PES 2018 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

So I just finished doing EPL and already noticed a big difference by the time of the 1st matchday ... Liverpool only sold Henderson to Atalanta ... I'm hoping once I do Serie A, La Liga and other big teams it will be even better ... though I did notice that arsenal still managed to sell el nenny to fake european team
So I did the major leagues and teams, took me about an hour and half. few surprises here and there which get triggered once the smaller teams start buying from the bigger teams, and bigger teams hence have the roster space to add a couple of players. BUT a huge improvement from vanilla rosters, finally I can start a Master League

Sorry for the quality but the defenders sprinting back retreating like this is a problem beyond fixing using tactics IMHO

They just camp in the six yard box, Full backs never drop behind the central defenders these are football basics..

Can be easily fixed with a patch, I remember on PES 2013 the full backs positions were never fixed before the 3rd or 4th patch!

Good work though. @Matt10
Not only online my friend, but also offline, that is because the incompetent KONAMI made the game slower in a very stupid way without rewriting the old scripts, so when you want to move the player, pass, shoot or do anything, it would take a whole second to respond. The only thing you could do is playing on speed +1, but of course not online and not myClub.

I have played PES my whole life but 2018 is by far the worst and will be the very last one I buy. WHAT A WASTE OF MONEY.
Rubbish comment. In fact the game transition is ridiculously smooth especially when dribbling. The shooting is also unbelievably responsive.
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Rubbish comment. In fact the game transition is ridiculously smooth especially when dribbling. The shooting is also unbelievably responsive.
It does feel slower/more sluggish than the demo though, that's for sure.

Maybe that Day 1 patch took it back to E3 code/beta speeds.
It does feel slower/more sluggish than the demo though, that's for sure.

Maybe that Day 1 patch took it back to E3 code/beta speeds.
That means it's slower not less responsive. That's 2 different issues no?
Lastnight with Iago aspas I showed Benassi of Juve outside on the edge of the box and as he came in for the ball I cut in on his inside opening a scoring opportunity that I blazed over the bar just about 10inches too high and wide of the far corner. I thought it felt almost too fluid how quickly I was able to pull that off and maybe I should drop it down to - 1 which I can't do on myclub either way and today I read on here the game is too slow.

Comedy gold on evo web yet again, you cannot make this shit up.
That means it's slower not less responsive. That's 2 different issues no?
Lastnight with Iago aspas I showed Benassi of Juve outside on the edge of the box and as he came in for the ball I cut in on his inside opening a scoring opportunity that I blazed over the bar just about 10inches too high and wide of the far corner. I thought it felt almost too fluid how quickly I was able to pull that off and maybe I should drop it down to - 1 which I can't do on myclub either way and today I read on here the game is too slow.

Comedy gold on evo web yet again, you cannot make this shit up.
try -1 speed, switch your ps4 internet off, the games runs perfect on that speed. yeah iv had issues too when playing -1 while internet on tends to run very slow and sluggish, had a similar issue with pes 17 as well, gl
That means it's slower not less responsive. That's 2 different issues no?
Lastnight with Iago aspas I showed Benassi of Juve outside on the edge of the box and as he came in for the ball I cut in on his inside opening a scoring opportunity that I blazed over the bar just about 10inches too high and wide of the far corner. I thought it felt almost too fluid how quickly I was able to pull that off and maybe I should drop it down to - 1 which I can't do on myclub either way and today I read on here the game is too slow.

Comedy gold on evo web yet again, you cannot make this shit up.
Sometimes it does feel less responsive. Like I'd tell a player to kick or head and takes his time to do so. I'm not sure why that happens. Maybe the rainy weather? I really don't know.

I'll try to turn off internet like @Jimi_Zuko said and see if it makes any difference.
I keep reading comments like this (not aiming this at you directly @mehuk, I promise you!) - comments that read to me like they're saying "you can't tell me what to do", "you can't ruin it for me", "I don't care if I'm the last one playing it". But I don't think that's anyone's motivation - it'd be weird if it was!

