PES 2018 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

Oh I know what you mean . .but it works both ways... holding the ball or intercepting a ball seems to be the main gripe as in you can't get your player to recognize whats happening when the ball is near him . .I actually enjoy the fact that you can't hold the ball and dribble the whole pitch as well .. I think a lot of it is down to scripting . .I've had matches where nearly every pass to a team mate won't have a reaction from the receiver and I feel like beating Konami over the head with a rubber mallet. .can be very frustrating . . hopefully a patch can rectify it.
You playing manual?

I noticed on the Throughball challenge training when I used manual passing the receiving player almost always took a touch to control the ball. On 1 bar assist he almost always hit it first saving me valuable seconds to complete the challenge.

Its a wierd one.
Not doing the "thingy"?

Is it the one called ”next player switching” or something like that (I’m tired and a bit drunk atm tbh...)

Regarding player switching, most of the time I have a player in the right position to potentially intercept but more often than not, said player just isn't aware that the ball is there. It's as if the player is oblivious until the cursor finally switches (2/3 attempts later) and then the light bulb moment happens, the player wakes up and then does something silly like automatically run forward, regardless of where the ball is.

This! The frustration is unbearable when that happens, and it seem to happen A LOT when using manual passing.
Is it the one called ”next player switching” or something like that (I’m tired and a bit drunk atm tbh...)
Yeah that's the one
Go get your drink on son:)

This! The frustration is unbearable when that happens, and it seem to happen A LOT when using manual passing.
You playing manual?

I noticed on the Throughball challenge training when I used manual passing the receiving player almost always took a touch to control the ball. On 1 bar assist he almost always hit it first saving me valuable seconds to complete the challenge.

Its a wierd one.

Yeh Zee I'm a manual head. . I suppose it might be a cause of a lot of the problems but I honestly can't go back to assisted .. I know that I'm inflicting it on myself and probably shouldn't be complaining but it wasn't like that on 17. . ..have to admit that I am struggling even on Top player .. I seem to forget the difference with manual and assisted when discussing the game with people. .have to start looking at the broader picture.
Is it the one called ”next player switching” or something like that (I’m tired and a bit drunk atm tbh...)

This! The frustration is unbearable when that happens, and it seem to happen A LOT when using manual passing.

Drunk sir?. . Well I'll have you know that I'm pissed as we speak.
Yeh Zee I'm a manual head. . I suppose it might be a cause of a lot of the problems but I honestly can't go back to assisted .. I know that I'm inflicting it on myself and probably shouldn't be complaining but it wasn't like that on 17. . ..have to admit that I am struggling even on Top player .. I seem to forget the difference with manual and assisted when discussing the game with people. .have to start looking at the broader picture.
I play both. Manual against the manual online and assisted against the com.
God, this fucking PES- community is the worst sometimes. I mainly play Online div, I play manual pass and I have been trying out adv shooting cos people keep saying it produces more animations when shooting than manual shooting. So I play this guy yesterday (southdevil is his avatar) and lose fair and square 3-1. Then he writes me telling me i’m blocked cos I use ”assisted shooting”. Me, being a bit drunk (lol) told him to get a life. Then he writes and says I’m blacklisted among ”manual players”, haha!

This is the sort of stuff I hate with this community. It takes itself so fucking serious...
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Yeah, that’s the problem with the manual community - some are in it for the football, some are in it for the video game. Some want the passing error, the freedom, and to feel more individuality and risk in building a move, while some people just want to test how good they are with their thumbs. Some don’t mind what control scheme you use as long as the end result is a good, well spirited match. For others, the control scheme is canon, not the sport.
Yeah, that’s the problem with the manual community - some are in it for the football, some are in it for the video game. Some want the passing error, the freedom, and to feel more individuality and risk in building a move, while some people just want to test how good they are with their thumbs. Some don’t mind what control scheme you use as long as the end result is a good, well spirited match. For others, the control scheme is canon, not the sport.

Totally agree, and it’s so pointless. The PES- community is so small anyway so why bother with these petty things. I’m just happy that u can find others using man passing since thats the biggest difference.
I do not quite get it how after 4-5 years of developing a game with the same engine, KONAMI managed to put out a game that feels more like alpha or beta! With huge amount of UNRESPONSIVENESS, its just nerve-wracking. Inadequate switching of players especially in defence, but also not selecting the right players in attack with through balls... I can see the good things about the gameplay after these issues are repaired, but i doubt they will addressed quickly enough with some patch that will restructure the game from the core. PES 2017 was a glimmer of hope, PES 18 is a demise. All good things thrown in the garbage. In 5 years there will be no PES, only FIFA. RIP.
Sorry but i didnt hear this kind of BS for years.
Adam Bhatti is terrible for the pes series. Why some people stick up for him I will never understand.

