PES 2018 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

Oh and just a little something I want to say to everyone, including myself.

Everyone has an opinion, yes. You played the demo or bought the game, ranted, got your point across, then decided you're done with it. Please be done with this thread as well. No need to repeat your rants over and over and drag the thread into an abyss of negativity. We got the point. Just remember there are people who are immensely enjoying the game, and want a place where they can share their experiences together, even if it's a horrible 1/10 game. They don't care. So if you're done with it, move on. If you ranted about something, don't keep repeating yourself, we get it.

And to the happy-go-lucky ones (or the other extreme I should say), please accept there are times when others won't like what you like, and they will go on a rant, but they're not necessarily trolls. Just frustrated people, who probably had high hopes or spent money and feel robbed or whatever. So don't get too sensitive about it. It happens daily elsewhere irl.

So, yea. I hope we can get along better now? Or just learn to ignore. The ignore button exists and works :)

Anyway I don't know what I'm saying anymore, back to my ML.
Oh and just a little something I want to say to everyone, including myself.

Everyone has an opinion, yes. You played the demo or bought the game, ranted, got your point across, then decided you're done with it. Please be done with this thread as well. No need to repeat your rants over and over and drag the thread into an abyss of negativity. We got the point. Just remember there are people who are immensely enjoying the game, and want a place where they can share their experiences together, even if it's a horrible 1/10 game. They don't care. So if you're done with it, move on. If you ranted about something, don't keep repeating yourself, we get it.

And to the happy-go-lucky ones (or the other extreme I should say), please accept there are times when others won't like what you like, and they will go on a rant, but they're not necessarily trolls. Just frustrated people, who probably had high hopes or spent money and feel robbed or whatever. So don't get too sensitive about it. It happens daily elsewhere irl.

So, yea. I hope we can get along better now? Or just learn to ignore. The ignore button exists and works :)

Anyway I don't know what I'm saying anymore, back to my ML.

you're right Lami.

I have issues with the game, yes. But god damn, when it plays well, its INCREDIBLY realistic. I feel myself switching off when I play 'other game' but not with this, it keeps me on my toes. I think very deeply tatically and with PES, especially PES 2018, you HAVE to think tactically in higher difficulties.

Poor Jimmy...
Look how young he was! :'(

"Podcast will be coming soon. Wanted to play the game more and not have knee-jerk reactions.

But to be be perfectly blunt, a couple things that will be addressed on the podcast.

E3/Beta was better. The game is decent but it isn't what it was. It def regressed from E3/beta.

I've enjoyed some online and 3v3 with friends. Top Player stats matter more than on Superstar so I've had some good matches there as well. But overall it's not what it was.

For all those really enjoying it I am happy for you. As long as you personally enjoy what you are playing thats all that matters. For me, maybe I'd feel a little different if I didn't play early code, but since I did there is just a feeling of disappointed stemming from the fact I played something "better." When you've played something better and now you have something that clearly has regressed its hard to get excited to play.

The biggest factors to my enjoyment of E3/Beta was the passing assistance toned down (more so at E3), defending mattering closing down passing lanes as well as risk/reward when pressing which is gone pretty much its now more like 2017ish. You could really play proper footy around the pressing whores because natural space would open up--loved punishing those people in the beta. Now the game is more structured like 2017 where teams get back in perfect defensive positions ridiculously quick when they lose possession much like in 2017 which was extremely frustrating. At E3, it looked more organic and felt more natural in the way players got back in defensive positions and made you think twice about pushing too many players forward because of the space left behind--thats gone now. There is a catch up bug on superstar where I've had the likes of Mane and Aubeyang in clear behind the backline by some distance and were caught from behind, stats don't seem to matter on superstar atleast they still somewhat matter on Top Player, and arguably the greatest gameplay advancement the auto shield has been toned down and is really a lot less impactful than it was at E3. At E3 it was a legit game changer. Being able to hold up and turn a player then push the ball into space and now forcing defense to have to have a player step up and out of position creating openings was just so frekin awesome.

Overall gameplay on the pitch whilst not bad, i think its better than 2017, its just a neutered product and makes you think what could have been.

Clearly there is a disconnect between the type of game the hardcore fans/the UK Konami team want and the type of game the Japanese want to make. That's the only explanation right now.