There have been a few isolated one-line troll posts (in-fact I deleted one of them in the thread earlier), but aside from those instances, I really don't think people bother to take the time out of their day to log in and post their opinions (or make things up) because they want to cause some kind of anti-PES uprising and stop you from playing the game. It's all just different viewpoints, coming from having passion for the game (if it wasn't there, they wouldn't bother logging in).

Don't get me wrong, I see why it wouldn't be much fun if you're loving the game right now, and you log in to see pages of "I don't like XYZ" and "I agree". I can also understand why it might feel that the positive voices are being lost a bit. (Just throwing this out there, would an "I love PES 2018 because" thread help?)

But discussion of all this stuff is what the forum was created for, and I enjoy reading everyone's opinion - and I genuinely love reading that people are enjoying the game, because why wouldn't you be happy about that?

Very late reply because i am pages and pages behind in this thread.
First of all, at this moment i'm not sure if i like or don't like the game. The defending frsutrates me, but is it the game or is it me (i was always weak at defending)?

Usually i'm one of the people who rather likes the game.

I don't mind people who don't like it. I also know that most people who criticize the game do it because they love PES as a franchise.

What i really hate are the people who are negative (and sometimes with reason) but who treat people who are more positive as idiots (it happens more than you might think).

People also change opinion and act like betrayed lovers: a couple of years ago i was banned because i had a discussion with lami where i was the one who was negative (a mod said i was trolling lami, i was baffled by it), if i read lami's posts now, well then he is much more negative than i was at the time. What happened to change his mind so drastically? My guess is that at the core it was not about the game, but lami feels rejected by Adam or Asim. I have nothing against lami, i rather like him as a matter of fact, it's just an example i use (and lami is not the person who treats others like idiots, not at all, he is respectfull towards others). Does that mean he is totally wrong? Not at all, i agree with his SB issue...but 3 years ago he wouldn't have mind that much by the same issue.

And Chris, why didn't you respond to the conversation i started with you about this thread? This is the second time i try a conversation (first time was with another member) and don't get any i do something wrong...didn't it reached you? My "pm" was meant to be constructive. I'm sorry to mention this in this thread, but since i didn't got an answer this seems the Obvious thing to do.

Your thread about the ML was a fantastic idea. The last years i prefer playing the league mode to the ML most of the time. When i get a good option file, i will try a ML, but i don't like what i read concerning transfer frequency and team spirit. I don't care loosing match, but in ML i regularly loose them in an unfair and unjust way...that is frustrating.

I sound like a broken record, but Konami could solve a lot of thing with more customisation in their game. Let people set-up transfer frequency when they sart a ML, leave them the choice to play with or without team spirit, and they should do that with lots of game aspects (injury frequency, the impact of fatigue).
Sometimes it does feel less responsive. Like I'd tell a player to kick or head and takes his time to do so. I'm not sure why that happens. Maybe the rainy weather? I really don't know.

I'll try to turn off internet like @Jimi_Zuko said and see if it makes any difference.
Noticed that actually a few times in clearing and heading from corners.

I have also noticed with the weaker players (white ballers on myclub) the crossing and finishing is so bad that you get some hilarious missed headers and or attemted shots at goal.
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People also change opinion and act like betrayed lovers: a couple of years ago i was banned because i had a discussion with lami where i was the one who was negative (a mod said i was trolling lami, i was baffled by it), if i read lami's posts now, well then he is much more negative than i was at the time. What happened to change his mind so drastically? My guess is that at the core it was not about the game, but lami feels rejected by Adam or Asim. I have nothing against lami, i rather like him as a matter of fact, it's just an example i use (and lami is not the person who treats others like idiots, not at all, he is respectfull towards others). Does that mean he is totally wrong? Not at all, i agree with his SB issue...but 3 years ago he wouldn't have mind that much by the same issue.
gerd, my issue was frustration with the game, not Adam's or Asim's "rejection" (if you mean that on a personal level). Adam doesn't reject me, he considers me a friend. He's asked me to help out throughout the years, and I happily obliged. But I'm frustrated after the many years of bugs not ironed out, good elements gone missing, new bugs creeping in, plus their new direction going after that arcade crowd, etc, while ignoring their older crowd that carried them through that PS360 era, in addition to being there from the start.

