PES 2018 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

Playing this game on 0 speed really doesn't give it justice in my opinion.Players have no weight and when playing with good teams especially it feels arcady and rushed and end-to-end.
But -1 speed is where the magic shines.The game has a great flow,you can feel the weight of players and ball,it doesn't feel rushed and everything looks much more natural in general.Even the annoying backheels look more beautiful and natural on -1 speed and not so arcady and laser guided.

I agree about the frustrating manual passing.It's not realistic to have players like Pjanic not being able to make good 3 meter passes and to feel like he's an average player when in reality he's one of the best passers in the world and these passes should be a piece of cake for him.So i play on PA1 but i wish it had 50% less assistance than it has now to be more realistic.About PA2 and PA3 i'm not gonna even comment.It's a complete joke and they must remove them.

After 1.05 patch the gameplay surely changed a bit for the good.The ball feels more free and loose and a bit heavier and the game gives the impression that everything can happen.I see shoots and headers going more wide with more error and not 5cm wide from crossbar like it was before.

I mainly play exhibition matches because i like to pick different teams and because ML is a poor mode as it is now.
But i have some great exhibition matches on -1 speed 20 min PA1 Superstar and i still think that in general it's the best football game i have ever played.
Oh man me too. It's so hard though now with the freedom that's expected. Such a fine line between stats/individuality and user input. Ideally you'd want a great passer to execute the pass you're seeing better and easier than others but the game would have to know what you're attempting.

As a start they can definitely address pressure/balance etc though.

Yep, you pinpoint the problem, it would be really hard to recreate perfect. But it should be more subtle then what it is today at least.

As you say, pressure/balance would be an ideal start to get to grips with.
Being a PA1 passer and since these days i replayed pes 2013,2014,2015 i remembered the same thing @Dennis_87 mentioned above.PA1 is way too assisted on 2017 & 2018, in terms of directions mainly but also in pass power according to gauge sometimes.It should really be something closer to manual with a little bit assist by players stats.
Personally i admire full manual but i prefer to have PA1 for two reasons: 1) I want to have choise between two options:a) execute manual with L2+pass b) or a little bit assist aka pass only. It is my personal placebo of more choice. 2)I want the 'Pirlo' passer to shine more than the 'Makelele'.With much love and respect to Claude Makelele. Buts these last two are just my personal preferences.
I forget how many years it's been since I switched to manual passing. I try PA1 for every game but I never feel that it is usable. Manual shooting is a tougher thing to crack, I go back and fourth on that within each game. Mostly stuck to basic this year.
Being a PA1 passer and since these days i replayed pes 2013,2014,2015 i remembered the same thing @Dennis_87 mentioned above.PA1 is way too assisted on 2017 & 2018, in terms of directions mainly but also in pass power according to gauge sometimes.It should really be something closer to manual with a little bit assist by players stats.
Personally i admire full manual but i prefer to have PA1 for two reasons: 1) I want to have choise between two options:a) execute manual with L2+pass b) or a little bit assist aka pass only. It is my personal placebo of more choice. 2)I want the 'Pirlo' passer to shine more than the 'Makelele'.With much love and respect to Claude Makelele. Buts these last two are just my personal preferences.
It would be perfect if they perfected passing on assisted,like Semi passing on fifa,with an option of having manual through ball and manual/assisted crossing/lofted pass
I play Semi on FIFA,manual everything else pass related.
That gives me a pass % of 75-80,which is good and believable.
If I play assisted on Pes,my passing is around 80-85,but if you try it out Vs manual you'll see that the CPU also gets a higher pass % than when i play manual.
That's probably the main reason why I play manual,to get a fairly even and believable passing,and the freedom to play it where I want.

If I had a choice,I'd prefer the way FIFA does it
Does anyone knows which stadium,stadium Nazionale is suppose to be,it's a fake stadium I guess.
Has it been in Pes before.
I know some say it's Olimpico,but we already has that one,and comparing them,they look a bit from each other (hospitality boxes on Nazionale etc
Oh man me too. It's so hard though now with the freedom that's expected. Such a fine line between stats/individuality and user input. Ideally you'd want a great passer to execute the pass you're seeing better and easier than others but the game would have to know what you're attempting.

As a start they can definitely address pressure/balance etc though.

Here's a goal, built entirely on 5 yard manual passes:

The trick to manual passing, is NOT the measurement of the pass. It's the body animation. I turn off the power gauge for that exact reason. I don't want my eyes to glance at the power level. Just go by feel.

