PES 2019 News Discussion Thread (INSULTS/DIGS = INSTANT BAN)

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"Konami aren't lying if you pretend they never said it in the first place"


*End of shitposting*
I absolutely love the idea of "Team Spirit" and not being able to force players together (not instantly, at least).

That's one off-the-pitch thing they've introduced (in a series that is infamous for not adding much depth to its game modes) where I think they've really innovated and created something pretty realistic, that represents the "problem" of putting together a football team.

I wonder if they'll have made changes to TS this year (in terms of how severe the effect is).

In fact I enjoyed team spirit in 2017 and 2018 quite a lot.
Players that really match your team and make the whole team play very well and players that you signed, but don't really fit as they never really start to shine.
I hope that will be the case with 2019 as well.
Also, quite better maybe with the improved injury/fatigue system.

Btw, to me (and surely not to the others) you never came up disrespectful.
You have made your opinion clear and stand by it with understandable arguments.
I wish all of us could enjoy the game, but the negative decisions and flaws of this company tear us all apart.

I agree with You, I have enjoyed taking a lowly You know who side and playing through the Championship,then Premier League progressing into Europe,and even into World Club matches.couple that with picking up Iceland Managers job before getting offered England Managers job too.

Exactly that.
I like to bring the team up step by step.
Kind of hoping of the so called new transfer system they announced as I wanna be challenged more to sign players with handling my finances.
Been a bit too easy in the recent releases.
More 2nd divisions surely would be better for the stuff happening around the team and having more material.

I might try myclub as well and hope for more fuma players in there.
Here's a slightly off topic (but still PES related) question. What are peoples thoughts on the form arrows?

Personally I feel they are completely over powered, often I feel like the results of my matches with friends is down to who has the best form arrows rather than the best players or gameplay skill. Example, recently on PES18 my friend handed me a 6-0 drubbing, (and we are of even standard usually) with a completely inform Van Persie scoring 6 goals from 6 shots, including a 30 yard free kick with inconceivable swerve. He was quicker than all my defenders, had 100% shot accuracy and generally unplayable. My friend couldn't even celebrate it was so ridiculous.

So have any of you had similar issues where the arrows make players superhuman, or on the flip side, a negative arrow making somebody feel like they are unable to function at all? Somebody brought up the 'magic boots' thing from a few years back and it made me think about this, are form arrows being used as 'power ups'? Giving special abilities or nerfing them?

To me, form arrows should only affect a first touch, slight reaction times, concentration and positioning. It shouldn't affect everyone around them, making opposing players play worse. It shouldn't make players quicker, or give them extra stamina or strength in challenges. Anyway, that was just on my mind.

Oh and on another note, there was a Q&A on twitter just now with some guy, sadly he didn't answer my questions about offline modes. Those legend editions though...
arrows are there from the beggining mate and yes they made big difference in the game especially in exibition vs games. I would love them to be more contextual when you play offline modes, for ex. when you are on a winning streak it's natural to have more motivated players with red, orange and green arrows but instead you can have your best players with blue arrow, like the game know what happens in their private life :D you can turn them off for exibtion games ;)
The passing 'assists' have destroyed any player individuality regarding passing and shooting. Doesn't matter what lvl you choose. The system needs a major overhaul imo. The game is structured and built on rails, so I doubt it'll ever happen.

On the one hand we want more freedom with passing, on the other we want stats to matter. But the more you think about how that would work, the harder it is to fathom :LOL: It's gonna be tough to come up with a compromise.

Sometimes I think that an actual stat based system would be the most asissted passing Pes could offer, but the way Konami go about things now it's completely the opposite.
One thing I think we can all agree on is that there is zero balance between the passing options. It's a game breaker for competitive play.

Player individuality movement has been watered down over the past few years with each release. It's nothing like it used to be imo.

Game difficulty settings as well don't take stats into consideration. I'd love to see a 'Realistic' option, were teams and players play to their stats only. So if I play AI Barca then you know they're gonna be so tough to beat compared to some 1 star team.
I've played to many ML games over the yrs were the top teams have been an absolute walk over, yet the teams that have the worse players and stats are scripted outta their minds. It's the opposite of what should happen
Not buying it because of this. Yes it looks beautiful and yes you can create some nice movement but it quickly becomes repetitive as the essence of PES where stats actually matter has been killed long ago, leaving it very easy to play without thought on what tactics you will play and what players will impact the game in a way that is aligned with their strengths. It all just feels the same.