Yes, I kinda felt betrayed there. Probably a good number feel that way after sticking with them for so long, because the game always had the core done right, the fundamentals, even though graphics and presentation were't always the best. Also because after my past efforts to try make the game better were ignored, not because Adam wants to ignore, but because it was seen as my personal suggestions and opinions, when they clearly weren't and were backed up by the community (stuff like the feedback I collated from evo-web back then etc). I believe the devs in Japan wanted proof. They wanted to see numbers, maybe that's why they use surveys as proof of what the customers want. And that is also why Adam responded with something like we're just a drop in the ocean (paraphrased). The devs see the masses (survey) want faces and boots and whatever, and they think that's it. That frustrates me even more.

I always thought if they could pick a few people from each PES community to represent their communities, give ideas and test their games. But it looks like in this day and age, it's the youtube community that counts. Social media with kids having massive amounts of followers. Those are the ones they're after. Can't blame them when they're solely after the money. I just wish they weren't so one dimensional and also included us in that mix. Go after them all you want, but also keep something in there that satisfies your older gen. Keep the stats intact like they used to before. Give us more options and tools to shape the game how we want offline. I know we'll still complain because we have to do their work, but we'd rather have the tools than not, and possibly complain less ;)

Asim, on the other hand, is someone who I'll have a very hard time respecting after labeling a big and respectful PES community, in fact a pioneer in this community, as retards.

I hope this answers your post.

(I'm playing PES 2018 btw and enjoying my rubbish ML campaign as Reading in 17th place ;) And yes, I finally went from just having 1 point from many games to 4 points!)
I´m totally fine with the game speed.
No way KONAMI should speed it up frigging way!

However I also have to say that offline feels a bit different than online.
Online is a little tiny bit slower, but I like that, unless it´s laggy with input delay etc.

MOst of my online games have been very fluid.
i love everything about pes18,first of all i liked allot pes 17
i am a online player so i havent see the attacking issues with the AI you saying here
30 matches online lag free and i feel scripted is no longer exist
defence is much better now and rewarding if you know how to play
shooting and passing much better and the pace slower(i want it more slower)
i feel in every game anything can happen and if a play with a bad user i can easy win
the game is more fair this year
myclub blows my mind,i have messi and suarez so far and hakim ziyech (what a player!!)
and waiting for some legends!
enjoy the game guys with it faults,if online stays like that it will be a great year for me!
and 2 nice goals from yesterday.messi last minute goal!
Pointless playing this online. Every single match I face Barcelona or Real Madrid.

People are really afraid of losing. It's sad.

Think I am now done with PES 2018. So so near, but yet so far. Konami haven't got a clue anymore how to prepare and execute a professional package.

Everything is so half arsed with them.

Sad times.
Not posted for a week as away But had numerous WhatsApp message with friends and family who were impressed by the demo all have taken there full copy back for a refund here's a quote from my brother who was always a Masters League default superstar player

'Every game I played ruined by players using...usain bolt playing on the is that all about !!!
Just because he likes football he gets a player...wonder if Elton John should be on it on the other wing as a rocket man '

Couldn't of put it better myself. We have revised the review score of the game due to the online as we expected it's ruined again by the same problems form years gone by.
We have recorded a new podcast going live Sunday explaining the final score and why.
Also recording a new one next week with the people who i had converted by playing the demo now totally disappointed by their purchase and why they got refunds.
Take Chris
"Podcast will be coming soon. Wanted to play the game more and not have knee-jerk reactions.

But to be be perfectly blunt, a couple things that will be addressed on the podcast.

E3/Beta was better. The game is decent but it isn't what it was. It def regressed from E3/beta.

I've enjoyed some online and 3v3 with friends. Top Player stats matter more than on Superstar so I've had some good matches there as well. But overall it's not what it was.

For all those really enjoying it I am happy for you. As long as you personally enjoy what you are playing thats all that matters. For me, maybe I'd feel a little different if I didn't play early code, but since I did there is just a feeling of disappointed stemming from the fact I played something "better." When you've played something better and now you have something that clearly has regressed its hard to get excited to play.

