PES 2018 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

I’ve always played on SS before,both 15-16-17.
But since the arrival of 18,and starting to play on TP,I had to revert to professional
I’ll fucking lose it if playing on anything above it.
I usually play manual passing so the challenge when not playing it for a while is still there.

I honestly play more 17 though,and TP on that game is very enjoyable
Noticed a sharper marking,and the press you harder in your own half as well,could be me not playing the game enough,based on two games prior to the patch and two post patch.

yea absolutely I played a game vs Schalke in the Europa and it felt like they had 14 men I was boxed in my own half it seems a lot more aggressive now

I think I let out my frustrations with this goal against the cyborg defenders I rarely score like this but it felt good to snatch all 3 points in the last seconds of the match even though I thought I messed up once I dummy the gk (excuse the replay song I didnt have time to remove it)

I agree. It does get a bit too easy though after a while where you can just score goals on autopilot. I will be going manual on passing when I return to the game (not sure if I will) which increases the challenge in a bit more "honest" way.

I play manual as well tbf. I don't actually win that many games with my style, end up trying to create the perfect goal then never scoring.

Does anyone have a link to an option file for latest updates?
yea absolutely I played a game vs Schalke in the Europa and it felt like they had 14 men I was boxed in my own half it seems a lot more aggressive now

I think I let out my frustrations with this goal against the cyborg defenders I rarely score like this but it felt good to snatch all 3 points in the last seconds of the match even though I thought I messed up once I dummy the gk (excuse the replay song I didnt have time to remove it)

Oog,that's a beauty mate.
Yes trying to protect a result at the end is tough,especially when they press that hard and agressive.
Being on manual passing adds to the stress as well
Nice win
For me the main problem is that while the CPU plays fair on professional they can't do shit in attack, same with top player, they're too predictable and I steal the ball from them before they get to the final third. On superstar they just do that frustrating one-touch-backheel thing and that way they can create something, but at least there's some threat, and they can defend too. Maybe I'm just good at reading the play, but there's no challenge whatsoever below superstar, they just pass forward to whomever is open nearby or make a lofted through-ball to the wing. If you cover these options before they recognise it the CPU is clueless, they aren't programmed to keep posession with passing or tactical dribbling in any way (in the year 2018 ffs, they were able to do that in PES 2015), just endless direct forward passing. Maybe it's just that my prefered defending style is overpowered in this game, but I get bored super quick if it's lower than superstar. And on superstar I get bored quick too because they're still predictable and all their attacks\goals are the same, usually can't stand more than 2 games a day. The only way I reallly enjoy the game now is playing online with friends.
Oog,that's a beauty mate.
Yes trying to protect a result at the end is tough,especially when they press that hard and agressive.
Being on manual passing adds to the stress as well
Nice win

thanks buddy! i can't play manual I really should but im too old and set in my ways aha

I wonder if they way the have programmed superstar is because its the only way they can make it competitive? all this one touch fast play that sometimes feels like you are not even close to their players to stop it but then I felt 2017 difficulty was just on the cusp of being perfect with a few tweaks and additions instead of a revamp

I hope 2019 removes this lob ball spam and its not an inherited problem
thanks buddy! i can't play manual I really should but im too old and set in my ways aha

I wonder if they way the have programmed superstar is because its the only way they can make it competitive? all this one touch fast play that sometimes feels like you are not even close to their players to stop it but then I felt 2017 difficulty was just on the cusp of being perfect with a few tweaks and additions instead of a revamp

I hope 2019 removes this lob ball spam and its not an inherited problem
And you can’t back down and defend low on pes 18 either (on SS) they just kill you with throughballs chipped of course,so you have to press,but then you’re never close enough.
Yes agree on the difficulty for 17 is very good,and I play on -2 game speed,which I felt being sluggish before,but after Pes 18 and sim settings on Fifa 17/18 it feels perfect.

Had a tough time returning to manual after playing assisted on both Pes 18 and Fifa.
But you’ll get the hang of it quickly mate,been on manual (mostly) since Pes 15.
Play some on the training ground,really feel manual passing opens it up more.
And I’m old as fuck son
haha yea i will have to get the hang of it in training mode once I finish up my Master League and walk away ill probably just mess around learning new stuff I don't forsee much of a change between 18 and 19 even less so that from what 16-18 has been

I watched a guy on youtube few months back he seemed pretty successful on SS ML I found his tip for spreading the team out on the defending width settings works pretty well for me
That’s the beauty of Pes in my mind,the training ground!
Perfecting free kicks,learning manual,new moves etc.
Great thing
Might take you up on the spreading the team out more
The thing I´ve noticed about dificulties this year, is the scripting to end the seasons in certain conditions. I remember I was playing in Pro, manual passing, and after a couple seasons I thought it was too easy, so I started to think in changing to TP. Later on, thinking of going to SS but it was already too hard! I could play the games and all, but in decisive matches, it was really really hard to win! After that season, I didn´t win anything, and then I noticed, I was still on Pro!