I will let you all know when podcast happens, thanks for listening.


Thoughts from B man

I swear on Higuain's grave, right before I read this message I was about to post in here myself asking where the hell has Bryan gone since PES came out? He was the one waving the PES 2018 flag and all of a sudden he's gone silent.
He should be the one fighting Konami/Adam the most, because he's the one who got to try all versions of the game and he's opinions were taken into account.

I haven't tried the Beta nor the Demo myself because I'm on PC. So I can't compare the full game to any of its previous versions. Can't say if it's slower, faster, more or less responsive, or anything.

However I will say two negative things:
-First minutes of the first match I played in PES 2018, I thought to myself: Why the hell were everybody at Evo-Web saying it felt slower and there was more weight to the players in this game?. Didn't feel that at all on default speed.

-Ball-Shielding... it actually took me quite a few matches to realize what it was or even remembering it was a feature this year. It happens very little. I actually started to wonder if there was a button I should be pressing to shield the ball. Then I remembered it's supposed to happen automatically and contextually. But it really doesn't happen too often.

So what Bryan is saying there, is the only explanation for me. They actually toned the ball-shielding situations frequency down. Can't see why though.
There was a time, in which I loved FIFA.
From FIFA 08 (I bought a XBOX 360 specifically for FIFA) throught FIFA 13, where I moved to a high-end PC to play it, all the way to FIFA 16. Loved all of them.

I hated FIFA 17 and I don't like FIFA 18.

I tried the FIFA 18 Demo, because PES wasn't out yet on PC.
I liked it. I thought "hey this isn't as bad as I thought it was when watching Gameplay videos on Youtube".
So I played that demo for 2 days, trying to overlook the bad and focus on the good. Then PES came out. I just forgot about FIFA until 2 days ago. Internet has been gone at home for the past 2 days. Technical issues from my ISP. So, Steam won't let me play PES because I'm not connected to the Internet (Funny).
So... I had no other choice that play FIFA 18 Demo - Now... before I started it, I was happy to do it because I was left with sort of a sweet taste in my mouth after those 2 days playing it. But... man oh man, was I wrong.
After playing PES 2018, FIFA look and feels like a prototype of a football game being made, that will be awesome at some point, but it's just still that: A prototype.
I was actually angry at myself that I ever thought I could like that demo. How was I fooling myself like that?.
I tried it playing it the first day my internet was off. Then I stopped. And I tried playing it again yesterday, the second day without internet - I thought "maybe today I won't feel as bad. Maybe I just need some time getting used to" - Nope... It felt even worse.

I had to uninstall it, completely. Gone. Forever. Bye.

Yet, I'm not going to FIFA Forums, or FIFA section of EVO-WEB everyday to tell the people over there who are anxiously waiting for the full game to come out, that it sucks. That player look and feel like they are made of clay. That when you try to pass the ball quickly, the move like mannequins. That it's so fast paced it freaks me out (and you can't even change the game speed in the Demo). That the color-palette is simply DISGUSTING - It's just disgusting.

No, you won't see me there everyday telling them how much I loved FIFA in the past. From FIFA 08 to FIFA 16 I loved it or talking about how betrayed I feel by EA because of the direction they took after FIFA 16. Or pointing out the few positives in FIFA 17/18 and highlighting all the negatives in high detail 3 or 4 times a day.

No, you won't see me there filling up the pages of their threads with the same conent just worded differently.

I just let the FIFA fans on the FIFA Forums be happy with it. Of course every once in a while I go there to read what's going on I might eventually drop a comment. But certainly not all the time, every day.

Because that's trolling. That's annoying. That's toxic.

P.S: You gotta give it to them though... all the trouble some people go through in here just to avoid saying "FIFA". Like it was a national offense. "The other game", "the dark side", "F**A". I mean come on... why can't you act like grown ups? Call each thing by their name, tell it like it is.
Interesting to hear the podcast..

It catches my attention when he say this :

"Now the game is more structured like 2017 where teams get back in perfect defensive positions ridiculously quick when they lose possession much like in 2017 which was extremely frustrating. "

Why frustating ? I mean doesn't it depend your cpu/ai tactics..?. i thought tactics or strategy related to this work well in 2018..
I'm getting spanked properly in my ML.
Spal just beat me 3-2 at my house.
And it was a fantastic game but...
Can't get the hang of defending,when they make multiple runs,and I'm not to impressed with player switching in this one.
Personal note,tone down the lethal player runs and this is so enjoyable
Offensive play is so good,but defending tough as hell.
I know I'll cherish that in a few months,not right now though..