Totally agree.
The game is just shallow. Repetitive. There's barely difference in how players feel, I don't care what anybody says.
Until Messi feels like Firmino, or Icardi feels like Suarez, or Pique feels like Ter Stegen, PES will never ever ever be back to PES 13, PES 6, PES 5, PES 3 or any of the Winning Eleven versions. I repeat, I don't care what anybody says, they all feel more or less the same.
It's like Konami coded 3 type of players: Quick ones, Heavy ones, and Average. And the 'stats' are automatically assigned to them depending on height and weight. And that's all the difference you'll perceive, not matter what their actual stats are.

Permission to mention the other game here, it's just inevitable. FIFA, with all its flaws, has so many layers. It's not shallow. It's not one dimensional. It has layers. Everything has multiple outcomes, multiple animations. PES used to have layers too. But somehow, somewhere down the line they decided to make it easier. Pick Up And Play.
I've played to many ML games over the yrs were the top teams have been an absolute walk over, yet the teams that have the worse players and stats are scripted outta their minds. It's the opposite of what should happen
This is what I'm experiencing in the 2019 demo. On Top Player and Superstar, Barcelona will play tiki-taka, but then you pick a worse team (e.g. Colo-Colo) and the tiki-taka goes into hyperdrive. Not only is it great passing, but it's all first-time passing and it's much more difficult to stop. In my experience.

It's like the game looks at the attributes and goes "Barcelona don't need any help", then "Colo-Colo need everything boosting" - but the end result is that Barcelona are rubbish in comparison. The AI Barca you play as a human player would get roasted by the AI Colo-Colo. (But I'm guessing, when you make them play each-other, this weird "boosting" stuff doesn't happen.)
Hahahahaha, you literally just proved my point from a couple of posts up.

To use this viewpoint (and to exaggerate for the sake of the point, so understand I'm grossly oversimplifying here), you're saying, both games are shit. If that was the case, and they shared the same fault(s), why would you purposefully choose to play the game that had far less depth off-the-pitch (and had less licenses)?

This makes no sense.

To name a few, just because it now has more enjoyable ball physics, and animation (many of them). The "feeling" of stiffness moving a player is much better from demo i played. Oh the heading animation and output is more varied. I can make more powerful header than what is impossible from last year version. The other game, i just don't enjoy some thay i mentioned above post 2016 version.. i think the time they introduced the ignite engine or kinda of that. Especially the ball physics and their player animation feeling.

Anyway, regarding the passing stats, i just checked it again.. it has just 2 parameter. low and lofted pass. It comes to my mind, maybe it affects more on the output of through pass, rather than direct pass. Some player just make an clever through pass direction.
To name a few, just because it now has more enjoyable ball physics, and animation (many of them). The "feeling" of stiffness moving a player is much better from demo i played. Oh the heading animation and output is more varied. I can make more powerful header than what is impossible from last year version.
Sorry, this wasn't the point I was making - I was just saying that, if the game is bad at something, it makes no difference if another game is ALSO bad at something.
I've played to many ML games over the yrs were the top teams have been an absolute walk over, yet the teams that have the worse players and stats are scripted outta their minds.

It was especially visible in pes18. I was winning 8-1 against Milan just to loose to Cagliari in the next match. Difficulty level was all over the place.

Shooting seems nerfed in pes19. In pes18 every shot from outside the box was a rocket and didnt matter who was on the ball.

Agree on passing. Its too assisted and if you play on manual stats dont matter.

They are trying to introduce some COM skills to sort of recreate individuality, but I havent noticed much of a difference between players so far. This 5mins demo doesnt really let you properly feel the game
Sorry, this wasn't the point I was making - I was just saying that, if the game is bad at something, it makes no difference if another game is ALSO bad at something.

Understood Chris. You mentioned previously. I just shared my answer to this question
"why would you purposefully choose to play the game that had far less depth off-the-pitch (and had less licenses)?"
I think it's important to state that you can say that, or have this opinion, without the other game coming into it. Lots of FIFA comments in here of late.

I posted that video of @Ameppe's on Facebook in response to a few "PES just is real football"-style comments on Eurogamer published last week (incredibly childish of me, I'll hold my hands up, but nothing annoys me more than people who played PES in university who claim the game is made of soul and unicorns and won't accept criticism of their beloved franchise), and you're immediately met with "FIFA'S THE SAME THOUGH, YOU CAN PING-PONG IN FIFA TOO". And? So what?