I realised the game creates kind of a story throughout the season, no matter if you´re on Pro, TP, or SS. On Pro, some matches are really easy, but on Cup ones, or that League decisive final match, it gets really hard. It looks like dificulty modes are more of a feeling thing. I´ve seen the CPU miss guaranteed goals in SS which shouldn´t happen...

Currently playing on SS, assisted pass. The major thing I don´t like is how the CPU plays with their strikers. On a counter attack, the striker is always, always alone, can´t press it with tactics, can´t mark him, no matter what his stats are. He´s always there to receive the long ball forward, give it back and start a run.
The thing I´ve noticed about dificulties this year, is the scripting to end the seasons in certain conditions. I remember I was playing in Pro, manual passing, and after a couple seasons I thought it was too easy, so I started to think in changing to TP. Later on, thinking of going to SS but it was already too hard! I could play the games and all, but in decisive matches, it was really really hard to win! After that season, I didn´t win anything, and then I noticed, I was still on Pro!

I realised the game creates kind of a story throughout the season, no matter if you´re on Pro, TP, or SS. On Pro, some matches are really easy, but on Cup ones, or that League decisive final match, it gets really hard. It looks like dificulty modes are more of a feeling thing. I´ve seen the CPU miss guaranteed goals in SS which shouldn´t happen...

Currently playing on SS, assisted pass. The major thing I don´t like is how the CPU plays with their strikers. On a counter attack, the striker is always, always alone, can´t press it with tactics, can´t mark him, no matter what his stats are. He´s always there to receive the long ball forward, give it back and start a run.

yea it does happen like this I had it in the europa league last season it was so obvious I was meant to be knocked out in the groups it did EVERYTHING possible to stop me scoring even missing from 3 yards spooning it wide i know it happens it football but all 6 games? its just a killer in important games I agree its not like it ever relaxes either you just need to be very lucky and hold possession if you get in front

I don't want to talk like im some expert because im not but a tip I guess might help is if you see a striker on the radar alone/unmarked select a CB flicking RS go to him and hold square so one of your players not under your control still close down the ball carrier

sounds a bit complicated but once you get the hang of it you can cut out at least 70% of the AI cheap lob balls believe me

oh and another thing if the balls going over your CB's head or it looks like you can't reach it still press X or Square to try clear it you will be surprised how many times your defender will get a touch on it even when you thought it was impossible
yea it does happen like this I had it in the europa league last season it was so obvious I was meant to be knocked out in the groups it did EVERYTHING possible to stop me scoring even missing from 3 yards spooning it wide i know it happens it football but all 6 games? its just a killer in important games I agree its not like it ever relaxes either you just need to be very lucky and hold possession if you get in front

I don't want to talk like im some expert because im not but a tip I guess might help is if you see a striker on the radar alone/unmarked select a CB flicking RS go to him and hold square so one of your players not under your control still close down the ball carrier

sounds a bit complicated but once you get the hang of it you can cut out at least 70% of the AI cheap lob balls believe me

oh and another thing if the balls going over your CB's head or it looks like you can't reach it still press X or Square to try clear it you will be surprised how many times your defender will get a touch on it even when you thought it was impossible

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that! I believe most players don´t realize it, but the square button acts like a "antecipation" command. Even if we´re behind the opponent, most cases our defender will jump or stretch a leg and kicks the ball away. Pretty effective on most situations.
Something similar i noticed , although it is a bad effect of script,and a little bit "cheap" but effective for defending the CPU.When you are in possession and you loose the ball but the last contact was of your team and the ball is under challenge between you and the cpu if you press (X) and the pass gauge fills,it is better to not super cancel but let the animation be executed. At most times, even if based to positioning and animation the CPU would obviously win the ball, your players animation of one touch passing will be executed and you will keep the possession.Mamy times i achieve a catch up with the slowest defenders this way even from behind.Others my player may pass the ball without touching it physically or by trespassing his leg throught opponents ghost body. Although i repeat again it is pretty cheap "exploit".
Something similar i noticed , although it is a bad effect of script,and a little bit "cheap" but effective for defending the CPU.When you are in possession and you loose the ball but the last contact was of your team and the ball is under challenge between you and the cpu if you press (X) and the pass gauge fills,it is better to not super cancel but let the animation be executed. At most times, even if based to positioning and animation the CPU would obviously win the ball, your players animation of one touch passing will be executed and you will keep the possession.Mamy times i achieve a catch up with the slowest defenders this way even from behind.Others my player may pass the ball without touching it physically or by trespassing his leg throught opponents ghost body. Although i repeat again it is pretty cheap "exploit".