And on being on the subject of defending @Lami the past 5 games (ML) I've played,2 of those have been vs teams that play short pass/wide,and the through ball,long/short/chip into the box,is very rare.
Short pass/middle,to frequent,could it be that simple?
I know it kills variations if,but yet,the annoying chip ball,perhaps gone?
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I have a stupid question, i already asked it in the edit section but i'll do it here too.
I got 2 option files and installed them correctly.

Only have one problem.
I now have a BUndesliga with the correct kits and players but with 20 teams: the 18 bundesliga teams and two fake teams. I decreased the ligue to 18 but then got 2 fake teams and only 16 real teams.

How do i get the right composition of the Bundesliga?

Sorry to bring this up in this thead.
Well, after playing dozens of matches o the demo, Ive decide not to buy this game right now. What bothers me is not the AI, positioning, passing graphics etc etc...its this darn shooting system man! Its way too restricted on basic. I feel Im scoring the same goals over end over again. Maybe I get an used copy. Right now I will stick to Project Cars 2. Games are too expensive here in Brasil.

tell it like it is
having the ps4 full game and the fifa demo, fifa is trying to go to simulation route with the body movement, contextual skills, miss kicks etc where as pes is going towards the end to end arcade style, special moments with perfect strikes lots of skill moves e.g. one touch blind backheels ..the two games have switched roles more than ever ..nothing wrong with it just how it is
I have a stupid question, i already asked it in the edit section but i'll do it here too.
I got 2 option files and installed them correctly.

Only have one problem.
I now have a BUndesliga with the correct kits and players but with 20 teams: the 18 bundesliga teams and two fake teams. I decreased the ligue to 18 but then got 2 fake teams and only 16 real teams.

How do i get the right composition of the Bundesliga?

Sorry to bring this up in this thead.
Find the two missing german sides they will probably be in other european teams go to league structure click on german team in other euro teams then go to bundesliga and click on fake team they then should swap leagues, repeat process for other team
Interesting to hear the podcast..

It catches my attention when he say this :

"Now the game is more structured like 2017 where teams get back in perfect defensive positions ridiculously quick when they lose possession much like in 2017 which was extremely frustrating. "

Why frustating ? I mean doesn't it depend your cpu/ai tactics..?. i thought tactics or strategy related to this work well in 2018..

The tactics work, and while not as rigid as 2017, the hint of instant retreat/instant attack are still there. So regardless of where the ball is, the players do one or the other. In real life matches, teams will never instantly retreat the second the ball becomes a 50/50 one.
No, you won't see me there everyday telling them how much I loved FIFA in the past. From FIFA 08 to FIFA 16 I loved it or talking about how betrayed I feel by EA because of the direction they took after FIFA 16.
Heh. But you weren't with Fifa or PES from the start, in the 90s. I was.

Still early but I have been getting some acceptable results by using advanced defensive tactics. My Prem run with Liverpool (top player, manual passing) had been horrid up until I added those to the mix. I also won Burton Albion 6-0 in the cup so at least there was a clear difference there between my PL team and them.

I might be somehow adjusting to it subconsciously but the lackluster AI defending when you go up the wings for a cross doesn't bother me as much now as when I first played the game. I'm noticing it less.
Still early but I have been getting some acceptable results by using advanced defensive tactics. My Prem run with Liverpool (top player, manual passing) had been horrid up until I added those to the mix. I also won Burton Albion 6-0 in the cup so at least there was a clear difference there between my PL team and them.