Someone brought up some good points with him on twitter and they were very polite.

He blocked them. Story is on WEPES sub Reddit.

Bhatti is up his own arse and he needs bringing down a peg or two. He isn't professional, he's a rabid PES fanboy.

I am not prepared to start reading these poison attacks in the thread all over again.
Get over Yourself.
You can be blocked just as easily.
Is it the one called ”next player switching” or something like that (I’m tired and a bit drunk atm tbh...)

This! The frustration is unbearable when that happens, and it seem to happen A LOT when using manual passing.
Yeh Zee I'm a manual head. . I suppose it might be a cause of a lot of the problems but I honestly can't go back to assisted .. I know that I'm inflicting it on myself and probably shouldn't be complaining but it wasn't like that on 17. . ..have to admit that I am struggling even on Top player .. I seem to forget the difference with manual and assisted when discussing the game with people. .have to start looking at the broader picture.

You playing manual?

I noticed on the Throughball challenge training when I used manual passing the receiving player almost always took a touch to control the ball. On 1 bar assist he almost always hit it first saving me valuable seconds to complete the challenge.

Its a wierd one.

I have this video that should help. I named it "Super cancel always". I don't only click it once, sometimes I hold it. It takes a little time to learn but you can do so much with it.

Holding super cancel, you just released all the script and rails the game imposes on you. You get true freedom. Your player and the ball, completely seperate entities (I say this, because sometimes after a pass, your receiving player gets drawn to the ball automatically, even if you put the controller down. That's a predetermined rail, and a scripted event playing out itself).

With super cancel, you renegotiate where you want to take your first touch. The dangers are, it's extremely free, you might miss the ball if you aren't fully aware of where the ball is going to be. It'll be completely up to your manual positioning.

EDIT: uploaded final version. MANY MORE EXAMPLES :)
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Started a ML.

I have two main gameplay gripes. The scripting is still there. I often loose matches in the final 2 minutes, matches where i was largely the better player. I know this happens irl too, but not as often and not this way.

Second gripe: why the hell my defenders make forward runs (without the ball) when the Cpu team is it me (i don't think so because the players who are making these runs are not in my control when they make their runs). Is it because i play the off-side trap? Don't think so, because the same happens when i don't play off-side trap...

Still enjoying the game, but this really should not happening...
Started a ML.

I have two main gameplay gripes. The scripting is still there. I often loose matches in the final 2 minutes, matches where i was largely the better player. I know this happens irl too, but not as often and not this way.

Second gripe: why the hell my defenders make forward runs (without the ball) when the Cpu team is it me (i don't think so because the players who are making these runs are not in my control when they make their runs). Is it because i play the off-side trap? Don't think so, because the same happens when i don't play off-side trap...

Still enjoying the game, but this really should not happening...
In tactics, Do you have conservative or aggressive tackling?

Defensive or pressing? This makes a huge difference.
Started a ML.

I have two main gameplay gripes. The scripting is still there. I often loose matches in the final 2 minutes, matches where i was largely the better player. I know this happens irl too, but not as often and not this way.

Second gripe: why the hell my defenders make forward runs (without the ball) when the Cpu team is it me (i don't think so because the players who are making these runs are not in my control when they make their runs). Is it because i play the off-side trap? Don't think so, because the same happens when i don't play off-side trap...

Still enjoying the game, but this really should not happening...
if your defenders are making forward runs double check your CB's if they have the player card extra frontman, if thats the case need to make a sub with another CB without it, same goes with your LB RB.
After patch the game became easier. A lot easier! I win by 3 goals to nill on my first match. Then I check if it really was on Superstar. It slower too and the cpu pressure is decreased. Dont now if its good. I just wanted to cpu passing and shooting rate was decreased.

Which level of Pass assistance do you use ?
Ok, what bother me most isn't really the player switching but what tobi mentioned a couple of days ago, where players that obviously should react to passes/stray balls just don't. I haven't used PA 1 enough to say if this is present then but I find this somewhat gamebreaking at certain times when using manual passes.

At least once every match I make a pass towards another player, it's to long for example so he has to run after it, but the ball also goes towards another of my players but he JUST DON'T react. This is where the player switching- problem becomes apparent for me (unless I'm doing something wrong), I try in every way to become that player but he just stands there like a muppet. And sometimes it happens so fast I can't even try to become him, but the AI should recognize that ball coming towards him anyway. Right?
Thanks for the reaction.
I play with conservative tackling, last year i noticed that my defenders were all over the place if i used agressive tackling.

I don't play with pressing.

