PES 2019 News Discussion Thread (INSULTS/DIGS = INSTANT BAN)

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Yeah, it seems so. Willing to sacrifice all integrity in the meantime.

Can you imagine? Imagine what kind of game we'd have now. All that energy they've spent in the wrong direction...pleasing an imaginary target audience.
I don't think they're an imaginary audience. I definitely think there are loads of players out there that want perfect passes, shots, no fouls, 8 goals a game, and half of them to be overhead kicks.
Because of microtransactions & eSports, they think this is the best direction to aim the game.

Sucks for football fans, but Pes isn't about that anymore. It's a football game for gamers who don't like football.
Pes is the equivalent to Coldplay :LOL:
Sure. If I had Tweeter id be onto them long ago. I only bash them on FB, but its more difficult since I usually get replies from PES fanboys posting youtube videos how amazingly realistic PES is...
Ha ha I got you man.
Do your guerilla warfare on FB and I'll keep on keeping on twitter.
Appreciate it
I honestly think a large part of WENB's demise was down to the konami cronies holding sway and having no accountability or responsibility in what they posted. Daniel literally refusing to answer Nik's question publicly about which world cup DLC had more content Fifa or PES (and then pm'ing him to say he'd never admit the truth) is just one example. A lot of the toxicity came from people getting so frustrated with lies/half truths and denial exhibited by those in power. Anyway, that's all I've got to say on the matter, it's for the good of the forum when discussion is allowed without chumps coming in to advertise and/or put out fires. Great modding!
I don't think they're an imaginary audience. I definitely think there are loads of players out there that want perfect passes, shots, no fouls, 8 goals a game, and half of them to be overhead kicks.
Because of microtransactions & eSports, they think this is the best direction to aim the game.

Sucks for football fans, but Pes isn't about that anymore. It's a football game for gamers who don't like football.
Pes is the equivalent to Coldplay :LOL:

I take your point. I often wonder though:

1. How many of those guys would actually learn to play a slightly more SIM orientated game, (if only pa1 being what is was in pes 2015).
2. Truly, what the effect of sales would be. Whether for instance, pes saw a dramatic rise in purchases from these high assist loving people after pes 2015 when they discovered pa1 on 2016 was now heavily assisted.
3. How many of these people would actually jump.ship just because pa1 returned to those pes 2015 days.

I'd be shocked if konami have really researched this thoroughly. I doubt they'd spend the money, even in pursuit of sales.
I wonder if they just respond to the 'noise' on social media.
That's what makes me thing this target audience for them is an illusion, in terms of.meaningful sales.
I'm sure I saw sales declining since pes 2015? Is that wrong? Would be interested to see the chart of sales vs assistedness of pa1.
Not much of a difference.
You'll see the difference when comparing 15 to 16/17/18 instead.
I'd like to have that PA back again,even though I play manual
How was the PA1 of PES 2015 in comparison to 2014?

Can't remember exactly, but I'd say pes 2015 was slightly more assisted, but still free. You could still pass the ball straight out of play in pes 2015 and play it either side of the recipient instead of straight to feet.

Pes 2014 became steadily more assisted as they tightened the game up with patches but was still in the end less assisted than pes 2015 id say.

The thing I remember with pes 2014 was that the animations for turning and bursting were smooth and many but not sharp. It meant passing took on more risk overall because receiving the ball was tricky as was turning away from.pressure. so that may skew the experience a little.
'PES2020 - We heard your feedback - Div 2 is back!!!'

Just like 'Weather is back' 2019 PR.

This is the nonsense PR attempt that I hate from Konami. You know its gonna come next year.
WENB descended into nonsense, myself included got involved in some stupid arguments but
forums are for discussions end of when your regulated because the truth is to much or harmful to
the product should be embraced as there is a reason why people are not happy.

Two sides to every coin but when genuine reason and respectfully expressed which they ask is ignored
people get a bit peed off because it doesn't suit their agenda.

Asim has finally gone and admitted his private account is exactly that shame its took another round
of abuse to bring it to a head.
Said this before I know I'm a broken record but again and again its PR fuck up year after year.

How can you be respectful and honest when the company asking for this is not doing the same to the customers?
Anyone who knows about programming, is the pa1 loss of freedom to do with elements they've introduced since pes 2015?

I remember pes 2014 the players had some issues tracking the ball at first.
I wonder whether it's necessity? That they can't programme a loose pa1?
I remember someone saying years ago that fifa's AI was limited because their ball physics were so free and loose that getting a sophisticated AI to work with those physics was complicated. Fifa's more varied seems to have coincided with more rigid ball physics...
Watering down the ML and ultimately the offline gameplay is the last thing Konami should be doing.

