PES2010 discussion thread

Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I thought it looked pretty good. The running is still a bit stiff but the passing and dribbling animations look good and the ball seems to have a bit more freedom. The physics are a little off though. The tactics and formation editor looks really good as you can customise how you want individual players to respond. I've been waiting ages for this.

Roll on Gamescom.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Some promising signs in that video, as Chris says those tactics look amazing but the potential is there for them to be to effective.

The game seems a little less rigid than PES 2009 but still no where near FIFA 09. Saw a few new animations which was positive, there seemed to be a new running animation when they showed Alves.

Will be interesting to see the videos that come out of Gamescom next week.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I'm a bit miffed in that all we've pretty much asked for is to remedy the flaws of previous versions. This year there seems to be a bit of sleight of hand on Konami's part in that all they've been going on about is this daft slider malarky.

It's a bit like sprinkling glitter on a turd, it's not really addressing the issues.

Then again, I've learned not to even bother with the trailers because they have never given us anything apart from some confusing Japanese jargon and features that you will be lucky to notice come release.
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Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

What the f..k is konami doing, all the pes fans crying for animations, they still show the disgusting old animations...wait, are there new ones?
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I thought the tactics system looked good. As for everything else I will wait for Gamescom. How the game looks there will be pretty much how the game is when it ships to retail as the build will be around 70-75%. I hope the rumours of 360 degree movement come true very soon.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I hope that is the 50% build. Looks awful except for that dribbling and goal by messi. Looked like 360 degree movement to me.. The ball physics on the first goal by messi and the goalkeeper animation was baaad.

That isn't looking remotely close to 360 degree dribbling, and I don't think that would be something they secretely had in a video before revealing it...
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

The passing looked awful, rigid, like 2009.

The dribbling seemed more fluid, the 180 degree turn was slower which is a good thing. The gk animation on the first goal was the one that triggers like everytime in 2009.

All in all big big disappointment.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Why bother with spending money on cards when the gameplay is broke??????????????????????????????????????????????????????:RANT:

Not sure I see any change apart from a slower pace to the game and slight difference in running animations,other than that same old same old:R1

Nets at anfield have never, ever, ever been like that:R1

Did'nt see any 360 movement in any of that:R1

Don't tell me ....................50% build:CRY::PINKS:

Gamescom needs to show a huge difference for me cus that was not at all convincing:CURSE:
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

That isn't looking remotely close to 360 degree dribbling, and I don't think that would be something they secretely had in a video before revealing it...

So IF 360 dribbling is in, that means that this is the old build. If so I dont get why they would show it just one week before gamescom and the obvious "better" build.

Meh to be honest I dont belive in that build talk anymore. I think this is what it will look like in october... :BLINK:
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

totally agree Dr Force 100%

i hope gordon brown raises this in parliament tomorrow
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

So IF 360 dribbling is in, that means that this is the old build. If so I dont get why they would show it just one week before gamescom and the obvious "better" build.

Meh to be honest I dont belive in that build talk anymore. I think this is what it will look like in october... :BLINK:

I'm sorry to say, I am inclined to agree, nothing so far has shown hardly any difference except graphics. I truly thought it would be vastly superior.....................seems I'm floating down the river again:COAT:
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I can't waiting for a certain noob gangster to weigh in with his win bald!
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Hmmmmm Tactics look like they can be altered quite a lot, which holds out some hope for AI teams playing very differently from each other. Graphically I'll wait and see what come out at Germany, this could be (I hope) quite an early build...
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Its like EA had a corner, Konami headed clear and found themselves 3 on 2 for a fantastic break away.....a quick one two and they suddenly find themselves with a tap in and....................................................................................................................................................................

they forgot the fucking ball:RANT:

opportuniy wildly missed................................again:R1
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

They need nothing short of a bloody miracle at Gamescom now. Praise be to Jeebus.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

They need nothing short of a bloody miracle at Gamescom now. Praise be to Jeebus.

Makes me laugh how the guy at PESFAN states its a really cool video and he has watche dit over and over again..............Jesus what is he smoking.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

While the tactical sliders and cards seemed very impressive, I was pretty disappointed by the general speed of the game (pinball PES2009-esque passing), and the lack of an animation overhaul (look at Alves running)… Also, abrupt changes in direction and animation sequences can be seen all over the players movement.

However guys, it does seem that this gameplay video was made at the time of the first video, as a response to Suff confusing the cards with “pokemonish attribute boosters”, and broadcasting this opinion in a podcast for thousands of PES fans to listen to.