Will check out if they have extra frontman, but i doubt it...
I do not quite get it how after 4-5 years of developing a game with the same engine, KONAMI managed to put out a game that feels more like alpha or beta! With huge amount of UNRESPONSIVENESS, its just nerve-wracking. Inadequate switching of players especially in defence, but also not selecting the right players in attack with through balls... I can see the good things about the gameplay after these issues are repaired, but i doubt they will addressed quickly enough with some patch that will restructure the game from the core. PES 2017 was a glimmer of hope, PES 18 is a demise. All good things thrown in the garbage. In 5 years there will be no PES, only FIFA. RIP.

Huge amount of unresponsiveness. Do you mean online, in Myclub?

Because the game is very responsive offline and when there is little or no lag online.
Ok, what bother me most isn't really the player switching but what tobi mentioned a couple of days ago, where players that obviously should react to passes/stray balls just don't

I feel like they didn't test AI at all.

Difficulty levels against AI are not balanced enough, referee AI is broken not giving fouls, players AI bad with not enough awareness of ball. Tactic AI too rigid, following the formation settings like robots, not human players. AI not aggressive enough.

AI needs an overhaul. The game is great, beautiful to play against other humans, not so against AI.
I remeber playing PES 17 myclub, winning 10 out of 10 games and feeling like a PES GOD.
Next day, losing 10 / 10 games in a row and going crazy with the game, with my wife and who ever phoned me at that time.
.....if that's all back to scripting, it's so shocking, because it's totaly senseless and useless.
I hope that is just a rumor and has to do with connectivity ur some other BS.
top player is too easy but superstar is so scripted. every team has a perfect defence and plays through balls over the top down the wings. i can only draw or win 1-0 or 2-0

I am at this right now. SS if you aren't 200 % focused, things can get ugly. But TP is easy. I'm gonna stick with TP because I play PES mostly to enjoy and relax myself.
I am at this right now. SS if you aren't 200 % focused, things can get ugly. But TP is easy. I'm gonna stick with TP because I play PES mostly to enjoy and relax myself.

ianni TP is easy if you use some sort of assistance, don't get me wrong buddy, most people will use assistance and there is nothing wrong with that but believe me I'm an old hand at Pes and when I played manual on TP on Pes 2017 in ML it was too easy but this year it's so heavily scripted that it is a step up from ML last year . .I usually play Superstar but this year it's scripted too heavily and loses the enjoyment of playing it. . .the scripting is overdone this year but I still like it needs patching to give it longevity without a doubt.
ianni TP is easy if you use some sort of assistance, don't get me wrong buddy, most people will use assistance and there is nothing wrong with that but believe me I'm an old hand at Pes and when I played manual on TP on Pes 2017 in ML it was too easy but this year it's so heavily scripted that it is a step up from ML last year . .I usually play Superstar but this year it's scripted too heavily and loses the enjoyment of playing it. . .the scripting is overdone this year but I still like it needs patching to give it longevity without a doubt.

I totally agree with you mate, TP is easy WITH PA1 or more. On PA0, is a good spot to play, I think.
Ianni my point was about scripting not how easy TP is.

They are connected for me, because the only way to make the game more difficult at this point is with more or less scripting, and not always meaning CPU is better than you, but because your players suddenly don't play well even with 85+ TS.

Even so, TP is much less scripted for me than SS, that's why if I play TP with PA1 and Adv Shooting it feels easy for me. I'm always talking from my experiencie: this aren't universal facts! hahaha :P

Anyway, scripting is necesary, I think. Thing is, it should be implemented better, much better. For example, I truly understand when you are on a winning streak and suddenly the team doesn't play well. Why? Maybe they think they will always win no matter what they do, and that's why suddenly they play bad.

Of course, I can made up this on my mind, but it would be better to see this on screen, so we could say: "okay this match is going to be hard because of scripting, but realistic scripting, because my player feel too comfortable".
They are connected for me, because the only way to make the game more difficult at this point is with more or less scripting, and not always meaning CPU is better than you, but because your players suddenly don't play well even with 85+ TS.

Even so, TP is much less scripted for me than SS, that's why if I play TP with PA1 and Adv Shooting it feels easy for me. I'm always talking from my experiencie: this aren't universal facts! hahaha :P

Anyway, scripting is necesary, I think. Thing is, it should be implemented better, much better. For example, I truly understand when you are on a winning streak and suddenly the team doesn't play well. Why? Maybe they think they will always win no matter what they do, and that's why suddenly they play bad.

Of course, I can made up this on my mind, but it would be better to see this on screen, so we could say: "okay this match is going to be hard because of scripting, but realistic scripting, because my player feel too comfortable".

Of course scripting is necessary but it's overpowered in this version.
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