Basically, with the correct body animation for the correct context, the measurement don't have to be so exact. If it fits the context, the pass will be higher quality, the game will understand what you want.

I notice playing against assisted players online, that they are allowed to press the pass button before properly preparing their body animation. Somehow, there's a higher level of correction from the game (stronger rails and snap zone), so the assistance just kicks in and completes the pass, even if the body animation isn't fully ready and fitting the context.

We do a lot of side step, lean one one side, trying to get the player to use the instep for a pass etc. in team play. That's how I've been asking my 11v11 team to play. Stop measuring, just do what makes sense, and use good body animation.

No one's gonna believe this one, but this is just a simple X pass. Using the correct body animation + context, works magic.

There are so many hidden trajectories in manual, once you can play it by "feel".

"Believe in the animation, not the measurement". It's on the walls of our dressing room.

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Being a PA1 passer and since these days i replayed pes 2013,2014,2015 i remembered the same thing @Dennis_87 mentioned above.PA1 is way too assisted on 2017 & 2018, in terms of directions mainly but also in pass power according to gauge sometimes.It should really be something closer to manual with a little bit assist by players stats.
Personally i admire full manual but i prefer to have PA1 for two reasons: 1) I want to have choise between two options:a) execute manual with L2+pass b) or a little bit assist aka pass only. It is my personal placebo of more choice. 2)I want the 'Pirlo' passer to shine more than the 'Makelele'.With much love and respect to Claude Makelele. Buts these last two are just my personal preferences.

I would love play like you, that is the way I would want it to be but online Pirlo and Makalele have the same passing ability on PA1 and above.
I would love play like you, that is the way I would want it to be but online Pirlo and Makalele have the same passing ability on PA1 and above.
regarding simple passes with an "x" button, yeah, but there's a difference between good and bad passers when you play through-balls, though still not nearly as pronounced as it should be
Just had my first ML game in a long time,same setting as my league campaign.
I think there's a clear difference between them.
League feels loser,less on rails,ML is fine,but compared,it's loser.
And manual passing and timing is tougher as well,could be that I play with crappier player/team (Verona Vs Torino) but individual stats doesn't really matter right?
Anyway good and fun games here as well.
Oh,and here's something I like,coming from FIFA 17/18 where you can win the league on 70 points
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regarding simple passes with an "x" button, yeah, but there's a difference between good and bad passers when you play through-balls, though still not nearly as pronounced as it should be

Yeah you are right, but for online it doesn't really matter since the pace is so fast, the pressuring is OP and every body picks the top teams. All those things together make it the ping pong party that PA 1 and above is online. But one could argue that isn't the games fault, it's the users fault and sure, that is partly true. But the game doesn't punish the user nearly enough on PA 1 when you make direct passes from all angles, therefore there is no need to really think about risky passes etc.
I lost in the europa semis vs monaco on away goals i had a chance in the dying second to score beat their cb 1v1 i put it far post.....wide by 0.0001mm lol gutted

about ML im in season 7 and the AI seems stuck on a loop? almost every game in this season I lose 1-0 dominate but their GK saves 6 or 7 every game im talking insane point blank cat reactions from 74 rated gks I had to turn it off just now was driving me mad

I had enjoyed the majority of my ML I have won only 1 trophy but certain moments make you think konami are trolling especially lower teams playing like brazil 1970 on steroids

let me tell you the scripting never lets up as mentioned in here before every single major game you play there is a 80% chance you will lose in a dramatic way and every season will go down to the last day be it relegation battles, chasing europe or the title I think konami forgot to put an off switch in
I'd love to play manual passes but all the effort I put in I feel goes to waste when the CPU AI strings blind one touch passes and back heels all the way to the goal. That's torture and unfair. No trouble at all and they don't bother trapping the ball. That's why I stick to PA1 and the only manual I do is shooting.
I'd love to play manual passes but all the effort I put in I feel goes to waste when the CPU AI strings blind one touch passes and back heels all the way to the goal. That's torture and unfair. No trouble at all and they don't bother trapping the ball. That's why I stick to PA1 and the only manual I do is shooting.