Having a difficult time visualizing what you are describing. Do you mind showing a video?
got an option file on pesgaming and am enjoying just playing, its much more fluid than fifa 18 but im still seeing animations and bugs from pes 6
Having a difficult time visualizing what you are describing. Do you mind showing a video?

Maybe i dont describe it with proper english.I'll try. When the ball deflects to a players body,bounces on the field, and it is under challenge. I.E. the ball is in a spot and you and your opponenet run towards the ball to earn the possession , the ball was free.If after the bounce the game registered last ball possesion as yours it will keep thinking that possesion is yours although you are running to the balls spot to take it. It is pretty easy to visualise it through this: imagine a field ,a ball and 10 meters beside a player you control and a cpu player.You both start running toward the bal.If the AI thinks you are attacking when you press (X) your passing gauge will keep filling.If AI registered you as defender when you press (x) you player will just automoving towards the ball as when you are marking in normal defence situation.
Generally the gameplay is mostly programmed to be on possesion (attack mode) or out of possession (defence mode) but has poor variety in situations that the ball is free and under challenge between you and cpu.Hope it was more clear now.
P.S.: I will post a video in about an hour casue i have only my mobile phone now.
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Maybe i dont describe it with proper english.I'll try. When the ball deflects to a players body,bounces on the field, and it is under challenge. I.E. the ball is in a spot and you and your opponenet run towards the ball to earn the possession , the ball was free.If after the bounce the game registered last ball possesion as yours it will keep thinking that possesion is yours although you are running to the balls spot to take it. It is pretty easy to visualise it through this: imagine a field ,a ball and 10 meters beside a player you control and a cpu player.You both start running toward the bal.If the AI thinks you are attacking when you press (X) your passing gauge will keep filling.If AI registered you as defender when you press (x) you player will just automoving towards the ball as when you are marking in normal defence situation.
Generally the gameplay is mostly programmed to be on possesion (attack mode) or out of possession (defence mode) but has poor variety in situations that the ball is free and under challenge between you and cpu.Hope it was more clear now.
P.S.: I will post a video in about an hour casue i have only my mobile phone now.

Ok gotcha.

Yeah I agree. I had the same understanding of it, wrote a bit about it previously, when I was trying to expand super cancel usuages:

PES16-17 was a lot worse in this aspect. Game was purely built on 3 rails

- pass path
- automatic player "walk to the pass" path (<-- this is the guy in possession)
- automatic defender "walk to meet the pass receiver" path (<-- this is the guy out of possession)

Had to use super cancel like a madman to get freedom from these restrictions from the way the game was designed.

For me, 18 has a lot more "grey areas", where the rails don't get triggered...well, at least in manual. It has that feeling of the ball neither for my player or the opponent player. And it's even better in 11v11, you can completely miss the guy you are aiming for. Since in 11v11 you aren't really passing to a COM player, there's no programming there to protect you.

I think I was calling this, the "snap" to player behavior, last year. It's still there this year, a little less. It was horrible on 17.

By the way...

If you check the video in the first link, look at the arrows I put into the video, pointing out the power bar. This is prove that the ball is never a free entity, always on someone's rails.

If the pass is to me, and I hold down super cancel, my player ignores the incoming ball...basically, I've cancelled my rail (the second type, listed above).

And then the system understands that, the ball now belongs to the next closest player (my opponent, in this case). That's why you see the power bar loaded up under him, even if I'm closest to the ball (because he's spamming pressure with X an [], and unknowingly, that X pressure has became his pass power now).

Basically, with super cancel, I've cloaked myself from the system.

And the system is built entirely on 3 rails. It needs to know these 3 things

- pass path
- path of ball receiver, walking to ball
- opponent defender walk to the location of where receiver will meet the ball

It needs to know 1, so that it can program 2, and then it can program 3.

That's how I understood it, and it killed my mood to see how restricted it all was. So I went crazy with super cancel.

But 18 I really don't feel it sucks as much in this regard.
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Ok gotcha.

