PES vs. FIFA - Fanboy Fight Thread......

Seabass' team is a fucking joke!

There's 2 good things that are new in PES 2008...

1. The commentary by Jon Champion
2. The intro video

Both were made in Europe!

PES was a joke last year and it's a joke this year. Konami have basically stuck two fingers up at their fans.

Well you can kiss my arse Konami because for the first year ever, I won't touch your "next gen" shit with a barge pole. Seabass, play FIFA 08 - THAT is football.
Fuck both of em mate, atleast EA are trying though (even if it bores me to shit).

Heads need to roll, I hope with all the good games coming out this next 2 months that PES08 doesn't get a look-in on the sales charts.
EA are trying but they still cant understand the fact that good players can control a football without having to take a million touches! At least on PES ARCADE 2008 this isnt the case and it makes the game more accessible and to a degree much more enjoyable (even though its scripted as per usual)
I'm playing as Sheffield Wednesday and my players are pretty crappy, they can control the ball with their first touch just fine if I hold LB as they receive the ball, they also can instantly receive it and turn to face another direction if I hold LB + move the direction I want them to turn.......
I'm playing as Sheffield Wednesday and my players are pretty crappy, they can control the ball with their first touch just fine if I hold LB as they receive the ball, they also can instantly receive it and turn to face another direction if I hold LB + move the direction I want them to turn.......

You would think people would know this by now, because I can't seem to understand this 'players can't control the ball nonsense'
You would think people would know this by now, because I can't seem to understand this 'players can't control the ball nonsense'

They can't pass the ball on 1st touch if you don't press the button a half sec before it reaches the player. Also on crosses they often make an extra touch on the ball instead of crossing it directly. Also the knock-ahead button is unresponsive. In close duels you often looses control of your player, and just have to hope he wins the ball. You just don't have enough control.

Also when using the pressure-button or the button to make call for a 2nd defender, it remembers my button-presses when I win the ball, and either passes the ball or shoots it away. Pathetic.

PES is SO MUCH BETTER than FIFA in these things. PES is much better in understanding what you are actually trying to do on the pitch. That makes gameplay in PES much better and less frustrating than FIFA.
Also when using the pressure-button or the button to make call for a 2nd defender, it remembers my button-presses when I win the ball, and either passes the ball or shoots it away. Pathetic.

That has been in FIFA for years, it really should've been fixed by now, so annoying!
In fifa, every player controls the ball well, trust me, if you pass it to someone, no matter the player he will control it perfectly, maybe slower or faster, I have never seen a bad touch or anything they somehow get a good touch especailly the computer. Which is how I saw the silver surfer physics, even if it looks like the player cant make the touch, they can because the ball can pass through their body. Fifa has bored me already. Its just no fun for me.
That has been in FIFA for years, it really should've been fixed by now, so annoying!

That has been fixed mate, R+L = Cancel :thumbup:

And Seraphs21, I completely disagree with what you're saying about first touches, I've seen the CPU and myself take some awful first touches, bad chest control, or a bad first touch resulting in the ball being knocked too far ahead of them self.
Also the knock-ahead button is unresponsive. In close duels you often looses control of your player, and just have to hope he wins the ball. You just don't have enough control.

:lmao: What a load of tripe!!! The knock on right stick is very effective. I guess you just need to know how to use it ;):)
That has been fixed mate, R+L = Cancel :thumbup:

And Seraphs21, I completely disagree with what you're saying about first touches, I've seen the CPU and myself take some awful first touches, bad chest control, or a bad first touch resulting in the ball being knocked too far ahead of them self.

As if you have time to cancel those button presses. Or should I repeatedly press the cancel button when in defense? The button presses I do for defensive play shouldn't be remembered when I win the ball. Its just lame. Once again: it works 100% in PES.
I agree with Boa, we shouldn't have to press buttons early, we should be able to press them when we need the action actioning.
:lmao: What a load of tripe!!! The knock on right stick is very effective. I guess you just need to know how to use it ;):)

Yes, its effective if you press it 1/2 second before the ball reaches the players foot when running. When in close duels its useless, because the player will usually make one touch on the ball before it makes the knock ahead.
You realise that you have to constantly hold supercancel down for everything when playing PES (from running the ball out of play to stopping your marker running towards a player who is absolutely no danger)? You might be doing it subconciously now but I'm very concious of my players running off and doing their own thing all of the time, in every version (bar the PSone versions). In WE2007JLCC, I found my player running towards EVERY SINGLE HIGH BALL - with supercancel not working half of the time. Then you're out of position, through no fault of your own... Now that's infuriating.