The biggest factors to my enjoyment of E3/Beta was the passing assistance toned down (more so at E3), defending mattering closing down passing lanes as well as risk/reward when pressing which is gone pretty much its now more like 2017ish. You could really play proper footy around the pressing whores because natural space would open up--loved punishing those people in the beta. Now the game is more structured like 2017 where teams get back in perfect defensive positions ridiculously quick when they lose possession much like in 2017 which was extremely frustrating. At E3, it looked more organic and felt more natural in the way players got back in defensive positions and made you think twice about pushing too many players forward because of the space left behind--thats gone now. There is a catch up bug on superstar where I've had the likes of Mane and Aubeyang in clear behind the backline by some distance and were caught from behind, stats don't seem to matter on superstar atleast they still somewhat matter on Top Player, and arguably the greatest gameplay advancement the auto shield has been toned down and is really a lot less impactful than it was at E3. At E3 it was a legit game changer. Being able to hold up and turn a player then push the ball into space and now forcing defense to have to have a player step up and out of position creating openings was just so frekin awesome.

Overall gameplay on the pitch whilst not bad, i think its better than 2017, its just a neutered product and makes you think what could have been.

Clearly there is a disconnect between the type of game the hardcore fans/the UK Konami team want and the type of game the Japanese want to make. That's the only explanation right now.

I will let you all know when podcast happens, thanks for listening.


Thoughts from B man
No its not. The players turn like they’re big rigs. Defenders appears stuck in mud when changing directions and get stuck from time to time creating a disaster when defending. Konami needs to fix these issues ASAP
They do not turn like rigs at all!
It's more to do with player weight and momentum. I think it's a good thing, much more realistic.

What's this obsession in football games with wanting everything to happen immediately?
People confuse what they perceive to be input lag with inertia and weight distribution and it's not the case.
When you can turn on a dime a have the ball leave the foot instantly all you get is ping pong rubbish. It's bad for the game.
I much prefer the route Konami have taken this year with a slower heavier feel, it makes you consider what your next move is and who you're controlling. If they could tone down the backheels & passing assistance it'd be even better.
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Evo webs usual suspects turns up at Konami headquarter to confront producer
Or me Vs my game right now after 4 losses
Take your pick

So, whenever you starting loosing, your cat is punished wright? Same here but my cat is actually smart. He runs away as soon as I turn my xbox on.

Not posted for a week as away But had numerous WhatsApp message with friends and family who were impressed by the demo all have taken there full copy back for a refund here's a quote from my brother who was always a Masters League default superstar player

'Every game I played ruined by players using...usain bolt playing on the is that all about !!!
Just because he likes football he gets a player...wonder if Elton John should be on it on the other wing as a rocket man '

Couldn't of put it better myself. We have revised the review score of the game due to the online as we expected it's ruined again by the same problems form years gone by.
We have recorded a new podcast going live Sunday explaining the final score and why.
Also recording a new one next week with the people who i had converted by playing the demo now totally disappointed by their purchase and why they got refunds.
Take Chris

Hmmm, now that was a bit extreme, no? But yeah, I agree, sometimes Konami wastes precious time coding the most bizarre things.
gerd, my issue was frustration with the game, not Adam's or Asim's "rejection" (if you mean that on a personal level). Adam doesn't reject me, he considers me a friend. He's asked me to help out throughout the years, and I happily obliged. But I'm frustrated after the many years of bugs not ironed out, good elements gone missing, new bugs creeping in, plus their new direction going after that arcade crowd, etc, while ignoring their older crowd that carried them through that PS360 era, in addition to being there from the start.

Yes, I kinda felt betrayed there. Probably a good number feel that way after sticking with them for so long, because the game always had the core done right, the fundamentals, even though graphics and presentation were't always the best. Also because after my past efforts to try make the game better were ignored, not because Adam wants to ignore, but because it was seen as my personal suggestions and opinions, when they clearly weren't and were backed up by the community (stuff like the feedback I collated from evo-web back then etc). I believe the devs in Japan wanted proof. They wanted to see numbers, maybe that's why they use surveys as proof of what the customers want. And that is also why Adam responded with something like we're just a drop in the ocean (paraphrased). The devs see the masses (survey) want faces and boots and whatever, and they think that's it. That frustrates me even more.