Yeah, there is no reason really to use manual passing against the CPU. And for online it's the ONLY way imo. Funny that Konami...
I'd love to play manual passes but all the effort I put in I feel goes to waste when the CPU AI strings blind one touch passes and back heels all the way to the goal. That's torture and unfair. No trouble at all and they don't bother trapping the ball. That's why I stick to PA1 and the only manual I do is shooting.

That's what manual leagues/communities are for. Imagine playing against assisted passing in manual settings...difficult to have fun.

COM tightness of passing is torture for sure. This game just needs to loosen everything up and be way more organic
Yeah, there is no reason really to use manual passing against the CPU. And for online it's the ONLY way imo. Funny that Konami...

To me there is...

That way I can keep using professional difficulty which seems to be the best level when it comes to scripting and stuff.
I'd love to play manual passes but all the effort I put in I feel goes to waste when the CPU AI strings blind one touch passes and back heels all the way to the goal. That's torture and unfair. No trouble at all and they don't bother trapping the ball. That's why I stick to PA1 and the only manual I do is shooting.

yes.. how the cpu ai does the short quick passing takes away my enjoyment of the match i am playing.
I'd love to play manual passes but all the effort I put in I feel goes to waste when the CPU AI strings blind one touch passes and back heels all the way to the goal. That's torture and unfair.
yes.. how the cpu ai does the short quick passing takes away my enjoyment of the match i am playing.
Could not agree more.

To my knowledge, no football game makes any allowances for A) your control type and B) your half length (so longer games mean silly scorelines). Isn't that ludicrous?

Do you really want to play on full-manual against a CPU that never hits a loose pass (in PES especially - it'll allow you to intercept a pass, yes, but it'll never hit a pass that's simply off-target)? It's just another example of the single-player experience not mattering to anyone any more.
I'm no programmer but I figure it would be easy to slow down the A.I. passing. Get a bunch of people to play manual PES, calculate the avarage human response time, slow the A.I. passing to that same level.
And you'l probably get a dull AI that's incapable of creating any danger because we're still in 2018 where AI decision making in such complex stituations is miles behind human player. You'd get used to their patterns of play really quick and you'll have all the time in the world to read it and intercept. These CPU "cheats" are needed to compensate for the limitations of AI in 2018, to give it some advantage over you, althrough the AI could still be more creative and less one-dimensional than in PES 2018, I mean it was in 2017... But I don't think a completely "fair" and challenging AI is possible any time soon.
I'm enjoying doing cups in pes 18 at the moment just a few things not ruin but kind of knock out stages I find my players are slower , I can't seem to get passed the last defender a lot of the times. The second thing is knowing I'm never going to get a penalty. I just think the AI has been turned off for this. Most other stuff is decent but still find myself popping back to pes17 which is play more if I could find a ps4 up to date squad file
Funny thing when playing league,or master league at times,can't really find the right balance between game speed and difficulty.

I've played 0 on professional (manual) and it flows alright,but dumbs down my good players.
Playing 1 gamespeed makes the CPU ping it a lot,and makes my good players better than on 0

Having a hard time finding it really balanced,and by "good players dumbed down" pretty much every chance is blocked,most passes are cut off,the rarely get a chance at goal,if they do,they get hacked down
Better no more data packs and live updates please,so we can start working for our OF final form. On the other hand gameplay patches/fix updates are always welcome, although seems that KONAMI is finished supporting pes 2018.
I'm no programmer but I figure it would be easy to slow down the A.I. passing. Get a bunch of people to play manual PES, calculate the avarage human response time, slow the A.I. passing to that same level.
Also a line of code: "If it will look completely retarded, don't let the A.I. backheel pass"
You’d think this is the reason we have specific unique numbers for every player that should do all these calculations and determine the outcomes. They’re called stats. And they used to matter.

If they go back to making the game heavily stats based again we wouldn’t cry for sliders.
You’d think this is the reason we have specific unique numbers for every player that should do all these calculations and determine the outcomes. They’re called stats. And they used to matter.

If they go back to making the game heavily stats based again we wouldn’t cry for sliders.

If they put the emphasis on stats like the old days with particular emphasis on pace, strength and passing skills with less assistance on PA1 and also revamped the shooting I'd be happy.
10 games on professional (manual)
5 games on TP (PA1) and I'm yet to see what I saw pretty much every game on ML when playing it on release.
Backheels being used to open up my def,chipped through balls etc.
If this game would have played as good in ML as in league mode and exhibition I wouldn't have stopped playing it

I'm really liking it in league mode
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