It's like there's some law of quantum physics; having an opinion of one game automatically means you have the opposite opinion of the other. But if FIFA didn't exist, the analysis (i.e. the post I'm quoting) would be the same.
this! make it sticky!! thats so true, imo!!
To get us back on track, and away from the other game.

I'm asking this absolutely genuinely. Do people think PES 2019 is a major step up from PES 2018 in regards to individuality when it comes to passing and shooting? A big complaint last year was that every player, from centre-back with poor passing stats to star playmaker, hit passes in the same way and with the same perfect contact and accuracy.

(In-fact, our PES 2018 video review showed that it made no difference to pass or shot accuracy, editing every Man City player's attributes to the minimum of 40.)

I don't believe that's changed - am I wrong? If you're talking about players "feeling" different from each-other when moving around with the ball, I'd probably agree with that, but when it comes to kicking the ball, for me, one guy feels the same as the next. Am I alone in feeling that way? Perhaps I've not been playing the right match-ups to feel the difference...?

The worst thing is playing on lower division and all teams playing like Barca or Real. There is pretty much no progression. All CPU teams plays a lobbed through ball on the wing and a low cross into the box. All players can pass like prime Pirlo or Fabregas. Slower defenders can most of the times catch up with players like Salah, Bale, etc. All still a present issue in PES 2019.

More about realistic transfers; some kind of tier system.

Worryingly that doesn't prevent the situation we saw with the botched screenshot where Liverpool sold all their top players to rivals; nor does it mean that transfer fees are realistic.

I don't think there's anything Konami ever say that doesn't require some clarification afterwards when it doesn't seem to be what it first was portrayed as.
Here's a slightly off topic (but still PES related) question. What are peoples thoughts on the form arrows?

My thought is that form arrows (on top of player level, assist level, team spirit, stats) introduce another variable which ends up in me not understanding why my team lost or won. if i can identify a problem i try to fix it yet i don't know how to fix the problem other than saying to myself : i need to get more gp to get better managers or black ball players when possibly i need to do neither and something else (or konami deliberately introduce this confusion smoke for a scripted game).

i find it a joke that now PES 2018 lacks form updates, its real difficult for me to get a game - i used to have patience at one point waiting 2 hours to get a game - i don't have this patience any more, especially after being spoilt by the demo's matchmaking.
Here's a slightly off topic (but still PES related) question. What are peoples thoughts on the form arrows?

Personally I feel they are completely over powered, often I feel like the results of my matches with friends is down to who has the best form arrows rather than the best players or gameplay skill. Example, recently on PES18 my friend handed me a 6-0 drubbing, (and we are of even standard usually) with a completely inform Van Persie scoring 6 goals from 6 shots, including a 30 yard free kick with inconceivable swerve. He was quicker than all my defenders, had 100% shot accuracy and generally unplayable. My friend couldn't even celebrate it was so ridiculous.

So have any of you had similar issues where the arrows make players superhuman, or on the flip side, a negative arrow making somebody feel like they are unable to function at all? Somebody brought up the 'magic boots' thing from a few years back and it made me think about this, are form arrows being used as 'power ups'? Giving special abilities or nerfing them?

To me, form arrows should only affect a first touch, slight reaction times, concentration and positioning. It shouldn't affect everyone around them, making opposing players play worse. It shouldn't make players quicker, or give them extra stamina or strength in challenges. Anyway, that was just on my mind.

Oh and on another note, there was a Q&A on twitter just now with some guy, sadly he didn't answer my questions about offline modes. Those legend editions though...

Form arrows are the best! If I venture a bit into the dreaded Fifa territory I always find it ridiculous not to have them there. I want to have to think things over, considering the form arrows, instead of being able to field the same team every single time.

If I were playing against mates and they would suggest fixed form arrows I would be forced to beat them up!
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I want to have to think things over, considering the form arrows, instead of being able to field the same team every single time.

