PES vs. FIFA - Fanboy Fight Thread......

Next gen for me means next generation, basically a game that looks and plays like it's a PS2 game isn't next gen. I'd love to hear what you think is next gen about PES? The faces maybe? Certainly not the ball physics, how many videos have we now seen of significant ball physics flaws?
PES2008 is not even close to Next Gen Gaming. Not even close! Play NBA2k7 on PS2 and after that play NBA2K7 on PS3, than you will know what a difference Next Gen means.

PES2008 on PS3 is still a PS2 Game with just a (medicore) Graphic Update. Not even Close to Next Gen.
Next Gen Means this to me.... A game which has significant enough changes from its previous Current Gen Counterpart. New Features that werent possible on Current Gen. Graphics also that reflect the fact that we are ahead of last times outing.... As close as possible to Real Physics and Intelligent AI.
@ Dj/Hargreaves,

What did you use to record the fifa annoyences vid? Your dishwasher?!

I couldnt even be bothered to continue watching it as it was so unclear. Which is a shame as you could have had / have some good points.
@ Dj/Hargreaves,

What did you use to record the fifa annoyences vid? Your dishwasher?!

I couldnt even be bothered to continue watching it as it was so unclear. Which is a shame as you could have had / have some good points.

I haven't been on the Technology thread for a while.....but oh my God!! a dishwasher that records film?!!! thats just amazing.
Well.... how the heck does he hit this ball off the post and it miraculously spin into the goal???

Are you serious? It barely touches the post. Nothing unusual about that. Can't you see that the ball actually changes direction when it touches the post, but not enough to get away from goal? Also when the ball hits the post like that, it would get a little amount of spin to the right, helping it towards the goal (not that its needed in this situation).

I've scored many goals like that myself when playing indoor football. I shoot from a narrow angle, it barely touches the near post, but still goes in.

I think you should remove that video from your signature before you make a complete fool of yourself. Seriously! You show a great lack of understanding the physics in football.
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@The Boa im pretty sure I know more about physics than you do. If your telling me PES has got realistic physics it shows you dont know what your on about... its full arcade bollocks not realistic physics!

Why are you sure you know more about physics than I do? Your video seems to show just the opposite.

Please tell me whats not realistic about the physics in PES.
The 2 first are just obscure bugs that maby happens in 1 out of 100.000 games. That has very little to do with the physics in the game. The 2 last videos are from the demo and not interesting at all.

I'm not impressed.
The Physics are shocking in PES2008

all i need to say on the matter is when you watched the Champions League last night did they pass and cross the ball at 100mph?

i think not
The Physics are shocking in PES2008

all i need to say on the matter is when you watched the Champions League last night did they pass and cross the ball at 100mph?

i think not

Yes, the game has increased speed. That still doesn't mean it's something wrong with the physics. Watching a football game in fast forward doesn't change the physics involved.
Also the Boa have you seen the PES2008 videos whereby the players foot DOESNT actually make contact with the ball in the process of striking it? Thats good physics? Also what about the bullshit Collision Detection that has plagued PES for many years? Thats all Physics related....
Where is the PES 2008 discussion thread? I still haven't bought this game, I have heard too many horror stories. My brother took it back a day after buying it and he has always been a PES 'fan boy'. Hmm . . .
It was closed because it became a breeding ground for insults and badgers.

I'm guessing this thread will follow suit as the previous occupants of that thread look for a new home...
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lol I think you guys have proved my point. I do know a thing or 2 about physics.... I was also very good in Physics and got an A at GCSE level.

Noone has proved any point at all. Now it's your turn to prove some points. Give me some examples of bad physics in PES.

I'm not sure what GCSE level is, but according to Wikipedia that is the level 14-16 years old kids are at. Not impressed.
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