PES 2019 News Discussion Thread (INSULTS/DIGS = INSTANT BAN)

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I'm a manual player.

However, I only play manual because the assist levels (on default or otherwise), are conducive to ping pong, 100 miles per hour, end to end, arcade goal fests.

If Konami removed manual (and other assist levels) completely, and limited us to a default option; then justified their decision as a measure intended to allow individual player statistics to be more pronounced, varied and impactful, then I would absolutely love that.

I play manual to escape the fundamental problems with the core gameplay, and I suspect that a few others are the same.
I'm the same, but for competitive online only.

For offline, and online friendly modes give people as many options as they want.

I just think it's the most ridiculously idiotic, numbskullingly stupid thing Pes does for online. I actually hate it with a passion the more & more I think about it :BRICK:
I'm the same, but for competitive online only.

For offline, and online friendly modes give people as many options as they want.

I just think it's the most ridiculously idiotic, numbskullingly stupid thing Pes does for online. I actually hate it with a passion the more & more I think about it :BRICK:

they write about how they've focussed on and improved you can sign players and managers....yet i'm already placed at a disadvantage if i choose PA0 because one of the key things in weekly comps to gain GP/players, yet there is no PA filter for comps.

on the surface its a good game but my gameplay experience has revealed frustrating glaring holes for me and if i wanted that, i'd buy dark souls.

this also encourages switching to assisted play online (i used to do this in 2015 to compare and, obviously try to get a rare win) which resigns us to accepting a scripted game.

With all this talk about assisted passing having more representation of passing stats and what not, it's been a while, I think I want to see proof. These days, I think we're in the same boat:
I know that some people think that stats and manual controls are mutually exclusive, but I don't think so.
The example is the FIFA 11/16 PK system which was both stat-based and manual.
I said something similar in 2009 too (yeah, round and around the things we think and discuss about haven't changed that much since, have they?)

It's a matter of them finding the right balance.
Once again, a perfect pass done by the player with the controller should always result in a perfect pass, but a pass mishit should be further from the target as the passing stats of the player on the pitch performing it are lower of this makes any sense (it's explained better in the link below).

Here's an updated take on passing:
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Officialpes teasing a big annoucement today, probably the Liga Aguila license.

I've just seen "the hype is real" thing "big annoucement" etc.
Everybody already knows that the Liga Aguila will be in the game, since Hakoom and others guys who's already having the game showed us. So no surprise neither hype at all, nothing big.

But they will (perhaps) annouce a Datapack date release, not only that licence.
I've just seen "the hype is real" thing "big annoucement" etc.
Everybody already knows that the Liga Aguila will be in the game, since Hakoom and others guys who's already having the game showed us. So no surprise neither hype at all, nothing big.

But they will (perhaps) annouce a Datapack date release, not only that licence.
Maybe italian and spanish d2 :D
The difference between players should be in terms of "accuracy when hitting a wrong pass": if you managed to play a perfect pass either with Pirlo or Kalambay, it should be perfect ingame.
If you play a near-perfect pass with Pirlo (on manual), it should be near-perfect also ingame while if you played it with Kalambay it should be a little off, surely not as accurate as Pirlo's one.
Or should 67 stat give you completely unfiltered outcomes, and then higher stats start giving your assistance?
The issue with this:
I think this only works on "direct pass to a teammate" because the CPU will know/predict who's your intended target(depending on your stick direction and power).

How about passing into a space or through-balls? How will the CPU know your intended target(space)?
The CPU only knows your input, it doesn't know your intentions.
How will the CPU know what to correct(based on stats) if it doesn't know if you made a mistake?

Should 99 stat give you a completely unfiltered outcomes (aka, your own input, nothing else). And then lower stats start impairing your inputs little by little?
I think it's good idea. On easy types of passes, anyone can have a chance to make the pass 100% accurate(based on you input). When attempting harder passes(longer range, out off balanced, one-touch, no look, weak foot, etc), there's a less chance the pass will go to your intended target(space,teammates) when using a weak passer.
That way, you're not going to attempt amazing passes with weak passers.


Why not make only 1 pass assist that is, based on stats and situation?
We can choose the target/teammates based on our direction and power. We can also choose the type of pass(ground pass direct to a player, lob pass direct to a player, ground through-ball, lob through-ball,etc).
The computer decides how accurate/consistent the pass, based on stats and situation. I can't remember it anymore but I think PES6(and older) is something like this. I never player pes2008 - pes2014 so I'm not sure.
Problem: Less dependent on player's(us gamers) skills.

Damn! Pass stats and input skills are hard to implement in any PA's currently.

But I think, it's easier to implement passing stats to a CPU controlled team. CPU team doesn't need to have a PA, it should only need stats. I think the CPU should stop controlling the team with an imaginary gamepad. I think, it should control the team based on stats and situations.
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this guy show all the stadiums in game. there are really good stadiums, good capacity variety also. I wish we could assing them to teams from different region...
we can assign stadiums to any team we want can't we?

i remember assigning West Ham that big stadium from Brazil with running track around it in PES 2018
we can assign stadiums to any team we want can't we?

i remember assigning West Ham that big stadium from Brazil with running track around it in PES 2018
You can't assign certain stadiums to teams in Master League, another baffling decision from Konami and it's been like this for years.
Many of the south American stadia cannot be used in a European ML which limits you to a select few thus making the mode even more bland.

Does anyone actually know why Konami restrict us on this? I mean ML is a fictional mode so what's the reasoning behind it? We can have option files to change kits but can't have the choice of assigning any stadium to any club.... Really?
You can't assign certain stadiums to teams in Master League, another baffling decision from Konami and it's been like this for years.
Many of the south American stadia cannot be used in a European ML which limits you to a select few thus making the mode even more bland.

Does anyone actually know why Konami restrict us on this? I mean ML is a fictional mode so what's the reasoning behind it? We can have option files to change kits but can't have the choice of assigning any stadium to any club.... Really?

Maybe there are license restrictions.
Anyway, it's easy to unlock on pc.
Maybe there are license restrictions.
Anyway, it's easy to unlock on pc.
How can there be though? You can play a friendly at any ground with any team and most leagues are/were fictional anyway.
There was nothing stopping me from assigning teams to Anfield or Signal Iduna last year and they were partner clubs/stadiums

Like I said before, ML is a fictional offline mode, if me the user is the only person ever seeing what's happening then why I am restricted with stadia?

Again it's about choice and the absolute lack of it from Konami.

A very tiny little restriction they could so easily change that would make a world of difference to ML.
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