Yes, but dont you think that we do this, because there is no other variables to make things interesting?
The other game, that no one like to mention here, has a lot of injuries, bookings, loans, players asking you to put them in the first 11 in the next match, or leave them out as they dont feel up for it...
Arrows are there, because there is (or hopefully - there WAS) nothing else to make things interesting.
Now, hopefully, visible fatigue will have an effect, especially in ML where fatigue builds up, and there seems to be more fouls, so hopefully we will see some red cards.
My thought is that form arrows (on top of player level, assist level, team spirit, stats) introduce another variable which ends up in me not understanding why my team lost or won. if i can identify a problem i try to fix it yet i don't know how to fix the problem other than saying to myself : i need to get more gp to get better managers or black ball players when possibly i need to do neither and something else (or konami deliberately introduce this confusion smoke for a scripted game).

i find it a joke that now PES 2018 lacks form updates, its real difficult for me to get a game - i used to have patience at one point waiting 2 hours to get a game - i don't have this patience any more, especially after being spoilt by the demo's matchmaking.
See. All that stuff you mentioned form arrows are “on top of”, they all seem to collide somehow. After all these years I have to think that. Maybe I’m wrong.
Form arrows are the best! If I venture a bit into the dreaded Fifa territory I always find it ridiculous not to have them there. I want to have to think things over, considering the form arrows, instead of being able to field the same team every single time.

If I were playing against mates and they would suggest fixed form arrows I would be forced to beat them up!
They are. I love to dig deep, kinda like you explained it for yourself (think things over).
Switching players because of form and maybe switching to a whole new tactical corset was part of one of my main PES pillar back in the days, as I explained before.
I wish I wouldn’t have that weird feeling in my guts, where it tells me the above mentioned form arrows, levels, boosts, stats and team spirit features collide and lead to absurdity.
Did not had that back then. Just saying.

Could not understand buddy’s that always wanted to play with the whole team on super duper form arrows! I always preferred the random choosing by the game. But this leads to tinker with tactical settings and that’s not everybody’s taste.
Yes, but dont you think that we do this, because there is no other variables to make things interesting?
The other game, that no one like to mention here, has a lot of injuries, bookings, loans, players asking you to put them in the first 11 in the next match, or leave them out as they dont feel up for it...
Arrows are there, because there is (or hopefully - there WAS) nothing else to make things interesting.
Now, hopefully, visible fatigue will have an effect, especially in ML where fatigue builds up, and there seems to be more fouls, so hopefully we will see some red cards.

Super true, the other game has a lot of unexpected actions, and many decisions to make in the Career mode. This actions/decisions makes a great impact in the experience.
Also confirmed in the Q&A from Gamescom is 2018 Beckham cannot be imported into ML.

i have a question for them : why in dear lord do we have to keep pressing buttons after 30 secs of "unable to find opponent". let the search go on til we matchmake or til i cancel. its just lazy to not have addressed this. if i'm away when the match goes ahead then my opponent rightly had an advantage. such a simple question that the idiots from konami didn't address for pes 2019.

konami you fools. let me watch my tv and when it matchmakes i will pick up the controller to play. you schmucks.

its like these fools get paid each time i press a button.

Edit : so I decided to wait it out and after 20mins I got a PES 2018 MyClub game with Lv5 filter. Got matched up with Fluminense and the connection was hideous pause-fast forward. Level 5 is supposed to be best connection. ?? Had to quit out after conceding.
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I know the form arrows have been there a long time, but I just feel the affect of them has been getting stronger. Maybe it's just me, but it's true it does at least mean selection in ML changes.

You know what sucks, I barely struggled to finish that sentence haha, PES has drained all my enthusiasm to talk about it with any passion lately. Oh well. There's always porn I guess... those fetish films though...
Hang on, before I dip into the murky world of the internet to fill my evening. I just noticed something in the footer of NIK778899's post.

"Remember Lygaards shoes"

There was a whole lot of hinting and 'nudge nudging' about Real being licensed this year wasn't there, and he knew exactly what he was doing. So a Konami staff member was basically trolling the fanbase/customer for his own entertainment? As well as other staff members referring forums as 'retarded' or customer concerns being from 'crybabies'. In what other business would this be acceptable?

How has Konami turned this into a 'them against us' situation? The 'them' being the hardcore community. What is going on here? The consumer has become the enemy. Now I'm angry again, I feel like shouting at traffic or kicking a garden gnome over. Boo-urns! Bloody boo-urns!!
Why would Beckham be available in ML? We wanted realistic ML right? For me it's not fun to build a team and face opponent with football legends in Champions League or other competition. It will kill the moment for sure...
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