PES vs. FIFA - Fanboy Fight Thread......

Bad physics in pes... ok most 50/50 challenges the ball bounces back to the CPU player rather than possibly going to open space OR even going back to your team... Ive seen so many deflections lead to goals for the CPU team when the ball should NEVER have gone in that direction....
Bad physics in pes... ok most 50/50 challenges the ball bounces back to the CPU player rather than possibly going to open space OR even going back to your team... Ive seen so many deflections lead to goals for the CPU team when the ball should NEVER have gone in that direction....

Thats artificial challenge...Because AI coding is non profitable complicated and resource hog...
Bad physics in pes... ok most 50/50 challenges the ball bounces back to the CPU player rather than possibly going to open space OR even going back to your team... Ive seen so many deflections lead to goals for the CPU team when the ball should NEVER have gone in that direction....

Most challenges bounces back to the CPU? Well. I often see that in real football too. One team seems to just magically win every 50/50 challenge. Are they cheating?
Havent seen you discuss physics before.. You probably love Gran Turismo and think thats realism :) Joke.

Seriously though the physics are NOT true to life in PES.. if you ask me they are more true to life in FIFA, they actually base the ball physics on real life Calculations such as Friction,Power of kick and Spin on the ball and even Wind Resistance... Possibly even Gravitational force.
Havent seen you discuss physics before.. You probably love Gran Turismo and think thats realism :) Joke.

Seriously though the physics are NOT true to life in PES.. if you ask me they are more true to life in FIFA, they actually base the ball physics on real life Calculations such as Friction,Power of kick and Spin on the ball and even Wind Resistance... Possibly even Gravitational force.

Sure, PES has got that too. Thats been in the game for many years. Thats nothing new and revolutionary. Maby for FIFA, but not for PES.
OK, I played PES 2008 (Xbox 360) for the first time earlier at my mate's flat. I am lost for words.
i rather take a good gameplay provided by pes anyday to all licensed and pimped out fifa. Pes 08 really has lowered its game play standards due to all this graphics and crap where fifa improved the gameplay
I think the improvements in this update combined with 5v5 will now see sales of Fifa08 start to increase again, not bad considering it came out nearly two months ago.....
Placebo the problem is still the lack of response of the controls mate! that for me is killing the game, especially on World Class difficulty when my best players cant control the ball or change direction quickly for shiiiitttt!!!!
Response is much increased in control for me since the update, I certainly would not want to see arcade response levels such as in PES, I think it's good now as it is......
Err you haven't tried the update? Why refute my post when I'm specifically talking about the game post-update? I don't have a PS3 so no idea how the update works.......
Are you 100% on that? Usually I'm the first to notice these things and people think I'm mad, but I'm not noticing any major differences so far.
Oh it's definitely different, you know how I was struggling on Professional in the Prem, since the update I've beaten Chelsea and Man Utd away and such......
Perhaps he was joking as well. ;)

If you have any serious complaints DJ then you're best to PM them to us, but I can't see what harm two posts like that makes. It's when they're popping up in 72 different threads one after the other that it gets a bit much...

To get back on topic, can other people confirm that this new FIFA update makes a difference to gameplay? I'm just not seeing it...
There's definitely a diffrence. I'm not sure what it is, but it's there. I'd say it's something with reaction time, collisions detection. But I'm sure it's there and the flow in the game is definitely better.
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