gamescon in August. Probably a couple more of those blog updates they do now (whether that will have any concrete information about the game we'll see)
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

15th of July would be my bet for more news...

Well I can't see that much more coming out regarding actual new bits of info. There will be peoples take of how the game plays etc but I have a feeling PSM covered a lot already. July 15th is still an important date though!
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Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

This is true, if you watch real football the pace is often very slow from the back to the defensive midfield area and the increases in pace as it moves further forward.


The last thing we need/want is constant pressing which will detract from reality almost instantly. Konami really need to be concentrating on positional AI rather than giving you less time, this makes it harder to break through instead of trying to ping the ball around as quickly as possible.

But then again they have stated that it is to be a slower paced game this year which is a tad contadictory given closing down means a faster game?????

We are comparing a 90 minute event with what is usually a 5/10/15min re-enactment there is just no way that Konami could do this without sacrificing an aspect of a real game. IMO it would be boring as hell to watch my defender have lots of time to make a pass. That said I also wouldn't want every team to play like Barcelona. So we'll see what they conjure up this year.

Adam, biased? He is a die hard PES fan after all. I'm sure there are alot of other PES players out there who still enjoy PES09 even with its flaws, i know i still play it from time to time.

I have been playing Konami football since WE3 and have put over 500hours into PES 2009 albeit the BAL mode (I hate when pepole do this but ok).While I agree with your feelings on the lads on WENB I do not agree with their methods. If it's crap say it's crap but I suppose they do not want to spoil their relationship with Konami, which is fair to them. What I don't get are the peeps that go there hoping to force the issue. If you don't like the one sided veiw of a site you go least thats what normal people do.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

We are comparing a 90 minute event with what is usually a 5/10/15min re-enactment there is just no way that Konami could do this without sacrificing an aspect of a real game. IMO it would be boring as hell to watch my defender have lots of time to make a pass. That said I also wouldn't want every team to play like Barcelona. So we'll see what they conjure up this year.
I agree with this, FIFA winds me up with how attacking it is but when you see the stats at the end of a game you realise why it has to be that way, otherwise nothing would happen - although saying that PES does a good job with the stats as well and yet you feel like you have to do a bit more build-up play...
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Chris, all in all you seem optimistic bout this years PES or am I mistaking?
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Chris, all in all you seem optimistic bout this years PES or am I mistaking?
I haven't played it or anything, and to be honest with you I'm not very impressed with the announcements, BUT at the core of the game is a gameplay engine that's fun and after playing PES2009 for a while I see glimpses of things that I badly want to see in FIFA. Mainly the reaction times (when you haven't got a defender next to you which causes a lag), a Be A Pro mode where you have to work your arse off to succeed, non-superhuman goalkeepers (although maybe not quite as stupid) and shots with real venom. It's nice to power the ball into the net rather than floating it in.

I still prefer FIFA 100% but that doesn't make PES a bad game, and if the things I hate about FIFA are fixed - and the things I hate about PES are fixed - then it would be a nice year for football games wouldn't it? From the questions I've asked everything I wanted to see fixed (in the gameplay) for FIFA 10 has been fixed, so I'm really excited about it. I hope when they show off PES after adding the new animations etc. it looks like their gameplay is better too because those graphics... Phwoar.

I just wish they'd do some of the things I've literally been asking for since I was about 13, writing letters to Konami in Japan and expecting some kind of response - i.e. ditching the Master League in favour for a real career mode, allowing you to manage different teams instead of being stuck with the same one forever, and adding some lower leagues (even if every team has fake everything), along with online leagues. Years later, here we are and nothing I wrote in any letter has been added.
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Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

i.e. ditching the Master League in favour for a real career mode, allowing you to manage different teams instead of being stuck with the same one forever

I have thought about this before Chris, but the beauty of the ML for me is the fact you are totally responsible for building your own squad. You can sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labour when the players you have signed on their individual merits gel to create a great squad and 'Your Team'.

If you had the option to change teams then all the seasons spent building your perfect squad would be wasted if you had to start again. My ML team feel like 'My Boy's, you feel a connection with each player and they improve as the years go on and you train them in the areas they need work. I love that aspect.

Maybe getting the option to manange an International team based on your ML achievements, if incorporated correctly, would be a good alterative.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Why can't they just put the option in though? Then you don't have to use it but I (and others who want the same thing) can, you can't argue with that, surely?

You might only want to raise and nuture one club but I don't, I want to make one lower-league team into Premier League champions (or at least also-rans) and then when I feel like I've tried my best for 5/10 seasons, I'd like to do it again with a different club. You can in other football games so I don't see any excuse. Well, there isn't one.

If it's supposed to be a football simulation it's got to be in for God's sake, even Ferguson started managing Aberdeen before Manchester United.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Why can't they just put the option in though? Then you don't have to use it but I (and others who want the same thing) can, you can't argue with that, surely?

You might only want to raise and nuture one club but I don't, I want to make one lower-league team into Premier League champions (or at least also-rans) and then when I feel like I've tried my best for 5/10 seasons, I'd like to do it again with a different club. You can in other football games so I don't see any excuse. Well, there isn't one.

If it's supposed to be a football simulation it's got to be in for God's sake, even Ferguson started managing Aberdeen before Manchester United.

Sensible Soccer managed it!!

Mixing playable gameplay and management with other teams offering you a job if results showed you were good enough.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I'm all for Chris' idea.
It gets tedious once you win the cups with a team, your pretty much stuck in that league for eternity.
@dr force you could always try to lure your favourite players with you.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

We've used the SWOS argument since this site was born, good to see it back. :)
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Another issue i always have with pretty much every sport game is that u start with a crappy team and eventually you build up a team made of superheroes....that ruins the experience...i think they should fix that with realistic funds/transfer even if u are a wealthy team u just can't buy any player of your liking...(unless u start as real madrid....)

I would actually love to see something like a salary cup, it is fun to make key choices for ur team, not fun to buy anything u want.

anyway what's up with WENB?? I heard Adam just banned Suff for saying he is ""very happy but not "supermegavery happy" with the new pes...
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