A lot of time is taken into editing this sort of video. I guess that when Suff on WENB broadcasted how PES2010's cards were "pokemonish" and gave players the ability to give and take special attributes and abilities to players (which wasn't true), KONAMI made the decision back then (a month ago?) to make a gameplay video to clear this misconception once and for all.

So yeah, I really believe the gameplay was captured at least 3 weeks ago... if not before that.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Indeed. Its extremely strange. I was expecting something bigger especially after the IGN remark. Maybe the video was old and it was taken with an old camera of the old build of the game with an old man holding the camera and an old man doing the voiceover? This video would make Oprah Winfrey cry.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

They're saying on WENB that the dribbling in that video may be 360 after all...

Credit to someone from Pesfan who noticed that the run made by Messi at 5:11 looks like more than 8-axis, either that or they have made movements transition a lot better.

If that's the PES version of 360 dribbling then Jesus Christ.

What do we think?

EDIT: I don't think it is, I think someone's got their knickers in a twist.

But if it is then I wouldn't expect the final game to look a lot different.
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Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

While the tactical sliders and cards seemed very impressive, I was pretty disappointed by the general speed of the game (pinball PES2009-esque passing), and the lack of an animation overhaul (look at Alves running)… Also, abrupt changes in direction and animation sequences can be seen all over the players movement.

However guys, it does seem that this gameplay video was made at the time of the first video, as a response to Suff confusing the cards with “pokemonish attribute boosters”, and broadcasting this opinion in a podcast for thousands of PES fans to listen to.

A lot of time is taken into editing this sort of video. I guess that when Suff on WENB broadcasted how PES2010's cards were "pokemonish" and gave players the ability to give and take special attributes and abilities to players (which wasn't true), KONAMI made the decision back then (a month ago?) to make a gameplay video to clear this misconception once and for all.

So yeah, I really believe the gameplay was captured at least 3 weeks ago... if not before that.

But you can't seriously think that KONAMI would release something that they knew was far from where they were at the moment? It's something no one on earth would do.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Rest in ease guys, this is clearly the 55% build. Konami is just a bit stupid when it comes to marketing the game.

I really think Suff's podcast about "pokemonish cards" drove them to release this new video.

Again, it's clearly NOT the Gamescom build.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

While the tactical sliders and cards seemed very impressive, I was pretty disappointed by the general speed of the game (pinball PES2009-esque passing), and the lack of an animation overhaul (look at Alves running)… Also, abrupt changes in direction and animation sequences can be seen all over the players movement.

However guys, it does seem that this gameplay video was made at the time of the first video, as a response to Suff confusing the cards with “pokemonish attribute boosters”, and broadcasting this opinion in a podcast for thousands of PES fans to listen to.

A lot of time is taken into editing this sort of video. I guess that when Suff on WENB broadcasted how PES2010's cards were "pokemonish" and gave players the ability to give and take special attributes and abilities to players (which wasn't true), KONAMI made the decision back then (a month ago?) to make a gameplay video to clear this misconception once and for all.

So yeah, I really believe the gameplay was captured at least 3 weeks ago... if not before that.
Yep, think that too...

Can't see really much there, but some things I noticed:
- Passes jumped up from the ground and not just sliding on it :)
- Alves looked too fast... :(

And a youtube, if anybody is interested:
YouTube - PES 2010 Trailer #2
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Rest in ease guys, this is clearly the 55% build. Konami is just a bit stupid when it comes to marketing the game.

I really think Suff's podcast about "pokemonish cards" drove them to release this new video.

Again, it's clearly NOT the Gamescom build.

What makes you so sure about this??

I think it's better to be prepared for the worst...
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

But you can't seriously think that KONAMI would release something that they knew was far from where they were at the moment? It's something no one on earth would do.

KONAMI is a bit stupid when it comes to marketing. They were so fixated on correcting Suff's broadcasted opinion, they were willing to risk showing gameplay from the 55% version.

They just want to correct Cards misconceptions, and explain Teamplay better.

As you can see, the video is edited pretty well. With a script, and overlaying effects. With the tight schedule they're already on, this could take weeks to accomplish.
RELAX, this is the 55% build.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I'm going now, keep fooling yourself if you think we're getting something else than very similar to this. Also, it clearly isn't 360 degree dribbling but you might want to believe that too. I actually thought I saw Euphoria in there, didn't you?

You don't release a movie at any point at all, even if your name is Seabass and you've smoked something clearly odd, if you don't think it's going to be similar to the full game (if you don't have a pending release date and the name is DNF).
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