Yeah I agree. I had the same understanding of it, wrote a bit about it previously, when I was trying to expand super cancel usuages:
Νow i got it. You are the FUMA 11vs11 guy. :P So you know much better than me.
The problem with your profile is, you have confusing nickname with neither vowels nor a profile pic, and i cannot automatically register you in my brain memory. :P thats for the marketing :P :P

I have seen your videos, rewatched some again now. You know what i played last month a Co-op Master League with a friend of mine on both 2017 and 2018 and i noticed exaclty what you are saying. As we use super cancel only in certain times and have passing to PA1 i felt both games very rushed. It was impossible to press R1(sprint) as it was pointless.We were like playing in a pitfall and the free space available for player movement was very very limited compared to 1p-vs-CPU. Especially in 2017 which we tried in Superstar it was like the ball was not free even for 1 sec in the 10 minutes process, it was always sticked by some way to a players foot either Human or AI. More like an ice hockey game. Was so bad experience for 2-vs-CPU that we jumped to 2018 despite we find it worse than 2017 for single play ML. At least in 2018 with more supercancel you can advance some meters with your player in the field and there are little moments that the ball is played completely free for Co-oP. We felt it exactly how you describe the "3 paths" .

P.S.: To avoid any misunderstanding, when i said "proper english" in my first post it was not meant for you, it was for me, cause english is not my mother language.
I would definitely take the time and edit the formations as my earlier post..having a blast in international lobbed through balls or very few..good slow build up and more compact..put it back to normal and every 3 or 4 th attack is lobbed out to wing and wide open spaces.
I would definitely take the time and edit the formations as my earlier post..having a blast in international lobbed through balls or very few..good slow build up and more compact..put it back to normal and every 3 or 4 th attack is lobbed out to wing and wide open spaces.
Sounds like a good idea. Wonder if this will carry over to ML as well though. I hope so.
Excuse the longish post and rant but wanted to post an example of how out of control the scripting has got on PES these days on superstar level

Last night I turned it off after beating Sevilla in the Europa 1st leg 3-1 at home I played superb and decided today to finish off the tie I loaded it up, played and couldnt get out of my box for 90 minutes literally impossible! every single bounce went back to them in the most comical ways ever anyway they went 1-0 up so I just held the ball despite the fact they had endless stamina to chase me down I scraped a 1-0 loss and went through it left me thinking wow that felt rigged nvm I made it to the last 16

So on to the home game vs Udinese in the league same again couldnt get out of my half they absolutely battered me non stop I just couldn't pass it was either going the wrong direction or under hit just felt like a force field was against me I was thinking is it me? am I playing badly? then this happened..

so its scripting they made my striker run like scooby doo on the spot until the defenders recovered lol you would think ah just an animation glitch but with all the other strange handicaps I knew then the game was screwing me over

but thats ok im glad they did that because it awoke the beast and in the 2nd half I changed tactics and put 2 big lumps upfront and battered them into submission with direct balls to the area making it 1-1 and then grabbing the winner from a corner filling their area with what looked like a basketball team and heading in


even though I won its really annoying you are handicapped so badly just to make a game vs the AI competitive enough they really need to be a pioneer and make a football game with incredible AI something both PES and FIFA have lacked for years PES 2017 was on the right track for the most part why didn't they build on that instead of adding EAids? can't wait for Leverkusen in the next round I bet the ref will head the winner in for them
Been thinking a lot,and watching how my opponents play,when playing Pes (17) lately.
And I guess even though I play that game instead of 18,it’s relevant!

Have played Napoli (3-3) Roma (3-1) Lazio (2-0) all those games have been tough,but “fair” my manual passing around 70-73%,team mates making smart runs,shooting percentage ok.

Then I face Carpi...
Bottom of the table,3 wins in 26 games.
It obviously ended 0-0
The result is ok,sometimes you lose,sometimes you win.
But the gameplay..
My passing 59%,shooting horrible,my team mates hiding BEHIND their markers,not taking runs.
I don’t have any options going fw,and the pace of the game goes down dramatically,not only the pace,but everything feels like slo mo.

That’s how the cpu cheats you,they never do it when playing a good clu,always the small clubs that you should win against (if the cpu would let you)

I usually bump up my game speed when playing those teams,that’s the only way to even get some result.
Very frustrating
i get that we dont want scripting - or obvious scripting but out of curiosity how should it work?
The way i see it on a very basic level if stats work then you choose a level where they sit
So for example if stats for messi shooting is say 85 and at that level he hits the target 8 out of 10 times. We will set that on professional level as it's realistic. So on top player he has to get a boost so its stats go up so the AI now knows i have to hit the target with messi 8.5 times out of ten and the them superstar maybe 9-9.5 times out of ten.

