PES 2019 News Discussion Thread (INSULTS/DIGS = INSTANT BAN)

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Basic R1 pushing button doesn't express the full speed player, it's nothing like a catch-up bug or anything.
It's about timing too and try to staying straight to the goal. Same, nobody catch me with Mbappe if i put him in Attack, on some circonstance of course.

You loose speed when you changes directions too. Without the ball on a full run, well placed trough ball and both player (Attacker/Defender) don't have the ball, you'll see the difference in speed.

Fifa has the pushing ball forward with the right stick for example, you can push the ball very far and then you see the player speed at full run.
In PES, we've got double tap R1 + directions, it's "practically" the same as well you can double tap and while changing direction in a instant (needs some practice) but the issue is you can't push the ball as far as you want...
Unless i've missed something in the manual.

Interesting. How does that work? Do you have fine control of how far you can push the ball? And does the ball becomes free/loose if you push it too far, or is there still an invisible string between you and the ball?
But every other game since then, had it.

Well yes, every game since has had it. Because they caught a massive shitstorm for removing such a basic game mode, and it's typical Konami practice to remove a feature and introduce it as something new at a later date. They probably didn't expect to have to renew it quite so soon. This is kind of what gives me hope for lower leagues returning next year, the shit storm this time around has a similar feel to it.

But that's another huge issue for me, the removal of features only to reintroduce at a later date. Where's the innovation there, or any creative thought? This game is supposed to be Pro Evolution Soccer, I feel they use the PES term so much these days they forget what the letters stand for.

Pro... business practice and customer/community management has been anything but 'Pro'
Evolution... has it evolved at all? Grown in any way? More has been removed than introduced... which is more akin to extinction.
Soccer.. that's pretty much all we're left with. A sometimes (for me anyway) fun soccer game. Nothing more really, no depth, no evolution. For some that's enough, that's fine, I just feel we should expect more these days. As much as people don't like discussion of the other game, at least it introduces new modes and is creative. There's a package there outside of a match, and it's not even about licences. Is there anyone in the Konami offices that says "Oh I've got a fantastic idea for the next PES title, a real game changer"? It just seems to be rinse and repeat, they take away and giveth back, claiming they listen.

On another note, have you seen the Cameroon squad faces on that guys twitter leaks? I know it's before a day one patch so it'll change, but some Cameroon players have white default faces. Come on, is it that hard just to set the correct race? You shouldn't need a patch to correct things like that
Interesting. How does that work? Do you have fine control of how far you can push the ball? And does the ball becomes free/loose if you push it too far, or is there still an invisible string between you and the ball?
try running normal without sprint button, when you aproach opposition player quickly change direction to get past him, when you caught him on wrong foot start to sprint by pushing sprint button twice but be precise to push the buttons between player touching the ball while sprint ;)
Interesting. How does that work? Do you have fine control of how far you can push the ball? And does the ball becomes free/loose if you push it too far, or is there still an invisible string between you and the ball?

You'll never tried Fifa? It's a feature which have been since a long time (Fifa 10 or 11)
Yes you can push the ball far or close in any 360 degrees direction, and there's a "invisible string" for the player running to the ball, yes.
Controls have changed, now it's running button + Right stick. It's less effective than before btw.

Sorry for of thread, only for explaining a feature not comparing
guys one offtopic question. I hope moderators will not punish me :)
does anyone used pesuniverse OF with silver membership? are there regular updated after dlc? thanks in advance :)
I am not very familiar with game industry, but is it normal people asking for official apologies/explanations for the absence of Serie B and Liga 123?

I have never seen such thing.

For example, did EA apologized for the absence of Brazil national team or the loss of Russian league or Brasileirão?

