PES 2019 News Discussion Thread (INSULTS/DIGS = INSTANT BAN)

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Does anyone know what other popular Leagues are included in the FIFPRO license? The website includes Brazil in it's list but I'm pretty sure Brazil has a separate licensing association.
In a while no one except us old geezers will remember pes for what it really was and young' uns will be saying "really? A football game with fake teams was actually a thing? Get the fuck out of here!" and we will hardly remember how great it really was.

What a post!! for my taste personally PES5 6 10 11 13 are so great for the fun factor/quality of product when they first released that those games still stand the test of time to this very day. Another poster with obvious acute business acumen had info about pages 22 and 24 about key business investments that Konami venture in. A couple of years ago my wife demanded we take a trip towards Vegas, and as the plane took a slow decline towards the runway into that hot cess pool in the middle of the desert of some of the biggest corporations the world has ever seen the Konami building with it's large red lettering was so pronounced and stuck out like a sore thumb and after walking through so many world renowed casinos with Konami slot machines as far as the eye could see, it was then that I realized Konami just don't give a fug about PES with a sly wry smile across my face as I remember the 700 hundred quid CPU I purchased just for PES 14. And I have not plunked down for another PES title since.

I want PES to do well because I like variety and quality products, but there are to many absolutely fantastic ready to go out the box options in entertainment these days Konami can not expect there core older base of fans to rely on nostalgia Konami/PES can not rely on niche anymore the times they are a changing.
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The story about the trade-off as an excuse is mind-boggling.

I wonder why the first TVs that came out with HDMI ports didn't remove one of the other ports at random and justify the decision to do so in the same way as Daniel is justifying the removal of the second divisions. Sure they'll release a new model with the port added back, and in the meantime customers can buy adapters. I'm sure TV buyers would have understood.
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Following that PSNHakoom guy on Twitter who has the full game.

There are no fake teams in the Other European Teams section this year.

The ones in the Other Latin American Teams section are still there though.
Actually is. Durandil talked about relinking PEA teams to D2 teams. Maybe this can be done on PC if the league slot still exists.

They should add this as an option by default in game. It would help a lot: if you wanna edit a fake league as a 2nd division you could do it, if you wanna edit it as a new league, you also could.

They dont seem to think, it is very simple. Since you cant have 2nd div. and fake leagues at least give us the power of choosing.
Now I was very hesitant after last year's outing and not being impressed with the demo's AI but there was one thing PES had always going for it: A good representation of italian Football. Serie A/B and loads of faces in Serie A which made it fun to play a ML set in Italy. In FIFA you could only ever play EPL career modes.

It was one of Konami's very few USP's left. And what do they do with it? Out of the window, screw the ML gamer.
There is literally no more reason to buy PES at this point.
Essentially at the same time EA announces a complete La Liga revamp that sounds great. Unfortunately I guess that they will - again - patch the game to death to make it more fun for FUT crowd. But damn!

This year it's no Football Game at all or just FIFA.
Anyone who knows about programming, is the pa1 loss of freedom to do with elements they've introduced since pes 2015?

I remember pes 2014 the players had some issues tracking the ball at first.
I wonder whether it's necessity? That they can't programme a loose pa1?
I remember someone saying years ago that fifa's AI was limited because their ball physics were so free and loose that getting a sophisticated AI to work with those physics was complicated. Fifa's more varied seems to have coincided with more rigid ball physics...
From Pes 13 to Pes 14 the fundamental passing structure changed. Most likely due to the Fox Engine.

In Pes 13 you could change the direction of passes and shots right up until the player (animation) touched the ball. So all through the charging up of the pass you had the ability to change the direction until the player hit the ball.
In Pes 14 & onward, the aim direction was locked in as soon as you pressed the button.
Hope I described that ok, because that's a massive difference. Extremely noticeable on manual.

Ps. If you guys think Pes 15's PA 1 was good, go back and try PA 1 on '13. Perfect semi-assisted option, so much freedom, and the throughball was manual.
PA2 was default back then, but it also had PA 3 & 4. All available for competitive online :DUMMY:
Now I was very hesitant after last year's outing and not being impressed with the demo's AI but there was one thing PES had always going for it: A good representation of italian Football. Serie A/B and loads of faces in Serie A which made it fun to play a ML set in Italy. In FIFA you could only ever play EPL career modes.

It was one of Konami's very few USP's left. And what do they do with it? Out of the window, screw the ML gamer.
There is literally no more reason to buy PES at this point.
Essentially at the same time EA announces a complete La Liga revamp that sounds great. Unfortunately I guess that they will - again - patch the game to death to make it more fun for FUT crowd. But damn!

This year it's no Football Game at all or just FIFA.
Serie A has been my bread and butter since Pes 5.
And now that option is gone.
I'm out too,might have a look at FIFA ,or just play my older Pes titles.
This is unacceptable

So excited about ICC in ML menu ... How did Konami stump this low .. Smh
From Pes 13 to Pes 14 the fundamental passing structure changed. Most likely due to the Fox Engine.

In Pes 13 you could change the direction of passes and shots right up until the player (animation) touched the ball. So all through the charging up of the pass you had the ability to change the direction until the player hit the ball.
In Pes 14 & onward, the aim direction was locked in as soon as you pressed the button.
Hope I described that ok, because that's a massive difference. Extremely noticeable on manual.

Ps. If you guys think Pes 15's PA 1 was good, go back and try PA 1 on '13. Perfect semi-assisted option, so much freedom, and the throughball was manual.
PA2 was default back then, but it also had PA 3 & 4. All available for competitive online :DUMMY:
I agree on 13 being great on PA1,even though I rather play manual (keeps the pass % from CPU lower) I think more modern games has a "passing snap" someone described it very well in here a few months back.
Like a magnet,the ball gets snapped by the magnet when aiming,the more PA,the bigger magnet, roughly explained.
Didn't really exist on 13,therefore much looser
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