They need to play to their strengths and get their key modes right first before trying to take on the FUT juggernaut. Ruining offline to force people online won't work yet because the Myclub offering is poor and won't cut it yet.

Myclub making strides forward but it is still in everyway, a poor man's FUT sadly.

We all have our own opinions but for me the nice gameplay of PES 2019 will only keep me interested for a few weeks if there are no decent modes to play it in. I won't be playing exhibition games for 12 months...
Not much of a difference.
You'll see the difference when comparing 15 to 16/17/18 instead.
I'd like to have that PA back again,even though I play manual
I'm not sure exactly when PA1 becomes fully assisted but I think it started in PES17.

On PES2016, I can still remember missing a lot of passes at first, because the trapping is a bit different than PES2015.
On PES2015, I'm using the trapping to gauge the direction of my next pass.
In PES2016, I'm missing a lot of my passes at first, because I can't adjust to the trapping (which has more directions and less accurate), the ball also feels lighter(than in PES2015) which makes the passes feel weird.

I remember me and my cousin started playing on PA0 because you can't miss normal passes on PES17 PA1.
No matter where you point the stick it goes to a teammate.

Going from PES2018 to PES2019, and using PA0 now: It feels like going from PES15(PA1) to PES16(PA1) to me.
There's a lot more inconsistencies with the trapping that it's hard for me to gauge the direction of my next pass.
I'm not sure exactly when PA1 becomes fully assisted but I think it started in PES17.

On PES2016, I can still remember missing a lot of passes at first because the trapping is a bit different than PES2015.
On PES2015, I'm using the trapping to gauge the direction of my next pass.
In PES2016, I'm missing a lot of my passes at first, because I can't adjust to the trapping (which has more directions and less accurate), the ball also feels lighter(than in PES2015) which makes the passes feel weird.

I remember me and my cousin started playing on PA0 because you can't miss normal passes on PES17 PA1.
No matter where you point the stick it goes to a teammate.

Going from PES2018 to PES2019, and using PA0 now: It feels like going from PES15(PA1) to PES16(PA1) to me.
There's a lot more inconsistencies with the trapping that it's hard for me to gauge the direction of my next pass.
You're right mate.
16 had more manual in PA1 than 17.
17s PA 1,and even manual on 17 feels very assisted.
To bad the GK were horrible in 16,and no fouls,it could have been a really good game.
Played it a few months back,decided to start playing older games
I take your point. I often wonder though:

1. How many of those guys would actually learn to play a slightly more SIM orientated game, (if only pa1 being what is was in pes 2015).
2. Truly, what the effect of sales would be. Whether for instance, pes saw a dramatic rise in purchases from these high assist loving people after pes 2015 when they discovered pa1 on 2016 was now heavily assisted.
3. How many of these people would actually jump.ship just because pa1 returned to those pes 2015 days.

I'd be shocked if konami have really researched this thoroughly. I doubt they'd spend the money, even in pursuit of sales.
I wonder if they just respond to the 'noise' on social media.
That's what makes me thing this target audience for them is an illusion, in terms of.meaningful sales.
I'm sure I saw sales declining since pes 2015? Is that wrong? Would be interested to see the chart of sales vs assistedness of pa1.
100% agree. But since Matsuda took over the game has becoming more dumbed down, for lack of a better phrase, year after year. More assisted, more contextualised with gameplay elements and animation, more unsubtle scripting, less player individuality, worse AI, and stripped offline options. Until there is another regime change this direction will continue imo.
Pes is now all about instant gratification. The less brain power needed the better.

This is what we've been doing year on year :LOL:

Most of us here are the guy in red btw :LMAO:
OK so back on topic: I think that probably none of the new licensed leagues will have their own graphics pack with scoreboards, popups, etc. Not even after DLCs.
Maybe one or two of those leagues, but certainly not all of them. Save this post. Quote it later.
Fuck, you were right about the removal of the 2nd divisions...

If we wait some other day maybe in pes there will be not any squad or league anymore. MAYBE only two nets and a ball!!!!
Ah yes, back to the good ol' days of pong.
@pacpes Thanks. I'm so right that even my left is right.

Now, seriously, I was going to talk about Asim since Chris brought it up but I think it might get me banned and honestly, it's not worth it. If I'm ever going to get banned out of a place I actually love, at least let it happen because of someone or something that's actually worth it. Asim is not.