I always thought if they could pick a few people from each PES community to represent their communities, give ideas and test their games. But it looks like in this day and age, it's the youtube community that counts. Social media with kids having massive amounts of followers. Those are the ones they're after. Can't blame them when they're solely after the money. I just wish they weren't so one dimensional and also included us in that mix. Go after them all you want, but also keep something in there that satisfies your older gen. Keep the stats intact like they used to before. Give us more options and tools to shape the game how we want offline. I know we'll still complain because we have to do their work, but we'd rather have the tools than not, and possibly complain less ;)

Asim, on the other hand, is someone who I'll have a very hard time respecting after labeling a big and respectful PES community, in fact a pioneer in this community, as retards.

I hope this answers your post.

(I'm playing PES 2018 btw and enjoying my rubbish ML campaign as Reading in 17th place ;) And yes, I finally went from just having 1 point from many games to 4 points!)
This this this its so frustrating dealing with them with kid gloves when providing feedback and honestly its damaging the brand. PES is not winning in terms of sales and this shut out of the hardcore long time fans is damaging and its clear on PES 2018.
For all its positives there are massive glaring negatives that make it almost embarrasing to say no thanks for fifa I am a pes fan.

I used to be able to say that with pride now I feel like I can't. Infact I am so annoyed with so many things on pes at times that I feel like I want to give fifa a go again and hopefully it catches and I am done with the series but the damn gameplay on fifa is so unnatural to me that I begin to miss the PESnes of it. It's a vicious and frustrating cycle trying to find the perfect football game.
Played 2 more games, conceded 5 goals in total. All 5 goals were again scored on perfect through balls.
I have put my back line as far back as possible, doesn't make any difference.
Really annoying.

Another thing that doesn't help is the lack of fouls. I concede a goal on a throughball, start fighting for the equalizer, getting fouled...but the ref says play on (happens mostly in the middle part of the pitch near the penalty box) and the cpu starts another counter with a perfect through ball.

I love the animations, the graphics, the pace, the crosses and the headers (they are really gorgeous) but the through balls and the (almost) complete lack of fouls is starting to do me in.
Not posted for a week as away But had numerous WhatsApp message with friends and family who were impressed by the demo all have taken there full copy back for a refund here's a quote from my brother who was always a Masters League default superstar player

'Every game I played ruined by players using...usain bolt playing on the is that all about !!!
Just because he likes football he gets a player...wonder if Elton John should be on it on the other wing as a rocket man '

Couldn't of put it better myself. We have revised the review score of the game due to the online as we expected it's ruined again by the same problems form years gone by.
We have recorded a new podcast going live Sunday explaining the final score and why.
Also recording a new one next week with the people who i had converted by playing the demo now totally disappointed by their purchase and why they got refunds.
Take Chris

Thats a bit dramatic. Id have hated to be your mum if she burnt your dinner...
Pointless playing this online. Every single match I face Barcelona or Real Madrid.

People are really afraid of losing. It's sad.

Think I am now done with PES 2018. So so near, but yet so far. Konami haven't got a clue anymore how to prepare and execute a professional package.

Everything is so half arsed with them.

Sad times.

Try out Online Divisions with manual passing and set to "similar settings" when trying to find people. People playing with manual settings also tend to pick lesser teams. You will still play Barca and Real from time to time but not nearly as often.

Try it, you might like it! :)
This this this its so frustrating dealing with them with kid gloves when providing feedback and honestly its damaging the brand. PES is not winning in terms of sales and this shut out of the hardcore long time fans is damaging and its clear on PES 2018.
For all its positives there are massive glaring negatives that make it almost embarrasing to say no thanks for fifa I am a pes fan.