Two wrongs don't make a right. It's not right in FIFA and it's not right in PES (so I do agree with you, it shouldn't be like it is in FIFA, but it shouldn't be like it is in PES either).
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As if you have time to cancel those button presses. Or should I repeatedly press the cancel button when in defense? The button presses I do for defensive play shouldn't be remembered when I win the ball. Its just lame. Once again: it works 100% in PES.

Alright, we know you think FIFA is shit and PES is better!

Here, have a badge:

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Alright, we know you think FIFA is shit and PES is better!

Here, have a badge:



Toa, when you're in close proximity of an opponent, if you hold down L the control becomes much more precise and your player takes smaller and more accurate touches.
You realise that you have to constantly hold supercancel down for everything when playing PES (from running the ball out of play to stopping your marker running towards a player who is absolutely no danger)?

I don't use supercancel very much in PES at all. Running the ball out of play only happens if you are a sprint-button freak. Rarely happens to me. Usually only uses supercancel if I see that my pass will be intercepted.

You might be doing it subconciously now but I'm very concious of my players running off and doing their own thing all of the time, in every version (bar the PSone versions). In WE2007JLCC, I found my player running towards EVERY SINGLE HIGH BALL - with supercancel not working half of the time. Then you're out of position, through no fault of your own... Now that's infuriating.

Two wrongs don't make a right. It's not right in FIFA and it's not right in PES (so I do agree with you, it shouldn't be like it is in FIFA, but it shouldn't be like it is in PES either).

Supercancel shouldn't be necessary in a football game at all. The game AI should be intelligent enough to understand what you are trying to do. This is where I think PES is a better game than FIFA, even if neither are perfect.

FIFA always ends up being frustrating, because the more you play it, the more the little bugs and flaws make you feel NOT being in control. PES usually has the opposite effect. The more you play it, the more you feel in control of the situation. Thats why people fall in love with the game, and have so many followers.
That really added some valuable points to the discussion. Are you just so average in playing

I just enjoy the game and don't get worked up over little things. I worry more about World War and famine, yes. I don't worry too much about video games. :)
I worry more about World War and famine, yes. I don't worry too much about video games. :)

Thats funny because I worry about neither of those things that worry you and I DO worry about video games ;) :)
Supercancel shouldn't be necessary in a football game at all. The game AI should be intelligent enough to understand what you are trying to do.
Agree 100% completely.

I'm not stupid enough to say any game is perfect, especially not one I like (I have had so much enthusiasm for PES in my life, which is why I'm so critical of it - if I didn't like the game at any point then I wouldn't care enough to find fault with it). And in this regard, FIFA does have issues - not just that you don't have time to use a cancel button in certain situations (and that you shouldn't have to in the first place), but also that supercancel just does not work when you need it most (i.e. when you can't select a player, and you're pressing every button on the pad for three seconds while the game thinks about it).

But I don't think you can seperate PES and FIFA in this personally, purely because neither is acceptable when it comes to this. Yes the FIFA selection-lock is a bad bug and it doesn't happen in PES, credit to Seabass (PES is one of the most bug-free games I've ever played, but the reason for this is that so little changes and I'd rather have a game with bugs than a boring game - but that's a different argument). My point is, it shouldn't happen in either, end of story.

I'm sure I know why it's required as well; because without it, you could exploit the CPU too much, and the game would fall apart. It needs the boundaries and the rules it has now, otherwise the CPU won't be able to control you enough to restrict you from winning 20-0.

And if that's right then the best answer for us all would be to (finally) rebuild the PES engine specifically for the technology we have now (the base of the code is still the PSone base, Suff has mentioned in his podcasts before that you can't extend office blocks over and over again or they will collapse, you need to rebuild with a solid, modern foundation), and make it so that shit like this isn't needed.
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I always use the right stick and have done since UEFA Champions League which I thought was a very good game at the time. After playing FIFA 08 though I have realised how poor it was.
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