PES 2019 News Discussion Thread (INSULTS/DIGS = INSTANT BAN)

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Pes 16 was a nightmare for me in terms of easiest-shooting-scoring game in the whole series. That was the most hated PES i've ever played... But not the most hated footie game, it was Fifa 15. I've buyied Fifa since the 08 version, and that version which introduced "Ignite" was a total disaster in terms of physics, even in comparison to their "old engine" counterpart on PS3.
Don't know how "refreshing" it was for people who have never played this game, but it was the game which makes people i know abandon totally the game.

Sorry for the off-thread (Well, i'm sorry this isn't Fifa vs PES thread)... But when i see PES 16 (aswell as Fifa 15) my eyes pops up.

So get back to the thread, if i boycott PES, it's not because of 19 version gameplay.
That's the contrary: because the gameplay demo was surpisingly good, perhaps one of the better PES since the Fox Engine i've ever played, that i'm so furious about that current move...
They fucked up my enthusiasm about all those new leagues (Belgian/Russian/Turkey, Scottish too), all those opportunity for ML experience i've imagined in my head, transfers from every country, was gone in an simple read.

I'm more sad and disappointed than furious in reality. That PES motivated me for doing something for the community.
I was doing an accurate FM converter with so many formulas including many parameters taken in account for formulas (reputation, prefered moves, height weight), and expected to deliver one of the most worked, won't say "better", option file in terms of database/players/teams/tactics, with the help of many others editors.

Now, it's like all vanished at the moment you know. Like someone said here, it's a backstab feeling from the PR.
That's a reason i perhaps i looks to take it a bit too seriously, it's not for the love-to-hate Konami for nothing and makes fun of them, that's more the contrary. "On the pitch" only doesn't makes any sense. If PES 5 was full of dummy/unknown players, nobody would say that's a good game. Players and teams representation are all.

But as long as we stay objective, brings facts and good argumentation... We're can be ignored. Sorry for the long post, it's a 3 differents posts in one :JAY:
Couple of things!
1.If the D2 for Spain and Italy is gone,is there a fake 2nd league in there for you to play if you decide to play ML in Spain or italy

2 there's still a 2nd league for England right?
I wonder what made them keep that one instead of Italy/Spain?
Will the content of those first leagues be shit?
Hardly any licensed teams?
Or is it because PL isis t most played league in PES ML?
Which I doubt,given that most people I speak to,and on YT and in other continents it seem to be popular,but hardly the most played,I'd think Spain/Italy is bigger.
Plus,most people I talk to if playing PL,they chose FIFA because of their package
Could be wrong
Couple of things!
1.If the D2 for Spain and Italy is gone,is there a fake 2nd league in there for you to play if you decide to play ML in Spain or italy

2 there's still a 2nd league for England right?
I wonder what made them keep that one instead of Italy/Spain?
Will the content of those first leagues be shit?
Hardly any licensed teams?
Or is it because PL isis t most played league in PES ML?
Which I doubt,given that most people I speak to,and on YT and in other continents it seem to be popular,but hardly the most played,I'd think Spain/Italy is bigger.
Plus,most people I talk to if playing PL,they chose FIFA because of their package
Could be wrong
Italy has, oops, had a lot of players.
this is what I won't understand. he was option file creator for a long time now. why encouraging decisions like this? not everyone want to play skybet league like him. all of this look like politics in my country, sad sad sad :(
I'm a big fan of PES World when it comes to option files but they, like their inferior rivals PESUniverse, are very much bright-eyed and bushy-tailed about everything now Konami (rightly) acknowledge their work.

The analogy he's making doesn't work either.
Some positive news


Columbian League confirmed licensed.
I'm a big fan of PES World when it comes to option files but they, like their inferior rivals PESUniverse, are very much bright-eyed and bushy-tailed about everything now Konami (rightly) acknowledge their work.

The analogy he's making doesn't work either.
"Pes 19 snack machine edition"
You'll get four fried mars bars when ordering the Rangers edition
I'm a big fan of PES World when it comes to option files but they, like their inferior rivals PESUniverse, are very much bright-eyed and bushy-tailed about everything now Konami (rightly) acknowledge their work.

The analogy he's making doesn't work either.

That analogy is funny. If they want to use the vending machine analogy, lets say this.....continuing that analogy.

You have a massive demand for chocolate bars in this vending machine, people want a huge selection of them to choose from, and you are running out of chocolate bars because the demand is so high. What do you do to increase your profits and satisfy people? You get a bigger better vending machine that can stock more chocolate bars, you don't keep the same vending machine for 12-13 years, which is limited and at full capacity, you don't then take some popular chocolate bars out to bring in a new one, you increase your selection and expand the space by buying a new vending machine!

I never thought I would write about chocolate bars & vending machines on evo-web, hahah! :D
The problem with PES since PES 2014 is "next year". :FAIL:

I remember one pes and the day they released it they were saying next years game will be better and have this and that. So I took my pes back thinking if you’re already saying “next year” then you’re not getting my money this year as you’re dismissing it less than 24 hours after it hits the shelf.
It just makes a mockery of this 3 year ML plan, are they gonna take more stuff out next year to bring all the exclusions back in on year 3 of the plan?

I just genuinely do not understand how we are running literally mid level PC’s now as consoles and have gaming PC’s that can run a GTA, Witcher levels of detail but a football game which may have more dynamic animations move quicker etc on screen at any given time can still be a joke for content.

Konami are upset when the games of today are compared to the PS2 era, but it’s not just the gameplay it’s the whole package on a system which is probably about 20/30 times less in computing power. But still has a lot more content across the board.

More stuff is taken out the consoles are 4K native now does that really drop the menu development and game mode growth?

I genuinely do not buy that. Assets change and become more complicated as the systems become more advanced but surely the team over in Japan are moving with the technology?

This is not just about the 2 teams removed controversy its because they still do not get why the community are so upset. ML was the reason Pes was successful in the past and the total lack of support or respect for this essential mode is disrespectful.
I got blocked by Asim because PES 2018 was telling me my connection quality was crap... I posted a screenshot of my result and posted it to him in frustration to say "PES is saying I have a crap connection.... really? this is considered crap?".

This stuff about taking away second divisions making promotion and relegation a non-event I find baffling. Especially using the excuse of "Oh we have the Icelandic league and the SPL for you now" and then when people query it "Oh we are worried about the Database.... we are worried about the game being slow".. Yeah ok Konami... do you take us all for idiots?
I've never ever been so pissed off by not only this,but the sneaky "lose two D2 leagues...schhhh don't tell anyone" and the fact that they actually went in and removed them
It's bs saying "database isn't enough" I'm convinced it's a deliberate move to increase Myclub players.
If they were serious,they'd removed other teams first.
I'd,if I produced this series under the the current situation,take away some national teams instead if I had to due to database limits.
Not popular of course,but way smarter than this move.
Yeah,toss that disc back man
Oh, man. I caught up again. Thanks for those of you guys replying to me. I was completely lost. What sad, sad, sad news. ML gets the shaft again. Who else would it happen to? Online crowd don't play with low level div 2 teams.

Sorry, guys. I'm just not prepared yet to go into full on fixing what Konami may, may not to do. This licensing thing isn't my department though, which is why I've been content because the gameplay has been decent in the demo.
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