Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread
That is not true. FIFA takes into account things as balance, stats and a lot of other things to determain whatever he will actually get the ball to where he wants it. You will very, very rarely see a shot that is not physically possible (it does happens on occasions of course, as it does in PES)
this is the reason why many people (including me) still prefer pes over fifa.
e.g. if a cross comes to long and you have to rush for it and you try to shoot on the long corner of the goal. now when you play with 100% manual in fifa, the shot goes to this corner exactly where you want it though it is physically impossible. in pes the ball goes faar beneath the SHORT corner, doesn't matter how much shot accuracy the player has (you can see the players foot aiming for the desired direction)
this is one of the main points why pes !always was closer to the real thing, even in 2009...
That is not true. FIFA takes into account things as balance, stats and a lot of other things to determain whatever he will actually get the ball to where he wants it. You will very, very rarely see a shot that is not physically possible (it does happens on occasions of course, as it does in PES)