I used to be able to say that with pride now I feel like I can't. Infact I am so annoyed with so many things on pes at times that I feel like I want to give fifa a go again and hopefully it catches and I am done with the series but the damn gameplay on fifa is so unnatural to me that I begin to miss the PESnes of it. It's a vicious and frustrating cycle trying to find the perfect football game.

I agree with you . ..fed up now defending PES and keeping ML thread going the last couple of years. .can't take the negative shit all the time where mystery posters bring out videos to prove their points. . .it's like pissing against the wind .. the negatives have achieved their objective and I don't think I'll play the game this year, mix that in with konami jerking us around every year and it makes Fifa look attractive .. most people in here are decent skins.
There are three main issues that really annoy me

1.through ball is op, ai spam a bit too much and why 80% of them are always high. I think there are too much space for ai to spam through ball and ofc I can spam too but its kinda broken and boring

2.bad defensive awareness and positioning on the pitch, looks like apart from the player I am controlling, my teammates are other random guys on the pitch, they do not have awareness to defend and cover even the attacker is one inch near them

3.well I guess I can switch player to defend however this game is not that responsive to switch player and sometimes the game just choose a wrong player for me to switch. Even I can switch the right player, it feels that the player stuck on the ground for 0.1s until I can control him to defend
I agree with you . ..fed up now defending PES and keeping ML thread going the last couple of years. .can't take the negative shit all the time where mystery posters bring out videos to prove their points. . .it's like pissing against the wind .. the negatives have achieved their objective and I don't think I'll play the game this year, mix that in with konami jerking us around every year and it makes Fifa look attractive .. most people in here are decent skins.
I feel your pain mate. Pes was my love for so many years but I can't look past the faults this year, I just can't.

The horrible menus I can put up with. The ridiculous transfers..I can put up with. The boring, generic crowd chants for English teams...I can put up with. The lack of stadium editor...I can put up with.

But no fouls in a match, no penalties, the constant pin perfect through balls over the top from the CPU, the overpowering team spirit in the only mode I buy it for - these effect gameplay and the longetivity.

I might wait until early next year by then we will have an option file which gives us every team licensed and hopefully a Konami patch which addresses the game breaking faults.

Until then, it's the dark side for me.
No its not. The players turn like they’re big rigs. Defenders appears stuck in mud when changing directions and get stuck from time to time creating a disaster when defending. Konami needs to fix these issues ASAP
Yep to me at times the game feels clunky and what you have described here with players turning like "Big Rigs" is about how I feel about it. Superstar AI when play Master League is a joke too! They never seem to make errors with passes and at times I spend watching the AI "Ping Pong" the ball amongst its players. God only knows what Legend AI must be like!
Yep to me at times the game feels clunky and what you have described here with players turning like "Big Rigs" is about how I feel about it. Superstar AI when play Master League is a joke too! They never seem to make errors with passes and at times I spend watching the AI "Ping Pong" the ball amongst its players. God only knows what Legend AI must be like!
Glad you picked up on this too. The CPU ping pong, 100% accurate passing in superstar and Legend is so arcade like and unrealistic.

Cagliari played like Pep's Barcelona against my Inter side yesterday!! That's when I was like "OK, this really isn't much fun anymore."

I can take getting beat, it's why I play on high difficulty setting. But for the love of god, how is that realistic?!!!
Defending is pretty bad in this game. For example, sometimes when I manual defend against AI, the player is right beside me, yet I can't get the ball off of him, there is no button that can trigger anything. I tried everything. I just go over the player and AI still gets to keep the ball with ease. Also auto shielding doesn't do shit, I hate when the AI just takes the ball with no physical contact. No shoulder to shoulder contact, just run me over. Not all the time but it's done in really bad timings. Also R2 + X doesn't work every time I press it, it only does when it wants to. It's like cheating to help the AI. Mind you I play on Superstar, so it's pretty stupid when a much lower team gets to be so good in keeping the ball. I tried everything to take the ball off of them, it's like AI skips animations and I get the much limited ones. It's handicap. They need to patch this shit with at least more fouls or else I don't think I can play this shit that much longer. The demo was better, I didn't feel cheated against AI and the animations felt smoother. MasterLeague is bad AI experience, I need to stop playing and try another mode.
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