I might be somehow adjusting to it subconsciously but the lackluster AI defending when you go up the wings for a cross doesn't bother me as much now as when I first played the game. I'm noticing it less.
Which ones have you used?
I need to sharpen my defense
having the ps4 full game and the fifa demo, fifa is trying to go to simulation route with the body movement, contextual skills, miss kicks etc where as pes is going towards the end to end arcade style, special moments with perfect strikes lots of skill moves e.g. one touch blind backheels ..the two games have switched roles more than ever ..nothing wrong with it just how it is
I am going try the demo myself to judge that.
Fifa always wanted to be the sim on paper but never was in reality except to fans
I am going try the demo myself to judge that.
Fifa always wanted to be the sim on paper but never was in reality except to fans

I think both games have actually tried to go the arcade route, with some simulation elements here and there. Fifa is a spetacular game, but then the lowest speed is nowhere near the real thing.
I feel like I´m playing a pinball game on the last levels, super fast crazy shit there. What keeps me coming back to PES is the much more realistic pace of the game.

Today I played the demo again, Pro level and manual. Damn it was a diferent game all around! CPU more patient, though still with long balls. Even the physics look diferent, but that could be placebo. Thing is, overall everything is slower, and i like it. Only grip is, on Pro level, it looks like the challenge isn´t really there. I keep thinking that my challenge comes only from my small ability on manual passing, and not from the CPU inteligence.

Manual is very pleasant this year. Agree with people have been saying here. This game can´t be enjoyed on SS, unless you want a challenge and don´t care about realism at all.
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So there was a day 1 patch, and a little PC patch off steam yesterday....Anyone got any idea what did/do they do to the game and editing?

Seems to be no documentation at all from Konami!
Something like "Swarm the box" and "deep defensive line". But like I say it's still pretty early. Might have just been lucky.
I'm having issues with opponents making runs way to easy,and for my next game I will use deep Def line,might look into swarm the box as well
Letting up 2-3 goals ATM per game.
So you recommend Top Player? Anyone else here use that?

I will try it!
i prefer professional. sometimes i set it to TP to have more of challenge. but im good with professional and full manual.

@Matt10 : i was testing you tactics from the latest video last night. and it kinda worked. robben and ribery went back the sideline to protect the sides. thing is: they move even more hectic when switching from offense to defense. hm...

i set your tactics (not 5 sec fix but the latest where you just move the player back/maintaining their main positions) to defensive instructions (fluid formations on). on offense i set it more "offensive"! ;) is that correct or do i have to set it the same for all (at kick off, offense and defense)?!
So there was a day 1 patch, and a little PC patch off steam yesterday....Anyone got any idea what did/do they do to the game and editing?

Seems to be no documentation at all from Konami!

I believe the PC patch may have removed the warning about graphics compatibility or something. I no longer received it when updated.
having the ps4 full game and the fifa demo, fifa is trying to go to simulation route with the body movement, contextual skills, miss kicks etc where as pes is going towards the end to end arcade style, special moments with perfect strikes lots of skill moves e.g. one touch blind backheels ..the two games have switched roles more than ever ..nothing wrong with it just how it is

No way José.
FIFA isn't aiming at simulator. At all.
You're entitled to your opinion and you perception, but I strongly disagree.
Just by looking at how players move, it seems to me as though they don't know how to improve them. They've reached a peak with the current player models and they will have to start over. Go back to the blackboard and actually take a look at a real human body playing football. Because SHOULDERS-TORSOS-ARMS-AND-NECKS just DON'T MOVE LIKE THAT in real life while playing football.

Heh. But you weren't with Fifa or PES from the start, in the 90s. I was.


You're so wrong though.
I've been a ISS/WE/PES player since I was 6 or 7 years old. I can't remember a time in my life where I wasn't linked to PES in one way or the other. Literally. It's a part of my childhood, my teenagehood and my adulthood as well.
The only thing that exceeds that is my Club. Independiente. Other than that, I can't remember anything else I've supported for such a long time.

However, there was a time in which I would play FIFA a lot more because I felt the sport was better represented in that game- Which doesn't imply that I didn't buy PES and played it on and off.
You're so wrong though.
I've been a ISS/WE/PES player since I was 6 or 7 years old. I can't remember a time in my life where I wasn't linked to PES in one way or the other. Literally. It's a part of my childhood, my teenagehood and my adulthood as well.
The only thing that exceeds that is my Club. Independiente. Other than that, I can't remember anything else I've supported for such a long time.

However, there was a time in which I would play FIFA a lot more because I felt the sport was better represented in that game- Which doesn't imply that I didn't buy PES and played it on and off.
I was just playing man.

But since you've said all that, I've started with ISS on SNES and FIFA IS on Megadrive. And been rolling with both since.
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