Oh and thanks for getting rid of Daniel. Too bad I had just added him to my ignore list today! What are the odds man, go figure...
the database has been a certain size for years and this year new licences/leagues (and one more to be announced) have been acquired so to incorporate them into the PES2019 a trade off happened for this year, this give Konami a year to work on having a larger database that can also work with OF's as well.

Sorry, but stop making excuses for them. Also stop saying that there will be a trade off for one year when there is no evidence that they will bring these divisions back at a later date. It's farcical that they have removed them in the first place, tell me, what other gaming company would remove something due to limitations in their database? Honestly...
Can't remember exactly, but I'd say pes 2015 was slightly more assisted, but still free. You could still pass the ball straight out of play in pes 2015 and play it either side of the recipient instead of straight to feet.

Pes 2014 became steadily more assisted as they tightened the game up with patches but was still in the end less assisted than pes 2015 id say.

The thing I remember with pes 2014 was that the animations for turning and bursting were smooth and many but not sharp. It meant passing took on more risk overall because receiving the ball was tricky as was turning away from.pressure. so that may skew the experience a little.
Yeah. I went back to 2014 after 18 and I only managed a single shot in 12 matches, that too off target. I couldn't even get past the Midfield.
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my feeling for now (on holiday till after PES2019 is out) Adam has already acknowledged feedback from people not happy so something will be sorted regarding missing D2 .... even something could happen at a later date you never know.

If that's the case, then he/Asim/OfficialPES need to come out and make a statement and say that they are going to bring those 2nd divisions back at a later date. The handling of removing these 2 leagues has been poor.

People abusing them over this situation are really wrong though, they don't deserve the abuse whatsoever. We just want the best possible game, it's infuriating how they keep shooting themselves in the foot year after year :(
Hey remember when they said that licensed leagues would have had official presentation and scoreboards? Well, some people already have the full game and according to GalvaniRenan on twitter scoreboards are still fake.

Versão final já em mãos de algumas pessoas, as ligas licenciadas ainda não possuem placares reais! Vamos ver se vem no patch day one #PES2019

Also, we can't edit scoreboards.
Back in 2011, there was one video on youtube with the name "The PES Nightmare " a great video but I can't find it anymore. The guy who made it, he obviously had the talent to make such videos, because it was very well done and it was very popular at that time, here we have commented very much. He had a very good comparison! He compared the PES series as a relationship with a beautiful girl who cheated on you, but she says she's very sorry and will never happen again, you in love so you believe and take her back, but she cheats on you next year again, then she says sorry that will never happen again so you believe and take her back... and like that every year.
Hey remember when they said that licensed leagues would have had official presentation and scoreboards? Well, some people already have the full game and according to GalvaniRenan on twitter scoreboards are still fake.

Also, we can't edit scoreboards.
Fully expected but still hilarious that the "pr team" thought they could get away with another blatant lie, if this is indeed correct.
Oops, just realised I replied to Daniel and he's been banned (I was a few pages behind)

His last post was a bit insulting to this place, considering how old evo-web is and what this place has done to PES as a game (for the better) of course. Disrespectful to say it's full of moaners, comes across like we don't care and take enjoyment out of moaning. We may moan but we are all passionate about the game and want it to be better. I don't want to speak for everyone, but it's so annoying when Konami score own goal after own goal, and make FIFA look better, and all the FIFA fan boys then have ammunition to insult the PES community.

Summarising Konami in a nutshell, this year's game has some of the best gameplay that I can remember in a long long time, but their decision making overshadows that, by removing these leagues.

Fingers crossed the guys in Japan sit up & take note of the displeasure about these 2 leagues and add them back in asap.
Oops, just realised I replied to Daniel and he's been banned (I was a few pages behind)

His last post was a bit insulting to this place, considering how old evo-web is and what this place has done to PES as a game (for the better) of course. Disrespectful to say it's full of moaners, comes across like we don't care and take enjoyment out of moaning. We may moan but we are all passionate about the game and want it to be better. I don't want to speak for everyone, but it's so annoying when Konami score own goal after own goal, and make FIFA look better, and all the FIFA fan boys then have ammunition to insult the PES community.

Summarising Konami in a nutshell, this year's game has some of the best gameplay that I can remember in a long long time, but their decision making overshadows that, by removing these leagues.

Fingers crossed the guys in Japan sit up & take note of the displeasure about these 2 leagues and add them back in asap.
His last post was about United vs. Brighton.:LMAO:
If full game is out for some guys as they report the only way to get back d2 leagues is dlc but imagine Konami put them on dlc, it will be funny not great move. would be better to put them and not speak about that anymore:COAT:
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