I am not familiar to such practices and from a different generation, so I am quite surprised.

apology example :
- pes myclub always offers apologies for stuff that goes wrong in-game AFTER the product has been sold e.g. we identified an issue. as compensation we are offering you 10000GP etc
- there was some minor apology following the PES 2016 anniversay sale following the pre-order promotion of 5 anniversary contracts which were advertised as being permanent contracts when they weren't

as long as the product is sold an apology is free and comes across a goodwill - when in actual fact, given tat pes is pretty much the same game each year there should be NO errors and NO false advertising - unless you're trying to be sly for your own benefit.
Thats true, but bare in mind - apology came along with the investivation about gambling. It got hot so they had to act. Was it a good will or was it "shit...they're onto us"
PES would probably apologise if people started accusing them of false advertisement, as the end game seems to be missing a lot of features that were promised (or assumed to be given), plus a lot of features are half arsed.
But until it gets hot and they feel threatent there wont be any apology. We are all cry babies, remember.:D
Thats true, but bare in mind - apology came along with the investivation about gambling. It got hot so they had to act. Was it a good will or was it "shit...they're onto us"
PES would probably apologise if people started accusing them of false advertisement, as the end game seems to be missing a lot of features that were promised (or assumed to be given), plus a lot of features are half arsed.
But until it gets hot and they feel threatent there wont be any apology. We are all cry babies, remember.:D

I guess battlefront case came to light because there are a lot of gamers who love star wars, shootemups, scifi. Also EA is a large well-known company.

pes community is far smaller so any issues won't get such attention - but actually i don't think konami are necessarily at fault if folks keep preordering the same game year after year. the information is out there and its the comsumers choice to research the product and then spend the money how they like.

if they sold the product and THEN took away the leagues, they'd have a problem. as it stands, its not a problem (unless sales figures plummet)
Not sure of the legitimacy of these guys who are playing, but they do mention that the full game that they are playing, is in fact slightly faster than the demo. Was really hoping the full version was the same speed as the demo... time will tell..

Yep, agree. The slower pace is one reason why PA1 has been alright online, when/if it becomes faster the result will be that it will be harder to defend the ping- pongers. Hopefully they are wrong...

But it wouldn'r surprise me they have listened to kids not being able to ping pong fast enough in the demo etc.
Already linked?

7 hours pes 2019 full game video

Just skimmed through sections of the video, the AI doesn't like to run with the ball, even if there is space to move into. Always looks for a pass, there's not much moving between the lines with the ball. From what I skimmed through anyway

[edit: apologies for being so negative, I'll try to find some happy pills in future]
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Not sure of the legitimacy of these guys who are playing, but they do mention that the full game that they are playing, is in fact slightly faster than the demo. Was really hoping the full version was the same speed as the demo... time will tell..
Please God no! I've been praying they wouldn't speed it up for release.
Are the people playing with an update/day one patch installed or is it just the vanilla version?
Please God no! I've been praying they wouldn't speed it up for release.
Are the people playing with an update/day one patch installed or is it just the vanilla version?

I'm sorry.
Watched some transfers in master league: he didn't try to sign anyone but there is one thing i really don't like.

Remember when they said transfers were going to be more realistic? I saw that he could sign Suarez, Coutinhno as Tottenham with 60% success probability (3 bars). So, if you have enough money you can buy Suarez or Coutinho even as Tottenham.

That shouldn't be possible. Suarez and Couthinho are both extremely important players to Barcelona, they would never move to Tottenham.

Safe to say they didn't make transfers more realistic at all.

It's around 3 hours 55 minutes in that video if you want to see.
Is the guy playing PA1 in that 7 hour video? It appears to be ridiculously assisted. Overall that gameplay looks as dull as dishwater to me.
To me it looks quite identically, maybe the reason is that we saw a lot of -1 footage lately.

I haven't been watching much footage of other people playing actually. I'm just looking at it compared to how I'm playing the demo. Could it be they bumped up the speed to +1 in the twitch stream?
If (coz i obviously havent watched full video) he had ps set up more than 1 it might explain the pace. If you watched any matches from PES league on youtube, moet of the time they play on ps2or3. That makes the game look fast and arcady. Perfect pass means better first touch, which means no momentum loss and ping pong passes.
Having said that - you never know with Konami so maybe they tweaked it.
Worst case scenario i will be playing on -1, same as 2018..
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