PES 2019 News Discussion Thread (INSULTS/DIGS = INSTANT BAN)

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Pretty sure Daymos does USB sticks with file pre-loaded and also does files for Xbox.
PES World is usually just PS4 and offers downloads from their site.

Daymos works with PES World too. I use their file and find the quality and attention to detail to be unmatched.

How does an Xbox one work if you don’t mind me asking?
Well 36 here. We're sometimes getting grumpy, sometimes thinking sagely... Accepting more things.
I truely think that PES players, even if we're the minority, have a far higher percentage of older dudes like us

Perhaps Konami considers that we're all "buy the game at any cost" customers ?
That's probably the case... So they focus more on potential others newly (younger) customers.
But young adults starts to follow our path, we i see some Youtube comments...

There are things which we all agree, for example presentation. I'm questionning myself, is that "new" PES customers think that ML is important or not? Regarding to tweets or feedbacks, no idea.
Two beautiful manual headers

I've had a lot of success with this type of headers.

Do you have success with headers when the player is marked/battling for position? I never had one, as far as I can remember.
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Does someone try to play a match setting all the arrows form red? Man! If they made this as a default, I mean, the yellow arrow just as the red arrow, I would risk to say that this game is a current gen PES 5, if you know what I mean.
So much first touch and blind angle pass errors. Very nice.
Yes I do, like this one on previous site?
Can you send me the link?
I never had success with marked/battling(pushing each other)-for-position headers, so I want to see one.

EDIT: you mean previous page.
I saw it.

I guess people who says manual header's broken are just expecting to score headers when in bad/marked position.
I think I don't have success with marked headers since the position of my player is at the back of the defenders most of the time, when battling for position.
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Here are mine vids vs human full manual. At first I also thought that headers on manual are broken but then i learned how to score them. To score a header You also need to press analog stick in a proper way, You need to feel it

I will upload two more headers in a few minutes.

I am alone and pressing square and left analog to select a corner on manual but my player either doesnt make header at all or he makes a baloon header that goes up in the sky. What am i doing wrong that you are not? How can i feel the headers?
I had a few pes2018 and pes19demo headers scored on manual. Didn't double tap with any of those.
Don't spread mis-information man!

I know that on manual if a push shoot. The player doesn’t header. If I double tap. He headers every time. If you can header without double tapping, then more power to you. But try doUble tapping shoot brother. He gets up for it every time
I know that on manual if a push shoot. The player doesn’t header. If I double tap. He headers every time. If you can header without double tapping, then more power to you. But try doUble tapping shoot brother. He gets up for it every time
Then you shouldn't use the word "UNLESS" like there's no other way for shooting headers but to double tap.
and more power to your DOUBLE TAP headers too.:TU:
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I'm watching full game streams and CPU offensive AI is so one dimensional it makes everything boring. Every single team plays exactly the same, goes to the flank and makes low or high crosses.
Every single team plays exactly the same, goes to the flank and makes low or high crosses.
Yeah and when you block the flanks AI runs out of ideas and starts glitching near the touchline until they go out of play.
But I think this is such an obvious problem that it will be patched very soon.
Let's be realistic here. If the scoreboards were coming in a DLC, the news would've been everywhere on their social media. Plus, they've already put their BS mark on "league specific HUD design".
That scoreboard though....
I think its too quickly talking about new scoreboards comming via DLC. I quess they add it in second DLC with new stadia near november/december.
I think its too quickly talking about new scoreboards comming via DLC. I quess they add it in second DLC with new stadia near november/december.
They announce the smallest things. You think they wouldn't do it with scoreboards? Remember when someone asked about Fake Leagues? Adam responded pretty quickly. Haven't seen anything from the PR team except explaining how they didn't lie and we're stupid. It's like they want to win arguments against the players, no matter the consequences.
They announce the smallest things. You think they wouldn't do it with scoreboards? Remember when someone asked about Fake Leagues? Adam responded pretty quickly. Haven't seen anything from the PR team except explaining how they didn't lie and we're stupid. It's like they want to win arguments against the players, no matter the consequences.

I wrote to official Pes twitter account for licensed leagues logo replays for 6 months with screens examples and for licensed scoreboards too. First exist and second will be exist too. I belive in me :D
How do people feel about the level of intensity in the demo?

For me, it feels a bit pedestrian, almost like I'm just playing a bunch of friendlies in which intensity is really lacking. For example, I just played Milan as Schalke, on Top Player, and Milan didn't have a single tackle in the match. Not one.

I guess I'm meant to read your mind and that by posting that video of one red card means something?

Suppose I'm just a little baffled by defensive AI in the demo. I'm really taken aback by how open it is and the unreal amount of space in the midfield.
I guess I'm meant to read your mind and that by posting that video of one red card means something?

Suppose I'm just a little baffled by defensive AI in the demo. I'm really taken aback by how open it is and the unreal amount of space in the midfield.

Do I need to spell it out for ya, mate?

Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 Screenshot 2018.08.09 -

I was Palmeiras btw.
Do I need to spell it out for ya, mate?

View attachment 5744

I was Palmeiras btw.

Okay, that's cool for you, though posting the results of a single match is hardly proof of anything, nor especially helpful.

I can only speak from my own experience with the demo and I have more matches where the opposition has fewer than 4 tackles than more, and the midfield seems wide open with defenders often giving 10-15 yards of space. And that's on the highest difficulty.

Dunno. It's not every game but many feel more like a training session than a real match, and it's like defenders only care to mark properly in the final thirds.
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