That kind of process works for me as there has to be a way of being challenged but it may become unrealistic at a cost.

What i dont like is tampering with your player stats to compensate - so your top players, cant pass, slow down, don't react etc.
And as it has been proved stats dont really matter that much is 2018 it looks like konami has gone for an easier way of doing it not by stats , just hard coded somewhere

This is why i play proffesional full manual, it does lose a bit of the individuality but it gives a decent challenge without feeling cheated,

Were there really 4 fouls in the game or have they counted the offsides as usual to boost free kick numbers?

I think a foul each and 1 offside each not 100% sure I was too busy swearing at the screen for 70mins of the match

I get a few fouls but mostly the AI gets them awarded just for brushing against them also had 1 penalty is 6 seasons
Been thinking a lot,and watching how my opponents play,when playing Pes (17) lately.
And I guess even though I play that game instead of 18,it’s relevant!

Have played Napoli (3-3) Roma (3-1) Lazio (2-0) all those games have been tough,but “fair” my manual passing around 70-73%,team mates making smart runs,shooting percentage ok.

Then I face Carpi...
Bottom of the table,3 wins in 26 games.
It obviously ended 0-0
The result is ok,sometimes you lose,sometimes you win.
But the gameplay..
My passing 59%,shooting horrible,my team mates hiding BEHIND their markers,not taking runs.
I don’t have any options going fw,and the pace of the game goes down dramatically,not only the pace,but everything feels like slo mo.

That’s how the cpu cheats you,they never do it when playing a good clu,always the small clubs that you should win against (if the cpu would let you)

I usually bump up my game speed when playing those teams,that’s the only way to even get some result.
Very frustrating

yea its mostly the small teams that are boosted especially on 17 sometimes on 18 you will face Juve, Inter ect and they will play at 100mph and destroy you so its a bit more random than 17 you never know which clubs going to get boosted
Pes 17,then 15 for a while,before that mainly FIFA 18,but right now mostly PES for me.

That's why I decided to give 18 a run again,not being biased by previous attempts,mostly bad ones.

I played League mode,20 Min manual passing and -1 game speed.
Before anyone comes in here claiming it's a horrible game and I'm wrong etc, I'm not gonna claim it's a good game.

But from my last game,I was surprised by a few things

How fluid it is
Looks really good
Pace spot on
How responsive the controlled player is
When passing to a team mate who's running,he doesn't break stride (that's been an issue on every game I've played lately)
When tackled or losing balance,players get back up fast again
Goalmouth scrambles,haven't seen that in a long time.
Goalkeeper motions

Like I said,not sure if it's a good game,but the good parts (in League mode) really good,and I'm deffo gonna keep that mode going

Played the Genoa derby (me Sampdoria) and had quite an amount of freekicks (2 offsides)

Nice to discover some fun in this game in the 11th hour
Pes 17,then 15 for a while,before that mainly FIFA 18,but right now mostly PES for me.

That's why I decided to give 18 a run again,not being biased by previous attempts,mostly bad ones.

I played League mode,20 Min manual passing and -1 game speed.
Before anyone comes in here claiming it's a horrible game and I'm wrong etc, I'm not gonna claim it's a good game.

But from my last game,I was surprised by a few things

How fluid it is
Looks really good
Pace spot on
How responsive the controlled player is
When passing to a team mate who's running,he doesn't break stride (that's been an issue on every game I've played lately)
When tackled or losing balance,players get back up fast again
Goalmouth scrambles,haven't seen that in a long time.
Goalkeeper motions

Like I said,not sure if it's a good game,but the good parts (in League mode) really good,and I'm deffo gonna keep that mode going

Played the Genoa derby (me Sampdoria) and had quite an amount of freekicks (2 offsides)

Nice to discover some fun in this game in the 11th hour
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I truly believe that at this point it'll take a near perfect game to make people happy on the pes boards. Even then, there will be something from the old days they miss, the simplicity or something.

That's not to say criticism isn't valid, it is, but most also find it impossible to give any credit these days. Blinded by the things they hate. Then 2-3 years later there's some late praise for the title and things it did better than the latest one. It's tiring.

PES 2018 is a decent game, it has plenty of issues but it also does lots well.

PS I've seen people reminiscing about PES 2010 before. Jesus that was a terrible game bar the graphics. Awful clunky piece of shit .
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